The Rotting Flesh Book 1: Escatology

Chapter 34: Storming the Castle

“There done” Tom said zipping his biker jacket

“Whats in there?” Tanya asked

“Youll see” he added and took a deep breathe in and began walking towards the gate

He could see, the closer he got the more attention the guards on the front towers paid to him.

“Hey identify yourself!” one guard yelled

Tom raised his hands up in surrender “take me to your leader!” he replied

“Approach, make any funny moves, we take you out” instructed the guard and Tom obeyed

He stood by the gate for a few minutes and the gates swung open. They opened very slowly like castle gates but what would you expect with such huge iron gates. The moment he walked in, guns were already on him.

“Woah woah guys I come in peace, whats with the hostility?” he complained

“Did you encounter any undead?” asked the guard

“Look, if you think I’m bit just shoot if I start to act funny alright”

The guard stared at him trying to see whether he was bluffing or not then allowed him to pass. Two armed men behind him he walked towards the tent in the middle which was said to belong to Victor the camp leader. There were huge tents lined up in rows of ten on both sides. Counting, they were all 50 in total. He could see people peeking out and some stand outside watching him. One side were women the other men but no children.

These must be the camp members, wow beautiful

Ahead of him outside the tent in the middle of the camp sat a huge aged man on a rocking chair.

I guess thats Victor, his size certainly fits his role

“I heard you were searching for me?” he said remaining seated

Tom kept approaching when he was stopped by one of the guards.

“This is as far as you go” he said

Victor signaled for them to leave and they went back to their posts.

Wow such obedience almost feels military

“Wow what a nice place you’ve got here” Tom commented admiring the order

“What can I do for you?” asked Victor

“I don’t see any children, where are they?” he asked curiously

“The weak die out only the strong survive” he said and it struck a nerve in Tom’s chest

His mood shifted for a split second but he quickly recollected himself

“Is that so, okay I see”

A man exited the tent and stopped in his tracks when he saw Tom

“Tom, so you’re him” said the man and Tom recognized the voice

He glared at the man

“Jacob who is this?” asked Victor seeing how tense Tom’s expression had become

“He is Theresa’s boyfriend”

“Ohw is that so” said Victor smiling “have you come to surrender yourself too ”

“Well seeing as how we have already familiarized ourselves ill get to the point” Tom said ignoring Victor’s words “you have something that belongs to me, to be specific a little girl”

Victor laughed and told him to bring Theresa out. When she saw Tom her heart skipped a beat both with excitement and fear. She had heard his voice inside but didn’t think he would come for her. Her eyes slowly watered. Tom’s expression changed when he saw her, even though he tried to remain as collected as possible, emotions always conquer

“Terry, are you alright” he said in a soft voice

“Tom,” she said wanting to go to him but was held back

“Hold on right there missy, we aren’t done with you yet” said Jacob

“Let go of her” Tom snapped

“Hey Jacob is this really happening or you boys are playing a prank on me” snapped Victor, his eyes watered from anger

How can someone come into his camp and disrespect him like this

“No sir, this kid is disrespecting us”

“You know you are in no position to make demands” said Victor

“I’m not looking for any trouble I just want what belongs to me back after all they say give to ceaser what belongs to ceaser”

“But everything here belongs to him” he said and stood up “turn around and go before my patients runs out.”

“You know during negotiation’s there are two approaches one can use, the first which is obvious the diplomatic approach” he smiled

“And the other” Victor signaled for his soldiers’ guns to be ready

Theresa began to sweat seeing how quickly things were escalating. The guards from the towers took aim for him and so did some other men and women who were in the camp.

Why does everyone here have guns? he thought noticing how all of the campers pointed at him

“Its a military camp Tom, just go Tom i don’t need you, Im happy here its safe” Theresa pleaded fearing for her friend’s life “I’ll do anything you want please just spare him” she begged

Tom’s expression suddenly turned cold “I’m not leaving here without the girl” he said

“Ah fuck this I’m killing him” said Jacob about to pull the trigger

There was a soft sound and blood splattered everywhere. Jacob's body slumped to the ground lifeless with a hole going from the right to the left temple.

“Shit,” Victor said and everyone went on high alert

The guards on the tower began scrutinizing their surroundings at the same time staying in positions that did not make them sitting ducks.

“Wrong move?” he Victor advanced towards Tom

“I wouldn’t do that if I were you”

As soon as Tom said that a bullet hit a few centimeters from Victors position, he stopped in his tracks

“The girl” Tom said expressionless

“Buck, Tony point the guns at the girl if anyone else is shot take her out” Victor instructed “the rest prepare to take cover”

“Hey Buck and Tony, how fast are you at pulling that trigger” Tom threatened

The expressions on the two men was sheer terror because they knew they might die anytime. Even Victor could feel that the predicament he was in was a huge bind. It was either he swallowed his pride or it would be a blood bath since he didn’t know how many men Tom had come with.

“For the avoidance of doubt I shall repeat, give me the girl” Yom said looking Victor straight in the eye

Deep down he could feel Victor’s superiority by just meeting eyes with him. In a fair fight he wouldn’t even last 10 minutes. Victor remained silent glaring at Tom refusing to budge.

“It seems I’m not audible enough, so I’ll talk using a language soldiers understand. Bullets” he said and began to slowly lift his hand before he could give the fire signal Victor stopped him

“Stop!, damnit” he smacked his face “you little shit, you have made the biggest mistake of your life”

“Toothless bulldogs make me sick” Tom insulted Victor

He could see by just the expressions on everyone’s faces that, Victor was greatly feared and respected by his followers. Breathing heavily red veins filling the eyes, Victor’s cheekbones vibrated.

“You have declared war” he said

“Peace was never an option” replied Tom confidently

“Give him the girl,” he grit his teeth “now!” he commanded reluctantly

Theresa ran up to Tom and hugged him sobbing.

“T T Tom I’m scared” she said

“You do know, you two won’t make it far if you try to escape” Victor said

“How about we put that to the test”

A female soldier ran up to Victor and whispered something in his ear.

“Is it done?” he said “take aim, kill the girls and leave the boy to me. We need to have a little chat” Victor instructed his expression loosening

All the armed people at the camp pointed their guns at Thomas including those in the watch tower.

Shit, something isn’t right

“You are quite famous with the ladies aren’t you” he said pointing at the gate where two men walked in grabbing Tanya

Shit Thomas’ facial expression changed as he realized how quickly the tables had turned

“Now back to where we were, your move” Victor smiled with confidence

Tanya was thrown next to Tom and now the three of them were surrounded by guns.

“Sorry Tom” she said getting up

“Are you alright?” asked Tom



“The road ends here for you boy” Victor said “any last words before I order my men to kill your wives” he added

“We aren’t getting out of this easy i guess” Tom said cringing

“You aren’t getting out at all” Victor grinned

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