The Rotting Flesh Book 1: Escatology

Chapter 36: Unexpected saviour

“How are our subjects doing?” asked Jack a short but heavily bearded man

“So far so good, but the one we found on the highway doesn’t seem that promising, she might make a bad name for us with ” replied Denise his female companion

They stationed their hide out at an old police station. All the people they captured were put in cells and were abused in every way imaginable. Ever since the day Desmond had died, things hadn’t been the same for Praise. The stress had worn her down to the extend of becoming almost . It had been 1 week since the incident. A young man around his early twenties ran through the front entra

“Spenser, we have a problem”

“What is it?” asked Spenser still as calm as always

“The revolutionaries are planning on hitting us, it seems they have new members. Ex militant” explained the lad quickly pulling Spenser out of his comfort zone

“What?!” he slammed the edge of the seat “where did you get this information?”

“I have an inside source” he explained

“Do they know this is Ceaser’s turf, damn those bastards” Spenser said standing up. He bit his index nail contemplating a way forward “tell our men to prepare for the attack, we have no choice but to take them out”

“Yes sir” said the boy and started leaving

“Oh and Denzel one more thing”

“Yes sir”

“Tell them if they manage to capture the ex military alive they should bring them, they would be better sacrifices than these ones we have

“Alright sir” he replied and ran out

It was already sun down and one more day till he came to collect his sacrifices. The men prepared and took their strategic positions to counter if an attack hit them. Deep in the forest surrounding the city around a campfire sat men and women preparing to attack.

“What dis he say” a muscular average height woman asked

“I told him and he told the men to prepare, so they are ready for us” said Denzel

“But if you betrayed your own how can we trust you, what if we are going into a death trap” commented one of the men dressed as a soldier

“Because when I joined them they weren’t killers, everything changed when he came” said Denzel his expression changing

“I’m still not convinced” disagreed the man “we need leverage, lets use him as bait”

“No no after I helped you”

“Enough Shelton!” said a woman walking to the campfire

She had a thick scar on her left cheek which ran from her lip to the ear.

“But Merlyn” said Shelton

“I have been betrayed and he doesn’t look the type, besides I have something planned incase things go east” she explained authoritatively

“So what happens after we take them out?” asked a extremely thin woman who looked very ill

“You all take back your loved ones, Denzel has confirmed all our taken ones are still there. After that we go our separate ways” she said

“But, isn’t staying as a group wiser?” asked Shelton

“Not everyone is on board with that idea, and besides we have no leader so it might be a mess” she said

“If I had the authority to speak I would choose you” said Denzel

She smiled “trust me the person I’m going to rescue is just the right person for the job”

They concluded their meeting and went to the cbd to get their loved ones back. The area around the police station was extremely quiet maybe too quiet for comfort. Merlyn would signal the others that were in her squad. They had surrounded the police station and were approaching from all directions. The mission and plan was no one dies. All individuals with not much experience were set in as backup. They were divided into 5 groups of 5 with Merlyn, Shelton, Paul, Susan and Sofia as leaders.

Spenser paced up and down in the precinct waiting impatiently for the sound of gun fire.

Why haven’t they attacked he thought looking at his wrist watch

It had been 2 hours since they prepared but still there was no sign of them. Just as he was beginning to assume the information was false he heard explosions and gunfire outside. He grabbed his gun and ran out . His men were being hit from all sides even from the back which they had not anticipated.

“Sir, the situation is bad, we are low on numbers and their fire power is unbelievable!” yelled one of his men

“How did they get this many guns and how the fuck did they know where exactly our men were stationed” he snapped “where is Denzel call him here and tell him to contact Ceaser!” he commanded

Merlyn’s forces slowly advanced taking out Spenser’s men one by one. In her crew 3 were unfortunate and died during the exchange of bullets. Denzel and her were the only ones in group one that remained. They took out the opposing squad without any difficult, Denzel was so good with the gun that to Merlyn it almost felt like she was in the battlefield with Jane.

“Sir our communications are down” said the soldier panting “but someone managed to take this picture” he said handing it to Spenser

“Damnit that son of bitch betrayed us” he snapped

The picture clearly showed Merlyn and Denzel standing on opposite sides of the street shooting at Spenser’s men.

“How many of us are left?” he asked

“It was only the frontline left but when I came here they were going down fa” a bullet tore through his throat before he finished

Blood splashed on Spenser’s face gushing out of the severed neck of the soldier

“Shit” he ran inside “take this picture, run and show it to Ceaser” he handed it to Denise

"What about you” she asked

“Don’t worry I have a plan, go!” he instructed and she left in a hurry

Spenser went and sat on his chair awaiting the entry of his enemies. Merlyn entered followed by Denzel. He glared at the boy

“Denise never trusted you, you know” he said

“Gove us the keys to the cells” Merlyn commanded

The rest of the remaining revolutionaries came rushing into the police station and stood behind Denzel and Merlyn.

“Ah good you are all here” Jack said and stood up “seeing how i won’t make it out of here in one piece how about we make a deal”

“We aren’t here to negotiate” declined Shelton

“Okay then, I hear some of you are ex militant so I’ll ask, have you ever heard of the tap switch bomb” he said and the faces pf those familiar with it filled with shock

“You wouldn’t” said Merlyn

“I have nothing to lose” he said and raised his right hand

It had a small pen shaped stick and he was pressing the red button. The moment he would let go of that switch the bombs would explode

“Your move, this whole place is rigged” he boasted

There was a moment of silence where everyone was slowly digesting what was going on and by the look of things Spenser had the upper hand. As the others were thinking a gun was fired and it blew Spenser’s hand off, in that instance everyone’s faces filled with horror as they realized things were about to get bad.

“Shit, I knew he would betray us you piece of shit!” yelled Shelton as he pounced on Denzel

Spenser slumped to the ground. The people waited an explosion but nothing happened.

"Was he bulffing?" asked Susan

"No, he wasn't" replied Denzel

"Shut it you piece of shit!" Shelton said about to punch Denzel in the face

“Shelton wait!” yelled Merlyn

“What just happened?” asked Sofia

“His thumb did not let go of the switch” said Charlotte as she walked to where Spenser silently wailed holding his broken arm

“Get off me” Denzel said shoving Shelton aside and stood up “I’m a doctor I hit him on a vital muscle which immediately locked his joints in place” he explained

There was a moment of silence then people roared in excitement. They carried him and started throwing him in the air. Someone they had not trusted had saved them from meeting their demise.

Walking slowly in the damp underground cells Merlyn passed each one and unlocked it.

“Go, your families are waiting for you upstairs”

The prisoners would rush out and run upstairs. Already she could hear their cheers as they reunite with their loved ones. She cleared all the cells but one without seeing a trace of Praise. Her heart was beating so fast, as she feared the worst

Sitting face down was Praise in the corner in her own cell. Merlyn unlocked the cell and slowly walked to the woman. She was so thin, she wasn’t sure if it was her or not. Hearing the sound of boots approach she ignored and assumed its another merciless round of rape from those monster.


Her heart skipped a beat when she heard her name being called with such kindness after such a long time. The voice was familiar too. She slowly lifted her face and the moment she met eyes with Merlyn tears came out. She had last shed tears when Desmond died, after that she was too broken to even fight. Merlyn fell to her knees eyes already teary.

“Praise oh Praise”

She hugged her friend firmly.

“Desmond, I’ I I I’m sorry” she gasped for air

“I missed you” Merlyn said sobing “its going to be okay”

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