The Sovereign Heir (Book 1)

Chapter 12 Premonitions

September 2020

“I love you; I’ve always loved you. I will wait for you even after death. Nothing will keep us apart. I don’t care how long it takes; my soul will always wait for you.” I could feel myself crying, listening to these words, with a mix of happiness and grief. It woke me up instantly, my cheeks were wet from crying in my sleep. I hated only getting glimpses of my future, but a whole book report for everything else. So fucking frustrating, Yana is still sleeping next to me.

It's about 9 o’clock, my family is still asleep. Everyone slept in pretty much now that I wasn’t in realm training. I slowly got up, put on my knee-high joggers, running shoes and my halter hoodie. It was time to stretch my legs and go for a run. I walk instead of orbing to the kitchen, Yana follows me. I place chopped liver in her bowl, filled my camel pack up and head out the back door to take the trail.

Why was I so upset in the vision, what was going on with me to have me so emotional? Why was Prince Nolan so familiar? I heard my aunts voice telling me about souls and soul ties, “Cher, certain souls are tied together throughout lifetimes, some good and some mauvais. There is always one connection that will surpass logic, they are the rest of you. What completes beyond any mate bond, which is the connection I see for you. It will come.”

I shouldn’t dismiss what everyone tells me, especially Brie, she is beyond any voodoo queen. Maybe she is right, there can be no other explanation for why I felt no attraction to anyone. Except one person, it might just be my hormones acting up. Nolan is past average eye candy; I wonder what he looked like outside of that suit? Stop it, Laina, such a dirty mind. Focus on the abductions, focus on this last semester, nothing else is important. Sex can wait indefinitely, one problem at a time. Nolan will be there whenever I want to go down that road .

I check my apple watch; I had already ran 10 miles through the territory. My stomach growls, announcing its protest for being empty.

I orb back to the house directly in the kitchen, washing my hands before getting my ingredients out. Bryant saunters into the kitchen yawning, “How’d it go with Dominic last night?” I look at him while I’m beating the eggs I had in the bowl, “How was last night with Nicole?” Raising my eyebrow.

Bryant looks like a cat caught with the canary. “It’s cool, little brother, I won’t say anything to anyone.” He is relieved, “Thank you, I don’t need shit from mom and dad about ‘you should wait till you’re of age recognizing the mate bond’, to be so modern they are still outdated with sex outside of finding your mate.” Bryant comes over to wash his hands before separating the thick cut bacon onto the baking sheet. “I get why they say it, but what if your mate rejects you or vice versa? What if you never find them? You can’t expect someone to walk around a virgin till death. Hell, I might even get me some at any time now.” Bryant purses his lips, “You getting laid is not something I could even imagine you doing, rub one out definitely!” Laughing hard at what he said, our parents walk in.

Oh shit, they are about to start in on you about the Lycan prince. This is going to be one hell of a morning.” I suck my teeth knowing he was right. “They are never going to let this go, they swear I like him more than the others just because I called him handsome. They were all handsome, Nolan just stood out more.” Bryant shrugs before we greet our parents. “Good morning”, we said in unison. “What were you two talking about?” We look at each other before replying, “Nothing!”. Our dad looks between us both, “Whenever you two are in unison, it’s definitely something.”

Clearing my throat, “We are discussing the disappearances and we set up teams to go to each territory to update security measures and assess data breaches. Also I have an operative looking through some channels for the source of funding.”

Our mother sips her chai tea and looks directly in my eyes, “Sweetheart, you’re amazing and thank you for doing that. I was hesitant to ask you with how tense you were talking to us last night.” I know that wasn’t all to it and she was about to steamroll in on me with this prince. “Prince Nolan is heading the investigation with the Lycan and werewolf communities. He has been staying in California for a while, since this is one of the areas hardest hit he wants to make this area a priority.”

I narrow my eyes before answering, “Oookay and what? You want me to introduce myself earlier than what we all agreed on?” I was irking her nerves, while my dad sat back enjoying the tug of war between our auras in this situation. I can win easily, but I’d never do that to her. “You’ll have to talk to him sooner rather than later. You are the commander not only to your legion but all supernatural armed forces. I can only buffer the inevitable for so long.” I’m just going to give in, or we will end up fighting before anyone gets to eat, “Fine, but I will not meet or speak with him until absolutely necessary.” I kept on with preparing breakfast with Bryant, chopping three large potatoes with onion, tossing them into the pan. Pouring the popover batter into the muffin pan and then into the oven.

