The Prophesied Trio

Chapter 23

Over the next couple of weeks, I sort our preparations for the boy’s birthday, which will be on the Saturday followed by our ceremony the day after, I create a mood board featuring reds, blues, and greens, which tie in together beautifully.

We write down the songs we want, flowers, how we want the garden laid out and what the boys will be wearing, before taking it to each of their parents to approve.

I left it a little late but in hopes that the parents do not want to change things too much, visiting Tory and Harold on the Monday, followed byt Cassius parents, on Tuesday and Alaric’s on Wednesday, we have time to ourselves Thursday and Friday, before the party and then the ceremony on Sunday,

I am ready to visit our first victims, the boys are over my constant blabbering of the preparation, which means I need to talk to someone else about them, we portal to their home which is a massive tree, where they are standing waiting to greet us,

“Hello, darling, it is wonderful to see you again,” Tory says, embracing me in a hug, Harold does the same,

“And you, you are both looking extra radiant this evening,” Damien says,

I have only brought him, to give the others a break, besides they are his birth parents, we enter a fabulous kitchen where we stay all evening, reminiscing on Damien’s and the others past, all I already know about, but take in their joyous accounts from another person’s view,

Dinner consisted of a beautiful selections of meats, exotic and definitely some I would have never even imagine eating, ostrich was very tasty, zebra tasted similar to beef, a little traumatic if I am honest but they are lions after all, and I really did not want to be rude.

Damien thankfully filled my plate with what he knew I would like and eat, we were keeping the pregnancy a secret until the trio’s birthday so I could still give my gifts, which is only next weekend, but anyway it was an intriguing night.

Damien showed me around his old home, before we did the whole wedding planning stuff,

“They used to take it in turns, on who had us, our parents never wanted us to be apart, they knew we were something special, the next leaders, but it never meant anything to us, in our era of life, people as well as the supernatural would rather listen to themselves, but we are here when they need us, mostly to host parties,” Damien says with a giggle,

We walk thought the house which is all open planed with trees everywhere, they hold the structure of the house up, the flooring throughout is grass, and it is all one level easy access in and out of the house but not past the security gates which is all the way around the property.

Outside has small huts spaced out on the land, where the rest of their pack lived, mostly their closest friends and family, but after all shifters always stay together.

Damien took me into their room that they shared when they were younger, it had wild paintings all along the walls of animals and trees, large plants grew everywhere, and the grass continued in here as well,

“My mother thought herself an artist when we were younger, she painted this whole room and a couple more things, but she lost interest when Father started flipping houses, she did the designs inside the house instead,” Damien says,

I take his hand, and look into his eyes, “they are beautiful paintings, you can ask her to re-kindle her talent, when we let everyone know of the babies, she can help paint pretty pictures on the walls of the nursery,” I say,

“She would love that,” he beams,

He kisses me deeply, lifting me around him and carrying me over to his bed, with the lion painted above it, he lays me gently upon my back, groaning when he realises that beneath my overly sized back dress, I have no knickers on,

“I love your little bump, have you put a shield up in case I hurt them,” he says panicked slightly,

“Of course,” I giggle, grabbing his face down,

Exploring his, mouth while rubbing myself against his bulging jeans, I lean forward, releasing the long hard shaft, kissing it gently, as the beast in Damien’s eyes rises, using my mouth I wet every inch of it,

“I need in now,” he growls,

Pushing me down, before pushing in, we groan together at the tightness, his piercings hitting all the right places, as they bump over my insides, he plays with my nipples as he waits, but I am ready, squeezing him tight with my insides, his beast eyes stare upon me, devouring me before thrusting in and out of me, power and pleasure run though me as I meet each thrust, over and over again, until we meet our end together in an explosive orgasm, while we bit down on our marks, claiming each other in his child hood bed.

He slumps next to me, both of us breathless, but content,

“You are the first I have had sex with within this bed, never really wanted to bring anyone here, except you,” Damien says, stroking my skin,

“Thank you, for brining me, it has been a pleasure seeing your old room, I love especially to love the devil above Alaric’s bed and the portrait of the angel above Cassius bed,” I reply,

“They used to look like that, Cassius was always pale, but healthy, and Alaric never knew to control his devil side, as you put it until he was six, we kept him hidden until then, in case people hurt him,”

“But we have trolls and satyr, what difference is Alaric, I love his horns and tail, it is one of my favourite parts,”

“When you look like a devil, people tend to portray you as one, which is why he keeps it hidden, now I must know what your favourite part of me is,”

“Oh, it has got to be your charming personality,” I say giggling, heading off to where we left his parents,

