The Unexpected Mate

Chapter A Captured Heart

I never felt such want, such desire as the moment I met those beautiful silver eyes. Watching her fire, her strength, I felt my animal leap forward in my mind. It had no morals. It did not care in the slightest about right or wrong. It had wanted me to pin her face down on a desk in that hospital and just mark her.

Mark forever what was mine. Not to mention in her lovely scent I could tell her cycle was close. She was an omega, but goddamn she was a spitfire. A soul of a warrior and it turned me on like nothing ever had. No other female had me so hard that fast.

They were all just faking it anyways. Just wanting to be at my side in such a powerful pack. I wasn’t interested. I didn’t have to have a Luna to run things. Even if it did make pack life run smoother.

A mated pair for wolves helped keep packs in far more balance. A Luna recognized, kept the females in a regular pattern of cycles, and were healthier overall. Still, I had no intention of mating or bonding with anyone but what belonged to my wolf. I had made peace with the fact it would not happen. True mates were incredibly rare nowadays. Then there she was, ready to fight me tooth and claw. Beautiful.

I had a very aggressive and dominating animal inside. A dangerous one that would attack first and ask questions later. I had done a lot of damage and made a name for myself and my people. However, it was mostly because the rest thought to crush us. For a while, other werewolves had tried to eradicate lycans. They feared us as they should.

So, I organized us to fight back. Now with the years that had passed, I toned it down. Learned to control my beast. However, the North pack was pushing a line and I was not going to take it anymore.

They were taking money and goods from not only me but other supernaturals. They had started to try and keep us out of their lands and deny medical treatment. They had even cornered several of the distributors and taken more than their fair share into storage.

So, I said fuck that and took it back. I had my people, and a few others organize and hit several places today and take what was rightfully ours. I had people too that needed these medications. North pack was starting to push buttons, they had also begun to attack and meddle using humans and political agendas. Well, two could play at that game.

I was really damn close to just challenging the alpha of that pack. Take what he had and merge it into mine. I didn’t care who it pissed off. If he wanted to keep threatening and taking, I was going to answer. If that meant my jaws around his weak little neck, then so be it.

Right now, though I was really distracted. My mind was going to that pretty little female I had locked up in my room. I was told she was doing some damage. It just made me smile, I love a feisty female. A true mate would not be ignored. I knew she felt it too.

She was just better at controlling herself I could see. Good, where I lacked, she would be strong and vice versa. I really looked forward to this, having my true mate. It was really the only way that I wanted it. Harper's voice broke into my thoughts.

“They are calling for retaliation. We knew they would, but it would seem that Luna Layla is an even more sore point. The little shit alpha says she was to be his mate. If we don’t return his mate, then it will be an open hostile war. Borders will be shut as it’s a personal attack.” My gaze slid to Harper from where I sat. Fingers against my lips. I did not turn my head from how I had it braced against my hands.

“I don’t give a fuck.” I was straightforward. I made sure all knew the moment I showed up with Layla what this was. No false impressions, I truly hated petty bullshit. I immediately declared her as Luna. Even if she was not ready and I had pretty much kidnapped her. Whatever, we could work it out.

“I know, and the rest know she is your true mate. Loyalty runs deep here, no one in this pack is going to betray or take her back. I just need to know how you want to respond or prepare. He is quite pissed it would seem. Werewolves like breeding their omegas whether they wish it or not.” I made a dark sound. Harper looked down. I knew that he was very against this.

His sister was an omega, and a few wolves had tried to take her when they were younger. It had just been Harper and her. Harper killed them. I took him in just after that. His sister never had to deal with something like that again. I made it clear no female was going to be treated like a breeder here. So I was sure some might be pissed at me for technically kidnapping my mate. Yeah well, I could only be good so much of my time. Take it or leave it.

“I want them to know why we did it. I want everything we gathered information-wise from us, and the vampires known. The fae want to keep their heads in the sand fine, but they will know. Tell him she isn’t coming back. If Nate wants to spit in the face of a true mate, he can do as he wishes. We will still respect the moon goddess’s choice,” I told him. Harper nodded.


“Increase them,” I said, and we spoke a bit more about security and how to respond. Then I excused myself. I could no longer resist the call to go to her. I had never before felt my beast pine for something. To be a simpering begging creature in my head as it was right now to go where Layla was. I was very aware I was about to deal with a little hellion. It just excited me more.

