The Prophesied Trio

Chapter 15

The next morning, I wake with pain everywhere as I drag myself to the bathroom, it is way too early to be even awake, but I cannot lie down nor sleep,

Heading downstairs leaving the trio in bed, I see a cup of tea that Cassius must have made me yesterday, I try warming it with my magic, but I nothing, must have used to much yesterday as I come up dry, knowing how well it healed me last time I drank it cold its bitterness not as nice, but it will do.

I threw Alaric’s jumper on cwtching into it on the nook, I find a book that I had tucked away, which is a lot raunchier than I had expected, but I love how it helps melt all the anger I still had, as I imagine the boys doing all of it to me,

I laugh as two weeks ago I would only image having sex now I can recall the moments I have had and imagine doing them with the someone, not just anyone though just my boys.

Now that the tea has taken the edge off, I am still aching, but it is bearable, I make breakfast for everyone, eat mine by myself and decide not to bother with the programme today, I choose some more books and fill a water bottle up, so I do not have to move, and make a sandwich for later, before making myself comfy and delving into the book.

Two books later, I check my phone realising the boys had not moved it is one in the afternoon and they are still sleeping. But who am I to judge, so I leave them to it, continuing onto the next romance in the series, it is Alaric’s books and by golly they are hot as hell, all about orgies, lions, mages mates and vampires with horns, like my life I laugh aloud at the thought,

“Now I authored those books, I know nothing inside them are that funny, what seems to have tickled you,” Alaric says pulling me into his embrace,

I wince slightly at the movement, but melt in his arms once he stopped and was in the right position,

“The books resemble my life slightly, minus the mega trauma, and fighting”, I reply,

“Yes, my characters are actually the of us, and the woman is what I had imagined you to be like, but I was seriously wrong, you are way more everything than I could have imagined,” he replies, kissing me,

“Aww, you are such a cutie,”

He smirks a laugh, “are you running dry,” Alaric purrs down my neck,

“Of magic yes, but of blood for you, never,” I reply,

So he indulges himself, biting down on me, gliding his hands over my skin, under my jumper, then to my heat, he groans with my slickness, knowing full well it is from his books, his fingers circle my clit, as his other hand heads up my jumper to roll my nipples around, groans and moans leave me as my head swings back into an orgasm, he pulls me up his body slowly, his cock now at my entrance, lowering me down filling me, with his hardness, this is what I needed, the feeling of being filled, he waits for me to adjust,

“How are you feeling, I do not want to push you to hard,” he purrs,

‘‘I am fine, fear not, I am sure I will not break; besides I feel better already,’’ I reply squeezing him,

He groans as he lifts and let’s gravity bring me back down, he maintains it longer than I expected I think it was the holding squeeze I was doing that made him change up the speed, when helps gravity, pulling me up faster, and down harder, over and over again until he pushes me down real hard burying himself into me, claiming my neck, as we orgasm together.

His soft breathing and his heartbeat sending me to sleep, another thing I did not know I needed until it took over me.

Strong food smells fill my nostrils as I sleep, waking me from the delicious dreams of Alaric’s tail and tongue, the kitchen is empty of souls and food, but I see a bathing costume with my name on it, and a note,

’If you wake for the smell of the food, you will find us in your pool, we have got you a bathing suit, unless you want to join us naked, we also have the food,

Love A,”

I giggle, changing in the kitchen before heading out to the pool in a black swim costume which leaves little to the imagination, I find them congregated in the kitchen area of the decking, they have changed the tables to one big one, which is filled with BBQ foods, salads, and corn,

Damien had the cocktails out, I love all the smells assault my nostrils in a good way, everything looks amazing, and I could not wait to try it,

“Hello,” I call over to them,

They turn to face me, each of them showing the fire in their eyes, the bathing suit may be a little too revealing,

“How are you, your bruises look a lot better than yesterday,” Cassius says,

“Yesterday, what day is it,” I ask,

“It is Tuesday, we did not want to wake you, we had to feed Alaric over your shoulder, because you were waking every time he left you,” Damien pouted,

“You could have switched with me,” Alaric grumbled,

“Anyway, we are having a few friends over, that we would love for you to meet,” Cassius says,

“Ohh, do they know about us, being together,” I ask,

“These guys are old friends, they know that we share, but we have not told them you are our mate yet, in case it accidentally leaked to Vera, Lyla’s brother is undercover in vera’s estate in Michigan, he would do anything to be free of her, but we did inform hem we are dating you” Damien says,

“Okay, is it a good idea them coming here then,”

“Yes, they are our friends and they do not usually carry tales, but we will keep the whole mate thing under wraps from them for now,” Alaric replies,

I nod and grab a satin robe, throwing it over myself, while downing my first cocktail, hoping it will make the next couple of hours easier, I like people, but these people know the boys,

