The Prophesied Trio

Chapter 24

Wednesday’s visit to Alaric’s parents came around faster than I had planned, I had managed to finish what I wanted but, need a little more time to finalise the cake details, which Cassius and Damien promised to do while I was here.

True to vampire nature when we walked through the portal a large castle stood in front of me, but it was not dark and dingy, the opposite in fact, flowers adorned the outside walls, fruit trees were planted everywhere with all types growing.

We entered through the large doors, Alaric opened for me, and were greeted by white walls all adorned with large painting, a red carpet lined the centre of the hallway, which we walked down toward the large stairs that opened both sides, turned left toward another hallway which took us to the dining room.

Enola and Sabastian were having sex on the sofa in the corner,

I giggle,

Alaric groans, “I will give Willow the tour while you sort out dinner,” he shouts out,

He takes me through to the modern kitchen, which had more whites and reds everywhere, the whole castle so far has been modern with its white walls, the Ballroom was now a library filled with thousands of books,

“My mother, and father wrote a lot through their thousands of years of life, mostly history books, some fiction and romance, but this is their first edition room, and where I found my inspiration to write,” Alaric says,

We walk through to another hallway which was a huge study then upstairs to his childhood room,

Mmm, I wonder if he will take me in his room as the boys did,

“Yes, I will, the need to claim you within my parent’s house is suffocating me,” he growls, removing his hoodie off me and smiling wildly at the lack of everything else,

I blush at his gaze roaming my nakedness, as I see him losing his control, “my bra was making my boobs hurt, and my knickers were digging into me, the size of your jumper hit just above my knees, so I thought I would get away with being naked,” I shrug,

He growls as he releases his beast form, his control evaporating, I instantly grab onto his horns, his tail wraps around my leg, he has not fed from me in days, I think just the thought he could cause the babies harm has stopped him, but I do not think he will have control with that today.

Luckily, I have a spell for situations like this, which I quickly cast as he lifts me upon his black four poster bed, his pierced tongue glides between my folds,

“When did you get that done,” I moan,

He chuckles, continuing to tickle every corner of my inside, another change in his form I recently found out is his longer tongue, I feel the build-up inside me as he tickles my sweet spot over and over again,

Ohh, shit, I forgot about that, he does not know of my new trick, but he is going to find out, his hand reaches up to roll and squeeze my nipples, which help sending me into a squirting orgasm, his growls ripple through me as he lifts his face from below, need coursing through me,

“Now, that is a beautiful trick you have there,” he groans, licking his face,

I giggle, then moan as he plunges his hard shaft inside me, he pounds away, filling and stretching me perfectly, I feel his tail join us inside, which he is now using to make me squirt more.

I squeeze my insides hard around him and his tail, he growls with excitement as he wrenches another orgasm out of me, then deepens his thrust, biting down on my neck and claiming me filling me up sending shivers of excitement all over me.

He drinks his fill, while I take in the last of their childhood bedrooms, the same portraits are above each bed, this room is like a climbing frame/assault course with the monkey bars rock-climbing wall grips and crashmats everywhere, each set of parents filled them with what they needed to survive and rule, which made me smile.

“Dinners ready,” Enola shouts through our minds,

“She can hear thoughts as well,” I say aloud,

“Nope, only if you direct them at her, her power is flying, dad’s is extra strength and I can read everyone’s minds,” Alaric says, licking the last of the dribbled blood of his lips and my neck,

I magic the room back to how we found it and clean myself up in the bathroom, before heading to the dining room,

“Sorry for the interruption earlier,” I say,

“It is okay, got to keep things fun, when you get to our age,” Enola smiles,

We sit around the smaller table, Alaric practically on my lap, the table is set with meats, fruits and nuts, a few veggies and a carved pumpkin, Alaric fills my plate then his own, Sebastian fills Enola’s and then his own must be a vampire thing,

“I have a few questions if you do not mind me asking,” I say,

Enola looks up smiling, Sebastian does not flinch,

“Sure, fire away,” Enola says,

“Do you both have the beast side,” I ask,

Enola nearly chokes,

“Yes, we do,” Sebastian says, “it is from my line, passed down through blood, we are a rare breed and that is why we are the more superior of the Vampires,”

Alaric’s tail wraps between my legs, beckoning me to stop,

“Waw, is it something a vampire can obtain or are you a special kind of breed,” I reply,

Alaric’s tail plunges inside me, causing me to gasp/choke on my water, I look at him with my brows furrowed,

