The Otherside: Jay McClayn: A Quest For Love (Book 4)

Chapter 3

I woke up at three in the morning and couldn’t get back to sleep. I was scared to find him; what would he say to me? But I needed closure and figure out what happened and move on if necessary. Thoughts had kept me up most of the night and by 3AM I just gave up trying. I kept waking up from bad dreams about what could happen if I found him. I sat on the bed scanning the minds of those in the immediate area trying to see if I could find him, but sadly too many Jasons and not enough clues as to if he is the one I am looking for.

When it turned 7AM, I fixed up my appearance, but then realized there was no point. If he was avoiding me he would run if he saw me. I then decided to shift invisible and search for him that way. I left my motorcycle behind and went on foot. I was out all day. I even stopped at restaurants for lunch and dinner. Not invisible of course, I shifted into my sister’s, Alice’s, human form before she died. It was getting late. The day, I felt, was a waste of time. I began to walk back to the motel, until I heard some commotion on my way. I was in a school campus park.

I saw three guys, one pushed another against a tree while the other two were talking in a threatening manner; they were robbing him. I got closer to the commotion, still invisible of course and as I got closer their faces got a little more clear but not enough to clearly see who they were. The victim’s face looked like Jason in the dim light so I shifted visible.

“Hey! Isn’t it pretty cowardice to hide behind numbers!” I called out from behind them.

“Girl, mind your own business.” The guy not holding the victim said as he walked towards me. I could not fight with magic, or well I could not let them see it. I did not think in advance about how to go about this. I quickly reached into my left boot and shifted my wand into a dagger and then pulled it out. The guy pulled out a gun and pointed it to my head. “Tom, look. We have a tough girl over here. It’s a shame we will have to harm such a pretty face.” While he was distracted with talking. I quickly grabbed the gun and shifted it to goop that fell out of his hand. It fell out of both of our hands and fell to the ground in its original form. I pointed my dagger at his throat before he could reach for the gun. Tom, the guy holding who I believed was Jason, helped me confirm my suspicion.

“Jack, seems like he has a girlfriend... well had.” he said as he pulled out a knife. He put it to Jason’s throat. While doing so I got a better look at his face. I was sure it was Jason and I was mad.

“Don’t hurt Jason! You will not like me when I am angry!” I said firmly trying to keep my curse in check.

“How do you know my name?” Jason asked. The words cut me like a knife. I froze for a moment.

“You... don’t remember?” escaped my lips. I was emotionally hurt. It wasn’t long until I got a knife landed in my stomach. Because my guard died due to that distraction, Jack grabbed his pocket knife out of his pocket and lodged it in my stomach. I fell to my knees. I put my wand back in my boot before they saw it change back. I was angry and on the verge of the curse taking complete control. My eyes were turning golden I could feel it, but I couldn’t let my curse win. I quickly pushed it back. Jack noticed, and was a little scared. I stood up slowly and pulled out Jack’s pocket knife out of my stomach. I quickly threw it and it landed in his right leg. I then kicked him in the chin and knocked him on his back. I then walked towards the other guy, Tom. He was in shock at first, a little freaked out about what I just did.

“Would you really risk his life?” he asked as his grip tightened on Jason and moved closer to me with a knife at Jason’s throat.

“Just leave and we will let him live.” I did not respond to him. I walked closer and stood right in front of his face. His hand with the knife was shaking and right before

he was about to cut into Jason’s neck I shifted my bones and joints in my hand metal to prevent severed fingers and grabbed the blade. I pulled the knife away from Jason’s neck. My hand didn’t stay shifted long enough and it dug into my hand.

“Run now.” I said to Jason. He did and I wasn’t too far behind him after I kneed Tom in the stomach. I couldn’t feel my wounds during the fighting but they were starting to cause problems as we were running and Tom was chasing us. I knew I couldn’t run much further; I was losing too much blood. I quickly tackled Jason covering us with my cloak. I shifted us invisible until they were gone and gave up looking. Once they were both gone I shifted us visible and moved the hood off of our faces.

“Who are you?” he asked right after I did that. His expression was so confused. I sighed and rolled off of him. He reminded me of the fact he doesn’t remember me. I felt my stomach. I was going to pass out soon and I needed to hide; I was hoping Jason could help. I couldn’t be taken to the hospital without a risk of being found out. Jason sat up due to my silence and then noticed all the blood everywhere and my injuries. “You’re seriously injured! I need to get you an ambulance!” Jason said frantically as he pulled out his phone. I quickly sat up and pulled him in a kiss before he could dial and during the kiss I took his phone from him. I pulled away when I got the phone from him. “Am I supposed to know you?” he asked with torn and confused look. It took him a second to realize I had his phone. “Give it back! You need help!” I sighed at his angered response. I placed his phone between my breasts.

“Jason, listen to me carefully. I am about to pass out. Whatever you do, do not take me to a hospital. Hide me in a bush for all I care. I will heal on my own.” I tried to get up because his expression seemed skeptical. I did not make it up, I ended up falling on him and he pulled me into his arms.

“What do you mean you will heal on your own?” I sighed as he stood up with me in his arms.

“You will see Jason if take me anywhere but here and the hospital.” fatigue from the blood loss was hitting me. “I will tell you all I know... my love.” I was letting go of consciousness hoping he would do as I instructed and passed out.

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