The Unexpected Mate

Chapter Had Enough

“I said no. I’m not mating with someone that is cheating on me. With my own sister no less,” I said into the phone as Nate told me to stop being a child and come home. Was he insane? It seemed the more I pushed away, the more he seemed to pursue me. He was messed up.

“If you are not here tonight Layla, I will come get you. You are really starting to piss me off. Your sister is stronger than you. She is a face other wolves will bow to. You though are the stronger genetics and better to be the one mated to me. You will be, I want strong children. Be happy. You will be able to do what you wish without the duties of Luna.” Be happy? He was telling me he was going to breed me. That was not okay. I would not stand for this.

“I am not a breeder! That was outlawed and you can not do such a thing, alpha or not,” I said angrily over the phone.

“I am alpha. I can do whatever I want. Have whatever I wish. Be home at seven, or you will be sorry.” With that, he hung up on me and I looked at the phone. I gripped my phone and thought about it. My car was packed. I was seeing the true colors that Nate had. I needed to just run for it. Leave this place behind. Get as far away as I could as quickly as I could.

“I can’t believe this,” I said to myself heading back inside. I was starting to really get upset. The air around me heated a little as the energy was chaotic about me. I however pulled it back in and went back to work. Though it was a bit harder to focus. Nate’s words made me so angry. What kind of alpha was he? A horrible one. He could have whatever he wanted? Unbelievable. It did scare me some, truth be told.

I paused in working, leaving a patient who was doing great. I sure hoped she could go home with her family soon. She had a rare blood disorder as she was a half-breed werewolf vampire. Until she reached maturity where her hormones balanced out, her body would attack itself. Kind of cannibalizing itself. To a human, it might appear like leukemia. At maturity for being a hybrid as she was, it would stop and settle. That would be when they would know if she needed to be on a blood diet for life or not.

Right now it was a balancing act of real food and certain blood. We had it under control and I was happy for her. She was a great kid, so smart and her parents loved her greatly. They were a true pair, unfortunately for vampires and werewolves, it could be very dangerous to have children together. Not all children developed this disorder but if they did, and without treatment or a couple of special drugs, the fatality rate was high.

I went down the hall and pushed through a set of doors. There was a sudden alarm that went up. I heard the doors behind me engage to lock down the hospital but I was already moving forward. The code that came over the PA said that we were being attacked. Attacked? This had not happened since I had been working here. Who was attacking the hospital? Why? It was a neutral zone.

I was fast to lock down a few other doors that needed a code. I raced to make sure that the patients and their sections were locked so that if someone was attacking they had a barrier. I came around the corner but stopped as the lab area was here. Also where we kept many of our drugs in a secured room back here.

In the desk area, I saw one man who was rather large holding down the attendant at the desk. I heard him say to stay down and not move. I backed up and inhaled as I did so. Couldn’t smell much from here. I could see others being pulled from the lab by a second man and they were tying up those there and keeping them face down.

“Clear out all of it. Orders are the entire inventory they have.” I quietly pulled a thick wooden pole from the utility closet and then came back around the corner. The one man had his back to me looking into the lab area. Clearly, he was monitoring the group of four on the floor.

Yes, what I was about to do was stupid. However, I could hear them breaking into the secure cabinets and room. Some of the drugs and substances we had were very hard to get. They were special for supernaturals. It could mean life or death for a few of the ones here if they took everything that we had.

I was sick of dealing with bullies. With people pushing others around. Clearly, my interaction with my sister and Nate didn’t help my internal anger with no outlet. However, I was not weak. Just because I was an omega did not mean I wouldn’t do what was right.

Being mildly telekinetic I put the force of my mind behind my swing. The crack was audible and he went sideways and hit the frame of the door too. The male was out cold on the floor. My wood pole broke. I was already grabbing a chair and hoped like hell as I came around the entryway and swung again.

I was lucky the second man was right there coming to see what happened with the sound. I got him right in the face. Blood erupted from his nose and he staggered back with the hard blow. I was silent as I attacked, didn’t even cry out. I had determination on my face and swung at the third man who had been very quickly storing vials and such into secure cases.

“Fuck,” The last guy said as he ducked and just missed a faceful of chair like his bleeding friend. He staggered back and I hit the guy bleeding again to try and knock him out. Kind of looked like I did. The other came right at me but I swung with a cry this time. He had to back up again as I struck him in the arm. I was out the secure door, slammed it shut, and jammed the chair into the handle to keep it from moving. That would lock him in there.

I turned and froze. Two other men were right there looking at me. I quickly grabbed a stool next to the counter and looked at them not blinking. However, my heart beat a little harder. I could smell them now. I also saw their eyes had gone black. Shit, I just attacked a group of lycans trying to rob the place. If I was an omega was considered the weakest of my kind. Lycans were considered the most powerful physically. They also had gifts like omegas tended too.

“Well? Come on then,” I said daring them to come at me. I half bared my teeth which were a bit sharper. One raised an eyebrow but went to move forward.

“Wait,” A voice said behind them. It was authoritative and intense. The two men instantly stopped to the command. I did not relax my pose, that voice spoke alpha. The command in it made the others stop instantly. Good thing I did not recognize him as my alpha. Plus I was an omega. We tended to be able to bend the voice of the alpha command well.

The second this male came into view I felt like I couldn’t breathe for a moment. My near silver grey eyes met a pair of coal black ones. He was the tallest of them, built and every inch the lycan he was. It bled from his pores. What really hit me though was the recognition. A rush of sensation and this pull toward him. Before me stood my true mate.

It was true what they said. The moment your eyes met, your animal saw, and your soul knew. It just hit me, this was my other half. The one meant to complete me and I felt anger. He was trying to rob my goddamn hospital! I gripped the stool harder and didn’t drop my gaze from those commanding black ones. I knew he felt it too, I could see it.

“I’m not backing down. Sick people need these medications here. I don’t care who you are,” I said defying his presence that pushed at mine. Very slowly I saw a wicked smile start to spread on his handsome face as he stared at me. It just inflamed my anger at his actions more. I contemplated jumping forward and hitting him with this stool really hard to smack that smile off his face.

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