The Prophesied Trio

Chapter 14

Friday goes smoothly, everyone is talking about our party tomorrow, a few are not able to make it, but it should be a good turnout.

I clean the house top to bottom, set up twenty charcuterie boards, hang a spell over them so they stay fresh, reset the decking to ten tables, the boys want me to watch a series on Netflix, they have a new season, but wan me to binge watch the old ones with them, called the Witcher, which I oblige, we manage six episodes, before falling asleep, under the weight of the boys who gave up two episodes ago.

Saturday came quickly my first actual party was here, fear, excitement and all sorts of emotions run through me.

There is no theme this time just a casual party, people can wear what they like. I head to change only to find the boys have decorated the whole downstairs and garden with balloons and banners,

I squeal, “Thank you,” throwing myself at the boys embracing them into a huge hug,

“There is a gift from us on your bed,” Alaric says,

“You have bought enough,” I say,

“Never, not until I have bought you everything,” he says, winking as I run to wash, the box they were on about lay on my bed, inside was a slim fitting dress with rips up the sides, no knickers can be worn and I’m glad I do not grow hair down there, this has definitely got to be the tightest thing I have ever worn, it just about fits, but I think it is meant to be tight, showing off my bum and boobs more, I found a pair of silver stilettos to match the dress,

I look in the mirror and it looked amazing on, I finish the look off with some matching makeup and style my hair, I am ready for the party, guests have already started to arrive, the side table has some gifts placed on it, which I could not wait to open, Elaines famous cake sits in the centre of the kitchen island, she must have brought it when I was dressing.

Alaric was the first to spot me, grabbing my arse and kissing me, deeply,

“Will people not judge us, if they see we are all together,” I ask,

“Yes, but you did not seem to mind yesterday when you announced to the whole hall that we are all your mate,” he smiled, kissing me harder,

Damien was the next to approach and kiss me, “now this looks amazing on you,”

“Thank you,”

“Wow, you are smoking hot,” Cassius purrs, tipping me back as he kisses me,

“Let us enjoy,” I smile,

The garden is a big hit to the party, loads of complements flew around with how beautiful it looked, Damien and Alaric got into a fight, which ended when the landed in the pool, but that just made everyone else jump in, fully clothed or in just their underwear, Alaric backend me but I shook my head, flashing my panty less vagina, he pretends to be shot, but does not pester further,

I have many opportunities to laugh, drinking my way through copious amount of alcohol, the boys smiled as they crowded me, bringing the night to a close with a fabulous display of fireworks, which Cassius magically let off.

My head ached when I finally rose the next day, I tapped Alaric who handed me a glass of water which I downed not realising just how thirsty I was. Cassius was not in bed when I tapped his side, but Damien is in his usual space, but I need a pee, so I roll out of bed, washed in the shower, when I finished, then changed before heading to the kitchen where I found Cassius,

“I would have helped if you woke me,” I say,

“It is fine, I have only just got down here myself, and I have a spell just for cleaning, please sit and drink the tea, it will help with brain function,” he smiles, wrapping up the cleaning,

He was right the tea was much needed as it cleared my head, Alaric emerged as Cassius finished cleaning.

“May I have a bite?” he asks me,

“Sure, if you feed me first,”

He grumbles but makes me a bacon and sausage sandwich, which I devour, before he drinks from me, pulling me on to his lap while he drinks his fill,

A letter floats in from the front door, straight into Cassius hands,

’Hello boys,

We hear you have found a new friend, one that now wears your marks, we have warned you not to leave your mark on anyone you play with, they must only be left on your true mate, make sure she is the one, or discard her now before she becomes trouble, Ohh and please do come see us today, we have dearly missed you all,

Regards Tory,

P.s if you are not visiting today, we will come to you,’

Damien growls, when he walks in, just in time to hear the letter,

“Should I be worried with the number of girls that wear your mark,” I smile, knowing full well, it is only I that wears their true marks,

“There is only you that wears our mark, our mothers are a little over the top sometimes, Cassius and I will head back to talk to her, Alaric can take you to Fairy, we will join you after,” Damien says, kissing me while he grabs his tea, gaining a growl from Alaric,

“I thought you knew how to share,”

“Not when he feeds, especially after a night of alcohol,” Cassius says,

We finish our business, before heading for the door, I close it, drawing a portal which will take us straight to the fairy Bridge, which does open, I grab Alaric’s hand, wave goodbye to the others before walking through.

The bridge I used to cross is full of blooming flowers, its beauty a dream I fondly remember,

“Willow, somethings wrong,” Alaric’s pain-stricken voice emanates from behind me,

Visual smoke rises from him, as I cover him with my jumper,

“Cassius usually sorts the sun out, I forgot,” he says through gritted teeth,

I look down my jumper, where he looks into my eyes, I magic a necklace with a vile attached to it, which I fill with my blood, draping it over his head, before lifting my jumper back off him, he flinched at the rays, but rubs his head when it does not burn him,

“What is this Willow,” he asks,

“It is a vile of my blood, my magic runs though it for you making sure you never burn in the sun again,” I reply,

“Thank you,” He smiles, kissing me,

We head toward the castle, everything is overgrown, or dead, the once beautiful land dying and withering away, my memories play as I see certain areas, it hurt to know someone took all these away,

