The Mystical Prince And The Pauper

Chapter 3

Another unicorn was headed towards us. A cream white one this time with a brown mane. It gracefully made its way to Rosella before stopping in front of her with a nicker.

“Mira, this is my, Empress.” She cooed, brushing her nose against the horse’s mane, making the unicorn neigh.

“Where do they come from?” I found myself asking as my brain started functioning properly. I moved my hand from Sapphire who neighed in protest.

“You know, Sapphire seems quite fond of you already. She really wants you at her hip, I can tell.” Rosella lightly chuckled before saying,” To answer your question, they come from my home.”

“Your home?” I asked in confusion.

“Yes, where I come from. Emira, I know that this might be a lot to ask from you, but I need you to keep this meeting a secret. You’re the only person I trust with everything I’ve told you and with these two’s existence. I can’t risk them or anyone at home being hurt. Please keep them a secret, Mira.” Rosella asked, her eyes conveying the urgency in her silent plea.

“I promise I will, but Rosella, what’s happening here? Unicorns don’t exist so why do these two exist?” I found myself blabbering in confusion, removing my hand from Sapphire’s forehead without noticing it. She immediately nickered at me in protest again, making me turn to her with a pout.” You’re really enjoying this.”

“And I promise to explain it all to you tomorrow, but I need you to keep it all a secret. Don’t tell anyone not even the person you trust the most.” She asked, her eyes showing all her seriousness, something I had not seen from her in the last three days I’ve known her.

“Does that include you?” I joked, trying to lighten up the mood which was successful as she smiled at me in amusement.” You can trust me, Rose.”

“Awe, you even called me, Rose. Alright, I’ll put my faith and trust in you. But to be honest, I kind of planned on telling you because, well because I really trust you, Emira. I don’t know why since I’ve only known you for three days, but I really trust you as crazy as it may seem.” She admitted with a nervous chuckle.

“If it offers any consolation, I trust you too as crazy as it may seem. You’re kind of like the sister I never had.” I dramatically swooned.

“Oh the dramatics.” Rosella playfully rolled her eyes before smiling at me,” Well, I better take these two home. I’ll see you tomorrow, Mira.”

“See you.” I smiled, before turning to Sapphire and placing a kiss on her mane.” Bye girl.”

She immediately neighed before looking at me as if she were in conflict with herself. After a few seconds she turned around and stood next to Empress before the two walked towards the school fence and leaped over it like it was a small puddle. The grace and effortlessness left me in awe.

“I’ll see you tomorrow.” Rosella smiled, giving me a quick hug before walking to the fence and slipping through the small opening there before mounting on Empress and riding away with Sapphire next to them, deeper into the forest.

I turned around and made my way to the school entrance. I passed the gates and walked into the almost deserted grounds and to my mom’s awaiting car. I was a few feet from the car when my mom raced to me and pulled me into a hug that left me breathless.

She pulled away but kept me at arm’s length, fear passing through her eyes alongside relief.

“Are you okay? Did something happen? What took you so long? Where were you? Why weren’t you answering your phone?” She rushed out in a fit of concern.

I pulled my phone out to be met with 4 texts from my mom and 10 missed calls. No wonder she’s so worried.

“I’m sorry, Mom. I had my phone on silent since last period. I’m sorry I made you worry, I was with Rosella.” I explained, leaving out the most important and unbelievable parts of course.

“Next time please tell me if you’re going to make me wait. This worrying will make my hair turn grey.” She playfully pouted at me, making a giggle slip past my lips as I gave her a nod in assurance.” Good, now let’s go buy some pizza. I’m famished.”

We slipped into the car and made our way to the nearest pizzeria and bought ourselves two medium sized pizzas before driving back home. The aroma of the pizzas filled our car making my stomach growl and my mouth threaten to drool.

I rested my head on the window as the soft music played in the background as we drove down the free way. Memories of today running wildly through my head, making an unconscious, small smile linger upon my lips the rest of the way home. Our ride filled with the softness of the music and nothing else, which is the reason to why my eyes started feeling droopy.

“We’re back.” Mom announced as we parked into our small garage.

“Thanks for fetching me, Mom. Now, I hope you don’t mind me ditching you because I’m very sleepy.” I lazily smiled, not bothering to open my eyes more than necessary.

“Okay, Sweetheart.” She smiled at me in amusement before leaning over and placing a soft kiss on my cheek. I sleepily smiled at her before grabbing my bag and opening the door. I slipped out and trudged towards the door leading into the house, just to stop next to it and the realisation that my mom was the one who had the keys.

I turned around and looked at her expectantly, just for her to chuckle as she made her way to me and unlocked the door. I didn’t waste a minute as I walked into the kitchen and made my way down the hall and to my bedroom. The instant I entered my room, I stripped off my uniform and there it in my laundry basket, leaving myself with only my vest and black tights. I plopped onto the bed like a huge, heavy brick and instantly dozed off into a much needed sleep.


“Hon,” Cooed my mom’s familiar soft, voice through my sleep clouded mind,” Time to wake up. It’s dinner time, Baby Girl.”

“Not hungry.” I sleepily mumbled.

“No you are, Sweetie. Get up sleepyhead.” Mom chuckled in amusement.

“I’m not, Mom.” I sleepily argued.

“Emira.” Mom said in her Mommy warning tone.

“Fine.” I sighed, opening my eyes to be greeted by the comforting, darkness of my room aside the soft, white light of the moon seeping through my open curtains.

“I’ll see you downstairs.” She stated, walking to my curtains and pulling them closed before quietly leaving my bedroom, the sound of her footsteps heading down the hall.

I lazily trudged off my bed and slipped on my comfy sleepers and pulled on my gown, instantly enveloping myself in comfortable warmth.

I slowly made my way to the bathroom across the hall and did my business before walking out and heading to the kitchen. I sleepily made my way down the brightly lit, familiar hallway of my home before turning right into the kitchen where my father and mother were sitting.

“Hey Sleepyhead. Glad you’re finally up.” Teased my mom, playfully sticking out her tongue.

“Hey Pumpkin.” Cooed my Dad, getting up and opening his arms welcoming me in for a hug.

I lazily threw myself in my dad’s arms and wrapped my arms around his waist before taking a whiff at his comforting, male like fatherly scent.

“I missed you.” I said as I tried to swallow my tears that clogged my throat.

“I missed you too, Princess.” He cooed, wrapping his arms around my back and placing his head on my head so that we were cuddling. My favourite position of all too be honest. It always made me feel safe and comforted whenever I feel down.

My dad’s job sometimes forces him to leave the town or sometimes state. Some days he’s only gone for a couple of weeks but sometimes it takes a week and some or more. I don’t know how my mom manages to be away from her love for so long. I for one always find myself missing my dad after long periods of time. I guess I’m a loyal daddy’s girl.

“Let’s have some dinner. I’m starving.” Dad said, instantly making Mom and I break into laughter before he himself joined.

It’s good to have him home.

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