The Roaming Alpha 2

Chapter My revenge

Ch 16

Jessara pov

It has been a terrible day, in fact one of the worst. The emptiness, the feeling of nothing is all that’s left. I refused to let Killian in when I delivered the pups. They were so small they looked like a toy. I did discover that there was a boy and girl. I just held them for what seemed like hours until the doctor and nurse came in and stood quietly. I knew the time had come. I handed them over and just rolled away from them sobbing into the blankets. I let everything out until I didn’t feel anything.

The doctor said that Killian has been waiting outside to see me but I don’t want to look at his face. I begged him and he didn’t listen. He chose his anger and hatred over me again. His need for Matecor to pay over me begging him to stop. I’m tired of coming in second to his needs. I should always come first no matter what. I’ll take care of the issue at hand for him.

It’s the day after I delivered the twins, and have just waited till the time was right. I told the nurse I was ready to leave and gathered my stuff. It’s the middle of the night but I don’t care. I know Killian is sleeping outside the ward so I know I’ll have to go the back way out. I make my way into the main part of the palace stopping by the kitchen grabbing a butcher knife. I just walk back outside heading toward the dungeon area knowing what I have to do.

No pain, no fear, and no tears are left to fucking shed. I have gone through hell and back not once but twice now, and for what? So someone else can get their satisfaction of revenge. Well not tonight! Tonight I will take my revenge, and end it all. I will be done with this nightmare once and for all. No longer will he haunt my thoughts, my dreams, or my nightmares.

I walk along and soon I see the doors coming into view with guards out front. I know the moment they see me they will notify Killian so I will have to be quick. I make my way closer when I sprint full speed to catch them off guard to give me a little bit of a head start.

“Queen Jessara, what are you doing here?”

“Let me pass, I have business to take care of!”

“We can’t let you. We have....”

“I don’t fucking care! Let me pass! Goddess help me I’m on a warpath and you will be next! Now get the fuck out of my way!”

They step aside when I make my way quickly through the doors and run down the stairs. I found a pair of gloves and a container of liquid silver. I put the gloves on and unscrew the lid dipping the knife making sure I don’t get any on me. I stare as the silver drips off and quickly put back the lid. I stand there and smell the air and can smell his stench. The smell that makes my stomach turn, and fuels my hatred. I grab the keys off the table and head to finish this once and for all.

I make my way down to his cell and quickly open his cell door. He just stares wide eyed when I enter carrying the knife at my side. I tilt my head to look at him and I have no doubt he can feel my emptiness. I see his eyes darting between me and my stomach when he starts to panic. I charge over grabbing his hair, yanking his head backwards.

“Why? Why project what my mate was doing to me?”

“Jessara! What is going on? Where are the pups?”

“My mate and you killed them! You both fucking killed them! He beat you and you projected it to me. When I started cramping and having pain I begged him to stop. He didn’t and now look where I’m at! You knew the paind I was feeling and did nothing either! I had to deliver two dead pups!”

“Jessara I didn’t know!”

I couldn’t listen to him anymore when I took the knife and plunged it into his chest straight into his heart. I see the horror in his eyes when he realizes there’s silver on the knife. I pull the knife out and plunge it again into his stomach. I stab him over and over as he begs me to stop. They same way I begged him to stop! I hear footsteps thundering down the stairs when I take the knife one last time, slitting his throat wide open letting him fall to the ground. I quickly lean over close enough to whisper in his ear.

“By the way, we were having a boy and a girl. Just thought you should know.”

I stared into his eyes when he looked up at me taking his final breath. I hear footsteps come to a halt behind me. I stand up looking at my gown front that is splattered in blood and look up thankful that this is the end. This nightmare is over, and I can move on with my life. I turn around and see the guards with Killian and Rikar staring at me wide eyed. I drop the knife and take off the gloves dropping them in the blood that is pooling around my feet.

I take a few steps forward and look directly at Killian. I see the wheels turning in his mind trying to figure out what is going on, and what I’m going to do. He has no clue how hurt I am, and how empty I am. To see my two babies dead will be forever etched in my mind. I know the doctor showed him and Rikar because they growled loudly and stormed out. The hatred I feel for my own mate can’t ever be measured. I just hope he’s happy.

I start walking to go by them when Killian grabs my arm stopping me. I look down at his hand and up at him while I yank my arm free from his hand.

“Don’t ever fucking touch me again! I hate you more than anything right now. If it wasn’t for my kids I would have ended myself in that room also.”

“Mom! I know you’re mad about losing the babies, but he is your mate!”

I look at Rikar and huff my disgust. “No mate would choose revenge over their mate! No mate would choose to not listen to his mate when she begs for him to stop something! No mate would have let his mate go to the enemy to be put through hell for a crown!”

I walk out of the dungeon leaving them with the aftermath. I need to get to my room so I can shower and get this blood off of me. I never want to see Killian again!

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