The Mystical Prince And The Pauper

Chapter 18

I turned and opened my eyes to Nicholas’ familiar open bedroom. The coldness of the sheets beneath me told me that I was now on Nicholas’ side on the bed and he had left a while back. Just as that thought left my mind, Nicholas appeared from the bathroom with his hands buttoning a button from his baby blue shirt that he had on.

He smiled at me when his eyes spotted my staring eyes from the bed and made his way towards me on the bed.

“Good morning, Darling,” He softly greeted, leaning down to press a kiss onto my forehead,” I hope you enjoyed sharing the bed with me as I you.” He winked, moving to the floor length mirror, leaving me to my embarrassment.

“Where are you going?” I asked instead to ignore the embarrassment that burned in my heart as I looked at him tie a white tie around his neck.

“I have a meeting with the other royal households to discuss my coronation and possibly our wedding.” He said the last part cautiously,” I understand that you do not wish to wed me as we are still early in our relationship and you are still quite young, so I will try to prolong it as much as I am allowed to do so, Darling.”

I smiled a smile that I hope showed all my gratitude as he pulled on his blazer.

“Thank you, Nick.” I smiled.

“Anything for you, Darling,” He smiled at me, walking towards me on the bed. He stood in front of me before crouching down and looking at me with a bit of hesitation in his eyes and on hi face,” Darling,” He paused, releasing a sigh as he nervously looked at me,” I am aware that this might take you completely aback and you might doubt my honestly, but I want you to know that regardless of us only knowing each other, you have stolen my heart. I have fallen for you and you have unknowingly captured me in those small hands of yours.” He lightly chuckled,” I expect no reply from you and I do not wish for you to r-” He stopped as I gently cupped his face into my palms as I connected our lips for a short kiss.

I pulled away with a smile on my face as he gave me a boyish grin,” I won’t say anything, but I want you to know that I really do care for you, Nick and already at this point in time, I can no longer imagine a life without you. I don’t know if this is how falling for someone feels like or if this is how loving someone feels like, but I do know that you already own a piece of my heart because just the sight of you makes it melt, just the sight of you creates butterflies in my stomach, makes my brain turn numb and my knees go weak. You are my dream com true in more ways than I can imagine and I am just grateful to have your affections that I have grown to love and enjoy so much in the span of a couple weeks,” I giggled,” But I understand that love can’t be controlled and as such it can’t be rushed so I will need all the patience you can give me as I figure it out even though it simply can’t be understood.” I smiled.

“Basically, what I am trying to ask for is for your patience.” I shyly simplified as I bit my bottom lip.

“Always, Darling.” He softly replied before reconnecting our lips, making a spark ignite and rush through my body, making it buzz in happiness as it felt like I was floating on a cloud.

He pulled away before quickly stealing another peck,” You can sleep a bit longer, Darling. I will see you after my meeting.”

“Okay.” I smiled as I watched him stand get off the floor and make his way to the door. With one last smile and wink my way, he slipped out of the room, leaving ,e to my thoughts and the silence of the room.

I immediately grabbed a pillow and squealed excitedly into it.

My life is a fairytale and I’m going to enjoy it while it lasts.


“I am so elated your parents allowed you to sleep over this weekend, having you at the palace is always fun.” Rosella bounced in excitement.

“I am too.” I giggled as I laid flat on my bed and stared up at the creamy white roof above me.

“At the same time, you did not have much of a choice seeing as tomorrow is Nick’s coronation and I you simply could not miss it.” She grinned.

“Yeah,” I agreed nervously as my stomach started to ache in raging nerves as they threatened to consume my being,” I will be forced to be in the same room as your mother for a few hours and you know how much she hates me.”

Its been two whole months since the ball and as much as Nicholas was able to procrastinate our wedding for my sake, he could not procrastinate his coronation that will be held at the palace tomorrow.

His mother on the other case is quite persistent in hating me, which allows creates tension whenever we are forced to gather for either breakfast, lunch or supper. We only mutter our greetings but her scowl always lies on me throughout the entire meal. Tristan on the other hand is always jolly when we are having a gathering. He is just as welcoming as he was when I first met him and always shows disapproval towards his wife’s actions towards me.

But as Rosella and Nick had said, I am slowly learning the ropes that come with being queen. I even have mannerism classes every week. Now you might probably be asking yourselves on whether my parents know of my ‘secret’ life, well they don’t, yet. Nick and Rosella have been pushing for me to tell them seeing as I will have to move into the castle when I am crowned Queen because I will have duties that I will have to perform and you simply can’t have a queen that lives in elsewhere than where she is supposed to rule.

A knock at the door had me out of my deep thoughts as Rosella allowed the person to come in who would either be my mother or father.

“Hey Dears, are you almost ready to go?” Asked my mom as she smiled at both Rosella and I from the door.

“Yep, I’m just double checking,” I replied. I could see Rose giving me the same look that she always gives me when we are alone with my mother, that silent urging to tell her about Luminary. I turned to her to find my mom smiling at me urgingly for some reason,” What?”

“Well, Sweetheart I’m your mother and as such I know you almost better than you know yourself so I know that there is something you have been hiding from me for the past two months.” She replied, making my heart drop to the pits of my stomach in fear as it painfully twisted at the revelation that my mother might be up to me.

“What do you mean?” I acted clueless.

“Now that makes me even more suspicious, Emira,” She frowned placing her hands on her hips,” Emira, I am your mother and I am really starting to get concerned that you are hiding things from me. For all I know, you are doing illegal things behind your father and I’s backs.”

“No, its nothing like that,” I murmured, looking down at my full duffle bag on the floor,” Mom, I don’t think you’ll even believe me if I tell you.”

“You won’t know until you do, Sweetheart,” She sighed, letting her hands drop to her sides as she made her way towards the bed before sitting down next to me as Rose sat behind me.

“Fine, I’ll try,” I sighed,” Basically, I’m engaged.” I slowly said.

“What?” She asked, clearly taken aback.

“To a very foreign prince, crowned prince to be exact.” I added.

“What do you mean you are engaged?” She asked, her eyes holding no form of anger, just disbelief and confusion.

I sighed before telling her everything from the begin, from my first day at school to today. Throughout my tale, she remained quiet as if she were in shock even as Rose casted a spell to elaborate and prove that they were magical, she remained quiet.

“S-s-s-so,” She stuttered,” You are engaged to a magical crowned prince that you only met nearly three months ago and are going to attend his coronation tomorrow, where his mother that hates you will be?” She asked.

“Basically, yes.” I cautiously replied.

“Well, you always loved all the Disney princesses and wished to be one.” She weakly chuckled.

“You’re not upset with me?” I asked in confusion.

“Sweetheart, everything is still sinking in so I don’t know how I feel, the only thing I know is that I don’t want to lose my daughter. I don’t want you running away from home because your father and I said no to you marrying this Nicholas, but what I do know is that we need to meet him before you two get married even though we barely have a say in it. I want you to be happy Sweetheart even though I don’t agree with what you are doing, but that’s only because I love you and I don’t want you to get hurt. Plus, its not a norm for your seventeen your older daughter to get married in our society so its very strange, but in theirs it seems more normal so I can’t completely judge. Just please, always tell me these things, Sweetheart. As much as I can’t do anything about them, I feel better knowing about them.” She smiled, opening my arms to pull me into a hug before opening for Rosella to join too. My mom has never been one to hold grudges, she’s just that sweet that she isn’t angry at Rosella for basically being the one to take me to Luminary in the first place.

“You are girls are going to go to university though right?” She asked as the concerned mom she was.

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