The Magic Drink

Chapter Sleep Talking

Eilish was stuffing her face with candy when she returned, “I’m back and I got candy and ice-cream! Surprise!”

She sat the ice-cream and lots of candy on the table, “I LOVE CANDY!”

“Oh boy! I love candy too!” Jamie replied.

Eilish smiled and ate more candy, she then made herself a bowl of chocolate ice-cream, “YUMMY!” then when her bowl of ice-cream was empty, she started running around and eating candy, “I’M HYPER!”

Jamie picked up some of the candy and ate it.

Eilish ran around yelling, “Hi” at random guards and other people who worked in the castle. Then she grabbed more candy and ate it.

Sìneag said, “Maybe this will help...”

She played a lullaby on her violin in hopes of calming the chaotic girl down. Eilish yawned, lay down, and fell asleep.

“It worked!” Sìneag said.

“What about the ice-cream? It can’t stay out or it’ll melt!” Jamie cried.

Eilish stayed asleep.

“I’ll eat the ice-cream so it doesn’t go to waste!” Jamie decided.

Eilish, still asleep, said, “No Mr. Nevin, you don’t throw text books at your students. You eat the wild rainbows and scream in your face at your students!”

“Should I wake her up yet?” Sìneag asked.

Eilish spoke again, “Mr. Nevin! You’re supposed to be teaching them about soap, you’re fired!”

“Who the heck is she talking about?!” Malcolm asked.

Eilish woke up screaming, “I’m not guilty! Oh, good morning.”

She smiled innocently and everyone stared at her.

“I’m gonna go eat more candy!” Eilish said and smiled more.

“I’m sorry; I ate the ice-cream! At least I left the candy for you right?!” Jamie asked.

“Don’t worry Jamie, it’s okay,” Eilish said.

She ate the rest of the candy and then got a sugar rush, running around and screaming, “I LOVE CANDY!”

“No! Not again!” Malcolm shouted.

Eilish ran around like crazy shouting, “WEEEE! I LOVE CANDY! I’M HAVING SO MUCH FUN!”

Mungo covered his ears.


Eilish screamed.

Mungo was still covering his ears, squeezing his eyes shut. He was trying everything he could to shut out the sound.

“I’M GONNA GO BUY MORE CANDY!” Eilish yelled.

Malcolm stuck out a leg and tripped Eilish. She fell.

“Dude! What is wrong with you?!” Eilish screamed.

“You don’t need any more sugar,” Malcolm said.

“Aww...” Eilish whined.

“...Where did Jamie go after eating all the ice-cream?” Pàl asked, “He was right here only moments ago...”

“Oh no! Jamie’s missing?!” Eilish asked.

“Yep! He’s gone!” Fraizer said.

“We need to find him!” Eilish said and yawned, “Oh, can I please have some coffee?”

“You’re going to crash aren’t you?” Mungo asked.

“What do you mean?” Eilish asked, yawning again, “I need some coffee?”

Fraizer handed her a cold soda, “Will this work?”

Eilish took the soda and then asked, “Does it have caffeine?”

“...yes...” Fraizer said reluctantly.

“Oh good, cuz I need caffeine to keep me awake cuz I ate lots of candy and now I’m sleepy,” she chugged the whole soda, “Okay, let’s go!”

“Where should we look?” Pàl asked.

“Outside?” Eilish suggested; which really wasn’t much help as it wasn’t very specific.

“Okay, we should check around the castle,” Pàl said.

Eilish ran outside screaming, “Jamie!”

If they were to listen carefully they would be able to hear a trumpet playing quietly from somewhere either nearby or faraway. They couldn’t tell because it was so quiet.

“Huh? What’s that noise? Oh it’s a trumpet? Where’s it coming from?” Eilish asked.

“That’s a song that kids of the Forest People like to play... Do you think Jamie knows how to play that song?” Sìneag asked.

“Maybe?” Eilish said. She was unsure because she hadn’t known Jamie long enough to know such stuff about him.

“Follow the sound! That’s my trumpet he’s using!” Sìneag commanded.

“Jamie borrowed your trumpet?” Eilish asked.

“Evidently! I can tell by the notes, it sounds just like my trumpet!” Sìneag said.

“I’m sure he borrowed it for a good reason!” Eilish said and smiled.

“Running off and playing it somewhere isn’t my idea of a good reason...” Sìneag said.

“Maybe it’s not you trumpet? Or maybe someone blackmailed him,” Eilish said and made a dramatic duh duh duuh noise.

“...” Sìneag stared at Eilish.

“Well, let’s follow that trumpet!” Eilish said, still smiling.