I wanted to run my plans of the wedding through them, in case they wanted to add anything,

“It needs more plants but either wise, it looks great, I especially love the colours you have put the boys in, may I make your bouquet for you,” Tory asks,

“Yes, I would love you to make my bouquet,” I reply,

“Wonderful, what about your dress, it does not seem to be on here,” Tory says,

“Yes, well I have sent for it to be made and wanted a little surprise for everyone, you cannot know all the details,” I say, with a smile,

“I personally cannot wait to see you all on the day, it is going to be amazing,” Harold smiled,

“We shall see you, both,” I say, hugging them before our departure,

“How did it go,” Alaric said, when we came back through the portal,

“Good, nice to see where you used to live,” I reply,

“My parents house next,” Cassius shouted,

“I am excited to see your secrets,” I laugh,

I get carried to the bath by Damien and he washes me, they seem to think I need to soak every night, and I am not allowed to wash myself, which is nice, but I feel like a child, next they will be wiping my arse,

That is not the worst thing though, the food is my biggest annoyance, especially now that they have a list which they have each memorised of what foods I can and cannot eat, there is always one of them next to me at all times, I may explode if this chaos does not end.

We have established that one of the babies are definitely Damiens with the meat cravings I have been having, then I have also been craving blood, a lot of it, and I have noticed how tired and sluggish I get when I do not get my fill, the boys each take turns to feed me so they can replenish their stores, I like that bit which makes me smile.

The next day I started rearranging the garden, for the boys party, which should help with a quick shuffle into the ceremony for the next day, my dress is arriving Wednesday before the wedding, and I cannot wait to see the details I have requested, Cassius and I are visiting his parents’ home today, which I am hoping they do not want to change much of my plans, keeping it my way, but what can I say I am a people pleaser.

Portaling to his old family home, I noticed the fence that they also had up around their property, nothing strong, it looks just like a hedge to the untrained eye, but the power illuminates my third eye, which shows just how strong their barrier is.

Within their barrier there are several little cottages, all with chimneys and thatched roves built with natural stone, as we walk toward the one in the centre, I notice how luscious the ground is with all the grass and plants, each cottage have a small area where they grow their own herbs and veg, which is truly amazing.

We enter the cottage through a brown wooden arched door, where Serila and Castell greet us warmly,

“Hello, dear child, welcome to our home,” Serila says,

She ushers us in, I love how the magic is just floating through the air, inside is like a Tardis, and looks exactly how I had imagined it too, a large butcher block sat in the centre of the kitchen, which had crystal door handles, and glass doors, herbs, and spices everywhere.

Crystals adorned every wall, there is a living area with four armchairs, and a dining area with food placed all over it, there were other doors that led to other places, but I will hopefully get a tour on them later.

The cottage creaks and whispers as it trails across my skin, it pinches and tickles my body, as I embrace the familiar winds, it felt wrong to stop them, they cooed around my womb, promising to keep it a secret, as I promised them, I would bring them when they are born,

“The spirits love you, and have accepted you as their own, they have a gift for you, that they will give on your way home,” Castell said, smiling,

“They seem very familiar, have you received new one recently,” I ask,

“Yes, we have actually, not long after we returned, we noticed we had new guests,” Castell says,

“They are fairy’s winds, I am thankful they found a home,”

“They are welcome here always,”

“I am famished, can we eat this beautiful arrangement,” Cassius says,

Guiding me to the table and pushing me under, I have Damien’s jumper on today, to hide my little bump, Cassius rubs my leg under the table, as we all dig into the food, salads and greens filled the table, a mushroom risotto sat in the centre, which looked amazing,

“My parents do not usually eat meat, only when Damien and Alaric were over, but I knew you would not mind either way,” Cassius explained,

“Thank you, it all looks so colourful and beautiful I cannot wait to try everything,” I reply,

Placing some lettuce, avocado, red onions, tomatoes, cucumbers, papers and more, you name it, and it was there, the mushroom risotto was beautiful, and I could not help myself having a second helping,

“We are so glad you have enjoyed our food, everything was grown and harvested on the land, including the risotto ingredients,” Castell says,

“Waw, everything always tastes better when it is grown at home,” I say,

“I am going to give Willow the tour, of our cottage, and our old room, is that okay,” Cassius says,

“Sure, take your time, but make sure to leave some for the ceremony discussion, Tory has told me about the wedding plans, and I need to add a couple of things to the list,” Serila says, excitedly,

I smile, and nod as Cassius leads us the winding stairs, where we then go down the hallway into an enormous room, filled with books, plants and crystals, a portrait that is similar to what I saw in Damien’s parents’ house lay above each of the bed.

