The Otherside: Jay McClayn: A Quest For Love (Book 4)

Chapter 11

I was woken up by Jason early this morning. He was getting up to go train with Nikki and Alex; he didn’t mean to wake me up, but he did. I slowly rolled over as I felt him get up. My eyes slowly opened and looked up at him.

“I’m sorry I woke you up hon.” He said a little disappointed in himself.

“It’s okay. You going to go train?” I said as I slowly got up.

“Yes, I was going to train with Nikki and Alex. Nikki was going to see if she could help me shift into my wolf form easier, and Alex is going to spar with me some more. He is re-teaching me some martial arts.” I levitated my wand to my hand and handed it to him.

He looked at me questioningly. “Don’t you need that?” He asked.

“I will be fine. Plus it will be easier to learn magic this way. How I use magic is by concentrating on something. It tends to be easier to channel the magic through something to direct it at an object. When you get better at it, you will be able to do it without it, but right now you need it.”

He reluctantly took it and studied it. “I would feel better if you had it for your talk with Samantha. I don’t want you hurt again.”

I sighed. “Jason, I will be okay. I can shift my body into a weapon if need be. Your father gave it to me when I needed help with my magic. It is only right to put the family heirloom back into your family.”

He pulled me into a hug. “Thank you. I will work hard.” He kissed my cheek.

“Just remember to focus and keep your mind on what you want to happen and you should be fine. Verbalizing Latin words helps too.” I hugged him back. “Now go train, I have some paperwork to look over before I go talk with Samantha.” He kissed me on the cheek and we went our separate ways for the time being until I went back to Earth.

I went to my office and began to go through some paperwork I had missed while I was gone. Time flew by and before I knew it, it was 11AM. I put the rest of the paperwork aside for later. I went back to my room and magically changed my clothes. I put on a black dress shirt, with a white tank top underneath it and jeans. I then went out and talked with everyone before I left.

Nikki stopped me by the door to leave the castle; I was on my way out to the garden where Alex and Jason were.

“Are you sure you want to do this?” She said as I walked up to her. Nikki placed herself in front of the door.

“I know what you are thinking, it is dangerous.” I replied back to her.

“It is more than just dangerous and you will leave this country without a leader with one wrong mistake. Vincent really did a number on you yesterday.”

I sighed at her response. “Nikki,” I looked her dead in the eyes, “God gave me this chance to get him back and to finish this. I need to finish this because if I don’t do this now. What else will she sabotage of mine to hurt me? I am not going to let anyone else suffer because of her. Jason should not have to go through this because of me so I am going to fix things.”

Nikki shook her head. She knew there was no changing my mind. “Go, do what you must. Just don’t die, okay?”

I sighed again at her pessimism. “I will be okay and get through this. Have faith and pray for me. If all else fails, you will make a great queen.” I put a half-joke at the end. She did not look amused. If I died my kingdom would go to her, but I refuse to die. I will win if it comes to a fight. I gave her a hug. “Everything will work out okay. Just pray for me and for your peace of mind.” I pulled away. “I will keep in touch with you.” I said as I went through the door behind her.

“Goodbye.” I heard softly as I left.

When I walked outside, Alex and Jason were sparring with swords. Looking at the sword he was holding, reminded me where his sword was at. I opened a portal above my head and levitated his sword to my hand. The portal shut right after it came through.

“Take a break boys. I have to go.” I said as I walked between them. Their swords were crossed, making an “x”. I uncrossed their swords with Jason’s sword by pushing the swords up. I handed the sword to Jason.

“Use this instead. Get used to the sword you will use all the time. It is an extension of your body after all.” We switched swords. It reminded me of the time he taught me, but now it is my turn to teach him. “Try it out.” I said as he unsheathed it. I held the sword I took from him up. “Let’s go.”

He gave me a confused look. “You want me to fight you?” I laughed at his reaction.

“Think of it as dancing with swords.”

He chuckled. “Are you sure? I’m not rusty at this like my magic.”

I was cocky. “Let’s dance.” I said as he held up his sword. We clashed swords. Left, right, left, right. We continued to go back and forth. He was still the teacher. He was still better than me at this, even after losing his memory. He knocked the sword out of my hand. He thought he won, but at the moment and started to lower his sword and relax, I quickly shifted my arm into a blade and came at him. He blocked it like I knew he would.

“You are still good my teacher.” I smiled. “But you need to not let your guard off to the magical unknowns.” He grabbed my waist pulled me in and kissed me. My arm unlinked from his sword and I shifted it back to normal. My arms moved around his neck. He dropped his sword and pulled me into his body. Alex cleared his throat loudly and we stopped kissing.

“I’m sorry.” Jason said looking at Alex as he slowly started letting go.

“I got to get going if I am going to make it to my meeting with Samantha.” My smiled faded when he quickly apologized to Alex. For some reason it made me feel like he regretted it at that moment. I opened a portal to Harrison’s living room and began to walk towards it, but I got stopped. Jason caught my arm and pulled me into his chest.

“Be careful. I do not want you to disappear from my life again.” He said very concerned. He then grabbed my head on each side and pulled it in for another kiss. Once it ended he said “This better not be our last.”

I smiled “It will not be our last kiss. I will be okay.” I pulled away from him. “I will be back tonight. I will even ask your father to come back with me to teach you some magic, okay?” He nodded. “I will see you later my love.” I said as I walked through the portal and into the living room.

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