My dad is itching to ask me if I had any visions. I cut him off before he could say it, “No, no visions about this current situation and no visions about the Lycan.” I'm lying through my teeth, but they could never invade my mind to see the truth. “Okay, Munchkin, I was just asking. Don’t go in on me just yet. Save it for training with the pack and for your legion today.” My dad just reminded me of the new recruits, “Dad could you come with me to the realm next week to help the young one’s shift, some of them are having a tough time, even with Olivia’s training techniques. You make everyone so at ease.” Dad bobbles his head side to side, “Yep, I’ll do it. Olivia can be intimating until you get to know her.”

Once the food was ready Bryant and I make the plates and set the bowl of fruit on the table. Pineapple juice in one pitcher and orange juice in the other. While we sat to eat and talk, a vision took me over. I’m flying in the air bouncing on what feels like a mattress, hands are on my torso ripping open my top, but I wasn’t scared. I was aroused, hot and anxious. Shit, was I into BDSM? If anything I’d do the punishing. Hands and a mouth trailing all over me, why wasn’t I fighting him off? I was just all into it, too into it.

“Laina!“ Fuck, I had this vision in front of my parents. I didn’t care if Bryant was there, but my parents? Certainly not, this was beyond embarrassing. I wanted to crawl into a hole somewhere and just die from the embarrassment. “I’m okay, I’m okay. It wasn’t bad I swear.“ Good so they didn’t see it. When I was younger it was like broadcasting it on the big screen. “Here, sweetheart, drink some water.” I took the glass, gulping it down. I took in a few deep breaths and focusing on their faces. “Laina, you know they are going to pry. I saw it but they didn’t. Make some bullshit up so they’ll drop it. It’s too personal and they’ll push you even harder to meet the prince. They want you mated to stop all these men around the kingdom from chasing you.” Bryant was right if I didn’t say something they both would keep badgering me.

“I saw Bryant and I intercepting a kidnapping with a small team, no injuries. We got the target. I’ll figure out the timing and location today in order to prepare ahead of time.” They bought it, thank the universe. I was not telling them their daughter had a wet dream about an unknown man fondling and finger fucking their daughter. No way in hell was that happening today or any day. I don’t care how open they are!

We all went to training with the pack, then our own with our current and the latter legion members. Not all of them could always make it. In order to accommodate life, my father held some sessions and my mother outside of our routine schedule. I loved watching the older members take on the younger ones, they were beyond impressive.

One of our oldest members is an elf, she is 821 years old. She took down our father every time; faster and more agile. Camille was one of my first instructors while I was still a toddler. After I turned seven, she told the council she could no longer teach me. I thought I had did something to offend her or I wasn’t at her standards of learning. I asked her later on why she stopped teaching me, her answer, “You exceed my knowledge, I should be the student and you my teacher.” I was still sad to see her go; but she stayed on to train the others.

I found myself thinking about Nolan and not in a sexual way but out of curiosity. Researching his past, I found out his mother was a Lycan from a remote pack in the Bolivian mountains. Only accessible if you were a beast or a member of the royal lines of succession. She was beautiful, rich cacao bean colored skin with deep grey eyes.

Apparently, she was the daughter of their Alpha, King Alder met her during a peace treaty meeting held to unify pack/beast laws with the rest of the supernatural kingdom. Finding out the then future king regent was your mate broke any arrangement that either one of them had been ensnared to. He has a sister, bother and several cousins in line for the throne. Nolan’s mother frequently travels to Bolivia and fluent in 10 languages. Nolan attended boarding school in the UK, which explains his accent.

I already knew him or one of the princes were in the hemp industry, catering to the supernatural kingdom. Nolan was heavily into real estate, mostly on the east coast. His corporation had made a buyout offer to my tech start up three years ago, wish I would have known it was him. I still would have said no, but at least we would have met much earlier.

Nolan’s dating life was another story. He was engaged to Evelyn Bowers for a few decades and then nothing. A few random sightings with random models or supe nobles, they didn’t look like much of a relationship. They all looked like they were starved with long legs and huge breasts. I’m definitely not his type, I am shorter, bottom half thick, my top half slim and a lot more muscle than any of these women. Well that’s enough cyber stalking for one night.

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