The Prophesied Trio

Chapter 26

The next morning, I wake excitedly as its the morning of our ceremony,

“What are you all doing in here, it is bad luck,” I shout,

“Only for humans, for supernatural’s it is bad luck to be apart,” Alaric purrs, pulling me back into him, kissing me deeply, Cassius is kissing and stroking my back, while Damien has turned me on my back,

“Ahh,” I scream, “what the fuck,” I shout, as pain ripples through me, “somethings wrong,” I shout,

Water gushes from between my legs, not the kind I want, I look worriedly at the boys, who also look stunned,

“Okay do not panic I will grab Serila,” Cassius says,

“Can you run me a bath Damien, I read it will help with contractions,”

“On it,” he says, putting shorts on and running,

“Alaric, can you take me over please, but wait,” I say as another contraction comes over me,

“Breath for me,” Alaric says holding me,

“Take me to the bath now, while I am in between the contraction, please,”

Alaric takes the last of my clothing off and lowers me into the large bath, Damien starts stroking my back which helps a lot, and Alaric holds my hands, as another contraction comes,

“So, the babies are coming then, is now a good time to show you your gift I have made,” Damien says,

“Yes, I would like that,” I say,

I turn in the direction of where Damien is and he is holding a beautifully hand carved triple rocking cot,

“Waw, that is so beautiful,” I say, holding my hand out for him to come to me, “thank you,”

Another pain rips through me, Serila walks in, shouting orders at the boys, she stops when she sees that we have done most of them, she leans me back to examine me, and she seems shocked,

“This is going to be quick and easy,” she says with a smile,

“Will they be okay leaving so early,”

“We will find out, they should be fine they are definitely big enough, Cassius, Its going to be a quick one just make the bed normal, and then come in the bathroom, I am glad the room is huge, enough to fit us all, I have instructed the rest of the family to go out and sort out some baby things, I just want you to relax and breath for me,” she says,

“Okay, pull me on my knees please Alaric,” I ask, he nods, pulling me over,

“They will be here in no time, and we can still have the ceremony,” she giggles,

“I am loving your optimism,” I say, as another contraction rips through me, “I think I should push, but I do not know,” I growl out,

“Do as you wish, but as a contraction comes, it will help the baby,” she says, getting into the bath with me,

My boys are being very supporting, Damien’s smoothing my back, Alaric’s kissing my head, Cassius holding my hand, another contraction comes, the urge of pushing along with it, followed closely by release as I feel the head come through,

“I feel a head,” I shout,

“We can see, stay calm and breath, you can reach down and grab the baby when their born now,” Serila says, calmingly,

She was right, as the next contraction and push helped the first out, I leaded back on my heals, pulling the baby up and out of the water,

“Waw, look at you, my little horned devil, what a beautiful baby, you are,” I say, calmer than I thought I would be, the boys are stunned, silenced by the suckling baby attached to my breast,

“Now, we are going to have to stay as close to Willow, as we do not want to cut the cords until they are all out including the placenta, so when the baby has let go, place the baby on you your chest Alaric for skin to skin and add a blanket over both of you,” Serila says,

I hand the baby over, to Alaric who has tears in his eyes, “we have our first baby girl,” I purr,

Damien sits in front of me, “me next,” he says,

“I will try, but it does not work like that,” I laugh, leaning forward readying myself for the next one,

“Not to put you off, but the others should come out faster,” Serila says,

I stare a moment at Alaric, who is a natural at holding the baby next to me, Serila was massaging my back, while checking everything and keeping the water warm and clear, Cassius is still holding my hand, but he is in a daze staring at the baby,

I am ready for the next one as the pain starts up again, three painful contractions later and the head is out, Serila, is stroking my back, while all three of my boys cheer me on,

“Ready to meet the next baby,” Serila says,

As the last contraction to get the baby out makes me howl in pain, quickly replaced with a release and whoosh of the baby coming out, again I lean back onto my heals a little more exhausted than earlier, grabbing out a beautiful baby boy,

He has a full head of sandy coloured hair, I held him to my chest, as he latched straight on to my right boob, he has a small paw print birthmark on his butt, which is super cute, because it matches Damiens perfectly,

“Well done, Willow,” Serila says, checking over my shoulder at the baby, “I will do a proper check of them all when we are all finished,” she says stroking my shoulders,

I can feel the cords pulling as they are still inside me, it is a strange sensation, but it cannot be helped, once the baby had finished Damien swapped to my right side so Cassius could sit in front of me, then I handed him the sleeping baby.

