The Mystical Prince And The Pauper

Chapter 16

The burning gaze at the back of my neck kept my hairs standing but Nicholas kept to his word and had not left my side since we entered the ballroom an hour ago. Just as the persistent eyes that had been burning holes in my eyes since I entered with Nicholas.

“Nick,” I softly called, causing him to turn to me from the dancefloor where a few couples were loitered around it as they waltzed with their partners,” Would it be alright for me to get a snack? and some juice?”

“I can have someone bring one for you.” He offered with a smile.

“No, its alright. I need to stretch my legs after sitting for so long.” I reassured.

“Alright, I will accompany you, Darling,” He smiled, his smile faltering into a frown as his eyes floated behind me, probably at the angry glares that were sent my way,” Are you certain you do not wish for me to solve this issue, Darling?”

“I’m sure, I don’t want to cause an unnecessary dispute.” I reassuringly smiled, causing a sigh to leave his lips as he weakly smiled at me.

“As you wish, Darling.” He sighed.

“Thank you.” I smiled, before we got up, with me receiving help from Nick. His hand glued itself to the small of my back as he guided me to the snacks table across the ballroom where a few people were loitering as they chatted away.

“What would you like?” Nick asked when we reached the table.

“Just a light snack and water or juice.” I replied.

“Your majesties,” Came an unfamiliar, male voice from behind us, making us turn to face it, to find a lanky, tall boy about my age wearing a black tuxedo awkwardly standing behind us,” If it is not too much trouble, may I have this dance, your Majesty?” He bowed.

Nicholas’ hand slipped from my back to my waist where it firmly rested. A feeling of slight possessiveness and mostly protectiveness filled me, notifying me of Nick’s sudden strong emotions.

A small smile graced my lips at his cute action and for some reason, I found myself stretching on my tippy toes and barely grazing his cheek with my lips. The emotions almost instantly dissipated and were replaced with surprise and most of all happiness and pride. I don’t blame him, I’m also a bit surprised about my actions. Nick is always the affectionate one not me, but today I felt a bit bold and dare I say comfortable with being the affectionate one.

“I’ll be back soon.” I whispered before slipping from his hold and to next to the lanky boy. We walked to the dancefloor where I placed my one hand on his shoulder and the other into his hand as he placed his around my waist, just like they do in movies and dance shows. I have never done ballroom dancing in my life so this will be a start, but I couldn’t find a comfortable position in this boy’s arms. I felt a bit uncomfortable actually. His hand clasping mine made me want to squirm in uncomfortability , but the one around my waist made me feel quizzy and a bit nauseas like it wasn’t right for it to be there.

I slowly moved forward, just for him to move into me, causing me to accidentally step on his foot, causing a wince to leave his lips.

“I’m so sorry.” I immediately apologised.

“No, its alright. We all make mistakes, your Highness.” He smiled reassuringly. We moved to the right without a hassle, just to practically bump into each other when we moved forward causing him to step on my toes, causing a yelp to leave my lips.

“My apologies!” He exclaimed, immediately letting go of my hand,” I believe this should be the end of our dance before we actually break each other.” He jokingly chuckled, stepping away from me.

“Agreed.” I agreed.

“Thank you for the dance.” He bowed before disappearing into the crowd.

I sighed and turned around, just to be faced with three angry glares. One of them more rage filled and familiar than the rest.

“Well well well, if it is not my personal homewrecker,” Amelia sarcastically mused,” How are you and Nicholas? I am certain he has lost interest in you by now. You are merely a child after all.”

The other two broke into giggles at this statement that I had to hold in a cringe. Her attempt at an insult was so poor that I forgot that it was meant to hurt, well the homewrecker part did sting.

“What in the heavens does Nicholas see in a child?” The one asked with disappoint and scrutiny shining as bright as the stars at night from her eyes.

“One without a title no less.” The other snorted, staring at me with nothing but disgust as if just being near me is degrading.

