The Prophesied Trio

Chapter 16

I wake, with the urge to pee, Cassius has his leg over me, but I manage to escape, the darkness floods through the room as I stumble around the bed, falling completely over a large furry thing, and giggle, its Damien’s lion,

He must have come in when we fell asleep, I smooth his head, before heading to my goal, when I return, Alaric has cwtched into Cassius leaving no room left for me. I am glad I have the nook, which is just as comfortable, not so comfortable when Damien plunks his heavy ass lion on me, I am naked and now have a huge cat blanket,

“I am sorry for earlier, my behaviour was unacceptable, I hope you can forgive me,” he purrs,

“I forgive you,” I reply stroking his head,

I thought he had fallen back to sleep, but I must have been mistaken as he starts sniffing me, then licks my heat, sending shivers over my body, his huge tongue hitting my clit perfectly, each long lick sending me closer and closer until another orgasm shivers over my body,

“You are not going to fuck me in your lion form are you,” I ask, not sure whether I am against it or for it,

He growls, “turn,”

Unfortunately my body agrees that it should be done, as I listen to his request, he climbs over me purring loudly in my ear, his hard pierced lion cock touches my leg before sliding in me and filling the void, his front claws dig into my sides, the pain only exciting me further as he pounds furiously away, each thrust more carnal than the next, as we lose ourselves to each other, we growl together as our orgasms sync, the beautiful orgasm sending shivers over my body, interrupted by seething pain, as I scream out.

“Shh, it is okay,” he smooth’s my hair, in his now human form, still in me trying to calm me, “you need to relax, I have knotted inside you, but once we relax it will undo itself,”

He manoeuvres me so I am sitting on top of him, which relives some pain, I can tell he is in just as much as he grunts with the movement,

“What is knotting,” I ask, satisfied with this position,

“It is an alpha thing that happens when we find the one, our bodies instinctively try to help the sowing of the seed, by knotting,” he says,

“So, you did not sleep with Aria,” I ask, trying to hide my jealousy,

“No, absolutely not, she came into my room when you left into your room, but I snuck out when she fell asleep on my bed, I watched you all have fun without me, then slept on the rug, which I will admit I deserve for earlier, but I could not help myself when you landed on my head, I had to have you before the morning,” he purred, trailing his fingers up and down my back,

“I am glad that you did not sleep with her and for taking me when you did,” I reply, leaning in to kiss him,

“I promise never to do anything like that ever again, but it looks like we are sleeping while joined, I am stuck fast,” he says, as I lean into him as he wraps us in the blankets,

Thoughts fly through my head, how cute little versions of the boys would be running wild and free but are we ready to bring a child into this world, there is a crazy woman still about trying to kill them.

The sun wakes me, as it rises over my face, Alaric is standing at the foot of the nook staring at me, I raise an eyebrow,

“See anything you like,” I whisper,

He smirks, pulling me off Damien, embracing me in a hug, I dress, and we head downstairs where he makes me breakfast,

“Are you making me breakfast to feed off me, or because you care,” I smile,

“Both,” he smirks, handing me a French toast, with bacon,

He drinks a tea while I eat, then devours me, I read my digital book until he finishes,

“I will be popping into the programme to pick up this week’s assignment, then I shall be back, I think it will be best you do not go back in this week with what happened on the weekend, I need you to just take your time, relax and we can go look for a dress for the ball or you can just pick up the one I have had designed for you?” he says,

“Well, I am intrigued to see the one you designed but I will wait till the day, I bet its beautiful and perfect,” I reply,

“It will be, on you,” he says,

I wave goodbye to him as he strolls toward the programme. The downstairs is empty and boring with no one to talk too, but I decide to plan out a business idea I have had for years, I am sure the boys would love to help me execute it.

I head to the nook with a notebook and pen, I write the whole idea down for the business, which is to open a shop, selling natural herbal remedies, stuff I already love making and know how to make, which means I will keep my hands and mind busy. My mind reels as I imagine all the possibilities, I could add to the shop, adding them on my list for a later date, but concentrating mainly on the remedies and potions.

I use a blank page to draw out the cabin which will fit nicely out the front of the house, after two hours I have perfected what I want the business to be called, what it will look like and what I will sell, I make lunch and do some washing and cleaning,

All the guests and the boys are down eating lunch, when I say lunch, I mean the breakfast Alaric and I had made them which looks a bit dry, but they obviously are too hungover to care.

