The Prophesied Trio

Chapter 13

Waking earlier than I had expected, I head downstairs dressed and energised, a little achy over my body, but overall, really good.

I make everyone breakfast, just a simple bacon and egg roll, I put ketchup in mine, which goes down with a groan from me, book up my phone and do some TikTok surfing, checking out the latest romcom, which I partially read before we are ready to leave. The boys eventually roll in, each planting a kiss on my forehead, I watched as they ate the food I had made, Alaric and Damien have their jumpers on for me, which I cannot wait to wear later, then we head out to the programme.

We sit in our usual spot, say hi to Theo and Sophie, who wave back and continue with their lucky potion.

“Really speaking we could come here Monday and Friday, and not both with the rest of the week,” I say,

“Yes, you could, but the whole point of the programme is to see how interact with other creatures, that is what they say but I believe it is to see if we are going to be the cause of the next apocalypse,” Cassius says,

“Ohh, is there another way of doing that, like opening a shop to interact with society and prove our good intentions,”

“You could ask, I hear the principal has a sweet spot for you,” Alaric says,

“I will ask her later, they are coming over for dinner, with the dinner, Mrs, Langdon insisted she cook for us,” I say with a smile,

“We told you they are welcome any time, even better if they bring food,” Damien says,

“How old were you yesterday Willowmina, I never got the chance to ask you,” Alaric asks,

“I am eighteen, what about you,”

“Ohh, we are twenty-three,” Alaric replies,

“I thought everyone was a similar age here,”

“Yes, but we are royals, we have to be here for at least four years, Damien held us back last year when he attacked another shifter for not a good enough reason,” Cassius says,

“Well, I am sure you would attack someone if they touched willows butt,” Damien growled,

I giggled, “how old is Vera,”

“She is older than us, but only by two years,” Damien replies,

“Where were you yesterday boys,” the blonde bitch interrupts,

“I am sure you saw us in town yesterday, where you interrupted my fun,” I answer,

“I never asked you, but I am glad I interrupted you, can see you having all the fun now can we,” she replies,

Damien, smooths my leg in hopes to calm me, “It was Willow’s actual birthday, so we took her out,” Damien said with a fake smile,

“I see, I also see you have a new haircut,” a little lesbian looking, she says, rubbing her hands through it,

I re spike my hair with my hand as I speak, why does a haircut define my sexual orientation, if that was an actual thing, I suppose yours is hedgehogs,” I laugh, turning away from her,

Bad move on my behalf, as she grabs my nape, zapping me, I swing my chair back into her through the pain, dislodging her,

“What seems to be your problem with me, I have only known you a few days,”

“It does not matter how long you know a person when they come in taking what is yours, then you have an instant problem with them, do you not agree,”

“I see you think my boys wanted to be with you, a low life witch, well you are solely mistaken, they are mine all mine, we have claimed each other, and you are pathetic even thinking you had a chance with them,” I say,

“But you are not good enough for them, you came from nothing, and are still nothing,” she growls,

“At least I embrace who I am, and where I come from, I could not see you doing the same, you carry around a magic diffuser like a shield, you spell people so they feel you pain, you are not even strong enough to take a beating not alone give one, you are just a bully who will end up all alone, or worse,” I reply,

She swings for me, catching me in the mouth, I laugh as I rub my chin, the boys stand next to me, but I hold my hand up, hoping they will not get involved,

I head butt her hard, watching her eyes roll, as she stumbles back, I watch as she steadies herself back on her feet, then swings out a magic orb, which I catch and diminish it,

“You cannot use magic like that in such a small room with so many people that can get hurt,” I shout,

She does not listen though, sending another to me, it burns in my hands as I diminish it again, she pulls out knives, sending them flying across the room, I lose it making them clang to the ground as I grip her by the throat, holding her off the ground, her power surges through me trying to electrify me, it is painful, but I do not care,

“How dare you endanger everyone over jealousy, I curse you with spelled cuffs, that will come off when you prove that you are not selfish,” I spit,

Sending her back to her chair, where she sits enraged but realises, I have neutralised her magic, she screams like a banshee, so I finish her off with a ball of cold water that drenches her head to toe, an apt punishment for someone who cares too much on appearance,

I turn to face the boys, they are smiling happy with my actions, “I am heading home, I want to try and sort the garden out before Saturday, see you later,” I kiss them each before leaving,

My power is burning as I walk home, I need to release it and I have the perfect idea that will use up loads of magic,