I came up to my room. No one else was here in my house now. We did not have pack houses. We did not force those of the pack under one roof. Everyone got privacy and was allowed to choose their ways in life here. So long as you never betrayed anyone in this pack to the outside world it was do as you please to live.

I could hear her pacing on the other side. I closed my eyes and inhaled the wonderful cherry scent she had. There was no way I was going to be able to keep my hands to myself for long. I hoped like hell and sent up a prayer to the moon goddess that she would be receptive to me. I didn’t want to be that male who could not control himself with his mate and did something horrible to her. However, I was starting to fear that a little bit.

I unlocked the door that was special with fae magic, it could not be opened by the mind. I was telekinetic, so I thought of these things with others too. As I stepped into the room, she stopped her pacing and marched right toward me. She had a plain shirt and shorts, clothes brought to her so that she could change if she wanted to. Her clothes had gotten a bit disheveled and ripped with her antics earlier.

“You! You let me out of this room damn it.” Layla marched right up to me. Not one millisecond of fear. She had to know who I was, and what I’d done. I was no pushover, and I was a killer. I would bend for no one, but as this little slip of a wolf put her finger in my face and demanded things of me, I felt my beast want to bend. Oh, she was dangerous to me, but it made her even more exciting.

“Don’t you smirk at me! Let me out, what kind of mate are you? I don’t deserve this. I have done nothing wrong.” I could smell her even more, and that threat of her cycle was even more so than earlier. She had been well taken care of the past couple of days, just locked in. She was not running away from me.

“Depends, are you going to try and run?” I asked her straight out.

“Run? You kidnapped me.” She snapped. Fair point, still if she ran… oh I was going to chase. I was going to pursue, and I would drag her right to the ground and claim what was mine. I pulled back on my animal. I could feel the shift in my body. Knew that my eyes were probably darker with the thought of my female running from me.

“Exactly why you might do something childish and run.” Maybe a bad choice of words. She wasn’t really being childish. She was justified to feel as she was. I just wanted to see that fire light up in her eyes. I wasn’t disappointed either. She was fast as lightning, but I had incredible reflexes born from years of fighting. Of defending myself alone with nothing. I caught her wrist before she could slap me.

I knew she was going to try something. She was mad. My fault, I just couldn’t help it. Though I did get her wrists in my hands. She was not as strong as me, and I spun her back to the wall. Her arms were pinned above her to hold her still. I absolutely took advantage and stepped right against her soft sweet form. I was painfully hard the second her body molded to mine.

My body held hers to the wall with her hands above her head. Her breasts pressed into me, the softness stimulating as was the rest of her flat against me. I resisted the urge to lift her up to the wall and get her legs wrapped around me. To grind my hips into her core like the uncivilized animal I was.

“I find your fire irresistible,” I told her my mouth close to hers. I could see a bit of uncertainty in her eyes. Physically she reacted immediately, we both knew it. Emotionally she had fears. I could sense it, but it was hard to know how to overcome it. What might be the main reason to fear your true mate?

Again, not really able to help myself I lowered my head and let my lips graze her neck. Then to the crook of her neck to inhale. Truly I could want nothing more. No one was ever going to understand this sensation until it was you. This raw primal urge.

“Yet it’s the sweet soul I see in your eyes that I really want to see come apart below me.” I pulled at her ear with my teeth. I knew my eyes had to be black with lust and want. Her breathing had quickened. Her arousal spiked. I pressed a bit more to her. I wanted to make sure she felt what she did to my body.

“I don’t… I’m not sure…” She seemed to struggle to speak. I felt a darkness that she might deny this. What we were, there was no going back from seeing your true mate. This was forever.

“I’ll spend every waking moment learning you, learning everything you want or need.” My lips were against her ear speaking to her. I felt her shiver a bit. “All you have to do is let go. Stop thinking and just be your animal with me. I promise you’ll enjoy it.” All she had to say was yes.

Yes to letting me mark her, yes to letting me mate her and I’d be wrapped so hard around her finger it would be pathetic. I didn’t need to know everything about her to know this. Besides, if we bonded, we would know each other inside and out.

I let go of her wrists and dropped them to her sides to slide up below the shirt. My mouth worked at her neck as I grew a bit more aggressive with her. Just waiting to see if she was going to say yes or fight me.

Clearly, my beast did not want to talk. This was who I was, no reason to hide it. She needed to know, and I hoped she could accept it.

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