The Mystical Prince And The Pauper

Chapter 5

Rosella’s POV

I could see the bewilderment and disbelief shining in those chocolate brown orbs of hers. I’m happy that I cannot see nor sense any fear from her though, because that would be disappointing and not to forget painful.

I may only know Mira for a week now, but I really find myself having a deep regard for her. I really care for her for some reason but I’m embracing it. I feel like this was and still is the right thing to do.

“Sapphire?” I heard Mira’s questioning, confused voice.


Emira’s POV

The familiar white unicorn stopped in front of me, with a familiar creamy white one following close behind it.

“Empress? Sapphire? What are you two doing here?” Asked Rosella with her hands to her hips and a threatening, scolding glare etched on her features.

Empress flipped her mane and turned to Sapphire with what I could interpret as a look of annoyance.

“Of course,” Sighed Rosella, letting her hand fall to her sides,” Since you two are here, you don’t mind taking us to the palace?”

Empress lowered herself and allowed Rosella to climb on her back.

“Ah, Rose,” I cautiously said as I looked at Sapphire who resumed the same position that Empress had a while back.” I’ve never ridden a unicorn, never the less a horse.”

“You can trust her, Mira. I promise.” She smiled reassuringly.

Sapphire flipped her mane and neighed in what I could think is in agreement to Rose’s words.

Deciding to trust Rosella’s words, I let out a deep breath of air before walking to Sapphire’s side.

“Better yet, I don’t know how to climb a horse.” I added as I stared at Sapphire’s back.

Before I knew it, I was floating up in the air, making a scream erupt from my lips in surprise and fear.

“Calm down, Mira. It’s just me.” Chuckled Rosella, making me turn at lightning speed to her hand which shone a white-ish colour.

“You have magic?” I exclaimed in shock.

“Yes. Everyone here does actually.” She replied as she placed me on Sapphire.” There.” She smiled.

Sapphire straightened up and stood at her full, tall glory making me look down at the ground. I nearly yelped loudly as I clutched down onto her mane. The ground suddenly seemed far from here.

The unicorns simultaneously started taking on a slow walk through the quiet forest. I turned around to see nothing but thin air behind us.

“Ah, Rose how will you get me back to school?” I nervously asked.

“I’ll just teleport you back home.” She smiled.

“Then why didn’t you teleport us here in the first place? Why did we use the tree house?” I curiously asked.

“Welll, here my powers aren’t limited, so I am basically at full strength here but when I’m at school, or actually the human world in general, I’m much weaker. I use the tree house because it requires me to only use a bit of my power.” She explained.

“That makes sense,” I murmured. A thought suddenly passed through my head and had me asking,” You asked the unicorns to take us to the palace, why?” I raised my eyebrow questioningly.

“Because I want to give you a tour,” She excitedly squealed,” Besides, I sort of can’t take you to the village because people will sense that you’re not from here so the palace will be a better option.” She explained.” Speaking of the palace, we’re almost there.”

I turned to where she was looking and instantly felt my mouth slacken.

You see those huge castles you see in movies, this one was the exact same way. You could see it from the small openings in between the trees. It stood tall and proud. The exterior was white with gold windowsills. There grass seemed like a minty, healthy green from here. It looked enchanting and unreal.

The more we got closer, a pulling sensation towards it grew. It felt like something was entrancing me to go there and the intensity only grew with every passing minute and the closer I got.

A few minutes later and we were getting off the horses in what I’d guess are the royal stables. There stood rows of horses in their stables with hay in their feeding crates and water. You could spot mountains more of hay from this side of the stables.

“Okay, I trust that you two will be able to get yourselves situated back into your stalls. Thank you for the ride.” Rose told the unicorns.

The unicorns simultaneously neighed before turning around and walking down the rows of stalls.

“They clearly heard you?” I said in slight disbelief as I stared at the tall, but magnificent building in front of us.

