The Otherside: Jay McClayn: A Quest For Love (Book 4)

Chapter 8

It took the rest of the day and that night to transfer all the memories. I did not give him any of my memories from the past five years, only before that. I did not want to share unless he wanted to as well. When I was done, he awoke in a jolt. I had just started to fall asleep kneeling over the bed, but felt the bed jolt and I guessed he was near the door. I heard his footsteps going over there.

“You!” he yelled and pointed at me. I lifted my head up and he was indeed near the door.

“Where are the cameras? This must be some kind of elaborate joke or a prank! How did you get my parents in on it? Who are you working for?” Jason rambled on in a tizzy.

“Take a deep breath and calm down.” I said sounding dead tired. I slowly stood up.

“If it’s true, show me the Otherside, or something legit.” he said scared. I did not have the energy for a portal for both of us to go there. But I opened a portal to my room on the Otherside and I levitated the sword I gave him out of my closet, through the portal and into my right hand. I fell to my knees with it in my arms. I was at my limit.

“I do not have the energy to take us there now, but this is the sword I gave you that belonged to my father.” I said as he walked over to me. I handed him the sword and he studied it.

“I don’t know what to think right now; this is all very crazy. Why don’t I feel like that was me? But then the question of your powers, it lines up to the story. You match the story, but I don’t. Are you sure I am the Jason you are looking for? My name I know of is Jason Paine, not Hex. You could have mistaken me for...”

I cut him off. “I am Jamie Ally Hart and you are Jason Robert Hex. I’m sorry you don’t believe me. I should not have let you go out there alone. I’m sorry.” I was holding back tears.

“I’m sorry, Jay. I freaked out. I pushed you to far.” he replied, clearly seeing my current level of energy. I hadn’t used this much magic in a long time. I have done a lot the past few days and on not a lot of sleep. He set the sword on the bed and held a hand out to me to help me up. I took it and he pulled me into his arms and held me tight. My head was in his chest and I broke into tears. “Nothing makes sense, but all the signs point to this. Even down to the feelings for you.” He kissed the top of my head. He then picked me up and placed me in the bed next to his sword, and then laid next to me, and held me close. “I’m sorry I upset you and made you use too much power.” Jason whispered softly.

“It’s fine.” I said as I slowly drifted off to sleep.

It was the best sleep I had in 5 years. I had missed his warmth next to mine. I woke up at 10 AM to a kiss on the cheek. I rolled over to his direction and slowly opened my eyes. He was standing up and already dressed for the day.

“Good morning” I said softly while sitting up.

“Good morning. Are you feeling better?” his tone matching my softness, but he also had a little concern in his voice.

“I’m fine. How are you doing?” I was not too worried about myself at that moment I was more worried about how he was doing emotionally with all this. I remembered when I was in this situation I was not pretty.

“I’m okay. This is the best night of sleep I have had in a long time.” He had a smile on his face and was taking everything well. I slowly got out of bed. “Harrison told me to tell you, you still have some clothes here in your closet and not to waste anymore of your magic. He said to change your clothes the old fashioned way.”

I sighed. “You told him didn’t you.” He laughed and hugged me. “I wanted to double check and make sure you were okay. It has been a long time since I have done anything magic. Plus Jay, you need to blend in better and the clothes you have do not scream I am from here.”

I looked down at my clothes and realized he was right. “Okay, I will change.” I said with a smirk. “But before you do that.” He took the ring from around my neck and took off the chain. He then pulled out the heart necklace from his pocket and placed the ring in his pocket. He put the necklace around my neck. “I will hold on to the ring for now.” he paused staring at the necklace and then pointed to it. “Now this belongs there. You will never really be able to run away from your family history; your curse proves that. I love you Jamie Ally Hart, even if you are now Jay McClayn Anderson, but right now I need some time.”

I kissed him on the cheek. “I understand.” I said as I grabbed the heart in my hand. He had a valid point, I can’t truly run from my past. He wrapped his arms around my waist and then kissed my forehead. I hugged him back tightly and we stayed there for a bit. “I better get changed.” I said breaking the silence, I looked up at him with a smile. He unexpectedly kissed me softly. After a talk of a need some time I never thought he would kiss me so soon.

“I will let you change.” He said as he let go and he walked out of the room and shut the door behind him.

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