The Sovereign Heir (Book 1)

Chapter 1 Anthology


Werewolf ranking

Alpha/Luna- pack leader. Most dangerous of werewolves. They are larger, faster, stronger, more powerful. More animal than betas, omegas and even purebloods. Bright red eyes when shifted.

Beta- More common, have orange eyes and the second in command. They are elite warriors. Considered stronger than omegas.

Delta- Smaller and usually the doctors, lawyers and other white-collar job titles. They have more of the body type of that of a lion in structure. The head, tail and fur of a wolf, but the body and claws of a lion, with yellow eyes.

Gamma- Hunters, trackers and scouts of the pack. They have grey eyes, longer claws than other werewolves.

Omega- Typically have been lone wolves in the past. They grow to be very strong with blue eyes, tall stature, can fight on two legs,, but run on all fours.

Vangulf- Physically and mentally unstable. These are the ones who are typically made rogue. They have become rabid, have pitch black eye, no semblance of humanity as they have given in completely to their wolf side. Feral beasts that kill on site.


Magic, mountain ash, hecatolite


Ansin allows werewolves to connect with nature but stronger and similar to eolas which is used to connect with nature to find the location of another. Shorter healing time, telepathy, memory transference, pain transference, empathy, lie detection, venom, super senses, super strength and speed. Moonstones.

Eolas is the ability to connect with nature and its past and considered a form of psychic ability.


Purebloods and highly respected even above all wolves. They are the origin of the werewolf. They are those who have not mingled with humans and have a lifespan to exceed greater than 1200 years. But the duration of lifespan is unknown as they isolate themselves late in life. Weakness is mercury. They are an elite killing machine.


Contain an infinite source of power and when wielded in the right way can trigger dormant genes and increase abilities. When manipulated by dark magic, it can cause insanity and perverse mutation. Long term exposure can lead to a horrific death when used for malicious intent. When used and crafted into another object can give unlimited protection and an impenetrable forcefield.

Dragons Blood Wood

One of the renowned traditional medicines used in different cultures around the world. Therapeutic uses: haemostatic, antidiarrheic, antiulcer, antimicrobial, antiviral, wound healing, antitumor, anti-inflammatory. Magically excellent at banishing negative energy, healing and protection.

Fire Lotus

Lotus flowers that surrounded the Tree of Origin. Illuminated and dazzled as if on fire. Healing properties for the mind and body.

Baetylus Stones

Translated to House of god. They are sacred stones that are endowed with life or gave access to a deity. These stones are said the made from meteorite fragments.


Not to be confused with Persea americana, Persea scheideana or Persea borbonia but share close relation. The Persea of Egypt was located in North Africa designated Mimusops schimperi and belongs to the botanical family of Sapotaceae. It was sweet fruit bearing. Resembled that of a pear tree with its leaves, flowers and form. The fruit was as large as a pear, oblong shaped, grass green in color and has a stone like a plum. The flesh is sweet, luscious and wholesome. It was unique to Egypt and Ethiopia. Called the gift Osiris and called the sacred tree. Depicted with kings as its foliage protecting them. Law was passed under Emperor Arcadius forbidding the uprooting or sale of any Persea tree in Egypt. This tree no longer exists.


A creature with the body, tail and back legs of a lion. Head, wings of a eagle. Front legs sporting talons. Very powerful and majestic. Known for guarding treasures and priceless possessions. Mated for life and will live the rest of their days alone if they lose their mate. Caws have healing power and feathers can store sight to the blind. Can shapeshift to blend in any environment.


A form of fae that perform tasked labor. Help chores, valuable services such as forging and mining. Very temperamental when not fed properly. Can be very aggressive and fight in large groups. Share the common weakness of lead and can be killed by silver as all other fae.


A retractable fingerless glove. Disguised as a bracelet or whatever the wearer wishes it to be. A type of nano technology and a blend of magic. Carries battle armor, weapons and protective shields.


A dimension that is veiled from the human world. It is what the earth once was before the continental divide. Home to all creatures thought to be extinct and those of myth and folklore. Three months on earth equal eighteen months in the realm. Seven days on earth equals forty two, two days equals twelve. Despite the passage of time being greater, it does not speed up the physical aging process.


The equivalent of a human wedding. However the left hands are bound together and the bond is solidified. Often not followed by supernatural beings in the human world as they have been acclimated to the human way of life.


The widely used abbreviation for New Orleans, Louisiana. Founded by the French 1718 and was under Spanish control concurrently, to be briefly ruled over by France yet again until the Louisiana purchase in 1803. Voodoo thrived in the area in the 1700’s after practitioners fleeing Haiti after the slave revolt.


Legendary, usually seen as hideous, man-like and larger than ordinary humans. Tend to prefer eating humans. Their favorite to eat are werewolves. Bruit strength and employed as enforces and henchmen throughout the world. They have no loyalties and will work for anyone at the right price.


A humanoid monster, similar to a goblin. Build for war and a combination of elves and goblin. Elves were captured and forced to breed, creating a new species.


Is French for extremely rare.


The name is typically gender neutral and means advisor, strong and ruler with origins in Latin.

Phantom Realm

A place of torment that puts the deeds done by the occupants on repeat, but the twist is they experience the pain, fear and mental anguish they caused their victims. It becomes all-consuming until they are driving mad and eventually take their own lives as a result.


In english is patrimonial and refers to grandfather or great grandfather


Ghost like image or something that is neither living or dead and appears like a moving shadow of a larger creature with the ability of flight


Was thought to be a type of nymph or sprite . They are elementals beings associated with water. Typically remain invisible to the human eye. Resemble humans in shape. Beautiful singing voices. Marriage to a human gives them an immortal soul as they lack one when not coupled with a human. If they are ever betrayed by their partner, a kiss from the Ondine stops them from having control over their breathing and they suffocate to death. It is called the Ondine’s curse.

I liked to introduce myself before any dives into my novel. It was written with real world scenarios and situations, some of which I have firsthand experienced. This book is a dark paranormal romance with a strong female lead. There is descriptive death and violence portrayed throughout. Very strong language and explicit sexual scenes.

I also would like to make my readers aware that I am a first generation Caribbean American and my characters range from a wide variety of ethnic backgrounds due to the diversity of my family and there are nods to significant historical finds throughout.

Also there will be deep dives in mental health and abuse. If anything I have described is not to your liking then this is not the book for you. There will be a second installment that will be much darker than this one and will depict a rape scene the first few opening chapters.

There also will be foot notes to certain chapters for a song that fits the main focus of that chapter. An anthology page is also being listed to help with key terms used throughout the second book as well.

Out of Many, One people.

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