The Prophesied Trio

Chapter 25

“She is fine, just sleeping off everything she has done, the triplets are growing great, like they were yesterday, Thursday and Wednesday night,” a familiar voice says,

A hand touches me, no tingles come from it, so it is not my boys, I fling myself off the bed,

“Do not touch me, no one can touch me other than my boys, get away,” I shout,

Shit my vision is gone, I try to rub my eyes, but they burn as they try to focus, I feel extremely heavy, but the triplets calm me as they kick away inside me,

“Hey, calm down, baby it is me,” Alaric, his icy tingles run across my skin,

“I cannot see,” I cry,

“I know, it is okay, Cassius is working out a way to help you, but nobody can do anything unless you calm down,” Alaric says embracing me in a tight hug,

“Mina, it is me Damien,” His warm tingles run over my arm, soothing and calming me further, as he too embraces me,

“Where is Cassius, I do not care if I cannot see him, I need him too,” I shout,

“I am here, Willow,” he calls over, his magic sparks running over the parts where he touches,

“Are the babies okay,”

“Yes,” another voice I know says, my head turns to where I think the voice comes from,

“Is that Serila,” I ask,

“Yes, it is the boys called me after the incident Wednesday night to check on the babies, which are growing well,” she says,

“Okay,” I breath, “thank you, but why is it that I cannot see,”

“Open your mouth I have a potion to fix that,” Cassius says placing the jar to my lips and pouring its contents into my mouth,

My eyes burn further as they refocus, the boys are looking at me with concerned eyes, Serila and Castell are watching as well, I am naked, and my bump is ten times bigger than I remember it, my body looks thin and frail, like I have been drained of everything,

“How long was I out for,”

“Only three days, but we think because of the power that ran through your body, it has accelerated the growth of the babies, thus draining your body of nutrients, I have this potion here which should help with feeding your body and the babies,” Serila says, handing me the glass,

“What did I do, exactly,” I say drinking the thick fruity juice Serila handed me,

“You killed everyone that ever wanted to harm or kill us, and that potentially could be a threat to us or the babies, all throughout the world and realms, which used up a lot of power and that’s why you lost your sight for a moment, I, I mean we panicked and got Serila here to check the babies in case, I hope that is okay,” Cassius says, helping me to sit,

“Yea that is fine, but can I have my robe, to cover myself up slightly,”

Cassius pulls the sheet off the bed to wrap around myself,

“How many did I kill,” I ask, trying to compute what I had done.

“We have estimated about a million people, half of them were Vera’s followers our mom’s and dad’s pointed out that a lot of people would fear the children which is probably the rest of the people you killed as they would be a threat to them in the future, I can tell you one thing, I do not think anyone is going to be bothering with any of us ever again though,” Damien says,

“I am sorry,”

“For what protecting us and our unborn children, if anyone should apologise it is us for not protecting you,” Alaric growls,

“Can I still come to your party, and give your gifts,” I smile,

“Yes, have a bath first, there is plenty of time, before the party, so chill and I shall grab food,” Cassius smiles,

“Serila,” I call out, “thank you for checking on my babies, how long do I have,”

“When I checked you Wednesday, you were five months, your little bump looked good, now I would say your seven or eight maybe even nine months, which does not leave you with a lot of time, but fear not, we will all help you as much as we can, I will be temporarily moving in just to keep an eye,” she says stroking my arm,

“Thank you,” I smile, as Alaric caries me into the bathroom, lowering me into the warm water, the bath puts into perspective just how much I have grown, my knees are unable to touch my chest the bump is in the way, my breasts are huge and veiny.

I adjust myself sitting up in the tub, and my belly extends nearly to my knees, this is not fun, I am only glad I have no aches or strange pains,

“I have not even thought of buying stuff for the babies yet, I was sorting out the party and ceremony first, then I was going to dive straight into getting things for the babies, Alaric What do we do,”

“Try not to worry, Damien has made you something and I think you should leave the rest of the baby shopping to the mothers when they find out, I know they will be extremely happy to help,” Alaric says, helping me wash,

“Can I see what Damien has made me, or should I wait,”

“Can you wait a little longer,” Damien says, feeding me the food Cassius brought, but Cassius did not stay,

“What is wrong with Cassius,” I ask,

“He felt all the power that went through you, as well as the pain, and hurt you felt, it was not to bad when the love and happiness you wanted to protect came through, but it was hell of a roller coaster, so I can only imagine what the additional power would have felt like,” Alaric says,

“Did he say anything,”

“he passed out after your spell finished, he came around yesterday so he is feeling extra bad that he was not able to help or protect you,” Alaric says,

“Ohh, I need to hug him, he should not feel like that, do I have any clothing that is going to fit me, and I just remembered did my dress get delivered Wednesday,”

“Yes, we bought you some pregnancy leggings, and you can wear my top and Damien’s jumper, and the dress is in a box in the wardrobe,” Alaric says drying me,


They both help me into my clothing, bending is now a thing of the past, I leave the shoes off and I am ready to find Cassius, I am not sure how I am going to fit into my dress, but that is something to worry about tomorrow, I try a portal as I walk down stairs, but I get pain up my spine and across my shoulders instead, walking is the only option then, when I reach Cassius, need fills me as tingles run up my body, I hug him tightly, mostly bringing him down to my level so he can bend over the bump, I kiss him quick then step back, while the flush runs over me,

“Are you okay,” he asks,

“Yes, just pregnancy flushes, anyway, enough about me, happy birthday, my handsome and favourite boys,” I purr,

