The Rare Werewolf

Chapter 16


After the fight everything went black, I could hear everything, but I couldn’t move or talk. I felt someone gently pick me up and start walking, it was Max that I knew for a fact. Their voices were very familiar, but I couldn’t remember from where or who. At this point I’m trying to move or talk, to do anything but I can’t and I’m getting aggravated. I heard the people talking about taking me home, and I got excited just the thought of being back home made me happy. I could feel them pulling me in the car and the times the driver and person with me switched spots. The first time they switched and when the other person sat with me, I just knew it was Max by the way he held my head and well the mate bond.


It was in the middle of the night, and I was woken up by knocking on my room door. I slipped out of bed and made my way to the door. When I opened it, I was greeted by Michel. His face wasn’t one I wanted to see, “you told me to come get you if there were any changes right?” he asked/said. I cocked my head to the side “no, I said come get me when she wakes up” I said anger very apparent in my tone. He motioned for me to follow him, so I closed my door and walked with him down to the hospital. When we got to his office, he told me to sit down as he started to flip through some paperwork, I assume is Ro’s. He gave me a stern look before speaking, “well she made it through the surgery, she will be fine. The only thing that concerns me is the fact that she got injured by a rogue alpha. As you know an injury from one of them does more damage” he said. I looked at him in disbelief “so what are you saying exactly” I asked, he looked me dead in my eyes before the words that will change her left his mouth “she may never shift again or have a connection with her wolf side”. It didn’t seem real; Ro may never be the same when she wakes up. “Can I see her?” I asked, Michel nodded and led me to the room she was in. When I walked in I started crying, she was hooked up to all types of machines. She had a tube coming out of her mouth, and three different iv’s. I walked up to her and gently kissed her forehead, I promised to protect you, and I couldn’t even do that” I whispered to her. I heard Michel leave and close the door, I sat there for the rest of the day, skipping breakfast and lunch. Norman brought me dinner, he stayed for a little bit to be with her and just in case I needed something or someone, I guess.

A few weeks have passed since Ro has been asleep. I don’t know what to do no matter how hard I try to wake her, nothing seems to be working. After eating dinner, I decided to go visit her and just talk and see if anything would change. I’ve been sitting with her for three hours, at this point I don’t know if she will ever wake up. I kiss her on her forehead before getting up to leave. When I make it to the door, I look back at her and watch as her head slowly turns towards me. “Leaving already” she asks and smiles I ran to her side calling the doctor. A few seconds go by, and Michel comes running in, “what is it? Did something happen?” he asks frantically. I looked up and smiled, I didn’t need to say anything for him to know she was awake. He made his way over to us and smiled when he saw you look at him, he took the breathing tube out and gave her some water. “How are you, are you in any pain” Michel asked, and Ro nodded her head no. Michel took the next hour running test and just making sure everything was going right. Michel pulled me out of the room “it doesn’t look like her wolf is there, I think I don’t need to say what this means for her future” he said looking down. “Uh, ok so um, shit this is fucked. Don’t tell her I will tell her when I think she can handle it” I said before walking back into her room.


When I woke up something was off, but I couldn’t figure it out and it killed me. I can’t believe I’m alive. I looked down at my stomach, and it was wrapped with blood bleeding through. Doctor Michel came running in and when we locked eyes he smiled. The next hour he ran a lot of tests, when he was done, he said I will be ok, but I didn’t feel ok. When Max walked back in, I told him I wanted to go say hi to everyone. “Ok, but just know that the council is here along with Norman and Nelly’s pack” he said holding his hand out to me. I took it and we made our way to the pack house, when we got there, I could feel everyone’s sadness and not just the one’s here. I mean my entire pack plus Norman and Nelly’s and the council members. “Is everyone this sad and upset that I got injured?” I asked Max and he stopped dead in his tracks, then he turned to me. “You were asleep for weeks, no one thought you were going to wake up. Everyone has gotten ready to accept the fact that our Luna Queen was soon to die. You can single-handedly change the tide of this war coming up; we still have two weeks before we must fight. Everyone will follow you into battle if you’re up for it.” Max said looking me dead in my eyes “wait so you mean to tell me that everyone has decided to follow my lead in this war?” I asked and he nodded “everyone who has met you feels your power, your strength, your bravery. You can make the strongest of Alphas fall to their knees. Hell, I knew from the start when I first laid eyes on you, that I would follow you and protect you no matter what. You are my Queen Rory; I will always fall to my knees if you ask me to without a question” he said. Max moved to the side and let me walk into the room first “I can’t lose her again” Nelly said. I smiled and walked in just enough to be in the room but so they can't see me “you won't lose me ever” I said getting everyone’s attention. When their eyes landed on me, they started to cry, I smiled and motioned for Nelly to come hug me and she didn’t wait a moment longer. Soon after her everyone else followed her “let’s eat” I said after a few minutes, and everyone agreed. We made our way into the kitchen, but everyone was behind me letting me go first, when I walked into the kitchen, I saw Alpha Carson and Luna Sophie. “Oh, thank goodness you’re alive. We have informed the other packs of what has happened. Now we let them know you are ok and need time to get stronger” Alpha Carson said, and I smiled. I gave him and Sophie a hug and sat for dinner with everyone else.

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