“Okay, maybe we will find Jamie,” Sìneag replied.

Eilish followed the music. As the two of them followed the sound, it got louder.

“Jamie?!” Eilish called out.

The music cut off and a little red beanie hat drifted down from one of the biggest trees. Eilish picked up the hat, put it on, and started to climb the tree it fell from. Something moved at the top of the tree. She climbed to the top of the tree.

“Hello! Did you like my music?!” Jamie called out when he spotted her.

“It’s beautiful...” Eilish said, blushing, “Here’s your hat.”

“Thank you!” Jamie said. He put the hat back on.

“You’re...welcome,” Eilish said, still blushing.

“Look at this beautiful trumpet!” Jamie said as he held up a blue trumpet with golden diamonds on it.

“Wow that’s a beautiful trumpet!” Eilish said.

“I wish I could keep it... Sìneag would be upset if I did... Maybe she loves it as much as I do,” Jamie said.

“Can I get you your own trumpet?” Eilish asked, blushing.

“Would you?!” Jamie asked.

“Of course! I’m practically made of money!” Eilish said.

Sìneag called from the ground, “Also, that’s a magical trumpet you are playing, so if you play certain notes together, things are going to happen!”

Eilish asked, “Things? What kind of things?”

“He could make the time change, or even turn the sky orange!” Sìneag replied.

“That is epic!” Eilish said.

A song played from the tree and it started to drizzle. The mist and rain messed up Sìneag’s hair, but she didn’t even seem to notice.

“Oops, I didn’t know that was going to happen!” Jamie said.

“Well, rainbows do come after rain!” Eilish said and smiled.

Jamie jumped down from the tree just as lightning struck, making everything light up dramatically.

“Weeeee!” Jamie screamed.

“Okay, in the morning I’ll get you a trumpet,” Eilish told Jamie.

“Yippe!” Jamie screamed.

“I’m gonna go buy more candy!” Eilish announced.

“We have to get back to the castle, this rain is ridiculous!” Sìneag said, realizing the damage done to her hair.

“Okay, I’ll meet you there!” Eilish said.

Sinèag took Jamie’s arm and led him away from the storm. Eilish went to the store and bought a lot more candy. Then she went back to the castle.

“I got more candy!” Eilish announced.

Malcolm face palmed. Eilish held some candy out for everyone.

“Want some?!” she asked excitedly.

Jamie excitedly ate a piece of the offered candy.

Eilish ate lots of candy.

“Mmm! That’s yummy!” Eilish said and she started to run around again.

Mungo covered his ears again in case Eilish was to start screeching again.

“Ouch! My stomach! I ate too much candy!” Eilish screamed in pain.

“Oh no! What should we do?!” Jamie asked.

“Um, I shouldn’t eat that much candy! I dunno...maybe it’ll go away!” Eilish said.

“This trumpet is magical, right? So if I play the right notes, I can make your stomachache go away!” Jamie said.

Sìneag nodded her approval. Jamie then played the trumpet some more. Because he didn’t know the correct notes to play a healing spell, Jamie ended up turning Eilish into just a little disk with a face.

“Umm... Jamie...? I don’t think it worked...” Eilish said.

“Sorry! Ummm... If I play the song backwards, you should be able to return to normal!” Jamie said, frantically getting the trumpet back into position.

He played the same notes, but backwards and Eilish returned to being a human.

“Oh! That’s much better!” Eilish said, finding she had arms and stuff again.

“So it worked?!” Jamie asked.

“Yeah! In fact, my sugar rush went away! Hey, Pàl! Why did my sugar rush go away?!” Eilish asked.

“Well, it looks like transforming and reverting has reset your balance. The song helped heal you even though it wasn’t meant to. That’s the power of music,” Pàl replied.

“But sugar rush isn’t a disease that can be healed?” Eilish said, very confused.

“True...” Pàl said and then he went back to reading some non-fiction book he had on hand.

“Huh, why are you reading a non-fiction book at a party? I get reading a good novel at a party, but not a non-fiction book?” Eilish commented.

“I like to learn things at any time possible,” Pàl replied.

“Cool!” Eilish said.

“Yeah...” Pàl said.

“Now that my sugar rush is gone, should I have more candy?!” Eilish asked.

“No more candy!” Malcolm yelled.

Mungo was still covering his ears.

“Aww, but I bought it! Please, just one more bag, please?” Eilish asked.

“Nooooooooooo!” Malcolm yelled.

“Okay!” said Eilish before running to the table to eat more candy.

Mungo growled threateningly at Eilish.

“Okay! No more candy!” Eilish said.