“Pardon me, Ladies,” Nicholas’ familiar warm, calm and controlled voice invaded my ears as a familiar arm wrapped itself around my waist, instantly filling me with a sense of security. Unlike that boys’ one that practically made me sick, Nick’s one brought a sense of comfort and safety and filled my stomach with restless butterflies,” Unfortunately, I do not appreciate my soulmate being belittled in our own home, so if you would please take your leave before I have the guards remove you as the nuisances you are.” He coldly spat the last part, letting a piece of his burning rage show.

“But Nic-” Amelia was cut off by a guard throwing her over his shoulder before they disappeared through the crowd with her hanging over his shoulder as two others escorted her friends out.

“Are you alright, Darling?” Nick’s concerned voice filled my eyes like music to my ears.

I instantly threw myself into his arms and hugged him before placing a kiss on his cheek,” More than. Thank you for basically coming to my rescue. I honestly wouldn’t have known how to deal with them on my own.” I honestly admitted as I nervously chuckled.

“You never have to worry about facing people on your own. You will always have me to rid of your worries for you before you utter a single word on them.” He smiled at me with only truthfulness in his eyes that had me looking down in embarrassment.

“I’m worried about that, what if you aren’t there? I need to know how to defend myself too.” I pouted.

“Unfortunately you will have to accept having me as your shield, as your knight in shining armor.” He winked at me,” Shall I have this dance? I could not help, but to notice how you barely had a minute long waltz with Tyler.”

“Tyler?” I asked confused.

“The lanky boy you previously waltzed with.” He lightly chuckled as he placed my arms on his shoulders before wrapping his ones around my waist.

“And yet it seems you did not learn that I am a disaster waiting to happen when dancing. I’ve never danced before.” I embarrassingly admitted, my eyes facing our two feet.

“Well then, you are lucky you have me to teach you.” He replied, lifting my chin with his fingers so my eyes met his.

“Are you not worried that I will step on you a lot?” I reminded.

He slowly started swaying our bodies that molded into each other as if they were two perfectly patching puzzle pieces. Our movements were synched as if we had practiced many times before. He effortlessly dipped me, letting our eyes connect for a second before he lifted me back up.

“I am your soulmate, meaning I am the last person concerned about you stepping on them. I am the most patient person with you, meaning I have no problem with you stepping on me a few times as you learn to dance.” He replied, dipping me again, but keeping me in that position for a while before he leaned in until his lips were only half an inch away from mine,” I am not expecting you to return my words, however, I feel the need to have you know that I care about you dearly, Darling and when I said I would rid of bothersome issues in your life before you even muttered a word I meant it. As long as they are in my power.”

“I care about you too.” I found myself admitting,” Even though I am still trying to understand my feelings for you, what I am sure about is I care about you a lot too which is strange because I have only known you for a week and some.” I lightly chuckled.

“Well, that is how the bond works, Darling.” He chuckled before his lips drifted to my lips,” May I?”

“Only after you lift us up because my back is starting to ache.” I whispered, the smile on my lips stubbornly growing bigger instead of disappearing.

Without another word, I was lifted up straight and pressed flush against his chest, not even leaving a space for air to circulate as his breaths tickled my lips.

“Better?” He asked with a small smirk.

“Now only if we could go to a more private room.” I innocently smiled.

“Darling do you have many requests tonight, hmm?” He raised an eyebrow, the smirk not slipping from his lips even for a second before we found ourselves in an unfamiliar, but somehow familiar room as his familiar, manly musk surrounded us,” My apologies, but my patience is now on a single string.”

“And not even 10 minutes ago you had told me that you were patient with me.” I teased.

“Your lips are an exception.” He nonchalantly shrugged before our lips brushed against each other, sparks erupting from the contact throughout every cell in my body as I felt like I was floating on a cloud. My ability to speak seemed to dissipate as my mind entered a euphoric state as the only things that held me up became Nick’s arms around my waist.

Kissing Nick is not refreshing, it is explosive and otherworldly to put it simply, it is electric.

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