The Rare Werewolf

Chapter 15


It is currently 12:50 am and we are coming up to our exit. I start to gently nudge Ro with one hand keeping the other on the wheel. She groans and pushes my hand away, I started to nudge her again as I was taking the exit. When I finally got her up we were in the small town just off the exit, we stopped at a gas station to get drinks and something small to eat, which we ate in the car. When we were done we found a hotel and checked in, when we got up to our room Ro put her stuff down and laid on the bed. I pulled out her pajamas from her suitcase and changed her clothes for her then put her under the covers. I made my way to the bathroom for a quick shower then I hit the bed.


When I woke up this morning Max was nowhere to be found. I got up and looked around the room, but still nothing *hey where are you* I asked him through our link. *I’m in the lobby, we are about to leave* he responded back through our link. I looked at the clock to see it was 6:50 am. I got up and practically ran to the shower, when I was done Max was waiting for me in the room with our things packed. I wore black jeans, a black tank top, with a white half zip jacket and white Nikes, “this is going to be the last pack we visit so we will be here longer than two days” Max said and I nodded. We grabbed our bags and left, we checked out and hit the road. I can’t believe this is going to be the last pack we visit, I’m excited but terrified at the same time.

Three hours came and went so slowly, it felt like time came to a halt. When we finally arrived, I realized we were in the middle of the woods pulling up to the Black Paw Pack. There was something familiar about this pack, but I don’t know what. When we pulled up the pack house, I beat Max out the car first and grabbed our things. “Hello, Alpha King and Luna Queen” the alpha said, and I froze Max looked at me worried as we locked eyes. I finished turning around only to be brought to tears, “Norman?” I asked looking him up and down. He looked just as shocked as I did “Ro?” he asked and I nodded my head and we embraced each other. I didn’t want to let go until I heard a low but powerful growl, instinctively I moved ready to fight. Norman stepped in front of a she-wolf, who I can only assume is his mate, “don’t it’s her” Norman said to his mate. She peaked around him then started crying, when I saw who it was, I ran to her, and we fell to the ground in a hug. “It’s been so long how are you?” I asked but before she could answer Max cleared his throat, I looked up at him only to see his confused face. We stood and I walked over to Max “Max these are my two best friends from my old pack, Norman and Nelly” I said looking back at them. When Max looked back to them, he smiled “so you two are the ones that helped keep my mate alive” he asked. “Yes, and you’re welcome” Nelly said and pulled me into a hug again. “well, we heard that you are only going to stay for two days” Norman said looking sad, I shook my head no but let Max speak “we are going to stay for a few days and help out. I also would like to talk to you Alpha Norman, Alpha to Alpha about something” Max said, and he sounded serious about this, Nelly and I looked at each other then back at the guys. Norman nodded before speaking up “of course, ladies why don’t you two catch up. Alpha Max, please follow me to my office” Norman said only getting a nod from Max before they walked into the pack house. I looked at Nelly and smiled then we busted out laughing, “so how long have you and Norman been mates?” I asked smiling. She smiled back enter lacing our arms as we walked in side “well we found out the night you left, so a year or almost a year” she said waiving to some of her pack members. I nodded then looked to the floor, “I hate to ask but how did you and Norman become Alpha and Luna of a pack?” I asked she smiled and said “I thought you would never ask. Well, you see all our pack members used to be rouge and they needed a home, and well a week after you left Norman, and I did to. It has gotten bad over there Ro, it wasn’t the same after you left. When you did, Alpha Marcus went nuts saying of how the ranks are stupid and if anyone shift’s he needs to know who and they must sign a paper agreeing to not leave, and a bunch of other stupid crap.” Nelly said as a wolf came running to her “Luna Nelly come quick” he said “Victor what is it? And why are you out of breath?” she asked. “Luna please hurry we are under attack” he said and before he could get anything else out Norman and Max were by our sides as we ran out the pack house.


Norman and I were in his office on the third floor talking about us working together to get rogues a second chance at a pack and finding their mates. Norman was mid-sentence when we stopped, then the look on his face completely changed. “Alpha Max, do you mind lending us a helping hand?” he asked I take he saw the confusion on my face so he continued, “we are under attack and well my pack can fend them off but not for long, we are small but big enough to cause some damage” he said standing. I nodded and stood following him downstairs, I could tell Ro knew what was happening due to her stance. Norman and I made our way next to them, all four of us shared a look then ran for the front door ready to fight. Once we made it outside, we were met by wolves in human and shifted forms. Blood was already every where Norman was the first to act with Nelly following soon behind him. I glanced over at Ro only for our eyes to meet, I pulled her close and kissed her, then whispered “come back to me please” in her ear. She nodded and kissed me again then we went our separate ways in this massacre. A few minutes go by, I take a second to look around I spot Norman fighting three rogues. I was about to go help when I got tackled, when I hit the ground I got up as fast as I could “sorry I think I hit him too hard” Nelly yelling running in the opposite direction. I shook my head and got back to work. I managed to take out six before I felt a slight pain in my side, I ran to Norman and Nelly who were having a difficult time with one of the stronger ones. I charged for him and ripped his head from his shoulders, I looked over at Nelly and Norman “where is she” I asked using my alpha tone they nodded their heads “we don’t know we were about to go look for her” Norman said. “Stay here and finish them I’m going look for her” I said taking off following her scent. I was led to the back of the pack house, she was fighting the rogues alpha. It was only until the wind blew their scents my direction, it was blood mixed in. I scanned over him seeing if he had any injuries he had a few but he wasn’t bleeding, at this point I don’t know what to do I can’t tell if she needs help or not. I’m watching the fight when he literally throws Ro at me, I catch her and fear shoots through me. She won’t move I gently shake her, and she opens her eyes and smiles “hey, do you think you can finish him I need a break” she said and closes her eyes again. I gently shook her again and once again she opens her eyes “please don’t close your eyes and I’ll finish this as soon as I can, I promise” I said, and she shook her head and smiled. I laid her down and let my wolf take over, with my anger on the surface and my wolf in control the alpha was dead within minutes. When he didn’t get back up I ran to Ro I picked her up bridal style and made my way to Norman and Nelly.


