The Roaming Alpha 2

Chapter Family connection

Ch 14

Jessara pov

I’m waiting for Killian to emerge and my mind is racing. What if the elders tell him to release the elders. Then what? I finally hear the door handle turn and see Killian emerging with a man dressed all in black. Something doesn’t feel right about this man, and I can feel it in my gut. They have done something with the elders and it can’t be! I smell his stench and theirs. The one I thought I would never smell again. It can’t be! They are dead so it must be my imagination running wild.

“Killian, what is going on? Who is this?”

“Everything is fine, this is James. He is here for the coronation!”

I stare at both of them and can smell the tension rolling off. I’ve never smelt so much bullshit in my life but I have an idea that this is what it is.

“No it’s not! What is your name? Your real name?”

“Jessara please, just leave it! Ive never asked this of you until now.”

“No Killian, what did you do?”


“I fucking smell them Killian! I smell their stench!”

Before anyone can say anything the elders slowly emerge and through the crack of the door I lock eyes with Matecor. I snap to the man in the black suit.

“You are Hades aren’t you!”

The lack of response from either of them was my answer and I snapped my head to Killian with such hatred. I push him and everyone else out of the way when I barge in through the doors. That’s when I get a clear view of everyone who is in the room. My chest starts tightening up when I stare at each one going down the line. I stop at Matecor when he takes a smell of the air and I see a tear roll down his cheek. I instantly place my hands over my stomach when I feel the connection between the pups and him. He mouths to me ‘I’m sorry’ which instantly sets me off.

I storm up to him, reeling my hand back and let it fly right across his face whipping his head to the side.

“You’re fucking sorry? Sorry for what? For raping me? For beating on me? For pupping me? For experimenting on me? Exactly which part are you fucking sorry for you bastard?”

“All of it! I’m a very very sick person. I told you to kill it. You don’t deserve to have any reminders of what happened.”

“Yeah well you didn’t think that through did you! MY son is the spitting image of you and I have to look at him every day! How could I kill them when they are blood siblings to Rikar.”

He stares at me confused, when it finally hits him.

“You said them?”

“That’s right there’s two.”

He looks straight at me then to my stomach when he tries to reach out to touch it. I flinch, stepping back watching when he quickly stops moving.

“I’m handcuffed Jessara, I cannot do anything. I know you don’t owe me anything after what I have done. I just want to feel the connection just one time.”

I stand there staring when he drops to his knees waiting for me to decide. I could easily walk away, but I’m stronger than him now. I step forward when I’m grabbed by Killian on the arm.

“Don’t fucking touch me! Back up Killian! I’m trying to keep Lita contained because she wants to be let out to rip his and your head off!”

He slowly backs up when I turn to Matecor. I step forward when he places his hands on my stomach and can feel the energy between him and the babies. I watch him as he tries to place his head against my stomach when I quickly back up. I can feel my tears starting to fall. He can be such a monster but deep down he’s still a father. He leans back covering his face and just sobs into his hands. I walk backwards getting reassurance from Lita that everything is ok and nothing happened with the pups.

“Jessara, look I’m sorry I didn’t say anything. They were brought back by the elders to pay for their crimes.”

“Just when I thought we were back on track and getting on with our lives. Fuck you Killian, and fuck every one of you fucking bastards who followed this piece of shit Matecor!”

I turn to leave as the door flies open and Rikar comes barging in. I see Matecor quickly get up looking straight at him. Rikar growls loudly and starts moving quickly as Killian jumps to grab him.

“What the fuck are they doing here? They’re dead!”

“Your dad made a deal with the devil.”

“Jessara, that’s not it!”

“Then, what is it Killian? We finally got somewhere and what? You and the elders bring them back for your own pleasure? It’s always about what you want isn’t it. I paid the ultimate price so you could protect your crown. Now you all bring them back so you can get your justice. Do you think I give an ounce of thought for making them pay? What’s done is done. Now I get to relive my hell all over again!”

“Jessara, please that’s not it!”

“It is, have fun at the coronation, I cannot deal with this anymore. I will be moving to another wing in the palace, because I cannot be anywhere near you right now.”

I took one last look at Matecor who is smirking when I place my hands on my belly and exit the room. I grab a staff member telling them to move all my stuff to the east end of the palace in the secluded wing. I’m having no part in this coronation because my nerves are shot and I feel sick to my stomach.

I make my way towards the wing when I hear pounding footsteps behind me. I turn and see Killian run up, slowing down when he gets close. I just stare wondering what could he possibly say to me now after everything that has happened in the last ten minutes.

“Jessara, look I didn’t mean....”

“Save it Killian, I don’t want to hear it! Do what you’re going to do, I don’t care anymore! I hope you and the elders get the satisfaction that you want.”

Before he can even respond I turn and keep continuing to the doors that lead into the wing. Once inside I feel like I can relax and breathe. The staff quickly bring in everything and put it away and leave locking the door behind them. I see a big window with a couch in front of it and sit with a blanket when the tears fall. I just sob trying to release all my emotions.

“Don’t cry Jessara, It will be ok soon enough!”

I quickly jump off the couch in a panic because I know that voice, but how is it in my head?

“Matecor how are you in my head?”

“You’re carrying my pups. We are now connected, and soon we’ll be together again. Just you and I with our pups.”

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