The Sovereign Heir (Book 1)

Chapter 2 Origin

The first of our kind was Elijah, he carried all the genes of every supernatural creature of today along with his eleven siblings. The original twelve had every strength and none of today’s current weaknesses, being truly immortal. The birth of our ancestors was not a conventional one, to say the least. Elijah’s entry into this world came from the Tree of Origin. He and his siblings had the power over life, death, nature, energy, animals, great speed, strength, foresight, shape shifting, diving into the minds of others and many other gifts that were considered a form of necessity or more like adaptability. Some had a preference to what they liked more and made it their focus, but Elijah embraced it all equally.

He was the only one who didn’t feel the need to have a preference. Some of his siblings though it unusual that he never preferred one over the other, but never questioned him as to why. They merely chalked it up to it being just Elijah’s unwillingness to pick sides as they often got into arguments over it.

They lived amongst humans seamlessly, sharing knowledge and technology. The Atlanteans were heavily into creating sources of infinite power. The country now known as Egypt, delved into math, architecture, medicine, gender equality, spirituality and manifestation through what is today called magic. Ancient China was well known for paper, the compass, cross bow, shadow clocks and gun powder by our influence.

The Incan civilization built extensive transportation systems. Mayan civilization were outstanding astrologists, mathematicians and food production. Many cultures that fascinate historians were once those we had peaceful accords with. Sharing great power always comes at a cost with others who wanted more than their fair share. Greed, jealousy and arrogance began to plague the humans and many of the supe offspring concurrently.

The division of the supernatural world and the continental divide did not occur until an act of betrayal from Elijah’s own first-born son, Allister. Allister hated cohabitating with the humans we lived amongst and saw them as slaves. In his eyes those with power should control those without, being apex rulers. In order to stop Allister and his power-hungry followers, a sacrifice of the original twelve was made, destroying the Tree of Origin. In its place erupted the Tree of Life. Each branch represented a different supernatural species in our world today.

There was a failsafe put in place by Elijah, that each supernatural would live with weaknesses to prevent an apocalypse that could destroy us all. Allister, in a sense, was cursed to never be able to roam the earth in human form but only that of a Lycan. He was cursed to become a raging beast on the outside as well as the inside until he met his end with the loss of his immortality.

With every atrocity committed by Allister he became more feral never able to shift in his human form again. Each life he took lessened his own, stripping him of the gift of immortality. The assurances Elijah established for the greater good of all, would not be enough as he foresaw a day that would come; requiring that one descendent would be born with every chromosome realigned to that of his, to prevent the impending doom he merely delayed for ten thousand years. Elijah left his DNA sequence intact in only one of his children, although dormant to a degree. When I say dormant I mean never having full potential of all of Elijah’s attributes, just the ability to use a small fraction of his abilities.

All subgroups of supernatural’s had their rulers, regent kings and queens. However, Elijah’s direct bloodline remained sovereign to them all, only interjecting where diplomacy failed. Shapeshifters, sirens, fae, witches, hybrids, and vampires to name a few truly existed. We were the things of legends everyone shared around camp fires and the basis of scary movies for the shear entertainment of humans.

The kin and everything in between had been turned into fiction, myth, and Hollywood movies. Unlike Twilight or even Bram Stokers blood thirsty killers, vampires did not die in the sun, nor did they fear churches or holy water. They lived alongside humans, only needing insignificant amounts of blood from their mates or voluntary donors to thrive in addition to regular food.

When it came to Lycans, fiction was closer to the truth once Underworld was in production. Kevin Grevioux was heavily investigated as he was the main source of the intricate details of Lycan and werewolf origin. You could see the Lycan in him, if you knew what to look for.

When we come of age, we all receive the memories from our ancestors. Those with very minute blood ties living in the human world, chalk them up to being only dreams or a clever idea for a novel. This was the case for the creator of Underworld, he merely saw his dreams as just something his brain made up. To ensure that our secrets remain hidden, my family employed witches, warlocks, and wizards to scramble the dreams and visions for many who appeared completely human, making their “fiction” more unbelievable than what it truly was.

Just like humans, we also have those that went on the extreme, going on blood thirsty rampages and killing without reason. Where there is good, evil follows in constant conflict for dominance. This is where my story begins and ends. My name is Elaina Rarissime Renaud, the first-born princess and heir of the supernatural world.

I wasn’t a shifter, witch or fae. I was everything. I could harass any aspect of any super-natural to exist. It wasn’t like most who came into their abilities as they turned a certain age, I was born with it fully activated. As I got older it only enhanced, expanding past the boundaries most were limited by. I gave my parents a run for their money in more ways than one.

My parents had tried in vain to have a child, with them giving up hope that they would one day have a child. Nothing ever seemed to take no matter what they had tried. They used every fertility method outside of invitro to achieve what seemed impossible, until a few hundred years later, the unimaginable had happened.

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