The Mystical Prince And The Pauper

Chapter 4

“Emira!!!” Called Rosella excitedly from where she stood at our homeroom’s door.

I instantly hid my head and looked down at the clean, white tiled floors in embarrassment. I’m not one for attention it makes me feel a bit uncomfortable and I guess my introverted, reserved nature does not make it any better either.

I was suddenly pulled into a tight hug. A hug I now related with Rosella.

“I’ve missed you.” She cooed before pulling away and grinning at me. Her ocean blue orbs shining with excitement.

“I’ve missed you too?” I said well more of asked,” Why are you so happy?”

“Because I’m over the moon excited for after school.” She excitedly chirped, pulling me into another tight hug,” Come on. We don’t want Mr White upset with us. He can be quite scary.”

With those words she pulled me inside and to our seats.

That’s when I finally got a look of her outfit. They allow us to wear home clothes every Friday.

I only had on a plain white spaghetti strapped flowy top, a blue jean jacket, a pair of blue skinny jeans and my plain white Tomy’s, whereas Rosella had on a white below mid thigh length, strapless, dress and some brown sandals. Her hair was pulled up into a messy bun whereas my braids where done in a half down, half up way. I completed my look with small, diamond studded earrings, the one thing we had in common.

“Look at us, we look stunning!” She excitedly squealed.

“Umm yeah,” I nervous agreed,” But you look way better.”

“Oh please, Mira,” She scoffed,” You look just as amazing, my Dear friend.” I smiled at her in gratification as her words sunk into my insecurities and made a warm feeling surround my chest. “So, are you excited?”

“Excited for what?” I asked in confusion.

“Well, I said I would explain things to you today remember?” She asked with amusement glimmering in her blue orbs, making them seem more like sapphire jewels.

“Yes.” I carefully replied.

“Welllll, I decided that I’d show you instead. Don’t worry, I’ll teleport you home afterwards.” She chirped, not noticing my gaping mouth.

“B-b-,” I stuttered, before clearing my throat and asking,” Show me? Teleport me?”

“Yes, talking will only cover a few things besides they always say that seeing is believing and you my friend need to see.” She smiled, making all this seem like a normality whereas it wasn’t. It was a bit nerve-wracking actually.

I opened my mouth to reply, just to have Mr White’s deep voice boom throughout the classroom.

We both instantly turned to face the front, forgetting about our pending conversation for the moment.


“Finally.” Whined Rosella as we walked out of the our last class of the day.

“I thought you liked school.” I teased.

“I do, but we all have our days and today is mine.” She innocently pouted.

“Sure.” I lightly smirked.

I don’t know how Rosella got me to be so comfortable around her. I mean, she’s kind of taking me out of my shy shell bits by bits. She’s allowing me to be me.

“At least I like it on a normal basis, I can’t say the same about you, Mira.” She cockily smirked.” Either way, let’s go!” She excitedly chirped, taking my hand into hers and pulling me in the direction of the back doors.

“Umm Rose, I don’t think me coming with you is the best idea.” I found myself nervously saying. All the fun gone out of the window as my nerves hit me full force. I’ve never been one for adventure.” Besides, I have to catch the train that gets to the station in 25 minutes.”

Rose stopped in her tracks and turned to me with a soft smile,” Do you trust me?” She asked. Her question took me completely off guard and had me looking at her with confusion.

“I guess.” I slowly said.

“Ouch, Mira, but that will do.” She shrugged before pulling well more like dragging me in the direction of the green house.

Eventually she finally slowed down to a walk. We walked behind the green house and through the little hole in the fence just as she had done the day before.

The forest felt somewhat calm and serene. The sound of birds chirping and the bright rays of sunlight trying to pierce through the trees made it all seem mystical. The forest floor was littered with a few sticks, branches and the soft muddy soil was welcoming. We walked down the dirt path until we heard the sound of water.

We walked in that direction with complete but much welcome silence. The peace was comfortable that neither of us dared not wished to disrupt it. It was light with no ounce of tension allowing us to be quietly lost in our thoughts. The forest seemingly encouraging the mood too.

“Here we are.” Came Rosella’s voice through my wall of thoughts.

I snapped out of my revelry just to be greeted by an old, but well maintained, tree house.

“What are we doing here?” I found myself unconsciously asking as I stared at the small tree house.

“Well, this is the portal to my world.” Rosella answered nonchalantly. She started climbing up the staircase until she reached the little ramp that lead to the door.” You coming?”

I instantly stopped gawking at her and looked down at my now mud painted shoes. I unconsciously bit my lip nervously before looking back up at her. She had the softest, encouraging smile she had ever worn and it instantly melted by doubt away and built a new string of utter trust for her.

I lifted my foot and started climbing up the stairs at a slow pace. One by one. As much as I trusted Rosella, a bit of doubt still lingered in my mind. I have always been a doubtful person so I guess it was sort of permanent.

I reached the last step to find Rosella’s pale hand offered in my direction. I looked up to be greeted by those warm, ocean blue orbs of hers. They had a slightly hidden tinge of excitement lingering in them that failed to be covered by the calmness and comforting hue that she was reflecting. I guess that was just how Rosella is. She’s a kind, enthusiastic and happy person so of course excitement stubbornly lingered.

I found myself smiling at her as I took her offered hand. I took the last step up and stood next to her.

“You ready?” She asked with a soft, reassuring smile.

I took a deep breath and held it in. 5...4...3...2...1. I slowly let it out and gave her a nod in response,” Let’s do this.”

She squeezed my hand reassuringly before grabbing the handle of the door and pulling it open.

To say I was surprised with what I saw inside would be an understatement.

There were four beanbag chairs. A blue one, a pink one, a yellow one and a green one and in-between them was a small wooden table.

“Are you sure this is where we teleport?” I found myself asking in confusion.

“Of course.” She shrugged with a lazy smile. Before I could even register her words, she pulled me inside by my hand that was now firmly clutched into her hand.

A yelp escaped my lips at the sudden, unexpected force but what I saw next was jaw dropping that it took me completely off guard. My knees instantly felt like jelly and I could feel my lips getting numb and threatening to open agape.

“Welcome to my home, the kingdom of Light also know as, Luminary.” Rosella’s enthusiastic voice came through my foggy, mushy mind.

What have I gotten myself into?

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