The Return Of The Amazing Single Mom By Wendy Titus

Chapter 20

Chapter 20 

This was what left a sour taste in Duncan’s mouth

Mr. Foster, she is a nobody. You will only stain your reputation if you stand up for her.” 

Then, Duncan closed in on Chloe and scoffed, Chloe, I know you don’t look smart, but your eyes are so much worse.” 

Chloe was clearly not impressed with his ruthless insults. After all, she always saw herself as the most beautiful woman in Healthstone Hospital who could capture the hearts of all men, but now, she was made to look bad in front of everyone by Duncan, all because of an ugly woman

Mr. Foster, don’t you think that is a bit too much? Why are you standing up for this ugly woman?” 

It is because she is Nancy. The one called the Hand of Godin Cardolia.” 

Listening to his words, everyone was left stunned

It was common knowledge to everyone that Nancy, the Hand of God, was the genius neurosurgeon in Cardolia

Not only that, but everyone also knew that the genius neurosurgeon, the Hand of God, was Duncan’s idol

They finally realized that the reason why the usually gentle Duncan became so gloomy and angry all of a sudden was because they had gotten on his nerves

Therefore, the nurse behind Chloe quickly explained, Mr. Foster, we did not mean to offend her since we did not know that she was Nancy.” 

You shouldn’t be apologizing to me. Nancy is the one you should apologize to,Duncan muttered

At the same time, Christine could not help but furrow her brows and feel slightly puzzled as she didn’t intend to reveal herself in the first place

The reason why she was forced to reveal her identity as the Hand of Godwas to win the Reeves family’s trust

She thought. I also ordered the director to keep it a secret for me

So, how did Duncan find out about it?” 

Seeing Duncan’s anger, everyone else quickly came up to explain themselves

Mr. Foster, this is all Chloe’s fault. She encouraged us to alienate and make fun of Dr. Nancy because she is jealous of her and wants to get the attention of the Reeves family.” 

Suddenly. Chloe was dumbfounded as the women who called her a friend were now cutting ties with her all to preserve their image in front of Duncan. They were nothing but fake friends all along

Don’t you know loyalty? How dare you put all the blame on me? Do you really think Mr. Foster will fall for any of you after hearing what you just said?” 

That is not what we are trying to do. We just want to tell the truth that you are obviously jealous of Dr. Nancy.” 

Chloe, you should apologize to Dr. Nancy immediately. Your attitude just now is simply embarrassing.” 

Listening to the insults from her fake friends, Chloe was losing her mind

However, Christine did not seem to want an apology from her because these people were insignificant to her

Especially now that Duncan was here, she did not want to stay any longer

Therefore, she walked away as if nothing had happened, but then Duncan caught up to her

Dr. Nancy.” 

Christine turned around and looked at him as she did not expect them to see each other again

Dr. Nancy, I can’t believe how young you are. I have read all your research. I think they are amazing.” Thank you for your praise. If there is nothing else, I’ll leave now.” 

Just as she was about to leave, she was immediately held back by Duncan

Dr. Nancy, I want to tell you that you really look like a friend of mine.” 

Your methods are a bit oldfashioned, but I already have someone else.” 

Christine would never forget the night Blanche told her that the child inside her was Duncan’s

At that time, he was still her fiancé

However, since he could not recognize her, she decided to cut all ties with him.. 

Dr. Nancy, you have misunderstood. I simply adore you.” 

10.40 Dr 

Chapter 20 

Knowing that Duncan was now pretending to be her admirer after abandoning her, she could not help but find it amusing

You really look like myfiancée.” 

Fiancée? How dare he utter that word?Christine thought

Is that so?” 

Her voice was filled with disdain, but Duncan could not hear any 

of it

It is my fault that my fiancée got hurt, and because of that, I have not heard anything from her for six years

Duncan lowered his eyes which were now full of sadness and sorrow

He hated himself for it. He knew Blanche had feelings for him, but he still insisted on drinking with her, and in the end, he got in bed with her while drunk, which led to his breakup with Christine

Duncan did not mean to cause any of this, but he felt that he was not worthy of Christine anymore after what he did. Just when he wondered how to face her again, she was gone

For six years, there was no news of her, and he did not know whether she was purposely avoiding him or not

Looking at him, Christine thought to herself, How dare he pretend to be sentimental after cheating with Blanche

Even though I did not expect him to miss me still, I don’t need this sentiment of his.” 

You don’t need to blame yourself. Maybe she is living a good life now and does not remember what you did at all.” 

When Christine first found out that Blanche had Duncan’s child, she indeed suffered a huge loss inside her heart, but now that six years had passed, she didn’t wish to make herself upset because of the mistakes others made

Only those who hurt her deserved to be upset

Hearing her words, Duncan felt an aching sensation inside his heart

No. She has not forgotten about me because she still hates me. Otherwise, why could I not find her for the past six years? It must be because she is avoiding me.” 

At least you knew what you did back then,Christine thought while nodding her side

Hmm. I guess so.” 

At times like this, anyone would feel the need to comfort Duncan, but Nancy was particularly cold with her response, leaving him awkward

I’m sorry, Dr. Nancy. I should not tell you all this. It is because you really look like my fiancée, so I could not help myself. I hope I did not cause you any distress.” 

It is fine. I just don’t find other people’s private matters interesting. I have something else in hand, so I will leave now.” After that, Christine left, leaving Duncan in a daze. He did not expect her to be this cold toward him, let alone leave without saying a word, so he did not feel the urge to stop her again

For the past six years, he missed Christine a lot but had never mentioned her name to any strangers before

But for some reason, he felt the need to say these words to Nancy today

It is kind of weird,he pondered

Christine took on this identity because she was scared of being recognized by Randall, but unintentionally, she helped 


She was just dumbfounded by the luck that allowed her to work in the same hospital as her cheating exfiancé

At first, she thought that her luck in Healthstone Hospital could not have gotten any worse, but it seemed as though everything here had been going against her. Otherwise, she would not keep bumping into the people she did not want to 

meet the most

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