I find myself a little jealous of their friends, but I place on a brave face and hope this will give me an insight into their lives other than themselves. Cassius opens a portal, three females and two males come through,

“Hi, I’m Gabby cat,” a blonde slim female purr’s, “this is Jasper my mate, he’s also a cat shifter,” they embrace me in a hug, Jasper has slim feline features as well, I smile and hug them back,

“I’m Lyla,” a very gothic and I am assuming vampire says,

“Hello sweetness, I am Aiden, Lyla’s Mate, she is a vampire, and I am an elven mage, Cassius older brother,” he says, makes sense with the matching hair and eyes, Aiden is shorter and plumper, but you can tell they are from the same womb,

“Hi, I am Aria, I can shift into about anything,” she says, I can see her concentrating looking me up and down, I turn my head intrigued with what she is doing, her face turns a bright red, but she will not be changing into me, that is for sure, which she realises as her face shifts in anger for a split second, and she shifts into Lyla instead,

Everyone claps including me, “hello everyone, I am Willowmina, I am staying here with the boys, I used to live next door before it burnt down, the boys offered me a room, when they saw and here is where I have been since,”

“I wondered how the famous three invited someone to stay with them long term, especially a female, I have tried for years but only Damien is interested,” Aria says, trying to see if she can pull a reaction,

“Ohh lovely, perhaps if your house burns down, they can offer you a room as well,” I reply sarcastically, smiling sweetly,

We talked, and I learnt about the boys, how they have never been apart, how they have been searching for the girl with the long rainbow hair, how most of Cassius early magic nearly killed them all, hundreds of times, about Damien’s first shift, which was way too close to Alaric causing the scar across his eye, and how Alaric likes to dabble in male relationships as well, which makes him blush, I knew the truth, he just knew where the right spots were, not that I mind if he did like to be with a male.

We drank and talked most of the night, Alaric never stopped touching me with his tail, filling my drink up and never leaving my side, Cassius also never left my side, touching my other leg, sending magic up my body, but did it while he was deep in conversation with his brother Aiden, and his mate Lyla,

Damien was talking to Aria, while she flirted and touched him, all the while trying to rack her brain why she could not change into me, but that was a secret I was not going to inform her about, in reality, it was the same spell I used on Damien’s lion, but a little stronger and one I had now imbedded into her shifting brain.

“Which one are you fucking,” Aria blurts out across to me,

Everyone went silent waiting for a reply, but I decide against a vulgar response, “that is my private affairs, which I will not be sharing with you as it is for us to know and for you to imagine,” I reply.

Heading to the pool removing my robe and slipping in, Alaric’s face lights up, tackling Damien into the pool as he stood to close to the edge splashing the water everywhere,

I watched from within the water seating area, the other girls joined me while Jasper, Aiden, and Cassius, joined in on the splashing and tackling in the middle, I threw a volleyball into the mix, which Alaric caught, while adding some nets,

The girls clapped at my trick, and the boys cheered, separating into two teams.

“Now that it is just us girls will you let us know which one, you are sleeping with,” Lyla asked this time,

I giggled, “none of them yet, but I would like to have any of you slept with them, perhaps you could give me some advice as to which the best in bed is,” I am good at deflecting,

“We have been with them all, Damien’s the best in bed and the easiest to get with, Jasper and Aiden are still pissed that they slept with the girls first, but the trio are the ones who introduced us to our mates,” Gabby says,

“Cassius is the hardest to bed, but is the best one at giving the longest hardest orgasms, and Alaric, well he is boring, he does not seems to be interested in making a woman orgasm, which makes sense why he experimented with men,” Aria continues,

My blood boils at their mean comment about Alaric and the fact that they have slept with all of them, but I hide my anger, perhaps I should watch what I ask,

“Had the thought ever occurred to you that Alaric may not be interested in you, and just wanted to entertain you,” I reply,

“We thought that was the case, which is why the rumours started from other women,” Lyla said,

“So, you are saying nobody actually saw him with a man,”

“There was Mila who said she saw him, but nothing was confirmed,” Gabby said,

“Martha West told me he was good at blow jobs,” Aria says,

“And how did she know,”

‘I could grow one for you if the rumours are true,’ I smile sending my thoughts to him, he turns and smiles showing that wicked grin of his.

