The Sovereign Heir (Book 1)

Chapter 11 Ominous

My club is more than I hoped it would be. I had four levels and a fifth for eating. Growing up, my parents and my uncle introduced me to music from the era they were born, all the way to when I was born. I had a broad musical appreciation. My all-time favorite is 80’s and 90’s R&B, the basement floor played most of that and even music for the 60’s and 70’s. I called it the classic room. First floor was a blend of alternative, rock and pop dance tracks. My second floor was a blend of modern hip hop and current popular urban songs. The third floor was all dance hall every night for those who loved to dance to the Caribbean vibe. The fourth floor was VIP and played a blend of everything and also housed my office space; this is where I spent a lot of my time while I was here.

VIP is also the floor most of the supes with connections within the darker, hidden side of our world came to unwind and eat. They owed me nothing, but still gave me the information I needed. They all knew what was at stake if Allister arose from hell, our entire world would be a wasteland of death, destruction and misery.

Dominic had his hands in deeper areas than others, he is who I am looking for tonight. If my calculations are right, he should be arriving any minute now. Some of my legion are employed here and throughout all of my other handlings. We stayed closer together than my mother’s legion, it might be because most of us were distant cousins, unlike my mother's group. Lennox is my DJ on this floor and his twin brother managed this entire section. Regardless of the fact we are trained killers, we all have hidden talents we loved. Mine used to be gymnastics and dance. After the battle I used it more as a stress reliever.

Dominic shows up right on time as I sat in my private booth with Michelle to my right as always. Michelle waves Dominic over. “Good evening, your majesty and Lady Michelle,” he had his head in a slight bow. “If you don’t stop all that and come sit, please. I’m in need of your special services. There are things that only you can find for me.” I can tell he is intrigued.

“Ask away, Princess, your wish is my command.” We all knew he was flirting, but I let him think he was getting somewhere. If it got me the information, then I’d play the role.

I mind link him and gave him the edited version of events and what I was looking for. Dominic agrees, since his nieces and nephews had wolf blood, it gave him an incentive to help. “Name your price, Dom, I will never not pay for anything you do for me or our world.”

He ponders for a moment before answering, “Tell you what, allow me to have my hash oil in your establishment. It's potent and blended with several supernatural variations. Sixty percent profit in return.” I couldn’t believe he was being that easy, there must be an angle. “Okay, but what’s the ‘and’ in this or the ’but’?” Now he seemed nervous. “I partnered with one of the Lycan princes, we are doing well in Canada and South America. We need to establish dominance here. I know your godfather strictly sells medicinally to humans, that way it won’t cut into his profits.”

He knew I did not care to mingle with Lycans, but it was a very small price to pay. “Fine, and actually 80 percent return for you and 20 is fine with me. Depending on how it goes here, I will be more than willing to invest.” Dominic was taken aback, not believing I didn’t have an angle. “Deal!” he said, “Fare enough, please give my Uncle Reggie a call, he would be very interested. Tell him, his baby girl approves.”

Dominic nods while grabbing my hand, placing a kiss on the back of it before leaving. “Oh girl, Dominic is crushing on you hard! What are you going to do if he tries to step to you like that?”. I shrug, “Play the game, like it hasn’t been played before. Look at me, almost 21 and no one has gotten between my legs yet. I’ll be fine, he’ll be fine. Plus, he is going to meet his mate during the winter solstice. Problem solved.” Michelle narrowed her eyes, ”Not fair, you said you couldn’t pinpoint some specifics anymore, you’ve been holding out!” She was right, when I was much younger I could, now that is a different story. “Evolution, Chelle, it was inevitable. I have been focusing on my mind heavier than we did in the realm. I can see everyone else’s future clearly, if I focus on it. Dominic’s was the first one I tried almost three years ago.”

Michelle was now going to switch to our internal dialogue, ”So you weren’t just trying to heal with all your meditation?” Now how to answer this question. “Umm, actually that’s all I was trying to do at the time, it just happened. My mind sort of went everywhere and I mean everywhere. Different planes of existence, throughout the universe really. With all the therapy exercises, I flowed with it all.” Michelle looks at me with a big grin before giving me a side hug, “I’m so glad that you’re back, I missed ‘you’, we all did. I know I’ve been saying that for three years now. You are the best commander, one millionth cousins removed we ever had.” I laugh so hard at the millionth cousin, we weren’t that far removed, maybe a thousandth, but still funny.

We sit and drink elven wine while Lennox played a mash up. They are the perfect couple. I could tell the day they shifted; they would be together forever. Several of the others were mates, still taking it slow to enjoy their couple time before delving into a family. These two would be pregnant a year after handfasting and I was there for it.

Lex came over, “Ladies, I don’t mean to interrupt but there is some ruckus in the classics room between two older Alphas. We got them somewhat contained, but I think you’d like to oversee this one personally.” I curl my lips in a wicked grin, “ Gladly, I do.”

Trotting down to the basement floor, the two alphas were snarling and cursing up a storm. Maddox and Rowan were having a time keeping them separated in such a tight space. They were formidable, but not in a public space like this, it could get out of hand with someone dead and my two favorite enforces hurt. I wouldn’t want that on their conscious’. I let my aura out, all noise ceased. I link Maddox and Rowan to let them go. I slowly walk between the two. They both bow their heads to me.

