The Rotting Flesh Book 1: Escatology

Chapter 33: Final preparations

“Damn you were like Captain America back there” Tanya commented as she took off her boots

“The force had possessed me” he winked at her

“If you say so Anaken” Tanya said and they laughed

After collecting the fuel and others supplies they needed the sun had risen so it wasn’t difficult returning to the school. The rain too had subsided making everything much easier.

“So whats the plan?” Tanya asked waiting to follow Tom’s lead

“I’m grateful for all you’ve done but”

“Tom, I chose my path. Whats the plan?” she cut him before he ruined the vibe

He smiled “can you shoot?”

“Yes but I’m more of a sniper” she replied

“Were you military?”

“No I used to hunt with my dad”

“Have you, have you killed a person?” Tom asked avoiding eye contact “I’m not judging Im just checking if you know what you are getting into”

“Yes, once” she replied in a low voice “it was because”

“I know you had a good reason for doing it” he spared her the explanations

“Don’t you want to know!” she asked surprised by his reaction

“Do you trust me?” he asked completely ignoring her question


“Then who am I to question your integrity” he said standing up “Thomas Guveyor, 20 years old and professional motor-cross racer” he said extending his hand

“Tanya Pencil, 18 and fresh out of high school” she responded in confusion

“Well Tanya aka Huntress the road ahead of us is a bumpy one but as they say. To every dark night there is a brighter day.” he grinned “lets plan”

They went out and Tom took out all the zombies that remained around Tanya’s military jeep. Tom approached the van, he had not noticed how magnificent it was. The outside was coated with a thick metal which was clearly bullet proof. The thickness of the wheels made it impossible to believe anything not even flames could deflect them. He opened the back and froze with excitement. Different kinds of guns were lined up on the walls and there were cases and cases of ammunition on the floor.

“Damn, we are definitely keeping this” he commented “with this many guns, losing is a choice”

“We also got explosives” Tanya said pointing at a huge box labelled Blackmamba Dynamite “and I got a plan” she added

“Okay I’m all ears ma’am”

“Lets drive back to the school and park it somewhere hidden. I wouldn’t want to lose my ride” she said and jumped into the front seat

It roared as she started the engine. The seats were original black leather which was comfy. The windows were hard glass not even a sniper bullet can pierce. It was a vehicle meant for war and nomatter where it got in. No bullet would penetrate. Tom smiled as he saw their victory already certain. Tanya took off, the speedometer didn’t take time to rise, it was like a sports car camouflaged as a military van. Tanya parked the jeep in the school backyard and they sat there to start planning their rescue.

“Okay so the camp is 200x100 meters. There are six watch towers which switch guards after every 4 hours. One tower in each corner and two between the 200 meters. In terms of fire power they seem loaded.. The gate is a huge iron one that takes two to open. Thats all I got” Thomas said

“Good we have enough information to go on, they might have all that but we have something they don’t” Tanya said smiling

“Which is?”

“The element of surprise. You see Tom what gives one an advantage at war is not the number of soldiers or guns but rather, the tricks up their sleeve. At least thats what my dad used to say” she explained

“Continue, I’m all ears” Tom said attentively

“Well for starters, we have explosives on our side. All we need is to hit them when they least expect it”

“In broad daylight” Tom reasoned

“Exactly now the how we hit them is the second part. Since this isn’t just an assault but a rescue we need to adjust a few details” she said “do we use the van?”

“The van being efficient as it is, we can’t risk losing it. Look here is what we do. We plant dynamite all four corners of the camp. Then we look for a good sniping point for you, where you can’t be spotted. I will go into the camp alone like someone whose lost then turn the tables once i’m in.” he said

“How are you going to do that, remember its a whole camp against you.”

“Yes but with the trick I have up my sleeve they will have to bend to my will” he said confidently

“Ummm I’m going to trust you on this one, just promise you won’t die on me” she said smiling

“I’ll do my best”

“Then its settled we plant the dynamite tonight and tomorrow at noon we execute the plan” Tanya said starting the car “but are you sure just that one bike is enough for a proper escape?” she said looking at Tom’s bike which was on top of the van

“Trust me its all I need”

“Anyway incase things go south, I’ll also have a trick up my sleeve” she said

“Care to share” Tom said

“A soldier’s greatest weapon is the element of surprise.” she giggled

“Ouch and here I thought we were starting to sync”

“Not so fast, lets leave the syncing to after we rescue her” she reversed the jeep and took off in the instructed direction

They parked their jeep far from the camp deep in the woods and waited for sun down. When it was time they went to the camp using the trees and bushes as cover they executed their plan. At points where it was impossible to enter they would lure a zombie to distract the guard and as he focused on those eaters the pair would plant their dynamite.

“Phew now that thats done, here comes the scary part” Thomas said swinging his hands “you found a good spot?” he asked

“Yes, but why do you insist on not knowing where I’m going to be” she asked

“Trust me the eyes have a tendency of straying where they are not suppose to be” he smiled

“Ohw by the way, avoid the wide road when you make a left. I have a surprise waiting there” she said

“Lets do this” Tom extended his fist and she pumped it

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