The Sugilite Prince

Chapter 23 - The Elf and the Witch

Jeon smiled as he watched the prince and his unexpected love leave enthralled with each other. He saw the prudence in following his friend and sovereign, as he had vowed to protect him with his life. Especially now that he had found the pregnant Maeve, Jeon did not want to take any chances with his life.

The prince had always been so kind to him since he came here after his training with the elder elves. Jeon was part elf himself, just like the prince but unlike the prince, he was not a royal. His family was very proud that Jeon had been offered this post at such a young age. He took his duty very seriously especially since the king had chosen him as his heir’s own personal guard.

When he was informed by the other guards of the altercation in the village, he went personally to see if it was the elusive witch that Sugi searched for. He so wanted to help him but when he came upon the pitiful sight of the tearful young witch cowering from the vengeful mob, his heart went out to her. She seemed powerless and he wondered if she was the true culprit of his princes’ curse. Jeon called off the frenzied mob with the help of the other soldiers commanding the scene with his powerful aura. When she looked upon him with fear she found a kind, concerned face where she expected hateful scorn. She took his extended hand as he pulled her to safety.

Her pretty eyes shown with gratitude as she followed him to his horse.

“Are you hurt? Can you ride?” The kind Jeon asked in succession.

She nodded as she wrapped her cloak close to her shivering form. Jeon helped her onto his horse and swiftly took off to the palace. He could feel her shaking body unable to contain her fear. As they got closer, he noticed that she had fainted in his arms.

She came to as they approached the entrance to the elven city. Maeve looked up in awe at the impressive palace surrounded by lush gardens and rushing waterfalls. She had never dared to come this close to Sugi’s home no matter how much she missed him, and she never imagined it was this grand. The surreal elven music surrounded her adding to the magical feel.

She followed Jeon down the long corridor and found her self eye to eye with the palace healer, Aerendyl.

Maeve removed her cloak at the healer’s request as the beautiful elf expertly tended to her flesh wounds. Her soft touch immediately calmed her fears and her pain. Once she was cleaned up, Jeon was ready to take her to the prince. No matter her fate she was determined to face him. She longed to gaze at his beautiful eye’s once again even if those same eyes hated her.

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