“They are so peaceful and beautiful,” I say hugging Cassius tightly,

“Yes, they are indeed, one more and you can rest, you are doing amazingly,” Cassius says stroking me,

The pain starts up again, and I am ready, but something feels different,

“I am going to have to help baby,” Serila says, “she is feet first, I am hoping I can turn her before she comes down too much,”

She pushes me back up to hold onto Cassius,

“This is going to feel really uncomfortable, and I am sorry for the intrusion,” she says, as her hand goes inside me,

I can feel her moving around which makes me heave, but she is helping the baby I remind myself,

“Nearly done,” she says,

“A contraction is coming, Serila,” I growl,

Luckily, she is already out, followed by the baby’s head, one more contraction and I one last woosh the baby is out,

“That was a quick one,” I say, pulling the baby through and leaning back on me heals once more,

We have another beautiful baby girl, with elfish ears, and cute little nose, she feeds her fill, and I hand her to Cassius to hold,

Serila cleans the water while slowly, tugging on the cords,

“Once we get the placenta out, I will add a couple of healing bits for you while I help the boys sort the babies out, while you relax,” she says.

“Thanks,” I hiss as the placenta finally dislodges, she checked that it was intact then placed it into a container, placed fresh water and a healing bomb into the water for me, which instantly made me feel amazing, the boys kiss me one by one, then they all leave me to relax and heal in the bath.

The water turned cold, and I really wanted to go see the babies, I stand a bit wobbly, but stable, I wash the tub out and myself, the potion Serila has added seems to have returned my belly to its original state, with but the additional stretch marks are my trophies and a reminder I was pregnant even for a short while.

I ache slightly as I dry and dress, into the oversized hoodie, then add the huge granny padded knickers, Serila had kindly given me, I need to pee, before I head out, which burns like a mother of hell, but is to be expected, I dread to think what down there looks like,

Everyone was gathered around the three bundles that are being rocked in their handmade cot, Cassius was the first to notice me, handing me a tea,

“What time is it?” I ask,

“It is two pm,” Cassius answers,

Serila hands me the herbal tablet infused with magic, apparently it heals down below up within three hours, which I do not hesitate to do, as these knickers are unattractive,

“We have bought everything you could possibly need for the little ones,” Enola says,

“They are a wonderful, eight pounds each, which is fantastic, we have gifted you our special bottles, which Castell has spelled to fill when your breasts get too engorged, they stay warm and fresh, and you stay happy and not so full,”

“Would you like us to take the babies during the ceremony,” Tory says,

“Ohh yes, for the ceremony that would be great, could I ask that I spend this time with my new little ones, you can have them at 5pm and hour before the ceremony so I can get ready,” I reply,

“Perfect, we shall all leave you to it, and see you later, congratulations on your beautiful children,” Tory says with a smile,

They all leave, with a quick glance at the cot, the boys embrace me with a hug, which was well needed, I sit on the bed, and eat the plate of food one have them have brought me, a full English which looks divine,

“We are all proud of you,” Alaric says,

“I feel a little like a failure, that I was not able to carry them as long as they needed,” I say,

“Listen to me, Serila said the babies are really healthy, our power must have just sped the up the process safely, do not worry over silly things,” Cassius says,

“I suppose you are right they do look healthy and a lot bigger than I thought,”

“You gave them the opportunity to grow to their fullest, buy doing what you did,” Cassius says,

“Plus, with your super milk they will grow into amazing strong creatures,” Damien says,

I laugh, “have we thought about names,”

“Nope, we were waiting for you, we want you to have the honour, especially when you did all the work,” Alaric says,

“Ohh Okay, how about Freya, Kaleb, and Rose, my favourite names from books” I smile,

“Yes, I love them,” Damien purrs,

“Freya for mine, and I will agree,” Alaric says,

“Of course,”

“I am happy to name her Rose,” Cassius says,


Freya is the first to wake for a feed, Alaric hands her to me, and hugs us, as we bond and make a connection,

“She is beautiful, I cannot believe we made her,” I kiss Alaric,

“We will have to hide her, as she is will not have control over her beast transformation until she is older,” Alaric says,

“I have that covered,” I say, enlarging the spirt ring which while contain the beast, and place it on her tiny wrist,