“Willow, are you sure you are ready for this,” Alaric asks, lacing his fingers into my hand,

“Not really but, I need to do it more than, want, I am a little nervous, but I will be fine,” I say smiling,

We approach the large doors, with overgrown vines growing over them, they groan and squeak as they open inward,

“There is only three people in the whole of the castle, one is in there, the other two, are slipping away from this life,” Alaric says,

“The shields seem to be still up, which means she knows we are coming, if I could guess it would be her two sisters,”

We climb the stairs to the main hall where I know she would be waiting for me, I hear whispers floating through the wind, ‘she is here’ ‘she is back’ the wisps of the wind say, a friend I had missed, a memory I should have been able to miss,

Anger ignites me as we get to the door, of all the things she did I could forgive her, but taking my memories away, that is a something I can never forgive,

The doors swing open revealing the huge pink and blue throne room, where mother sits atop her throne, the brightest orb to light the room shone beautifully on her aging face and greying hair, she gasps,

“That spell was unbreakable,” she shouts,

“Hello mother, you know yourself you cannot fight destiny, now be a good mother and tell me why you tried,” I shout,

I am seething at this point and am ready for war, how dare she not even try to hide her stupidity,

“Willowmina, you were supposed to live a happy life in the human world, while the prophecy played out, I did not want you to be involved, she is too powerful,” she exclaims,

“Mother I know everything, I saw how you beat me, so I would spell myself, I watched you remove the Langdon’s memories, and hide them from me, but life has a funny way of reuniting what has been lost, even when it comes wrapped in a pretty box, as for a happy life, it started two weeks ago, before that was hell, but I suppose you know that,” I scream,

Alaric is smoothing my back trying to calm me down, but it is too late, there is no going back from this,

“I see you have found the boys, I can see your threads already tangled with them, if you win do you know what will happen, too you,” she spits,

“Yes, I have found them and in the first week of being with them they have given me the life I had always wanted, I do not care what will happen, after the battle, if I am with them, I know it will be amazing,”

“Ha, you fool, they will force themselves upon you, fill you with their juices and hope you catch, then you bare their children who will be taken away from you, your subjects raise them, while you watch as they grow and you have no say in what they grow into,” the sadness in her voice makes me laugh,

“Hahaha, I have no idea what rock you have just crawled out of, but what you have just described is rape, what I have I sex, love and passion, I and when I bare children we as a family will bring them up, and besides, subjects are classed as slaves these days, welcome to the twenty first century, if those are the only reasons you have for sending me away, they are pathetic, I know the real reason you did it, I saw how you looked as I got stronger, you removed me before I could get too strong, so you could maintain your status, never mind the prophecy, you saw an opportunity and you took it,”

“How dare you accuse me,”

“Look around you, your methods and old way of thinking have driven everyone away, I hope you rot in hell,” I spit,

Alaric leaves my hand go, grabbing at his throat, he turns blue, panic rises and more anger as I remove her spell, covering him in a protective shield.

As a warning and retaliation to her trying to strangle Alaric, I stare her down as I let off three beautiful bombs in each tower as a warning,

She gasps as the vibration, shakes her throne, her chandelier swings, and she is breathing heavier,

“Mess with my boys and I will bring this castle down quicker than you call for tea,” I say,

She flings me against the wall, a croaky laugh rumbles through me, pushing my hands out with power, sending tiny blades which slash her skin,

I keep a shield up in front of Alaric in case she tries again to attack him, which she does, throwing a huge rock at him, it obliterates when it hit the shield thankfully, but it takes a toll on my magic,

“It is no use your weaker than when you left,” she spits sending me hurdling towards the wall again, holding me and crushing me,

I laugh, again, the pain is getting to me, so I throw Alaric my necklace, releasing my full powers which flow through me, I send a powerful bolt at her which burns her and crisps her hair. Before destroying more of the castle, wanting to see it burn down, the lives Alaric saw earlier are gone, ending the last remaining fairy citizens, which means the castle can come down, without hurting anyone,

“Feel my power now mother, I hide it ensuring people make mistakes you, lonely hag,” I boom,

Her eyes widen as she feels my power fill the room, she crumples her face while flinging bolts of her own at me, but I block them sending them back with double the energy,

“You are going to have to kill me if you want to leave alive,” she shouts,

“That can be arranged,”

Magnificent pleasure fills me to bring the rest of the castle toppling down around us, she is horrified at the scene, but I am proud at my handy work, nothing but her is left within the grounds,

“Goodbye, Fairy queen,” I call back,

Satisfied with the damage, we leave, walking into Damien and Cassius, they stare at the now flattened Castle,

“The fairies decided to roll with the 21st century a long time ago, but some people did not want that, it seems your mother is the last of them,” Cassius said, hugging me tightly,

A massive piece of debris comes toward us, luckily Cassius stopped it sending it hurdling back toward her, which made her head come clean off her shoulders, the boys embraced me until her body fell down, I could only imagine the sight.

Her ghost wondered about for a moment, until the depths of hell dragged her down, into the abyss. I collapse into Cassius arms, as pain and exhaustion take over me, but I am glad, I am with my boys, and I have no more parents to try and kill me.

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