I saw Max walk around the corner talking to Ro, he was carrying her so I was a little worried. Norman and I jogged up to them but when we got close I saw Max was crying. When I looked at Ro all I could see was how bloody her shirt was along with her hand. I lifted her shirt causing Ro to wince and move closer to Max if that’s possible. Her stomach was messed up, she had wolf claw shaped scratches all over her rib cages. “Pack doctor now” was all Norman said, he ran ahead telling wolves to get out of the way. When we got to the pack doctor, he did what he could, but we didn’t have enough supplies to keep her alive longer than three days. After we told Max he lost it, he broke down “I can’t lose her, I only had her for a short time” he said through his cries a few minutes later he composed himself. “Ok, here’s what we are going to do” he started “you only have enough to keep her alive for three days right?” he asked, and we nodded “ok so the drive back to our territory is a two days drive with no stops three days drive if I stop once or twice to sleep. So, we need to get her to our territory the doctor will ride with me to keep her stable, while the rest of you and your pack follow me” Max said, and we just stared in shock. The rumors were true, when he’s in terrible situation’s he never gives up no matter what and he finds a way around it even if the outcome is against him. Norman and I nodded and told everyone to get their things we are leaving in five minutes. Max left before us and sent Norman the directions to his territory, “I can’t believe this is happening” I said as I put my bags in our car and left with the pack following us. Norman put his hand on my thigh and gave me a reassuring look “he won’t let her die; I saw it in his eyes” he said, and I nodded “I’m going to take a nap wake me up when we stop” I said and Norman nodded.


I left around 11:30 am, and I don’t plan on stopping until I get her home and to Michel my pack doctor. I look at her through the review mirror and catch the doctors gaze and he smiled. “I’m sorry I didn’t get your name” I said and waited for his response “I’m Joseph” he said and smiled. I nodded and focused back on the road. Throughout the drive I looked back at Ro to make sure she was ok, and before I know it the sun went down but I wasn’t stopping anytime soon. “Look I’m not trying to be rude but it’s midnight you need to sleep” Joseph said from the back “yeah no thanks, not until she is ok” I said. I drove for a few more hours when I finally looked at the time it was 4 am, “if you wont sleep then at least let me drive” Joseph said I look back at him and Ro and pulled over. We switched seats he got in the front and I got in the back with Ro and put her head on my lap. “So where am I going?” he asked I looked up and pointed at the gps and he nodded. I ended up falling asleep at some point because when I woke up, we were in the city that led to my pack. I sat up and looked a Joseph, “I stopped when the sun came up and gave her more medicine and changed her bandages” he said, and I smiled and nodded. An hour later we stopped and switched spots again, I drove rest of the way, by time we got to the house it was dark out. When I got up to the gate it was already open, I mind linked my uncle and told him to get Michel to the pack doors now, all he said was ok. I pulled up and didn’t bother to park right I turned off my car and got Ro carrying her bridal style I walked into the house slamming the door open getting everyone’s attention. Within seconds the council came running “where is Michel?” I asked and he came forth, when he saw Ro, he jumped into action, and we took her to the hospital section the pack grounds. After he got her stable in a bed, he looked at her stomach. The moment he did his eyes shot to me “she won’t be able to heal this on her own I will need to stich her up and then go from there in the morning” he said, and I nodded. I kissed her forehead and left the room letting him work, I made my way to the kitchen all eyes were on me *alpha there’s a pack here saying you told them to follow you* one of my guards mind linked me. I told him to let them through and within minutes they came running in Norman and Nelly came straight to me with questioning eyes. “She’s in surgery” I said looking down and Nelly hugged me while Norman patted my back. I looked over at the council I sighed and made my way over and sat next to Jeremey. I looked up and started telling them what happened from Ro and I arriving at Norman and Nelly’s pack. When I was done no one said anything, just letting all of it sink in, I stood up and Jeremy hugged me. Then one by one each member of the council came hug me “I’m going to sleep, come wake me up when Michel is done” I said and headed up to me and Ro’s room.

When I got to my room, I went take a shower then went to our closet, when I saw her clothes, I started to cry again from fear I won’t be able to see her again, or see her smile, hear her laugh, hold her, feel her warmth, or to just be in her presence. I grabbed one of her hoodies and hugged it, things will never be the same will they. I put her hoodie back put on some black sweats and headed to bed.

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