Alaric smiles with tears in his eyes, while he burps her, Damien comes over with Kaleb and we bond nicely together,

“He is very handsome, I especially love his little paw print mark,”

“He is, I will raise him to protect our girls,” he says,

“Yeah, and we all know Willow is the one protecting us, so I will raise Rose to protect them,” Cassius says, handing her to me,

I laugh, “how about we raise them to protect each other, besides this whole thing does not even feel real, I cannot wrap my head around, how we have made such beautiful children,” I say, fighting back tears,

“We shall, and they are the way they are because they have a beautiful mother,” Cassius says,

We huddle together on the bed, and take phots of the babies, time flies when you have fun as it was time for them to head out with the children to ready themselves for the ceremony, each of them kissing me goodbye.

Oh my, I am so excited, I too ready myself, apply a generous amount of makeup and place the beautiful hand sewn dress over my head, I am glad I do not have to contend with making it bigger, as it would ruin it,

The dress is as I had imagined it, a long white dress, with magical glistening beads, bright red beeds dotted along the base and waistline, with a small lion that runs along the top of the skirt, the dress fits perfectly and looks amazing on me.

I style my hair and add the tiara finishing off with my jewellery that was a little tight yesterday, but fits perfectly today, I check myself out in the mirror as I squeal with excitement, then grab my bouquet to head downstairs, excited for my future.

Downstairs was completely transformed ready for the wedding, the living room was were all the food was, I fallow the trail of roses on the floor, a little nervous but nothing was stopping me from getting to them, the kitchen had all the drinks laid out and I was ready.

The boy’s fathers are standing anxiously, in awe of what they see,

“Waw, you look exquisite,” Sebastian says,

“We wanted the honour to walk you down the aisle,” Harold said,

“Of course, I would love that,” I gleam,

I hear the music start, as we walk through the back door my new father in-laws surround me like my boys do, one on each arm and Harold following behind me, my eyes roam over the rows of chairs filled with our new family members, the rest of our pack, and right at the front, my boys and children are waiting for me.

Alaric has his red and black suit on, Damien has a cream and brown suit on and Cassius has a light blue and white suit on, they each are talking to the man with a large old book, who nods for them to turn to face me.

Their faces light up as they roam over every part of me, as I get closer, they hand the children over to their mothers they stand straight, wearing a glorious smile, I even see a small tear glistening in their eyes as I walk closer to them. It has turned out to be a glorious day, the decorations are perfect, and I cannot wait to hug and kiss each of them.

When we arrive at their feet, their fathers together say, “we give you this beautiful mate on your special day, to love and cherish,” before heading to their seats by their mates.

I smile brightly at each of them, kissing and hugging them,

The man with the big book, smiles as he too embraces me into a hug, before starting talking,

“Today we unite the prophesied together, each have shown their truest love,”

“This is why we could not tell you about the mission,” Alaric says in my head,

The man continues, “the boys did extremely well on completing their mission to retrieve each part of the mating ring,”

“This is my part,” Cassius says excitedly in my head,

“One part from each of the realms, Blue Saphire from the water realm”, he hands the ring to Cassius his eyes danced with magic as he places it on my finger,

“Me next,” Damien says in my head, moving closer,

The man continues, “the next part was from the heart of the jungle, Emerald in its purest form”, he hands it to Damien his eyes had the jungle light running through them as he places it on top of the water one,

“Last but not least, me,” Alaric says in my head, moving forward,

“Last but certainly not least we have the fire realm, which I heard was a struggle, but they prevailed, achieving the Ruby,” he hands it to Alaric, his eyes gleam with fire as he placed the final ring on,

The man finished his speech, “the last person to prove their love was their chosen mate, who fought time and time again with all their might and is now among one of the strongest creatures out there, you may now kiss your mates,” he finishes,

Damien kisses my head, Cassius my left cheek and Alaric my right, then I kiss each of them in turn, as they all applaud us.

The boys grab the children, and head back to me, for a photos, and speech,

“I would like to thank everyone for joining us on this extra special day, this morning, our mate, and love blessed us with yet another gift, this is Freya, Kaleb and Rose, although not planned, they are safe and healthy,” Alaric announces holding the children up,

Another round of applause erupts through the crowd, we enter the house as one and fulfil my deepest of dreams, now I understand why they had to do the mission without me and now I get to love them forever.

Next chapter will be updated first on this website. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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