The Rare Werewolf

Chapter 14


I woke in the middle of the night to Ro screaming. I tried to wake her up, but nothing was working so I just held her close to me. A few minutes go by with her just twisting in my arms. When she finally woke up and realized she was safe she broke down in tears. She buried her face in my chest and cried for a good amount of time, I looked over at the time *I didn’t realize it was two in the morning* I thought to myself. “Your ok, it’s me” I said pulling her closer, I kissed her forehead and waited for her to speak. When she finally spoke all, she said was sorry, I looked down at her and said, “you have nothing to say sorry for, but can you tell me what happened?” I said/asked. Ro nodded then spoke once more “I had a nightmare about my old pack is all, in my old pack I was labeled as an omega. Due to the fact that my parents got killed in a rogue attack. Some nights I relive the day they died” she said and started crying again. It hurt me to see her like this, in pain and scared of what happened to her. “Please promise me I won’t lose you the way I lost them” she said and all I could say was “I promise, now let’s go back to sleep ok” she nodded and drifted off back to sleep. I woke up a few hours later to find Ro still curled up in my arms and asleep I stayed there a few more minutes contemplating what to do. Then I got an idea I managed to get out of bed with out waking her up took a shower and left a note telling her to get some sleep and come to the training grounds after lunch and only if she’s up for it. I then left the guest house and made my way to the pack house telling the girls and everyone else Ro won’t be joining us until after lunch because she doesn’t feel good. Everyone understood and got to training after they had breakfast.


When I woke up, I looked at the time only to see that it was 1:10 just a little bit after lunch. I hurriedly got out of bed and got dressed but as I went to grab my watch form the bed side table, I saw Max’s note. After I read it, I smiled and headed to the training grounds when I saw him, I wrapped my arms around him from behind. “Feeling better?” he asked as he held my hand, “’yeah” I said and walked around the front of him with my back leaned against him. That’s when I noticed the trackers and warriors training together “did they run the two laps around the perimeter?” I asked Max “no, they actually ran four to surprise you” he said, and I smiled. “Did you tell them and this morning?” I asked feeling embarrassed “no, that’s personal matters only the two of us need to know. I just told them that you didn’t feel good so you would be joining us after lunch” Max admitted. I smiled at the thought of my mate being protective of me in the way that he is. I looked up at Max causing him to look down at me “what is it?” he asked, I smiled “I love you, is all” I said. Max smiled and said, “I love you too, more than you can ever know” and he kissed my forehead. I looked back to the guy’s training and that was when I saw Dylan and Lucas training as well. “What are they doing?” I asked Max “they insisted they could keep up, so I told them to prove it to me and well they did” he said. I rolled my eyes and kept an eye on them to make sure they didn’t get hurt.


I walked out of the pack house with Sophie to see Rory in Max’s arms on the training ground. Sophie practically ran to Rory “are you ok? I was worried about you” Sophia said/asked. Rory nodded as she held a smile and Sophie dragged her away to meet up with the other girls I’m guessing. I moved to stand next to Max “so how is she doing?” I asked “she’s fine she just needed a little more sleep. She’s not used to being on the road for so long” Max said keeping his eyes on the guy’s training I nodded my head in understanding. “So how are the boy’s doing? Any improvements?” I asked, Max look at me for once this entire conversation “they are doing good, they even made a lot of improvement, but they need to keep up with this training. Especially the trackers, they have improved the most thanks to Ro” he said turning back to watch the guys. From the corner of my eye, I saw Rory and Sophie walking back over to us. Rory stood back in Max’s arms and Sophie mine *they remind me a lot of Nelly and Norman* I said to Sophie through our link, and she nodded in agreement.


“So what pack is next on your list” Alpha Carson asked, I looked at Ro who was now looking at me and ready to hear who was next I smiled and answered Carson “The Black Paw Pack” I said, and his face lit up “really? The Alpha and Luna are really good friends of mine” he said with a smile. We stayed out training longer tonight than the previous days as we were picking up the equipment, I asked Ro if she wanted to go for a run. She got excited and took off into the tree line without me, by time I got to her she had already shifted. She waited for me to shift, and once I did, she walked over to me her wolf showed her neck to mine submitting and showing her mate respect. My wolf rubbed his head along her side before taking off into the woods. We ran for a good thirty to thirty-five minutes before we came up on a small pond in an open area. We decided to lay there for a few minutes taking in the moon, I practically had to drag her back to the pack house because like it or not it was almost time to get back on the road and head for The Black Paw Pack. We had been out for almost two hours, so it was time for us to get back. We had decided to sleep on the road, so that meant we had to eat, pack, and that would leave us with only three hours before we had to leave. After we changed back, and got dressed we headed to the pack house, everyone was still up I looked at my watch to see it was almost eight *shit* I cursed to myself, but Ro felt my frustration “what is it?” she asked, “its almost eight, we have to leave by ten” I said. I could see the wheels turning in her head “how about we eat, then pack together, and that should still give us enough time to visit for a little bit more and say goodbye. Then once on the road we can drive halfway there and find somewhere to sleep then drive rest of the way” she said and smiled “well let’s see The Black Paw Pack is six hours away. So, we can drive the first three then stop and sleep at a hotel around 1:00 get up at 6:20 leave by 7:00 then drive the rest of the way there and we should get there on time” I said, and she nodded agreeing with me. “Ok now that’s taken care of let’s eat” Ro said, and we made our way to the kitchen. After we ate, we made our way to the guest house to our things packed, and just like she had said it only took a few minutes compared to an hour. Once we were done packing, we brought our bags to the car and went in for the remaining time we had with everyone.


I was sitting with the girls keeping an eye on the time it was currently 9:30. “I don’t want you to leave” Amber and Lia said in unison I laughed and nodded in agreement. “So, are you excited to got to The Black Paw Pack?” Sophie asked and I shrugged “I mean yes of course I am, but I always have the fear of the Luna not liking me” I admitted to them “oh please the Luna will love you, I know that for a fact” Sophie said, and I smiled. I saw Max get up and I knew it was time for us to go. I said my goodbyes promising we would see each other again soon before climbing into our car and driving away from my new friends. Once we were in the car Max noticed I was sad about leaving but he reminded me that I was see all of them in just a few short weeks. I smiled and got comfortable for the next three hours.

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