The garden, which is just a large area of overgrown grass, with nothing else, at the moment, so I imagine what I need to do and start by creating large rocks to form the huge pool which will work perfectly at the back of the garden,

I push the ground down, creating the pool, and cement the inside and adding a mosaic pattern all the way around in the iridescent colours, adding in a under water seating area and hidden bar under the large rocks which is still in the water, a few lights under which will allow us to see, but not be seen inside the pool, before filling it,

When I turn back to the house I realise just how neglected it looks from the outside, it seems they only care what the inside looks like, so I magic a white paint over every inch of the house, while I clean all the windows, I then go in and freshen all the drainpipes and window sills, with a gloss black, which is a beautiful contrast to the white, and works well with the inside décor, in comparison to the grey they had previous,

Next, heighten the too low fences, and paint them a grey colour, adding on some white and black bird houses all the way around the fence, I add a large decking area in the centre of the garden which holds the pool ladders, a grey large pergola, with a retractable roof, which has an outdoor kitchen with a huge BBQ in the centre on the left, on the right I place ten small tall tables and chairs, with little candles in the centre, to finish the decking off I added some potted plants for some colours, hanging festival lights and a larger light over the kitchen area, too see better,

As for the last part of the garden, I make sure there is a beautiful path which has large grey slate tiles, with small white stone fillers which glow, which I had seen on Pinterest, in the centre then on either side I planted large trees, closet to the fence with fruits growing on them, pears, apples, oranges cherries, coconuts, and bananas, I am magic so I can condition them to grow,

In front of the fruits, I place some smaller brighter plants, which will add to the beauty of the garden, and cover the dirt with bark, to make it look pretty, I added a small rug to the back porch with some more beautiful potted plants, and two lights, as it is very dark, when its nighttime,

I’m exhausted but I still feel like I need to exert more magic, so I head around the front, the porch was only small covering the door, but looked like it was missing something, I added hanging baskets sprucing it up, I added a the same path from the back in the front, added the bark all over the front where the path was not, and filled in the large area with potted colourful plants, which would last all year around,

My magic paint had already come around the front, so I just had to wash the windows, and the orangery, the whole outside now looked amazing, I feel like I have been run over by a bus, but at least my powers are back to calm,

I look upon my work for the front and head up to the attic to see the back, I was happy with what I had done, it looks amazing, I notice some magic issues with the current shield Cassius has made, I add my magic to it which strengthens it, making it stronger, and less visible to on lookers,

My phone rings, which I answer,


“Are you okay, your magic is dwindling,” a worried Cassius says,

“I am fine, just exerting some power, seemed I had a bit of excess,” I reply,

“Okay, we will not be long, see you in five,” he says, before hanging up,

I am impressed with what I have achieved in the five hours I had, could not believe I had just done everything in five hours, I head to run the bath, so I am clean when the Langdon’s come over,

The boys enter my chambers, with smiling faces,

“I am impressed, the front and back look amazing, I cannot believe you did all that on your own,” Cassius says,

“I wanted to give you something special, so we could have more fun,”

“You are special, Willow, and we do not expect anything from you,” Alaric says,

The doorbells rings signifying our guests have arrived, Cassius is the one to go down and greet them, while I dry and dress,

“We have brought seasoned meats, salads and buns we hoped you had a BBQ which I see you have, with an amazing back garden,” Mrs Langdon,

“You read my mind,” I smile embracing her in a hug,

We sit and eat outside, changing the seats to one big table instead of ten different ones, everyone complements me on the garden, on how amazing it looks while we ate,

“A little birdie informed me that you got into a little fight today, and cursed someone,” Mrs. Langdon says,

“Mrs, Langdon,” Cassius started,

“Please call me, Elaine, and my wife, Mable,” Mrs. Langdon interrupted,

“Elaine, Willow taught someone a lesson who deserved worse,” Cassius smiled,

“The curse was strong that you used, nobody can seem to remove it,” Mable says,

“It will remove itself when she has learnt not to be selfish, as for now, she has to go without,” I reply,

“You cannot decide someone’s fate,”

“She had picked on me the moment she met me, because she wanted the boys, when I told they were all m mates she said I was not worth, she was not worthy of her flashy trinkets, she is electrocuting people as well as using deflector charms, her punishment is suites her well,” I smile,

Which silenced them, and they left not long after, the boys and I clean up and I climb into bed, drifting into the darkness where I often found myself, but now it has tiny lights that guide me, holding me and warming me as I sleep,

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