The Rotting Flesh Book 1: Escatology

Chapter 35: Nostalgia

The camp was in utter silence all you could hear were sounds of birds chirping and leaves shuffling. It was a face off. A stalemate almost like that of cowboys except only here the other cowboy had no guns. Theresa’s whole body trembled, she could feel her knees weaken. Tanya on the other hand had gone here prepared for whatever outcome was to come from this. They stood each on either side of Tom and looked at him to see how he was reacting but his face was straight.

What are you planning Tom? Theresa wondered seeing how he wasn’t budging

“Even though you are going to die here, I must commend you. I have not met a soldier as determined as you since the apocalypse” he said now pacing up back and forth in front of Tom “if things were different I would have made you my right hand man but disrespect is not tolerated here, tell them Tony what happens when you disrespect your commander”

Tony went into attentive position and yelled like a true soldier “death is the punishment, hell is the final destination”

“You see, so out of respect I shall give you the platform to say your last words when i kill you myself” he said his face flushing again

Tom remained quiet

“None alright, boys separate them and take Tom to the back room” instructed Victor “ Oh and Tom” he said

“Yes” replied Tom

“Checkmate” he said smiling

“Oh well I guess since we are going to go out anyway I shall reveal the grand finale” he said and unzipped his jacket

What was underneath made Victor take a few steps back, his whole abdomen was wired with extreme high grade military explosives. Victor and his men being ex militant immediately recognised the danger they were in. He glared at Tom

“Checkmate” Tom smiled

“Jesus, Tom what the fuck?” Tanya whispered

“Ace up my sleeve”

“Damn, oh well at least we go out in style” she gave in

Theresa was not on the same page with the others’ views. She had many mixed emotions, fear, sadness, happiness and anxiety. These emotions made her feel nauseous. Her clothes were drenched in excess sweat. When she thought she was finally free she realizes she might still die even though she was now with Tom.

Why do I seem like I’m the only one who is afraid here she thought

“Boy” Victor’s eyes watered “boooyyyyyyy”

“Sir forgive the disrespect, please calm down” Tony said respectfully

Victor pulled out his gun and shot him in the chest sending him tumbling down.

What the hell, how can they follow someone unstable as him

“You need help man, anger management” Tom commented

Victor shifted his aim at Tom

“Woah I don’t think thats wise”

Victor was shaking from rage

“What………what” he gritted his teeth “what do you want?”

“Tom enough games, things might turn on us” Tanya said

“Alright, give us the you have a pink bike you stole from me, bring it here, with a full tank and keys”

“Is that all?”

“And to also allow us to walk up to the gate and exit without being attacked”

“Give them the bike!” Victor commanded and it was brought to them

“Great doing business with you” he said “lets go” and they started pushing the bike headed for the gate

“Hey!” Victor yelled “you know the radias of your bombs?”

“Ya about that I came prepared” he and Theresa got on the bike and snapped his finger and took off

There was a massive explosion at the back right corner of the camp. Panic struck and people started firing at them

“Shoot them!!” Victor snapped

“Now now!” Tom yelled and Tanya ran into the woods dodging bullets

Tom and Theresa took off on her bike.

Another explosion went off and another and another completely destroying the camp walls. Victor’s men got in their cars and began to persue them. Victor got into his own van and followed.

“I want them fucken dead!” he yelled from his car “oh boy you will regret ever being born” he said accelerating

Their vans were armed with machine guns. One would be driving while the other shot at them. Tom maneuvered the bike like a pro. It had been a while since he had riden like his life depended on it.

“Increase you grip love, things are about to get serious!!” He yelled and Theresa held on tighter

He smiled cranked the handle and accelerated forward. The speed was so much even the soldiers pursuing them were left agape. The motorcycle roared in the woods leaving a trail of dust wherever it went. Theresa could not keep her eyes open, the speed was too much, her insides churned like they were about to burst out.

“Why haven’t you caught up with the boy!!” Victor yelled over the walki talkie

“Sir that boy, he’s no ordinary boy” said the soldier “he is like a speed……demon”

Tom accelerated even further.

“I know that kid is our enemy but honestly I wanna see how he does” commented the driver of the second jeep “and there is something familiar about his riding style” he added

They all laughed in unison

“Don’t hit his wheels,” instructed one of the soldiers to the gun man

“I wasn’t on planning to, Devil’s peak will end it all for them” he replied

Ahead of them was a cliff which connected to land after hundred meters. The jeeps came to a halt on the sides because they wouldn’t make it across the gap.

“Toooom” Theresa yelled seeing the cliff

Tom smiled, he had not felt like this in a very long time. He could hear the cheers of the fans around him. Theresa screamed historically

“Nooo nooooo I’m going to die” she cried “Tom please please”

Tom sped up until his gauge hit its limit. With each second the moment of truth approached. 10 meters 9 meters 8 meters 7,6,5,4,3,2 and finally 1. The bike flew into the air roaring with all its might. It was like time slowed down for everyone. Even the people pursuing him froze it horror.

Is it really him? Thought the driver of the second jeep

Tom threw the bike ahead of him, still holding on to the handles. Midway between the two cliffs. Victor smiled in his car

You wont make it boy

The life left Theresa’s body, her face became pale. However as for Tom he smiled, the rush was like a drug to him. Jacob the gun man took his camera and captured the legendary moment. The weight of the bike pulled them forward and they touched down on the other cliff.

All Victor’s men roared in excitement and praise.

“Its him, I knew it. I saw that kid on tv. He won the international motor cross games before the apocalypse. What did they call him again E E El Diablo thats it”

“El Diablo!!!!!”

The men screamed with excitement.

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