Mungo uncovered his ears and raised an eyebrow at her, still a bit angry.

“You can be very scary,” Eilish said and smiled nervously.

Mungo smiled a bit, satisfied that he finally got the girl under control.

“I’m gonna go drink soda. You can’t get sugar rush from that, right?” Eilish asked.

There was a puff of light purple smoke and suddenly a strange man appeared. He was dressed in a red shirt with caramel brown pants like a red caramel apple. His eyes were blood red and his skin suggested he hadn’t gone outside enough. Attached to his shoulders was a cape that was royal purple on the outside and lavender on the inside. His hair was a silverfish blonde, but he obviously dyed it lavender. On top of his head was a golden yellow cap with a strange red jewel set between twisty pieces of gold.

“How come I wasn’t invited?!” the man asked.

“Hi! I’m Eilish, what’s your name?” Eilish asked, she held out her hand in a friendly fashion.

“I am Scotty, Sorcerer of Magical Wind!” the man introduced himself, shaking hands roughly with her.

Eilish pulled her hand back and started laughing.

“What’s so funny?! Do you think my name is funny?!” Scotty asked.

“No!” Eilish laughed.

“Anyway, I wanted to be invited to a party!” Scotty said.

“Welcome to the party, Potty the Magical Wind Sauce!” Eilish says, laughing.

“What?! My name is Scotty! Not Potty!” Scotty screamed.

“You said Potty! Well, welcome to the party, Scotty the Wind Sorcerer!” Eilish said.

Scotty then used his wind power to blow her into a chair.

“Oww? Dude, what was that for!? I see why you’re called Scotty the Wind Sorcerer...” Eilish said.

“Don’t say anything about farts!” Scotty warned.

“Okay...” Eilish said and got up.

Scotty took a seat at the table, “Oh, candy.” He observed.

“Can I have some?” Eilish asked.

“I wish I could have candy,” Scotty said, pouting almost.

“Can you just give me some candy cuz no one’s looking?!” Eilish asked with a smile.

Scotty created a small gust of wind to push the candy towards her.

“Thanks!” Eilish said and grabbed the candy and ate most of it.

Scotty fidgeted with his cap. Eilish shoved the candy in her pocket.

Scotty then fidgeted with his cape.

“Why are you messing with your cape and hat?” Eilish asked.

“Because I like to look good and I don’t want to wear something crooked,” Scotty replied.

“Oh...” Eilish said.

“This cap is the source of all my great powers. I wouldn’t want to lose it!” Scotty said.

“I’m glad you’re not evil!” Eilish joked, unknowingly.

“But I am evil!” Scotty whined.

“You’re funny!” Eilish said.

Scotty, in retaliation, said as many bad words as he could think of. Eilish hide behind Malcolm. Scotty finished, took his cap off, and dusted it. Eilish reached in her pocket and ate candy right in front of Malcolm.

“No! Don’t do that!” Malcolm yelled.

“Oops! I’m sorry,” Eilish apologized.

“What the fudge is Scotty doing here?!” Mungo asked when he noticed the man sitting at the table.

“I dunno... Is he really evil?” Eilish asked.

Scotty waved stupidly at Mungo.

“Sometimes yes, other times he is just crazy!” Mungo replied.

“How evil?” Eilish asked.

“Well, if he gets too upset he could destroy a whole town. Sometimes he even possesses people just to see other people’s reactions,” Mungo said.

“He also cussed!” Eilish said.

“Yes...he does that sometimes. He also loves drinking the magic drink...don’t ever give it to him!” Mungo warned Eilish.

“What’s the magic drink?” Eilish asked.

“It’s an alcoholic drink with milk in it to make it creamy,” Mungo said, “It makes you feel very magical though.”

“Ohhh,” Eilish said and ate another piece of candy.

“I see that!” Malcolm yelled.

“Oops, sorry,” Eilish apologized.

Scotty disappeared into another puff of light purple smoke.

“He didn’t even say bye!” Eilish said in an offended way.

“He probably will be back then,” Mungo said.

“I really hope not!” Eilish said, grabbing more candy and shoving it in her mouth.

“Yes, Potty is a real pain in the... Not going to say it, but you know what I mean,” Mungo said.

“Yeah, I do!” Eilish said.

“Good, I will refrain from saying them near Jamie,” Mungo said.

“I don’t cuss!” Eilish said.

“I didn’t say you did, I said I would refrain from saying them near Jamie because he wouldn’t understand and might end up saying the word,” Mungo said.

“Okay!” Eilish said and grabbed more candy out of her pocket.

“Scotty Potty Party!” Pàl shouted.

Eilish had begun laughing very hard, so hard that she choked.