The girls smile and wave at me, their males are in a sog, and my boys stare sending me into a hot mess, while continuing to chow down on their meal like their life depended on it.

I head into the garden, Damien follows me and joined me on the decking,

“I feel like I’m in a dream land, this cannot be real, three men worshipping the ground I walk on, filling me, wanting to make children with me, to have me forever,” I turn to face him, “do you want pups, your body seems to want them,” I look at him intrigued what his answer might be,

His face turns a deep red, before he answered, “I am a lion shifter, if we lock it means we are ready, I know people younger than me having their second lot of pups by now, but we let fate decide when we have them, I am sure the boys will agree that we will look after you no matter what, after all it will happen eventually,” he says shyly,

We sit watching the garden as the birds and small creature’s wiz about, I cannot believe the wildlife that has returned since I redecorated, it is a sight to behold,

“I have made the mighty lion silent,”

“Only slightly, but only because I am imagining the pups we will create,” he smiles,

Cassius and Alaric join us outside,

“Anything interesting happen while I was gone,” Alaric says,

“Only the best business idea I have ever had, I reply with a smile, before running my business idea past them,

“Now that is an amazing plan, I am sure we can all help in some way or other,” Alaric replies, kissing me,

“I think even the programme would be happy, especially with the principal so friendly with us,” Cassius smiles,

“As long as you be our date for the balls, I have not got a problem,” Damien purrs,


“We have not got anything left to do for the rest of the week and Willow needs her mind taken off of Sunday, I think we should start now if she has planned everything out, I am sure or friends inside would not mind helping as well,” Alaric states,

I beam with excitement running through the house with Cassius, Alaric and Damien told their friends what they were doing, and they were mor than happy to lend a hand.

The first thing Aiden, Cassius and I did was erect the six by ten-meter shop together, giving it a stone exterior slate roof and a chimney,

Inside the girls agreed that I should place a beautiful fireplace in the centre of the right wall, with shelves either side, they helped me design a better stained-glass window opposite by the checkout area, which has a small till, brown paper wrapping that Alaric suggested, with some brown paper bags.

Damien insisted on creating the name and logo, even though I had one, but it was not as nice as his in the end, we ended up with ‘The moon witch’ with ‘bits and bobs,’ on the bottom, which looked really cute, the logo was a silhouette of my back, iridescent hair that catches the sun and moon perfectly, a skull of a vampire in one hand, stars and sparkles in the other, with a lion roaring down my back, just over my head the trio moon, tying us all together,

Cassius and I attached it to the front above the large window, and wooden fairy door, Aiden suggested we place some live herbs and spices in the window, which I agreed, placing holed shelves that fitted the potted plants over the window.

Over two weeks, Cassius, Aiden and I decided the best potions and elixirs, to sell, then made them filling the shelves, and a small back log, with all the freshly grown stuff we had in the orangery, love potions were a must, lucky potions were a gimmick but it felt wrong to not have them, fertility packs, natural contraception, healing potions, you name it, it was there.

I had the girls hand writing all the labels in cursive and Damien made us a round display tower hand carved with beautiful details, and six layers of shelving, he filled it with cushions he had made using the logo, which looked amazing, I love a man who is good with his hands, he also made cauldron cups with the logo on which included a tea strained and a spoon which had a good luck charm engraved onto it, he lined another shelf with dried tea, which he requested we do for him, and sample pack, I was impressed with how involved he wanted to be.

Cassius made some herbal syrups which tasted amazing, Alaric was busy making something, but he said he would not tell me until it was finished.

Every was filled and ready we even had extra stock in the orangery of everything, I wrote up instruction manuals on each of the potions to hand out with each purchase, made sure to make plenty of copies and I was ready to open, maybe a little too excited, but I am sure there is never enough excitement in the world.

We celebrated finishing off the shop, ordering in Chinese, Cassius ordered to be specific, and the boys filled my plate with a variation of dishes, I popped a bottle of champagne filling our glasses, and we toasted,

“To the new business I hope it flourishes,” I say, clanging my glass with everyone,

“While we are on a high, I was wondering if you would not mind us officially moving in,” Aiden asked,

“Well, I thought you were already moved in,” I giggle,

We will be happy for you to officially move in, I shall create some rooms for you tomorrow, as long as you help out in the shop and around the house, cleaning, and cooking,” Cassius says,

“We do not mind helping out in any way you need us, that is after all what a pack is for,” Jasper says,

We all enjoy the rest of the night telling stories and talking about what the future might hold.

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