The Sugilite Prince

Chapter 24 - A Warm Welcome

Maeve wasn’t sure if the path her life had suddenly taken was a good thing or not, but when she woke up in the splendid surroundings, she wondered if she was still dreaming. The palatial room with fine tapestries and warm hearth made her feel like a princess, and for the first time in her life, she had the luxury of staying in bed instead of rushing to care for her grandmother and start the chores that all fell on her slim shoulders.

Maeve watched the two young maids that came into her room bearing breakfast trays laden with food. As one laid out the food on fine linens the other stoked the fire and efficiently made the bed in a matter of minutes.

Maeve stared at the food wondering if all of it was for her. She looked around the room expectantly wondering if someone was going to join her. Instead, they offered Maeve fluffy slippers and a velvety robe to wear pulling a chair out for her to sit. As she dined in the comfort of her room, she hummed a pretty tune to herself, her heart content and happy with the special treatment she was receiving. Her first full day at the palace was starting out wonderfully. When she was done, another lady’s maid came in and started preparing her bath.

Maeve was not used to this and just stared at the woman who stood there expectantly. “Shall I undress you?” The middle-aged lady asked.

“Wait, what? No! Who are you?”

“The prince sent me. I am Setty miss and I will be your personal maid.” She curtsied in her immaculate white apron and added, “I was sent to bathe you and get you dressed.”

Maeve undressed and slipped into the tub pushing the maid’s hands away from her body. “I can do this myself, thank you.”

The maid raised her eyebrows and tsked but did not argue standing by with a fluffy white towel.

She allowed the maid to do her hair and was surprised by the lovely dresses she was asked to choose from. By the time she was done, Maeve could not believe it was her in the reflection in the mirror.

A knock at the door announced the arrival of Jeon, Sugi’s personal guard.

The folds of the shimmery dress hid the expectant mother’s form to perfection so it was with confidence that she accompanied Jeon to the prince’s summons.

When she walked in the room all eyes were on the lovely sorceress. Maeve looked shyly around the room till her eyes met Sugi’s.

“Maeve, I’m glad you could join us,” Sugi welcomed, “I want you to meet my friends.”

“This is Fay, my friend since childhood,” he said gesturing towards the beautiful brunette.

Maeve bowed her head and smiled timidly. “Yes, hello. I think I’ve seen you with Sugi before.”

“Probably, we were always together as children, I’m like his sister,” Fay said with a friendly smile on her face.

“And this is Jimon,” Sugi gestured towards the elegant male that looked like a prince himself, “He is my love.”

Jimon blushes at his words his own eyes reflecting back the love he feels in his heart. His eyes turn back to Maeve.

“Oh!” Maeve is surprised and takes a better look at the handsome blond. “Nice to meet you,” she says smiling.

Jimon stares at her with an enigmatic look on his face. His features soften at her disarming smile but he is still wary of the sorceress. The way she looks at Sugi with so much admiration must mean she still loves him and this makes Jimon feel uneasy.

After the somewhat awkward meeting, Fay fills the silences with her easy banter engaging everyone with her sweet personality and offering Maeve a tour of the palace. Sugi looks at her with gratitude and affection making the pretty brunette love him even more.

The three young people made her feel like the center of attention making sure she felt welcome and taken care of. With a sweet smile on his face, Sugi pulls Maeve aside and asks to speak to her privately. He thought it would be best to do so as soon as possible giving him more time to coax Maeve if she didn’t agree to it at first. Sugi leads her out to the balcony where they can finally have some privacy.

Jimon goes alone to the room they share since he knew the prince was going to speak to her and, although he didn’t like it, he knew it would make his Sugi very happy.

Maeve looks up at him expectantly. “Maeve,” he starts, “I was hoping to talk to you alone cause there is something important I want to say.” He pauses looking from her face to the floor ashamed at how he acted before. Wringing his hands, he begins, “I’m sorry I got you pregnant. I’m sorry I felt entitled to your love and your person. I never meant to hurt you though. I knew you liked me and it made me like you too.”


“Yes, why else do you think I sought you out all the time. I messed with you because I liked your attention. I was a lonely spoiled brat.”

“You were my weakness. I would have done anything for you, so when you left me without saying anything I got extremely angry. I’m sorry too. I shouldn’t have let my anger control me.”

Sugi nodded in understanding and smiled a little. “I’m happy about the baby though.” Quickly he adds. “It will be loved Maeve... by me, by you, by everyone.”

“I’m glad.”

“I want everyone to know it’s mine and that he or she is wanted. I want you to marry me. We will take care of the baby together.”

“...” Maeve stares at him with a shocked expression. She never imagined he would ask her that.

“Maeve, don’t misunderstand. I care about you I really do, but I’m in love with Jimon.” Suddenly Sugi is holding both her hands.

“I see.”

“Please say you’ll do this. Please say yes.” Sugi gets on one knee in front of her.

In a small unsure voice, she says, “okay.”

Sugi leaned in and grazed her cheek with his warm lips. The sorceress blushed when he whispered in her ear. “You will be my princess.” Her knees went weak having him so close and she realized this was going to be a very tricky situation, but she had to do it. She had to do what was best for her baby.

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