“What the heck?!” Scotty screamed as he suddenly appeared in the room.

He was only wearing his underwear, cape, and cap.

“What the?! Dude, why are you in your underwear?!” Eilish screamed.

“I have no idea!” Scotty screamed.

Pàl giggled. For some reason, this whole situation proved amusing for him.

“WHAT IS WRONG WITH YOU?!” Eilish yelled.

“I didn’t do it!” Scotty yelled back.

Pàl, between giggles, said, “I used a magic book!”


“Okay, I’ll send him away! Party Potty Scotty!” Pàl called out.

With that, Scotty was sent back to where he was removed from.

“THANK YOU PÀL!” Eilish thanked Pàl.

“Did anyone take pictures?!” Pàl asked.

“NOT ME! I’M OUT OF CANDY!” Eilish yelled.

“I got a picture!” Malcolm said, excitedly waving a picture in the air.

“Cool!” Eilish said sarcastically before grabbing candy off the table.

Malcolm jumped in front of her so she couldn’t take the candy.

“BUT I WANT CANDY!” Eilish whined.

Malcolm taped the picture of half naked Scotty in front of the candy pile.

“YOU’RE TOO SMART!” Eilish screamed.

“Exactly! That’s why I should be the leader!” Malcolm called out triumphantly.

Eilish went over to Fraizer and asked, “Can I make you a deal?”

“What kind of deal?” Fraizer asked.

“Um, if you can get me the candy I’ll give you a hundred of your local currency,” Eilish offered.

“Hmm...A hundred bucks to remove a dirty picture? Sounds reasonable,” Fraizer responded.

“Here,” Eilish said and handed Fraizer two sacks of money with fifty in each.

“Okay!” Fraizer said, walking up to the picture and carefully removing it, “At least he had underwear on!”

“Thank you!” Eilish said and ran to grab a lot of candy, “I LOVE CANDY!”

Scotty walked in fully dressed.

“Aww, no! It’s Scotty!” Eilish cried and then shoved candy in her mouth.

“I bought tickets to the movies! Did you know that they sell candy at most movie theaters?! Huh, did you?! Did you?!” Scotty asked while he ran around like an over excited five year old.

“I love candy, but I won’t go see an adult movie for candy!” Eilish said.

“It’s not an adult movie! It’s a teen movie for kids like you! And I am starring in it! Yippee!” Scotty said, still running around.

“No, thank you!” Eilish said.

“You don’t even know the title though!” Scotty said. He stopped running around and made a puppy face.

“What’s the title?” Eilish reluctantly asked.

Scotty perked up again; he might have had candy or something along those lines, “The McNeill’s!”

“I don’t think I should go to the movies with you,” Eilish said.

“Aw, you don’t trust ol’ Scotty?” Scotty asked.

“Nope,” Eilish said.

“Okay...” Scotty said and dropped the tickets and left in a cloud of light purple smoke.

“I think Scotty has a crush on me...” Eilish said.

“That would be gross!” Mungo said.

“I know right?!” Eilish said.

“Doesn’t he know how old he is?!” Mungo said.

“Obviously not!” Eilish said, “How old even is he?”

“Over two-thousand years old!” Mungo said.

“Eww, gross! I gotta tell him that I don’t like him that way!” Eilish said.

“That guy is crazy! What did you give him?!” Malcolm asked.

“Um... Nothing,” Eilish replied.

Scotty comes back and announces, “I had a whole cake!”

“Dude! Why? And I ...” Eilish begun to say something, but got interrupted by Scotty.

Scotty started singing, “I had cake! I had cake! I had a whole entire cake!” he giggled crazily.

“Leave now, Scotty!” Eilish yelled.

“Aw! But I like parties!” Scotty whined.

“Aww, well you can stay,” Eilish said.

“Yippee!” Scotty called out.

“Calm down!” Eilish commanded.

“Okay...” Scotty said reluctantly.

“I’m sorry; I didn’t mean to hurt your feelings!” Eilish apologized.

“It’s fine!” Scotty said.

“Okay,” Eilish said and smiled, she then tried to reach in her pocket and grab more candy, “Noooo It’s empty!”

“Want some gum to chew instead?” Scotty asked as he held out a package of gum.

“Yes, please!” Eilish said and took a piece of gum and started to chew it.

Sìneag played another lullaby on her violin.

“So sleepy!” Eilish complained and laid down to go to sleep.

“Good night, everyone!” Sìneag said, changing into a guard costume before running off out of the castle playing a tune on her violin.

“No, Ms. Kandy, I won’t eat your family!” Eilish said and snored.

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