The Mystical Prince And The Pauper

Chapter 17

A gentle knock at the door had Rosella and I turning towards it as we peeked at it from over our mountain of blankets. She turned to me questioningly, which I replied to with a shrug.

“Come in.” She called out.

The door opened to Nick’s familiar, tall build as he closed the door and made his way towards the bed.

“My apologies for bothering you, but I needed to bring my Darling something of importance.” He shrugged as he sat at the edge of the bed, a small, royal blue squared box nestled in between his hands.

“I suppose this is my queue to leave?” Rosella asked even as she sat up and made her way to her joined bathroom across the room.

“Well, this is for you,” He said as soon as Rosella had closed the door to the bathroom. I looked at him questioningly as he moved to crouch in front of me on the bed. He opened the box to reveal a silver ring with three diamonds that shaped into a three leafed clover, the kingdom’s symbol and emblem I’ve noticed,” May I?”

I raised an eyebrow questioningly,” What is it for?” I asked.

“It contains some of my magic which will allow you to enter Luminary without assistance from Rosella nor I. It will also allow you to enter the royal treasury without our assistance as well.” He explained, leaving me bewildered.

“No, I can’t accept it.” I instantly declined.

“Unfortunately, this is non negotiable, Darling,” He smiled just for me to feel something cold touch my ring finger that snapped me to my hand. There on my finger was the ring snuggly circling my finger,” It suits you.”

“What will people say at school when they see an engagement like ring on my finger?” I panicked,” They will think I am either married or engaged.” I seethed.

“Well, technically speaking Darling, we are engaged,” He threw over his shoulder, not even turning for a second to look at my panicked state as he opened the door,” Have a lovely night, my Darling.” He winked at me, a small smirk lining his lips as he closed the bedroom doors behind him before his disappearing footsteps sounded as he walked down the hall.

“Finally!” Rosella drawled as she made her way out of the bathroom before her footsteps halted, her eyes remaining glued on the shiny jewel around my finger,” Oh my word!” She excitedly squealed, running to me and jumping on the bed. Her hand instantly took mine into hers as she intently inspected the ring on my finger in awe,” I cannot believe he gave you the ring already!”

“Why?” I shakily asked in concern.

Rosella waved her hand in dismissal,” It is most certainly a good thing, Mira. She reassured with a smile of pure joy as her eyes smiled at me,” It basically makes you officially engaged.”

“What!” I exclaimed, my eyes popping out of my eye sockets if that’s possible as I looked at her flabbergasted,” I can’t wear this ring.”

“Yes you can,” She brushed me off as she let go of my hand in slipped in under the covers next to me,” Besides, it seems Nick has enchanted it.” She shrugged,” Now, sleep, are you not exhausted?”

If only she knew how tired I actually was, but this little situation is not allowing my mind to sleep as tired as it is. Wait did she say the ring is enchanted?

“Enchanted it? how?” I asked my sleepy friend, making a groan leave her lips.

“It is probably so you have access to Luminary without our help,” She lazily explained,” Now sleeeep, please? You can talk to him tomorrow morning.”

Trying to comply to Rosella’s wishes, I pulled the covers over my head and closed my eyes but the thoughts continuously ran through my mind.


I pried my sore and tired eyes apart to the lightly lit room as the rising sun brightened the once moon lit room.

A groan left my lips as memories of why I felt like it felt like I had only slept for an hour reappeared in my mind.

“Rosella,” I whispered to the silently sleeping girl next to me,” Rose,” I called louder this time, receiving a moan in reply,” Do you think Nicholas is awake by now?”

“Three rooms down from this on,” She sleepily mumbled without even opening her eyes,” Now, go go. I am enjoying my sleep.” She shooed me.

At least now I know not to disturb Rosella when she is asleep.

I climbed off the bed, just to have the slightly chilly morning chill nip at my exposed arms. It wasn’t because it was cold here, but more of because I just got out from the warm comforts of Rosella’s warm covers.

