The Otherside: Jay McClayn: A Quest For Love (Book 4)

Chapter 9

After I ushered Jason out, I went to my closet and looked to see what I had in there. I pulled out jeans and a t-shirt, changed and threw my hair up into a ponytail. It wasn’t long until I strolled downstairs to join everyone else. I had been back on Earth for about 3 days now and it felt weird. Once I got down the staircase Christina came over.

“Follow me, and I will reheat your breakfast.” she said being kind like always. I do not think there is an evil bone in her body. She led me to the table in the dining room and then brought me my food. Harrison and Jason followed and after Christina brought me my food we all sat down to talk.

“Now, what are we going to do about this situation?” Harrison asked me trying to figure out where we go from here.

“I have a kingdom to run. I do not know how long Nikki and Alex can last running my kingdom without me. We are crunched on time and I can’t just take him with me; Samantha has his memories and can destroy them. The only thing we can do right now is to wait for Vincent to come and tell us when he set up the meeting for Samantha and us.”

“You broke one of the rules already.” Harrison cut me off

“You did too, you told me Jason was here. We had one rule broken, why not throw another out the window!” I snapped.

“She gave me permission to tell you, not to you to give him the memories of his that he has shared with you!” He snapped back.

“UGH!! I’m so glad you didn’t take the advisor’s position back home!” I yelled angered.

“What, afraid I would keep you in line?” a smirk grew on his face after that comment of his. He was getting amusement out of this and then it hit me. He didn’t take the job because he wanted me to branch out and grow up.

I got up from the table. “Excuse me, I think I am going to go take a walk.” I started heading for the door. I believe Jason followed me; I did not pay much attention until after I opened the door.

Once I opened the door Vincent was standing there and he quickly started off before I could speak. “Oh, Jay! Perfect timing, I have set up an appointment for you with Samantha. She will come here tomorrow at...” He stopped in mid-sentence and looked at the necklace. He quickly moved towards me and grabbed my throat with his right hand. My left hand grabbed his arm. “How much does he know?!?” He yelled at me.

“Let her go Vincent!” Jason said angered. Vincent’s gaze went to Jason. I quickly shifted my nails into long metal claws. They were at least a foot long so they grew into his arm. Vincent let go, as I pulled them out.

“Learn some manners sir. I am a queen you know.” I was being a little snarky as I stepped away.

Vincent jokingly half bowed. “Well your highness, will you please kindly, tell me how much does he know?” he was being a jerk with a sarcastic tone.

“That is between me and him, isn’t it?” I wasn’t going to bother telling him. He quickly ran up to me again and grabbed my right arm and pulled it behind my back. I quickly shifted my arm into a blade; it cut his hand and he let go. As I was stepping away he grabbed my ponytail other hand. He then swung me to the right and I hit the ground hard. He has more physical strength than me. He pulled me up by my ponytail right after I hit the ground. He was just about to swing my to the left when I shifted my hair into a blade. It cut his other hand. He threw me by my ponytail and I hit the wall. My hair and my arm shifted back to normal. Vincent’s blood was on me. He was far enough away I could see my surroundings again. Harrison was now in the living room and holding Jason back. I did not notice with Vincent attacking me, it distracted me from everything else. Vincent was actually a challenge; I was out of practice. He slowly walked over to me.

“Let’s finish this where we will not destroy this lovely home.” He opened a portal as he picked me up by the neck and threw me in.

My back hit a tree and it was raining. I quickly looked around before Vincent came shortly after to notice it was mine and Jason’s pond. Once Vincent came through, he walked towards me as I was slowly trying to get up. He magically conjured a sword that was pitch black. I coughed and saw blood when I finally made it to my feet, but I had to keep fighting. The portal was beginning to close behind Vincent, when Jason came running through, but he was in his wolf form. He tackled Vincent. My curse began to talk to me as they fought. “Let me help you.” My curse was wanting to take over. “I can’t let you, I don’t want to loose control. I can’t hurt Jason.” I responded back to it. “We want the same thing. At least just tap into my power. Let me help you save him. You are depressing without him and I’m tired of it.” That confused me. It was tired of my depression? I snapped out of that confusion and gave my response. “Let’s do this.” I responded back in my head. I started to feel no pain, right when Vincent threw Jason off of him and into a tree. He changed back into human form. I quickly pulled out my wand and magically put pants on his body. I slowly stood up and shifted my wand into my normal silver sword as Vincent faced me.

“There are golden flakes in your eyes. Why not just let it take over and show me what the curse truly can do?” Vincent said trying to rile me up.

“Shut up! If you want to fight me, fight me.” He picked up his sword off the ground; it was knocked out of his hand while he was fighting Jason. He quickly swiped at me, but I blocked it. Left, right, left, right. We kept fighting in the rain. Then the final strike came from Vincent that I blocked. We were both pushing so hard.

“Why are you risking so much for that dog? Shouldn’t you be taking care of your kingdom? If you need help ruling, let me help you.” He was serious and it was confusing. He suddenly removed his sword and I fell forward. He grabbed me, tilted me backwards and kissed me. I became even more confused and was starting to freak out. I quickly shifted my sword into a dagger and stabbed him in the stomach. We both backed away. The dagger was in my hand. “I always get that response. I actually understand it in this situation, but please tell me why are you choosing him?”

I sighed. “I love him. He helped me with my memories once, now it is my turn. He and I belong together and no one can truly mess that up.”

He laughed at my response. “He better be worth it.” He opened a portal. “My mom will be at Harrison’s tomorrow at noon. I suggest you don’t fight her. You wouldn’t last in a fair playing field.” His words shocked and confused me.

“W-what do you mean your mom? You’re my..”

He cut off my second question. “Yes, until we meet again.” He did a two finger salute and retreated through the portal. I was in such a shock I fell to my knees. I was kissed by my cousin; it was so very weird. I should have notice he looked like Zachariah sooner. Then the whole you wouldn’t last in a fair playing field, what was that supposed to mean? I thought she couldn’t travel through dimensions well.

Suddenly all that was put on the backburner when I felt Jason’s arms around me. He pulled me up to stand with him. After Jason pulled me up in his arms, my body was starting to giving out and was frantically repairing the internal damage. He was supporting my whole weight at this moment and my head was in his chest. I started to realize the rain again falling on us.

“How much of that did you see?” I asked a little frazzled.

“Every bit.” He responded softly. I couldn’t tell what he was feeling.

“I’m sorry. He forced that kiss on me.”

He sighed and pulled my head up to look at him. “I heard what was said. You are willing to give up so much for me, just to get my memories back. Jay, I loved you before and my heart hasn’t changed.” He pulled me into his chest. “I will get stronger again for you. I couldn’t protect you today, but I will from today on.”

I was so emotional by that, I didn’t know what to say. “I love you.” was all that could escape my lips before he went in and kissed me.

“I love you too. Now how do we get home from here?” He asked.

“Well first, let’s go to the castle. I can’t open a portal in this condition. Plus since we are here, I should check up on Nikki and see how she is doing with the kingdom.” I said sort of answering his question.

“Guide me.” He said as he picked me up bridal style and we headed out from there to the castle.

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