The Mystical Prince And The Pauper

Chapter 6

My eyes remained glued in the direction he had disappeared in as if he would appear back from it, but I knew better. A part of me felt intense relief, like I could breath again while another part of me had a hint of sadness. It felt like I was suddenly incomplete.

I didn’t even feel as a hand wrapped itself around my wrist until I was practically yanked in the opposite direction making a yelp in surprise escape my lips.

“Hey!” I exclaimed at Rosella’s speedily walking figure as she pulled me into a hallway.

“Sorry, I am trying to avoid any unnecessary confrontations.” She apologetically smiled at me without stopping or letting go of my wrist.

“Atleast warn me next time.” I mumbled as I matched her speed until we were walking side by side. We walked down the long hallway in completely deafening silence, but I had the portraits hung on the wall as entertainment. My eyes went with every portrait we passed, all of them leaving me in awe. Some you could tell we very old and screamed of ancestry. They held more value than all my items combined. They were intricate and you could tell that the artist painted them with precision, carefulness and passion.

I only started focusing on my surroundings when we walked into a lightly dimmed hallway. Rose let go of my hand and we settled into a brisk walk.

“Where are we?” I found myself asking as my eyes went over the different portrait. These were different to the ones I have seen and I have seen many.

“Well, let’s just say that I am taking you into a place that means more than life itself for the royal family. ” She answered as we stopped in front of a white wooden door with gold trimmings surrounding it with a golden shield with a diamond three leafed clover in it.

There were actual gold briars with actual gold thorns covering the door from the top to the bottom until where they all met at the golden shield at the middle of the door. And from what I could see, there was no way to go through the door. The door didn’t even have a handle.

“Rose.” I slowly said, my eyes not deviating from the door for even a second,” What are we doing here?” I asked.

Rose turned to me with a soft smile that made her blue orbs sparkle with a soft emotion I could not interpret.

“Mira, you know I trust you, right?” She asked.

“Yes, why?” I asked curiously.

“Here we go,” She whispered,” Well, many centuries ago, my kingdom was discovered by a poor man and his wife. They lived in a small, poor village with their young son. They lived in a small cottage with barely enough room for the three of them. But one day on a normal day, there was a mystical and magical appearance. While the man was harvesting, he discovered a diamond, half three leafed clover. The man was beyond elated at his discovery and ran to the river behind their cottage to tell his wife. When he got there, he found his wife smiling at him in joy as tears flowed down her cheeks. The wife lifted a similar diamond leaf from behind her, making the man drop down onto his knees as tears of joy flowed down his cheeks just as his wife. He lifted the one in his hand to show his wife, who broke into a sprint and fell down on her knees in front of him. She pulled him into a hug as the embraced in joy.”

“What happened then?” I asked excited to know what happened afterwards.

“While they embraced, the diamonds in their hands shone in bright, rainbow colours. They immediately pulled apart and starred at the diamonds in their holds before they flew out of their hands and into the sky, shining brightly across the sky and across the small village. The villagers all left their activities and rushed to the shining objects in the sky until they were all standing around the man and his wife, each staring up at the two bright objects in the sky. Suddenly, the the diamond joined and created a three leafed clover, before it released a bright light that had they all covering their eyes. They all opened their eyes to find their once mostly barren land growing with plants as grass grew in a minty green, the healthiest they had ever seen it. The wife and husband suddenly flew into the air before a bright light encased them. Their small cottage grew in front of the villagers, leaving them all in awe until it stood proudly, acres upon acres as a tall castle. ” Rosella stopped to look at my bewildered, amazed and excited features.

What can I say, I’ve always enjoyed fairytale movies.

“Anyway, the light that encased the couple left a trail down their bodies before shining at their backs before large, bright wings appeared on both their backs for a couple of seconds before disappearing into their bodies. A bright light appeared on both their heads as they slowly descended from the sky in front of their friends and neighbours. As soon as their feet touched the ground, the lightly left their bodies, leaving intricate, expensive attire on them in their wake.” She paused to make sure that I was still following.

When she was sure I was still following, she continued,” The light reached the ground and spiked across the grounds of the land, changing whatever it touched into a better form. It changed the villagers attires from rags to proper clothing, the house turning into bigger forms, better forms, but not as grand as the palace. The villagers all looked at each others’ attires in happiness before breaking into embraces. Their attention was brought back to the couple as a bright light flashed from them. On their heads were crowns. The woman’s a gold Cartier crown with a diamond, three leafed clover in the middle and smaller ones ranging from emerald, sapphires and smaller diamonds. The man’s a iron one with tiers, also with a three leafed clover in the middle and smaller ones ranging from emerald, sapphires and smaller diamonds following after it on the sides. Without a word, the villager bent down to them and bowed before cheers broke out in celebration. That night they their first ever feast in the palace with all the villagers. They were crowned as royalty before celebrating with a ball where many other villages came before many united with the village eventually turning it into the kingdom it is today.” She ended the story as I watched her in awe.

“And how did you get your powers?” I asked curiously seeing a she didn’t mention that part.

“Oh, oops. I forgot that part. I have always been a bad storyteller,” She softly chuckled,” Well to answer your question. As the days went by, the whole kingdom found that they could do magic, but the royal family had the most and the strongest magic. But it made sense seeing as the they were the ones the diamonds directly shared their power with. As time went by, they discovered unicorns and Pegasus’s. And now to the story of this room, this is the royal treasury. This is where those crowns, the royal jewels, tiaras and basically all the jewels stay especially those of importance and high value.” She explained.

“Okay, but how do you get in?” I asked curiously.

“That’s the best part. But I’ll explain that in a minute. So, all the jewels in here are ancient. They appeared that day when the castle was made by the magic diamond, so they hold an unmeasurable amount of value. They cannot be found anywhere else, but here. And now to explain the door, the door also appeared with the castle, but it can only be opened by those in the royal family with no malicious intent or greed. You basically spare your powers and if it finds you pure enough, it opens. It’s that simple. The only people who are guaranteed entry are the King and Queen because the crown practically chooses them.” She explained.

“Chooses them?” I asked.

“Yes. You see, everyone here has a soulmate and majority of the people do find their soulmates whereas others do not. Either due to your soulmate probably having passed on or something. For the royal family especially the King and Queen it works a bit differently. You see, some peoples’ soulmates are in your world so the soulmate bond calls us to go to your world to find them, which is partially the reason to why I am in your human school. The king and queen can only confirm that they are soulmates through the crowns. The crown chooses the rulers. If one of the rulers is royalty they will know the day they come in here that they are the future ruler like my brother, and the crowns only allows their chosen people to touch them, otherwise they have a protective sphere around them that no magic can pierce. So even if you do not think you have a soulmate, the moment they step in here the crown will alert its counterpart, which in turn alerts the crowned ruler since the crowns create a bond with their wearers. I hope this all makes sense?” She asked.

I starred at her dumbly,” Its a lot of information to process.” I admitted.

“I know,” She lightly giggled,” Now, shall we?”

“I suppose.” I answered, my eyes going back to the door.

She straightened her palm near the door, before a faint, golden glow lined her hand before going into the door. The briars glowed before the clover on the shield spun with a squeak and the briars pulled back before disappearing into small, shiny sparkles. The door slowly opened with a heavy groan before completely opening into the room as the lights inside flickered on.

“Welcome to the royal treasury, my Dear Friend!” She joyfully exclaimed.

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