The Otherside: Jay McClayn: A Quest For Love (Book 4)

Chapter 12

I arrived into the living room a little before noon, when Samantha was supposed to be here. Harrison was expecting me, he ran over and hugged me.

“I’m so glad you’re okay.” He said as Christina joined in on the hug.

“Guys, I have been through tougher scrapes, remember the war?” I said trying to get them to not be so clingy.

“You were prepared and well trained for that. You are a little rusty hon.” Christina said countering my argument. “Don’t you scare us like that again. You will always be like a daughter to us.” We slowly broke away from the hug.

“I’m sorry, but I can’t promise no more conflict. I’m fighting for my happy ending this time. I’m not going to let this slip away.” Harrison nodded his head and then the room went quiet.

We all sat in the living room waiting until a portal opened. When it did, Samantha slowly came into the living room. Her lovely long brown hair and golden eyes. She looked the same as when she taught me when I was a child. She wore the same smile on her face.

“I see you rejected my son; I don’t blame you. I told him the five year difference was going to make him fail, but you know men just don’t listen. You look like you have recovered well. He is still recovering and drinking blood.” She started off as if we were having a casual conversation.

I was taken back by it. “Melan... I mean Samantha, look I really need Jason’s memories back.” I said trying to get down to business.

At that moment her smile began to look evil. “What? Are you kidding me?” she laughed.

“I am not kidding you. I thought what I said was clear, and direct enough.”

She shook her head. “You think by asking me nicely and directly, you will get your precious Jason’s memories back?” I was starting to get angry with her making fun of me.

“Look here, this has nothing to do with Jason. It is between you and me. Let us handle it between you and me.”

She shook her head again as she moved her hand up to her forehead. “You just don’t get it. I don’t want to fight you, and I don’t want you dead either. I want you to suffer without the one person that makes your life light up. I want you to suffer like me, and yet right now you aren’t. How much does he know?”

I sighed. “And you think I am being direct? What does it matter?” I said as she pulled out a bottle from her coat pocket that was full of whitish-clear shimmery substance.

“Because I have his true memories. Erase the memories you gave him or I will destroy the bottle and his memories will float around the world lost forever.” I quickly tried levitating the bottle my way, which is a mistake when dealing with a pure-bread psychic. She began pulling back with levitation trying to get it back in her hands. She quickly opened a portal and then levitated my body through it. I had to let go of the bottle.

I looked around quickly I had no clue where I was at, but it was an odd forested area. The trees had pink leaves and black trunks, and the grass was also pink. I began to run to the portal I was slung through, but I didn’t make it in time. Samantha walked through and it closed. I looked up to sky it was grey. “Where am I?” Was all I was thinking. I looked back at Samantha as she was putting Jason’s memories back in her coat pocket.

“This is another dimension I pulled you in. If we are going to fight, we are going to do it fairly.”

She had set me off. “What do you mean by fair?” I was so pissed I tried to shift my arm into a blade but I couldn’t do it. It shifted into a purple liquid. I quickly shifted it back. “What is going on?”

She laughed at me. “This is a fair playing field where your magic does not work the same. Everything has different properties than you are used to. Now if you want to fight, we fight with fists here, well unless you brought a sword. Pro-tip, don’t kill me, or you will never get home.” I was so angry at that point. Right before I was going to punch her another portal opened up beside us. A woman with a black cloak covering her body came out. She slowly took off the hood. Her hair was mostly black with grey highlights. Her eyes were grey.

“Loveless?” I asked questioningly. It looked like Loveless except for her hair was different.

“Samantha Elaine Masters Nighthawk, leave Jay alone. Your husband chose this path. He knew he was going to die.” Her words had some anger in them. Is this really Loveless?

“Ra...” Samantha tried to start off, but she didn’t finish it when a dagger from Loveless’ hand was up at her neck.

“My name is Loveless.”

Samantha laughed at her. “So my husband had been protecting you my little niece. Maybe he was a dirty traitor that didn’t want to rule.” She grabbed Loveless’ hand and tossed her. They both quickly opened a portal and got swords from somewhere and began attacking each other. I felt so useless so I kept working at my shifting. I was desperately trying to figure out the properties of a sword, hurting my arm in the process. I went through so many elements until I eventually turned my arm into a strong metal blade. I walked to where they were.

“That is enough!” I yelled out getting their attention. “Let us come to an agreement civilly please.” I said after I got their attention.

Samantha’s jaw dropped when she saw my arm as a blade. “How did you?” She said running out of words to say.

“I went through trying to find the right properties, and well, finally found it.”

Loveless quickly changed the subject and got down to business. “Give her the memories back and then we can have our fight without her. Right now, you are out numbered so I suggest you do it.”

Samantha laughed at Loveless’ deal. “I am not giving the memories back just yet.” She looked at me. “I suggest you take away the memories you gave him, or I will destroy his real memories.” She said threateningly as she opened a portal. “We will keep in touch.” She said as she quickly escaped.

After Samantha left. I shifted my arm back to normal and turned to Loveless.

“Loveless? Who are you? And what happened to you and your hair?” I asked confused.

A sigh escaped her lips. “You should be more worried about your arm. Let us get you to the castle and then we will talk.”

“But I need to see if Harrison will go train Jason so we need to.. ”

She cut me off. “I already took care of that. I told him it would be safer for him and Christina to be at the castle and that Jason needs training. I will erase the memories you inserted into Jason when we get there and then we will talk, sound okay?” She was very agitated. Then it hit me. Samantha killed their family and wants revenge. But what was up with her hair and how did she know that Zachariah chose to die the way he did?

“Thank you.” I said calmly with a smile. I looked down to see my arms covered in blood and cuts.

“Let us go. We have much to talk about.” Loveless said as she opened the portal. We walked through and entered the garden outside of the castle.

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