The Otherside: Jay McClayn: A Quest For Love (Book 4)

Chapter 4

I woke up in a bed and what happened slowly came back to me. I sat up and saw Jason asleep in a chair next to the bed. I couldn’t help but to smile, it reminded me of before he disappeared. I scanned the rest of the room to see my surroundings. While doing so I saw a clock on a nightstand next to the bed; it read 10:00PM. “I guess he doesn’t stay up to late.” I thought to myself. I looked down remembering my wounds. I saw bandaging. He did my stomach bandages over my corset. I held in a chuckle. I guessed he wanted to respect my privacy. The bandaging on my stomach was mess, but the one on my hand was perfect. I slowly un-wrapped the bandaging and checked on my wounds. There was no more bleeding and they were almost completely healed.

I slowly got up. Since he was out I thought it would be a good time to explore his mind. I realized he was sitting on my cloak. He must have taken it off and sat on it without realizing it, or he didn’t want me to leave; I didn’t know. I placed my hands on his temples and shut my eyes. In a matter of seconds I was in and I ventured into his mind. I quickly noticed his false memories (they have a different feel to them than real ones). I went through his mind trying to find his true memories, but they weren’t there. I let go and exited his mind. He really didn’t remember me. It was very weird that he has none of his real memories. It also hurt like another dagger in the heart. I sat back down on the bed debating on running or staying. I didn’t know what happened to him. I didn’t go through his false memories, but I questioned if his life was better without me. I didn’t want to waste my energy going back in so I just assumed it was better if I left. I was going to leave my cloak behind since he was on it. I got back up and snuck to the door and slowly began to open it, but he had a squeaky door and well it squeaked.

“Huh!” he woke up startled and looked over to me. “Where are you going?” he asked. I think he knew my true intention.

“I-I have to use the bathroom.” I felt bad about the lie.

“Let me show you where it is.” Jason said as he got up, walked over and opened the door.

He lived in a two bedroom apartment from the looks of it. I was guessing he had a roommate. The bathroom was the door next to his room. I went in and shut the door and sat on the toilet. I had to tell him something, but what?

I sat there for a bit until I think he got worried. “Are you alright in there?” Jason asked concerned.

“Yes, just give me a moment.” I said as I stood up and went to the mirror. I looked like one big mess and had a lot of blood on me. I magically cleaned myself off and fixed my clothes. I then let down my messed up braided hair. It was wavy from being in a braid for about two days. I then walked out.

“How did you...” I cut him off.

“Let’s go to your room. You can ask me one question at a time there.” I said as I went back to his room. He followed. I sat down on his bed and he sat back down on my cloak in the chair. “Now, first things first. I am Jay McClayn Anderson.” I held out my hand to him. It felt weird that we were starting fresh meeting for the third time.

“Aren’t we passed hand shaking when you kissed me?” he chuckled. “But it is nice to put a name to your face.” I then realized his phone was still between my breasts. I blushed, pulled it out and handed it to him with my previously injured hand.

“I’m sorry. It had to be done.” He took his phone back and then grabbed my right hand in shock as he examined it.

“How did you heal so quickly?” He asked.

“I have magic powers, like you.” I smirked.

He looked up. “Look, I think you have the wrong Jason. I do not have powers.” he said defensively. I took my right hand from his grip and started scratching behind his left ear. His eyes closed and he was enjoying it.

“You are still a wolf. If you got angry enough, I’m sure you would turn.” I dropped my hand after I said that.

He quickly shook his head snapping out of it. “What are you talking about? What are you? What am I?” He was getting frantically confused.

I moved my hand back up and started scratching behind his ear again. “Calm down. You are a hybrid. You are half wizard, half werewolf. Now me on the other hand, I’m a little more complicated. I am a hybrid too, but I have witch, shapeshifter and psychic blood in me. I can do a lot, but not all at once. I, like any person, only have so much energy.” As I finished explaining I moved my hand from behind his ear, and rested it on the side of his forehead.

“Stop doing that!” He grabbed my hand and moved it off of him but held onto it. I began moving my left hand to do it to his right ear but he quickly grabbed it and held it with his right hand. “I mean it!” he was getting flustered.

I leaned over and whispered in his ear. “Make me.” I then pulled back and looked him in the eyes. He slowly leaned in and I leaned in and we actually kissed. Not me forcing myself on him but a nice kiss. It felt nice feeling his lips on mine. After a few seconds he quickly pulled away, jumped up and move towards the dresser on the opposite side of the room.

“I’m sorry I can’t do this.” he said as he reached into his pocket, pulled something out and put it on the dresser. “I just got over someone, and well you remind me of her. You do not look like her but the way you act, and the feelings I get. It doesn’t make sense. Are you really here? Is this all really happening?” I walked over to him feeling very guilty. I didn’t want him to have a mental break down. I hugged him.

“I’m sorry. What happened?” I said trying to comfort him.

“She died, five years ago in a car accident. Her name was Alice.” I pulled away after he said that.

“Her name was Alice?” I asked tilting my head to the side. I was confused and a little startled by the mention of that name. The name of my sister who died in the war.

“Yes, and this is all I have left of her.” he said as he held up what he took out of his pocket; it was my necklace. He must have kept it, all these years. A tear ran down my cheek. “What’s wrong? Did you know her?” he seemed worried about my tears.

“Jason, those memories are not your real memories. Don’t they feel off to you?” I shifted into Alice’s human form.

“Was this your girlfriend?” He jumped when I shifted and looked like her.

“Y-yes, but...”

I shifted back to normal and cut him off. “That was the image of my sister who died in a war 5 years ago. That necklace is mine, well was mine.” my emotions were getting out of control as tears started running down. Out of nowhere he pulled me into a big hug. My head was in his chest.

“I’m sorry, I don’t understand.” I took a deep breath trying to pull myself together.

“Who are your parents?” I asked as I tried to pull my head up to look at him, But he held me closer so I couldn’t see his face.

“Harrison and Christina Paine.” I felt another metaphorical stab, but in the back this time. Why didn’t they tell me? What happened? I fell into him.

“They betrayed me. Why didn’t they tell me? I have been looking for you for 5 years!” I was shaking and I was struggling with my curse staying in control again. They betrayed me and that is one of the major triggers of my curse, but I still managed to push it down. I didn’t want to accidentally hurt Jason. I had waited too long to see him again. I stayed in his arms for a while until I finally calmed down enough. “Are you doing anything tomorrow?”

He pulled away to look into my eyes. “What are you thinking?” He asked afraid of an answer.

“We need to talk to your father and your mother.” I put up air quotes for mother because she is not his real mother. “They have some explaining to do.” He looked like he was about to ask a question but he dropped it.

“Sure, I will go with you. I’ll even drive.” When he said that I magically sent my bike back to their garage.

“Okay...uh... do you mind if I stay here tonight? I have no clue where I am at and I think I lost my map saving you in the park.” I looked down nervously while asking.

He lifted my head back up. “I don’t mind; take the bed. My roommate is home for the weekend, so I doubt he would mind if I sleep on the couch. Not that I need permission its just he won’t ask questions.” He was getting nervous. “Anyway, good night.” he said quickly retreating to the other room.

“Good night.” I repeated back to him.

I talked to Nikki and told her what happened after he left; we went to the dark room. She reassured me that Alex and her will be okay in charge while I was gone. I told her to tell Alex if anything happened to her I would beat him up. I do not know if she really told him or not but it made me feel better. It wasn’t long after our conversation I laid down on his bed and went to sleep.

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