“I think it might have been, said through anger that she decided to say it because she did not get what she wanted,” Lyla said,

“What type of vampire is he; I cannot seem to find him in the book of Vampires,” I ask,

“He is just a royal Vampire, but you will only find him in the royal book, as for the type Just a Vampire, he cannot turn into a bat or anything if that’s what you were thinking,” Gabby said,

“I think they have mind control which only certain types have, unfortunately I was the type without, and there is a new higher breed which can channel a darker side, but the ones that can do that do not inform anyone who they are,” Lyla explains,

“This is cheating you cannot play as a trio and there is only two of us,” Aiden shouts, distracting us,

Alaric holds his hands up in defeat and heads toward us, wading through the water, with fresh drinks, then sits next to me,

“What I showed you is a secret, please keep it, but I do like the sound of you growing a cock for me,” he whispers in my ear,

My body flushes as heat grows between my legs, but it is not the only thing there, his tail has squeezed under my leg and is parting my folds, circling my clit, luckily the table is under the water, or everyone would see.

I flush slightly but I see no change in him, as he talks away to the girls without a hint of what he is doing, I down my drink, only to find it magically refilling itself as the Cassius smiles,

The rest of the boys join us shortly after, but I feel the build up getting close, really bad timing, even if I am quite my face will definitely give it away,

“Have you been in the bar area in the cave, it has a shot dispenser on the wall,” I stutter out,

Excited squeals come from the girls,

“No but we need to see,” Gabby squeals further,

We all move toward the cave, Alaric relentlessly continued determined to give me an underwater orgasm, his tail working its magic to send me closer and closer, until I orgasm hard, falling straight into Cassius, stifling a moan into his back, nobody in front heard, but Cassius now has the biggest grin ever.

Once inside they each grab their own shot glasses filling them up before they slide into the circle table, which can fit up to ten people comfortably, but can be extended when needed, finally I magic some snacks into the centre for everyone to enjoy.

‘‘Let us play a drinking game,’’ Cassius shouts, then enchants the shot glasses to refill every time they empty,

Great this involves more alcohol, stops getting up and refilling them I suppose. they decided to play ‘never have I ever,’ which worried me when the explained the rules,

Gabby started, “never have I ever orgasmed,”

That is an easy one everyone drank, I just did with someone that did not want to give you one, Alaric’s tail wraps around my leg once more, his smile indicates he heard my thoughts, and I was right in what I said.

Jasper went next, “never have I ever sent nudes,”

I have not tried that one, being new to the phone game, but I am sure we can arrange it, I know the boys would enjoy them for sure. Alaric moves his tail further in playing with my insides, which makes me lean onto the table,

Lyla was next, “never have I ever had a sex dream about people in this room,”

What a strange one, I drink the once even though it should be three times or more with the number of sexy dreams I have about them, electricity runs over my nipples causing them to perk up through my bikini, I lean further onto the table using my arms to hide the mountains under my triangle top,

Aiden was next, “never have I ever faked an orgasm,”

All the girls drink, except me, they all turn to me, staring in amazement,

“How, there must have been one that caused you to lie and finish the tournament,” Lyla asks,

“Why would you fake something that comes so naturally, especially when you are with someone who knows what they are doing,” I say,

No clue as to whether I have just insulted them, a gasp escapes my mouth, which thankfully only Damien notices, a wicked smile dances over his face, thankfully not drawing attention, to the other game happening under the water,

Aria went next, “never have I ever had a threesome,”

I drink, with a smile, recalling the memory of Alaric and Damien taking my virginity in the cinema room, while Cassius slept, I notice everyone else drank as well, my nipples tingled my insides coiled, as another orgasm hit me, I bite my and convulse hitting my head on the table with my orgasm,

“Wow, are you okay,” Damien says,

“Yes, just a little too much to drink I think, who is next,”

Alaric kisses my red forehead, Damien’s face is laced with a burning desire, he knows exactly why I just butted the table,

“Me,” Damien calls, “never have I ever had an orgasm in a pool,”

We all drink, Damien stares, with his beastly smile,

Alaric went next, “never have I ever had an orgasm by magic,”

All the females drink including me, with a smile,

“My turn, never have I ever had sex with the same gender,” I blurt out quicker than I wanted, to catch out the boys,

Alaric, Damien, Lyla, and Aria drink, interesting, I wonder as images of Damien taking Alaric from behind fill me, and then Alaric taking Damien from behind,

“Stop thinking with images, like that, you dirty girl,” Alaric groans into my ear,

Lastly Cassius, “never have I ever, had three orgasms the same time,”

I choke on air, but I drink my drink, staring at Cassius, furrowing my brows, the girls stare, gasps leave the boys, I shake my head, knowing a question is coming next,

“How is that even possible,” Lyla asks,

“I can split into three replicas of myself, we share the same minds, feel everything together, and possibly orgasm from different men the same time, it was with a past partner, and his friend, I let slip the SECRET to the boys when I was a little too drunk, shall we play a different game,” I say trying to change the subject,

“Yes, I think something a little old school is in order, shall we play spin the bottle for old time sakes,” Aiden says,

I fear the outcome of this game, as it can work with you or completely against you, either way, I am way too drunk to care,

I know the logistics of the game from ready how to play on a book, but I have never actually played it.