I slipped on my morning shoes before slowly trudging towards the doors leading out of the room. I carefully opened them as not to wake Rosella. I successfully walked into the barely lit hallway and closed the door behind me. I trudged down the hallway, counting down the doors until I stopped outside of the third ones.

I stood looking at the large doors that looked similar to all the ones in this hallway. Biting my lip, I went to knock at the door just for my hand to go for the handle. I found my hands pushing the door open before I peaked inside, just to my eyes to connect with a sleeping figure in the bed. The sunlight provided enough light that I could see inside the room, allowing me to tread carefully to the bed, gently closing the door behind me.

For some reason, I knew that the person under the covers was Nick. My stomach filled with the familiar butterflies with every step I made towards the bed. I stopped in front of him, to see his sheets neatly folded over his waist, exposing his naked chest to anyone who entered his room as his head laid comfortable on his forearm, while his other arm was loosely draped across his naked, chiseled, stomach, if I could even call his abs that. His whole chest was sculptured as all his muscles were clearly outlined showing his masculinity. My fingers uncomfortably itched to glide past his rippled stomach, just to feel the tightness of his skin and the bumps made by the muscles.

I bit my lip to try and control the almost uncontrollable urge as I quickly moved my eyes from his chest and to his face instead. His face was chiseled just as his chest. His face looked so peaceful and relaxed as his long eyelashes threatened to brush his cheeks. His nose a cute button nose, matched with his small but slightly plump lips.

His hair laid messily to the sides of his face, giving him the model like but angelic look that took my breath away and had me wondering how such a good looking person could exist. I almost forgot what I came here for during my little inspection.

I opened my mouth, just to clam it shut as I contemplated on whether I should wake him up now for such a miniscule demand or on whether I should confront him later. Yeah, latter sounds good.

I turned around, nodding to myself with conviction.

“And here I thought I would receive a kiss,” A raspy, manly voice said from the bed, making my heart do flips and a zoo to appear in my stomach. I turned around just to have an arm wrap around my waist and yank me down over Nick’s chest until my back met with the soft surface of the bed. I was instantly surrounded by Nick’s cologne as it surrounded the bed.” How may I help you at this ungodly hour, Darling?” Nick asked as his broad stature hovered above my smaller one, trapping me in between his arms as he used his hands to steady himself.

“W-w-well,” I stuttered as I struggled to breath due to our close proximity,” I wanted to return the ring you gave me last night.”

He raised an eyebrow at me,” Really? Did you try to remove it?” He asked, letting himself roll of me and lie down next to me on his side with his hand cupping his cheek as he tiredly looked at me.

“No.” I replied honestly, my eyes going to the ring on my hand.

He motioned for me to go ahead and remove it with his hand as his eyes remained fixated on me. His hand suddenly went down to the sheets from where they pooled at my feet at pulled them to my shoulders,” I do not wish for you to catch a cold.”

I looked at my ring and tried to pull it off but it wouldn’t budge. It firmly stuck to my finger, but did not hurt me.

“Why isn’t it coming off?” I asked, panic lacing my words.

He sighed as he tried to suppress a yawn. His eyes were laced with exhaustion and sleep that they made me feel guilty for disturbing his sleep.

“It can, however, only I can remove it for now. This is because my magic is apart of it so it will remain to keep you safe from danger.” He tiredly explained.

“Oh.” I absentmindedly replied as my attention wavered from the reason for me being here as sleep burned at my eyelid.

“Shall we sleep? We can discuss all this later, Darling.” He asked.

“Sure, let me go.” I said as my eyes uncontrollably drooped.

Why am I so sleepy all of a sudden.

“Alright,” Nicholas cooed, draping his arm around my waist and allowing my head to lay on his chest, right under his heart beat that calmly, but strongly beat in his chest.

Before I could even protest, my body succumbed to the lullaby made from Nick’s heartbeat and I fell into a comfortable, inevitable sleep.

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