The Otherside: Jay McClayn: A Quest For Love (Book 4)

Chapter 5

I was awoken this morning by the front door being opened. I slowly got up and wrapped my cloak around myself. I then walked out to see what was going on. I saw Jason and who I assumed was his roommate. He had black hair and golden brown eyes. He looked familiar, but at that moment I couldn’t quite place it. It looked like he just came home; he had a suitcase with him.

“So this is why you are out on the couch, huh? I’m shocked you didn’t just share a bed.” his roommate said picking on him. He set his luggage down by the couch and walked towards me. Jason sat up and watched him. “I’m Vincent, Jason’s roommate.” He held out his hand to me.

I took it. “Hello. I’m Jay McClayn.” I smiled softly. I was still waking up and was trying not to think of my emotions.

He paused for a moment after I said my name and then he scanned me. “Interesting.” was all that escaped his mouth.

“Is something wrong?” Jason asked him as he got up from the couch.

“Nothing really, she just reminds me of someone. I’m sure you aren’t her. You seem too nice.” He winked at me and then turned to Jason. “I don’t think she is your type, she is a blonde after all.” He was joking around, but he thought he knew me from somewhere too. I wonder if we truly do. I quickly pushed that thought out of my mind.

“We aren’t dating. She saved me last night, from some thugs. It was really late so I let her stay here for the night.” Jason explained.

“She saved you? Shouldn’t it be the other way around? She is so scrawny.” He chuckled.

“I may look small, but I pack a punch.” I retorted.

“Really now?” He turned his gaze back to me. I think I sparked something, he was being very flirty.

“Well” I said with a sigh. “I think I need to get going.” I said heading for the door.

Vincent grabbed my arm and stopped me. I turned around to see his gaze. “I will take you.” he said. I couldn’t read it very well. It had mixed emotions.

“Don’t worry about it. I will take her. I was going to head home and see my parents today. Speaking of that why aren’t you home?” Jason said, I think he knew something was off between us. I didn’t know what was off yet, but I knew it was something as well.

Vincent let go of my arm. “Well if somebody answered their phone he would know that my mom went out of town without letting me know. So I came home.” He laughed at Jason.

Jason looked at his phone. “What do you know? I’m sorry.” Jason said as he got up. “Let me pack real quick and then we will leave Jay.” I nodded to his response and then he went to his room.

Once he was gone Vincent spoke again. “If you are who I think you are, I suggest you stay away. But you can still hang with me if you want.” he got in my face seductively.

“I beg your pardon, who do you think I am? I told you I am Jay McClayn.” He chuckled at my response.

“Hmmm... Interesting conundrums... I guess I will find out in time.” His face started getting closer to mine. He looked like he was about to kiss me. I pushed him back and slapped him across the face. Jason walked out when I did that and I stormed out the front door and waited outside.

“I’ll see you later.” I heard from Jason as he quickly followed after me with his duffle bag. “What was that about?” He asked after he shut the front door.

“Your roommate tried to kiss me.” I said bluntly as Jason led me to his car. His car was the same as I remembered it. His beautiful silver Dodge Challenger was still in good condition and running great. He put his stuff in his trunk.

“Do we need to stop somewhere and get your things? We might have to stay the weekend.” He asked.

“No, I’m fine.” I took a deep breath and got in. I needed to know more information about his life and I’m pretty sure he still had some questions for me. This was the perfect time to do it. Even if I do not find out what I need, we were on our way to find Harrison and Christina and I am sure they know what is going on. They aren’t behind all this, are they?

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