They each embrace me together in thanks, my eyes roll as more need runs through me, what the fuck is wrong with me now,

“Are you sure you are okay,” Damien asks,

“Yep, all good, people should be arriving soon, I am going to make myself comfortable in the nook, with my gifts for you all, and hope no one asks me to move,” I reply,

Hobbling off to the living room, I am a horny, pregnant mess. I still have time, before people arrive, either way I can make time,

“Cassius, can I borrow you please,” I call,

He walks in with a smile across his face, and I wave him closer, pulling his head down to my mouth, need runs through me, which makes me more excited, “I need you to portal me upstairs, so we can fuck, I am horny and frustrated,”

A wicked grin comes across his face as he portals us up to the upstairs nook, he helps me remove my leggings, I lube his cock with my saliva, and he sticks it in me filling me with what I needed, I howl as I orgasm,

“Shall I continue,” he purrs,

“Fill me, please,” I beg,

“Mmm, I can get used to this,” he says, continuing his long drown out thrusts,

We orgasm together, his hotness filling me just the way I needed, what a strange craving,

“Better” he says, cleaning us up,

“Much, ready for a party now,” I smile,

He portals us downstairs, people had already started arriving, I smile and wave at everyone from my sitting position, trying to hide the huge bump, not very well though, one of the boys are always by my side, or sitting with me, when they swap, they bring me more food, which I eat, as nothing is touching the sides, I feel need building up inside me again, but I know how to rectify that, it is going to be a fun night,

“I am going for a pee,” I whisper to Alaric,

“I will come with you,” he says,

“Okay, but I will be doing the actual peeing by myself I am a big girl,” I say,

He chuckles, beckoning Cassius to portal me to the upstairs bathroom,

“The guests do not know yet, and we cannot have you hobbling about giving our little secret away,” Alaric purrs in my ear,

Which is not helping me, after I pee, he grabs his phone to text Cassius,

“Wait, I cannot cope I need to be released or I am going to have rape you in front of everyone,” I say,

“Hmm, anytime, but for now I think you would appreciate being behind closed doors,” he replies,

I pull him down to kiss me, pushing him onto the bed, I remove my bottoms with his help, lick his shaft before slowly lowering myself upon him, I groan loudly as he fills me, as he growls,

“I am not too heavy am I,”

“Never,” he says, allowing me to use him,

Each bounce I do, sends shivers up my spine, his hands massage my breast, which are slightly tender, but feels amazing,

“Your milk is coming in,” he groans,

Flipping me on my back to taste my now leaking breasts, he devours one then onto the next, which he bites down on sucking my blood and milk at the same time, making me orgasm around him, which helps him erupt within me, filling me the way I needed,

“I am sorry, I could not help myself, do you need some,” he asks,

“Yes, but not milk,” I laugh, he slices his skin for me, starting the blood flow, which I had forgot tasted like candy floss,

We dress, and straighten ourselves out before sitting in the upstairs nook, which Cassius portals us back downstairs from, Alaric Kisses me deeply before swapping with Damien,

“Shall we open some gifts,” Cassius says walking in with a large glass of water for me,

“Sounds like a brilliant idea, do my gift first,” I say excitedly, “as you all know, I am going to be the boys new wife, tomorrow and I am excited for yet another fun filled day, but if it was not for today I would not have had them, so I thank you all for coming and bringing gifts for them, I have also got something small for them each to open, even if they already know the surprise,” I mumble, the last bit,

Each of them grab their gifts off me, which have been packaged in a small white box, with a white ribbon to tie it closed, they open them together pulling out the baby set I had bought for each of them with I am daddy’s favourite written on the front, everyone was really happy for us, clapping and cheering, the boys hug each other, which was the reaction I had dreamed about, well played, then they came and hugged me,

“How many,” Enola squealed with excitement,

“How about you use your vampire hearing and listen for your grand baby’s heart beats,”

She stuck her head on my belly, and was vibrating with excitement as she hugged me, Sebastian kissed my head, with an actual smile on his face, then went to hug and kiss the boys well done,

Next was Serila and Castell who hugged and kissed me like they did not already know, followed closely by Tory and Harold who both placed their heads on my belly to listen to the beats and had a hard jab to the head, which made me laugh, they sobbed as they hugged their boys, which initiated a train of people hugging and congratulating us, they opened the rest of their presents and we enjoyed more of the night, I made Damien take me to the bathroom, where I filled my mouth with his warmth, and my insides, before I returned, I waddled to the kitchen where Gabby, Aria and Lyla stood, they hugging we as I go past,

“Cassius, no need to wash up on your birthday, I will do it now,” I say moving over,

He leaves with a huff, which was strange, as I finish off the dishes. I try to find Cassius, but to no avail, he does not seem to be downstairs, people are starting to leave now ready for tomorrows events, so I head to our room, where I know I will be all alone in tonight, as it is bad luck to see the bride in the morning, only to find Cassius curled up on the bed,

“Hey, handsome, what is up,” I call out climbing awkwardly on to the bed behind him,

“I would like to be left alone,” Cassius says,

“The babies seem to be very active today, and I thought you would want to feel them kicking within me, must be because they met their grandparents,” I say,

His eyes light up with excitement, as he positions his head on the bump, he receives three strong kicks to the head, the moment filled him as tears streamed his face,

“It is okay, you did your best to protect us, if it was not for your powers I would not have achieved the annihilation, for the new life we have made, and I cannot wait to introduce them into the world, we have made safe for them,”

“Yes, you are correct, we have made it safer for them, even if you did all of the work,” he says,

I get my usual wash and am placed into bed.

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