The Otherside: Jay McClayn: A Quest For Love (Book 4)

Chapter 10

Once we got into the castle Nikki and Alex were at the front door with warm towels for us. She must have seen us coming.

“Let’s take her to her room.” Nikki said to Jason as if I was unconscious. “Hello. Nice to see you too Nikki.” I said with a sigh.

“I just don’t want you to catch a cold. Jason follow me.” We all went to my room. Jason laid me on the bed. “Alex, show Jason to his room so he can change out of his wet clothes. I will help Jay change.” Alex did what Nikki said and they both left.

Once the door shut, Nikki grabbed clothes from my closet, and then came back over to help me dress.

“Jay, this is getting too dangerous.” Nikki blurted out as she was helping me change.

“I know, but I can’t back down now. I need to do something for me for once. I’ve been, for so long, doing all I could for this country and nothing at all for myself. I-I need him.”

Nikki sighed. “Samantha is too dangerous. I do not foresee a happy ending and I’m scared for you. Plus she is obviously messing with your head and wants revenge for her husband.”

I sighed. “I know what she wants. I’m going to talk to her tomorrow and see what I can do. We need to finish this. This needs closure, one way or another.” I said as we finished getting me dressed.


I cut her objection off. “No buts. I need to do this for me, Snowflake.” I slowly tried to get up, but then I coughed up some more blood.

“At least stay here for the night and heal. I can get a healer to speed things up.”

I sighed knowing she was right. “Okay, but I have to be back at noon for my meeting. Let Harrison know what is going on.”

A smile sprouted back up on her face. “Okay, I will call a healer and then Harrison.” There was a knock on the door when she said that. She walked over and opened it.

“So we are staying here tonight?” Jason asked right when the door opened. Nikki snuck away, as he walked towards me.

“Yes, how much did you hear?”

There was a pause. “Long enough. Why don’t we stay here forever? I don’t need my real memories.”

I sighed. “You can stay here, but I want you to have your true memories. Memories that will feel real to you. I want you to know and be able to use magic again. You don’t know how still with the memories I gave you, or you would have been able to stand your ground with Vincent”

He sighed. “I can relearn.” I thought about it for a moment, but my mind was made up.

“Stay here and learn with Nikki and Alex. I’m sure they can find a wizard to teach you. I am at least going to talk to Samantha. Let me weigh my options more on what she is going to say. We will talk more about this after I talk with Samantha, okay?” I asked not really needing an answer from him. I was going to go regardless of the answer.

“Okay.” he reluctantly said as he bent over and kissed me.

Later on in the afternoon Jason went off with Alex and Nikki to spar and an old woman healer came and worked on me. The rest of the day was quiet. I was able to eat dinner at the table with everyone after the healer was done, but I needed to rest tonight for my magical strength to come back. Jason slept next to me that night. He was going to train tomorrow, while I talked to Samantha. I hoped it would go well, but sadly part of me didn’t think it would. I felt I had a big adventure ahead of me, but what exactly will it entail. I didn’t know.

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