“Of course.” She lightly giggled as we stopped in front of a oak door.” We’ll use this entrance to avoid... interactions.”

“Will we be in trouble if we get caught?” I nervously asked, biting the corner of my lip.

“Not exactly.” She cautiously replied,” Shall we?” She asked as she took hold of the handle and pulled it open.

We creeped in with me following closely behind Rose. We walked down the bright hallways with me scanning the intricate, gold designs on the cream white walls. My eyes greedily soaked in the portraits hung on the wall and their intricately designed frames. Everything looked nothing below stellar.

We suddenly walked into an open, wide room that I could only assume was the ballroom. My eyes instantly went up to the large, chandelier that hung above my head as we stood in the middle.

“Wow.” I found myself quietly muttering as I spun around and took in the magnificent view.

A silent giggle had me turning to Rosella with a pout.

“Rosella,” Came a strong, authority filled voice from behind us, making me freeze in my movements and tense up in panic. At the same time, I felt butterflies angrily flutter around in my stomach as I nervously bit my bottom lip as I let my eyes intently focus on the marble, white flooring.” I would like to believe that you are not being troublesome, but that seems much less likely from what I can already identify.”

His voice was deep and masculine yet soft, gentle and controlled. His words came out like they were rehearsed as they smoothly left his lips like silk sliding from a soft hand. It made me want to listen to every single word that left his lips intently, like if I missed a single word, I would miss a large puzzle piece. His words held meaning and intention. His voice made me want to look up at him, but I forced my eyes to stay connected to the now boring floors.

“Nick, this is my friend, Emira.” Rose softly, but cautiously responded.” Emira,” She called, taking my hand, making me jerk up in surprise before carefully looking at her, but not without catching an identical pair of ocean blue eyes staring at me intently.” This is my older brother, Nicholas.”

Silent steps made their way towards us making me freeze in anxiety as my heart sped up. I found myself biting the bottom of my lip again as I felt intense burning eyes from the side of my head as the pair of ocean blue orbs neared us by the second. What was only three steps towards us felt like hours as he made his way towards.

“Miss Emira,” Said Nicholas in that dominant, authoritative tone that made shivers run down my spine and had me almost looking up to face him. Taking a quiet deep breath in, I silently let it out before looking up.

My heart instantly melted and my lips almost opened agape as my heart skipped a beat. He was the most handsome man I have ever seen. His ocean blue orbs shone like a jewel, but held wisdom beyond his age. They were void of emotion, but you could see a crack that threatened to free them from they captivity. He resembled Rose as if they were twins. The ocean blue eyes, the pale but spotless skin, the high cheek bones and plump lips. The same pin straight brunette hair with blond highlights, but gelled back with a stubborn tendril teasing the corner of his eye.

He had on a navy blue full suit, which surprised me because I thought royals only had one formal, royal attire. But what surprised me even more, was the intense stare that he had on me. It was concentrated and unmoving. Like he was studying me. It broke me out of my reverie and made me start uncomfortably shuffling at the uncomfortable stare. As much as an odd part of me sort of enjoyed the attention, most of me felt uncomfortable by it. It has lasted for far too long.

“Prince Nicholas!” Called a soft voice, breaking Nicholas’s gaze from me to my relief. That’s when I noticed that my air intake had grown shallower. I took a few deep breaths to fill my lungs with more air again.

I turned to the small woman, about the same age as Nicholas as she stood in front of him and bowed to him then Rosella and I, well actually Rosella.

She wore a black and white maid outfit like in the movies, instantly making me assume that she’s a maid.

“Your majesty, Queen Sophia awaits your arrival in the king’s study.” She softly notified.

“Thank you, Lilly.” He replied, to which she gave him a curtsy then Rosella before leaving.

He turned back to us, making my breath painfully get stuck in my throat.

“It was a pleasure meeting you, Miss Emira.” He softly said, giving me a small bow before giving Rosella a nod and heading in the same direction that the maid had just disappeared in.

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