The first spin lands on Lyla, then the second on Jasper, they do not hesitate to take a shot then kiss each other, Gabby looks unimpressed but those are the rules,

Next round, first spin lands on Alaric, now I am worried as I spin it a little extra, but it lands on Gabby, they take their shots, and thankfully only peck,

The third round landed on Damien, then even though I helped it turn with a bit of magic, it still landed on Aria, they do not just peck they makewhole little show, as she eats his face, now I am angry, I clear my throat after a while of them snogging and getting a little touchy, her not him but he never stopped it, a little uncomfortable watching my mate be devoured,

We spin again but I am over it, I want to go, it landed on Aiden, if it landed on me to repay the show, I would upset Alaric and Cassius too, when the bottle stopped the second spin, it did in fact land on me, so I make a scene when I lean over, clearing the table with my flailing arms, as I stumble,

“I have had too much to drink, I am going to bed, Cassius, take my turn please,” I flutter my eyelashes as I duck out the cave,

“I think we could all use some shut eye,” Damien says,

“I am sure you can find something better to do,” I growl, grabbing my robe and heading inside,

Behind me I hear, Cassius speak to our guests, “I have put beds out in the attic for everyone,”

“I know where I am sleeping,” Aria giggles, she sounds as drink as me,

“In the attic,” I slur,

“Haha, so funny,” she waves me off,

I head into the house, my mind racing, would he sleep with her, I thought he said I was enough, why am I panicking, but he claimed me, he said I was enough,

Our guests head upstairs while I make myself some toast,

Damien comes up to me invading my space, “are you offering me your services tonight, willow, the only I can think of which is better than sleep is you,” he purrs,

“Get off me, you let her kiss you like that, and touch you all over and think I want to play with you,”

“It was part of the game,” he says,

“Everyone else did a peck, or a little longer, you ate each other’s face in front of me,”

He growls at me,

“Do not growl at me,” I shout, growling back at him, punching in the jaw,

His nostrils flair, as he claws at me, catching my arm,

I scream in pain at him flinging him against the wall, “I thought mates were for life,”

Alaric tires helping him up, but shrugs him off and goes upstairs slamming his door,

“Are you okay, I may have to stitch that,” Cassius says, handing me his special tea,

“I am fine, I will sort it out myself,” I reply drinking his tea,

“He should not have done that,” Alaric says, licking my wound,

“I am sorry for shouting Cassius, I am a little upset,”

“I know, I will get the stitches,” he says and hugs me,

Once he bandaged me up an urge came over me, to kiss him, which I did, exploring his mouth like it was the first time,

“I think we should take this upstairs,” Alaric purrs, wanting in on the action,

“We, meaning double cock, hmm, yes please,”

Cassius scoops me up bridal style, carrying me up the stairs, Damiens door is still closed as we walk past, but I do not care, he upset me. Alaric closes the door behind us, my anger dissipated when I get thrown playfully onto the bed, my stings pulled releasing my bouncing breast before hands fly everywhere.

I groan with pleasure as they both explore my body, touching and groping, Cassius lay across the bed pulling me onto his face, moans escape me as his tongue dances and twirls, glides and hides between my folds,

I pull Alaric into my mouth, sucking hard, with a little teeth and some ball giggling, I after a moment, I insert my finger into Alaric playing with his precious spot, making him thrust harder in my mouth as he groans with pleasure,

Cassius swirls and twirls his tongue, faster, stealing another orgasm from me, which sets Alaric off when I bite down a little hard, filling my throat with his warmth,

Once I finish convulsing on his face, Alaric pulls me upon him, pushing his hardness inside me, he gasps in pleasure, it’s a little tight but I can move almost instantly, he twists and massages my nipples and breasts, Cassius lubes up his hardness, and my arse, rubbing it up and down slowly,

“You are having me at my normal size straight away today beautiful,” he says,

Slowly pushing it in, his moans send tingles up my spine, as his hardness fills me, a little tight but the pain adds to the pleasure that spreads within me as I stretch to my fullest,

I get a moment to adjust, Alaric somehow manoeuvres us so he’s on the top, then starts pumping away, Cassius plays and teases my nipples as my core tightens ready for the incoming orgasm, Alaric bites down on my neck, sending shocks of pain and pleasure through my body,

Alaric starts of slow with the movements, Cassius replaced them with his, and added in his magic kisses over my body, then they both start moving hard and fast again sending me into another orgasm, while the boys fill my insides, we relax together a while until Alaric carries to the bathroom to wash me while Cassius cleans himself and the bed, I cwtch into Alaric as Cassius warps his arm around me and that is how we stay.

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