Alaric depicted as the devil, Damien the lion and Cassius the angel,

“Why did they draw you like an angel,” I ask,

“Because I was pale, until I made a potion that accidentally turned my skin darker, but I much prefer this tone, do you,” Cassius purrs,

“You look good darker than white, and I like that you are not an angel,” I chuckle,

We kiss deeply, as we levitate over to his bed, he removes my underwear,

“I have always wanted to try something, but do not panic or be grossed out,”

“What could be more gross that having it up the butt, it feels great, but it is not the cleanest,” I reply,

“True, just embrace it,” he shrugs,

He leans me against the head board parting my legs, pooling lube into the crevice between my thigh and pelvis, Lubing his fingers up and slipping them through my folds, circling my clit, I gasp at his movements, continuing until I orgasm, then following the seem perfectly to find my entrance, using the back of his fingers he gently slides in keeping his fingers straight,

“Tell me if it feels good,” he says,

He strokes my insides with two fingers in a come to me motion, repeatedly,

“That feels good,” I breath, closing my eyes, enjoying the motion,

He pulls me down the bed pushes my leg up, for me to hold and leans over while still moving inside me, making his position easier to control, and better access to his goal, his momentum picks up, faster and faster, he strokes my insides, I feel a new type of build-up coming from within,

“I feel like I am going to pee, I shout,

“It is fine, breath through it, and just let go,” he purrs,

Continuing faster, and faster until I convulse and squirts everywhere,

He licks his fingers as sparks dance across his eyes,

“Now that is my girl, I knew you had it in you, it is called squirting and it is not pee, it is what happens when you stimulate the g spot, repeatedly,” he says, with a wicked grin.

Positioning himself at my entrance, with his hard cock which glides through my slickness, he moves in a similar motion, I see the concentration in his face as he casts a small spell,

“Cassius, that’s not very angel like,” I moan, as his cock strokes me, another build-up coming already as I orgasm/squirm all over us, he continues repeatedly until he deepens himself, shooting his warmth within me,

“I love making memories with you, and I am definitely not an Angel,” Cassius smiles,

“How are we going to explain the mess,”

“Those orgasms must have sent your brain in a whirl, we are mages, he smiles, resetting the room and ourselves,”

I laugh, while I lay on the bed, “the others will love this, you must tell them how to do it,”

“Ohh, I will be letting them know we have a squirter,” Cassius grins,

“Come let us talk wedding with your parents, then I can go to sleep, you have spent my energy for the rest of the day,” I giggle, he smacks my butt as we leave.

“All looks in order,” Serila says, “but I would like the lights to be magic, so I will change that on the day for you, if that is, okay?”

The lights run around the guests as it is a night wedding, her request is not going to change anything, so I oblige her,

“Of course, that would be a magical idea,” I reply,

“Wonderful, I cannot wait for this wedding, are we able to see your dress, Tory said you were not sharing,” she says,

“Tory is correct, if everyone knew everything, I think it would be boring, no one other than me and the designer will know until the day,” I smile,

“Okay, fair enough, well I shall bid you both fair well and see you Saturday for our sons’ birthdays,”

We hug both Serila and Castell, who hands me a small box which is from the spirits, before leaving through the portal home, I head to the garden, and add in some of the touches I had thought of while I was gone, before being washed and placed in bed.

I wake up early, opening the box that the spirits had given me, inside I found a beautiful ring in silver with a little fairy engraved in it, I smile and place it on my finger opposite my wedding one. Last in law visit, and my dress should be delivered today.

It was all hands-on deck today and tomorrow so we could have date night Friday, the pack have been extremely helpful throughout the who thing, and Aria was the one to notice my growing bump, which they were all excited about.

Cassius and Aiden were busy making sure there were enough guest rooms in the attic to house everyone who had replied with wanting to stay,

“We will be heading back to our old homes, to sort a few things out, before Saturday,” Aiden says,

“That is fine, I have put a notice up that the shop will be closed for two weeks from today anyway, you head back, and we shall see you later,” I smile,

I completed the rest of the orders we had which took up quite a bit of my time, while the boys did their own preparations for Saturday and Sunday, I had a power nap waiting for them to return, I have been sleeping a lot lately.

Every one that knows have made a guess as to how far along I am as nobody can quite work it out, the boys seem to think that I am five month, but I think I am less as there are three growing inside me.

Cassius mother, should know when we tell her, but they will have to wait until Saturday, Cassius mother is a midwife she knows all the ins and outs of pregnancies, he said that she will want to do checks and everything on me, which I moaned at but I agreed to because of their shocked reactions.

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