I let the two alphas tell me the course of events, with me getting the back story from their minds. “That was fifty years ago, you’ve both led great lives. Nothing now will change the past. You don’t have to like each other but I’d appreciate you both keeping it neutral. This club exists with an agreement with the human government that we contain violence, not allowing it to spill over into the streets outside this establishment. You were both going to brawl right after you would have been thrown out. Alphas know better. Be the leaders I know you are and not the pups you use to be. I will not take any further action; I give you this warning; let it die here and now!” I look between both of them, “Agreed, your majesty.” They both replied. “A round on the house for everyone.”, They all cheered.

Maddox and Rowan follow me to the side bar, “How did you do that? I know it’s not just the siren voice. You barely spread out your aura on them.” As I sip my water handed to me by the bartender, I really had no answer. “I really don’t know this time, it’s just as weird to me, I was expected to have to handle both their asses,” shrugging. “Whatever it is we like it. “ It almost slipped my mind, “Hey, Dominic is bringing a blended hash oil for supes to the club, make sure it's available on all levels. I want you and Maddox to ensure it's regulated properly, especially in the classics room. Don’t need these older supes falling out in here.” They both nod, “Yes ma’am, Maddox and I got it covered.”

I went back to VIP, checking each floor as I went up. Everyone was pretty much behaving, a few minor scuffles, nothing serious though. I sat back at my booth; Michelle was with Lennox in the DJ booth. Lex drops beside me, taking my water, replacing it with elven sweet red. “So, when are you going to drop those knickers.” My mouth drops wide open, “Dafuq, really, Lex? Is my lack of a sex life that horrible for you?” Lex laughs, “Nah, just think you could need a little dick is all. It can’t hurt anything, well maybe the first time. It could do wonders.”

Here we go, “Whatever, man, not interested and no, none of these princes were worth even thinking about fucking, there was one vamp you might like. Let me show you what he looks like.” I sent the images to Lex, he was pleased. “Tell you what, we are sending some of you out within the next few weeks to establish change in security and protocol to all clans, packs and covens. I’ll send you personally with a contingency teams to envoy with the prince, he could be your mate. Even if he isn’t I’m sure you’ll get some bed Olympics in.” Lex contemplates my offer in his head, “Deal, Laina. It couldn’t hurt. Thank you, boo.” Lex gives me a side hug, “You’re so welcome, Lex.”

The night winded down, I sat in my office balancing out my accounts, suddenly Erica knocks before opening the door, “What’s up, Erica?” she was still having anxiety attacks since I helped her. I would too if I was in her situation with an abusive mate. “I just want to be sure if my mate shows up, you guys won’t let him take me?” I watch as she rung her fingers. “Erica, I will not let him take you, in fact bringing any of his bullshit to my club is automatic jail. I still want you to start taking defensive classes at the outreach center. No matter how much bigger another person is, you still can take them down.”

Erica is looking at the floor before she answers, “I’m not ready yet, I promise I will. I can’t thank you enough for helping me, you gave me a job, a home, transportation and money. I don’t deserve all of this.” I sigh before I answer, some of these she-wolves were so conditioned to think they didn’t deserve common decency. “You deserve far more, no one should live in fear of their mate and their packs retribution for protecting themselves. I’ll follow you home tonight, check the area before I head home myself.” Erica lit up, “Thank you so much!”

I drove behind Erica three miles from the club. I walk her up the stairs, check the exits before leaving. I did my patrol outside. I link one of my legion members who manages the building while I got in my car. He reports nothing suspicious today or tonight. I know this sick fuck is eventually going to find her. I pray it’s on a day when I’m there. I personally wanted to beat the shit out of him the way he had done to her.

I drove on autopilot home, it’s a wonder I never crashed into anyone. Everyone is asleep when I got home, except Bryant. He left our tech company a while ago, he's only in one place. At the lake with Nicole, they were so cute trying to keep it a secret. A lot of young women wait to find their mate before sex, some don’t, no judgment from me. Those two are going to be fine in less than a year.

My cat, Yana, met me at the garage door, purring loudly. “What do you want to tell me, hungry? Or you just want some love?” I scooped her enormous body up. “Love it is then.” Orbing into my room, I place Yana on the bed, taking off my boots brushing my hair back. I wrap it in a scarf to keep it straight; if I didn’t I’d wake up with a giant ball of curls. I didn’t want to hear Bryant’s mouth about all the work he did flat ironing it. I wash my face and start the tub. Stripping down, I stretched my limbs before sitting in the tub.

This hot water is heaven, the hotter the better. My mother said I was going to cook my ovaries if I didn’t stop it. I slip into a daze, I saw myself on a huge California king, naked, with a hand on my throat and a head between my legs. I felt like my body was on fire, in a good way. I gasp as I felt pleasure erupt from my core. Yana must have been tapping me with her paw, trying to wake me up. She meows in concern. “I’m good, just a little dream. Nothing bad either, you don’t have to worry.” I scrub my body, before I let the water out. I air dry while applying body butter. I slip into my tank top and shorts, then hop into bed. Yana curls herself up next to me, sleep took me under quickly.

At the Club(feat. DeJ Loaf)- Jacquees

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