“Sebastian was born from a demon and vampire, which is how we were created, it is extremely frowned upon, so we tend to keep the whole devil look hidden away, now, I have a question for you, how do you intend to keep all three boys happy,” Enola says,

“Easy, I have a magic spell that helps me,” I say,

“In what way,”

“I can split myself into three, so they each can fill me as they please,”

Sebastian and Alaric choked this time, with my vulgar reply, I grabbed Alaric’s tail and smoothed it in just the right spot, which I found makes him orgasm after a while, two can play that game,

“I am grateful for your honesty, but I will never understand why the prophecy only gave my boys one woman to share,”

“Perhaps they saw something in me, or because they have three mother, and thought one extra woman would be enough,” I smile,

“Regardless of the reasoning, she is enough for all of us, we love her mother, and want no one else,” he says, drawing the attention to himself as he makes me orgasm with his tail,

Luckily I can be a quite moaner, I drop my fork on the floor, do I dive under the table to fetch it, duplicating myself so I can send one back to the table and the other in front of Alaric’s bulging cock, I smile when I return and continue eating, while the other me is undoing his trousers, he smirks wildly, as he feels what I am doing, all the while staring at the top me, eating away at the plateful of food I had been served,

“Any other questions,” I ask,

“No, we seem to have covered everything,” she says,

I go over the plans of the wedding with them, while continuing to suck Alaric’s cock under the table, it was not long until he growled, pushing his cock deeper into my throat, as he filled me, I clean up his cock then absorb my double, just in time for Sebastian looked under the table,

“I think your wedding dress should be red,” Enola says,

“That is not your choice, I have chosen my dress and am sticking to it, if you have any other ideas to help toward the wedding, I would be more than happy to add them,” I smile,

“Fine, add some red roses along the aisles, with white gypsophila, a perfect representation of us,” she says,

“Well, if that is all, we better be making a move,” Alaric says, moving my chair out,

“Lovely to see you both again, I cannot wait to see you Saturday,” I say opening a portal and walking into our hallway,

A tall man stands in my way, I had never seen him before, and I certainly did not recognise him, my smile disappeared, completely when I laid my eyes upon and unconscious Damien, and a tied-up Cassius.

I portal the man outside, Alaric rushes past me to untie the boys, but it is too late, I have lost my temper, how dare they attack my home without me being here, who the hell do they think they are.

The man swings the door open, as the whole house shakes but not from him there are other outside chanting, trying to bring the house down.

“You are the one that killed my beloved, and only daughter, you will pay with your life for your insolence,” the tall man booms,

My eyes widen as anger and power fills my body, I add extra protection to the children, letting the power I had collected fill me completely to dispose of my enemy,

“Who the fuck are you, I killed my mother for disowning and trying to kill me, I killed my sister for trying to take what was mine, I am going to kill you for trying to destroy my house, and hurting my mates,” I shout, as sparks fly off me,

“Then I am, your father, you dumb bitch, we never wanted you in the first place, you were weak and pitiful,” he shouts,

“Ha, tell that to them when you see them, I am sure they will disagree,” I shout,

I concentrate on watching him as I send half of me around the house, into the minds of his followers, “how dare all of you threaten my home, and partners, how dare you all,” I shout into their minds as they wince in pain, before snapping their necks, watching as they all fall to the ground.

“I never thought you could be this powerful, but you will never be stronger than me,” he says, lunging for me,

My power was not able to penetrate his mind like the others, but I was able to distract him long enough for the boys to rip him apart,

“How could I let this happen, this is all my fault,” I shout,

“It is not your fault we were all led to believe he was dead, calm down mina,” Alaric says,

“I cannot what if it happens again, no it will not happen again I will get rid of everyone who wishes us harm, everyone that has had bad intentions toward us,”

“You have done amazing, to protect the house, but you need to calm down now, we can make a stronger barrier together, Cassius says, trying to calm me as well,

“Stronger barrier, yes, no one will be coming into the grounds without our permission either,”

“That was slightly unhelpful,” Alaric growls at Cassius,

They all hug me tightly, trying their hardest to sooth me but, it only makes me worse showing me just how much I could lose if someone tries to take any of them away, infuriating me further, until I release the spell to end all potential danger, and make the strongest shield anyone will ever know, I scream as the last of the spell leaves me, Cassius power drifts over me just as my vision goes black and my body goes weightless.

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