The Roaming Alpha 2

Chapter Special delivery

Ch 13

Killian pov

The morning comes and I stare wide-eyed at the ceiling when I hear all the commotion downstairs and had forgot about the coronation! Fuck! I jump out of bed and throw on some shorts to run down to Jessara’s room to wake her up when I stop dead in my tracks. I blink a few times and even pinch myself to make sure I’m awake when I turn back around towards the bed and see a form laying in it next to me.

Now I know for a fact Jessara went to her room and I fell asleep alone. Fucking Milak what did you fucking do? Although the fact he is just as clueless as I am makes me wonder what the hell happened last night. I got up and shit I was naked! I slowly creep over to the bed and lift the cover and see from the back this person is naked also. I rub my eyes and slap myself awake when her scent hits me like a ton of bricks. Oh thank goddess, it’s Jessara! Try to fucking explain that one!

I walk around to the front of her kneeling down and lightly shake her shoulder. She doesn’t budge so I shake a little harder when she sits up screaming flailing around.

“Jessara! It’s ok!”

She sees me and starts to calm down slowly. She looks at me smiling then starts looking around in confusion.

“How did I get here? Did you bring me in here?”

“Nope! I was wondering how you got here too!”

Her face goes to confusion then to annoyance. I look at her confused when she shakes her head. I can tell she is having an inner argument with her wolf when apparently she huffs and looks at me.

“Lita brought me in here last night because she missed being next to Milak.”

She starts to get up and turns bright red because she realizes she is naked.

“It’s ok, it’s nothing I haven’t seen before. We have to get ready for the coronation!”

“Have you really seen me since I have been back? Like, really looked closely at me?”

“Well now thinking about it I haven’t seen you really naked, just for a brief moment when they did the scan. Jessara, why are you bringing this up?”

She slowly scoots to the edge of the bed and stands up letting the covers drop and I don’t see anything at first but start looking closer and see faint marks covering her skin and think back to the pictures. The marks match the photos of the torturing and my heart breaks. She walks away and I see more covering her back and slowly stand up to follow her.

We walk into the closet and she stands in front of the mirror tilting her head touching the scars. I watch her as tears fall when her hands fall to her belly that is still flat since it’s too early to show yet. I see the tears continue to fall down her cheeks when she looks up at me through the mirror. I kneel down behind her, having her face me so I can look at her.

“Jesarra, nothing changes my feelings for you! You are the strongest woman I know, and you will show everyone every day. We will survive this, and you will be the best mother to these pups like you are for Rikar.”

She nods when I hear a knock on the door with Tanook saying our clothes are here. I quickly shut the closet door. He lets the staff in and sets them on the chairs when I look at Jessara smiling.

“Ready to have our son crowned King?”

I get a smile back and soon we are quickly showering and changing as fast as we can. When we exit to head downstairs everyone is running everywhere getting the coronation decorations finalized and the food organized. I see Tanook look at me concerned when I have Jessara go with Tessa and Cora so I can figure out what is going on.

“Tanook, what is wrong?”

“The elders are here to perform the ceremony and they are pissed. They know you have the pack elders locked up and are demanding answers.”

“Bring them to the conference room.”

I turn heading there and prepare myself for what I’m about to do. How dare they fucking question my decision. I entered and set all the books on top of each other with all the files of photos of the girls and the office he had. They have been able to identify some of the bodies, but the doctor is still working on it. I can hear Tanook out in the hallway as the elders are bombarding him with questions. They barge in demanding answers when I ask them to each take a seat. The three sit down at the table and just wait for me to answer.

“Look I know you want answers and I don’t blame you. Believe me what I have done is well warranted. These elders that are supposed to have kept Matecor in check failed miserably, and need to pay for their crimes!”

“What crimes are those?” Wesley snapped back.

“Failure to protect innocent pack members from being enslaved, tortured, raped, experimented on, and even pupped by this Alpha.”

They all look at each other in shock as I start flipping open the books and sliding them over. One after the other they see photos of what he was doing and all stand up backing away from the table. I then grab the files and show the women chained up holding them up for them to see. They can’t stand to look and turn their heads.

“This is what this monster was allowed to do for years upon years. We have 16 bodies but 27 books for the women so we are scouring for remains on the territory. To top it off the current Queen was part of his sickness and has scars and two pups growing in her to show for it.”

I walked around grabbing her book flipping it open and they gasped looking through the photos.

“Now tell me I’m wrong for having them locked up! Matecor took his own life so he wouldn’t pay for his crimes. So did his guards, and now what. The only justice that will be served is by punishing the elders.”

I watch as they look at each other then back at me.

“What they did was cowerdly for all the hell they have raised there’s no doubt about that. Except we know someone who may come to an agreement that they need to pay.”

I look confused when they stand up chanting. Within a few moments a fire raises up with a man standing there in a black suit.

“Hades we have a situation, you have some men that recently entered your realm who we would like to have back temporarily to torture and have them pay for their crimes. Then you can have them back.” Wesley said.


“I can guarantee it Hades!”

“Can I watch Wesley?”

“I will give you a front row seat, popcorn and soda!”

“Deal! Be right back!”

“Wesley, if Jassara finds out about this it will not go well! Look I want them to pay just the same, but you cannot bring them here. If Jessara even smells him it can send her into hysterics!”

“Killian, it will be fine!”

I stand in shock as the minutes tick by patiently waiting when a puff of smoke appears and I see Hades standing with Matecor and his guards all in shackles. They all turn to me and their faces go pale. Oh yes this will be fun! Jessara cannot find out! I mind link the doctor to make multiple doses of what Matecor gave the girls because they will get a little taste of their own medicine.

“I want them chained up in the dungeons! The doctor will be in shortly to give them each a dose of some very nice medication for their wolves. Also I’d love to have photos up for them to look at while they enjoy their stay. Shit how are we going to get them down there? We have to go through the palace, and if Jessara sees them she is going to flip out! I know, take them out the side to the back. Less chance of being seen, but I will go out first to make sure it’s clear. Hades you come with me in case I need you because if she finds out you are going to be explaining this!”

The moment we exit out of the room and close the door I think we are in the clear when I turn around and Jessara is standing right there. Shit!

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