The Magic Drink

Chapter A Strange Awakening

A few hours later, Sìneag entered the house and played the lullaby backwards in an attempt to wake Eilish up. This didn’t work and Eilish was sleeping still and snoring. Sìneag purposely played a wrong note to wake her up. Not even this worked. Eilish was quite frustrated so she took out her trumpet and played the sharpest note.

“Ahhhh! Five more minutes!” Eilish screamed.

“Fine...” Sìneag said.

Eilish fell back asleep, that was, until Sìneag took candy out of a small pouch she had attached to the side of her belt.

“Is that candy?! Can I have some?!” Eilish asked as soon as she woke up.

“You are sleeping, remember you hit snooze?” Sìneag reminded Eilish.

“I’m tired, but I want candy!” Eilish whined.

Sìneag handed her the candy and laid down on another couch that was in the large living room.

Eilish spoke with her mouth full of candy, “So, what time is it?”

“7:00 AM,” Sìneag replied.

Eilish started choking.

“Why are you choking on the candy?” Sìneag asked, completely surprised by her reaction.

Eilish swallowed the candy before speaking, “Well that was not fun. You woke me up to early.” She yawned, showing she was still exhausted.

“Yeah, but you might of wanted to see the sunrise or something along those lines,” Sìneag said.

“I’m going back to sleep,” Eilish said sleepily.

“Well... I guess you are going to miss watching that beautiful wolf out there,” Sìneag said.

“Where?!” Eilish asked, looking around.

Sìneag pointed out the window at a golden wolf, “Right there, the one with the diamond shaped mark on its head!”

“Is that natural? It’s epic, but is it natural?” Eilish asked.

“I don’t know much about this wolf, but I do know it doesn’t belong in this time period. She is from the past,” Sìneag stated.

“Is she friendly?” Eilish asked.

“I think so, she followed me here so maybe she needs some help with something,” Sìneag said.

“Well, let’s help her?” Eilish suggested.

Sìneag opened the door and called out, “Come!”

The golden wolf walked towards the door, looking around cautiously.

“Hi!” Eilish said and waved.

The wolf quietly answered, “Hello, my name is Timber.”

“Wow! A talking wolf! Can we be friends? My name is Eilish,” Eilish introduced herself to Timber.

“You want to be friends with me? But why? I’m a beast, a ferocious wolf in fact, but you aren’t afraid of me? Why is this?” Timber questioned Eilish.

“Because, I had a pet wolf long ago...and you’re not ferocious, you’re furry and cute,” Eilish explained.

“I am in trouble right now, I seriously need to get back to my time and back to Fraizer. I have fallen through a portal and ended up here,” Timber told Eilish.

“Sìneag, use your trumpet to transport her back in time?” Eilish suggested.

“Hmm, I don’t think that’ll work in this situation,” Sìneag said.

“How can she talk? Is she cursed?” Eilish asked.

“No, she is a Wolf Girl. She transforms into a wolf whenever she runs,” Sìneag replied.

“That is epic!” Eilish said.

“I can turn into a human if you want me to...” Timber said.

“Okay!” Eilish said.

Timber turned into a human. She had long golden hair and a golden wolf tail; otherwise she looked like any other 15-17 year old girl.

“Wow, you’re old!” Eilish commented.

“I know… I might be too old to get married now! I waited too long!” Timber said sadly.

“I’m only thirteen,” Eilish told Timber.

“Do you think Fraizer’ll still wanna marry me?” Timber asked.

“You know, Fraizer is younger than you?” Eilish said.

“No! I coulda sworn Fraizer was my age!” Timber said, shocked.

“Fraizer is ten, and also, I’m pretty sure he likes Sìneag,” Eilish said.

“Wait... What did you say about Fraizer liking me?!” Sìneag asked.

“Nothing,” Eilish said and smiled, “Oops.”

“Wait, Fraizer’s here?!” Timber asked.

“He and the other three McNeill’s...and I have a crush on the one who wears a little hat, don’t tell him,” Eilish said.

“Four of them?! Oh, I get it, you weren’t talking about my Fraizer,” Timber said once she realized.

“There is another Fraizer? Does he wear forest colors too?” Eilish asked.

“Ah, yes, he recently got his tunic. I would say it’s a nice dark green and he wears a thick hat to protect his head, kind of like a helmet,” Timber said.

“And his name is Fraizer?! Weird,” Eilish said.

Pàl walked out holding a text book.

“Actually... It’s not weird, most of my ancestors were named Fraizer or something along those lines,” he said.

“Whoa! You are so young!” Timber commented.

“Were you there the whole time?” Eilish asked.

“No, I only heard part of the conversation,” Pàl said.

“You didn’t hear where I told Timber there was four of you did you?” Eilish asked.

“I came in on the “You weren’t talking about my Fraizer...” Part,” Pàl said.

“Oh, thank goodness,” Eilish sighed.

“Why?” Pàl asked.

“Happy Birthday!” Eilish called out.

“Wait, what?!” Pàl asked.

“What?” Eilish asked.

Pàl walked away confused.

“So, do you know any way for me to get home?” Timber asked.

“No, sorry,” Eilish giggled, “it worked.”

“I must return to Fraizer! I can’t stay here forever!” Timber cried out.

“Sadly, I’m not the smartest person,” Eilish said.

“Please! You have to help me! I don’t want to be stuck in the future!” Timber cried.

“But I don’t know how,” Eilish said.

“If I never return to the past, I’ll never be able to marry Fraizer!” Timber cried.

“I’m sorry. All I can do that’s magical is play the piano,” Eilish said.

“That won’t do me any good... Oh Fraizer, I miss you so much!” Timber cried.

“I’m sorry, I’m gonna go back to bed...” Eilish said exhaustedly.

“Okay...maybe someone else can help me,” Timber said.

“I’m really sorry,” Eilish said and left, going back in the castle.

Timber howled a sad song. Eilish went back to sleep. Timber, however, wasn’t about to give up. She scratched at the castle door. Eilish was snoring really loudly.

“Hoooooowl!” Timber howled.

“Quit it!” Eilish screamed.

“Hoooooooooooooooooooooowl!” Timber howled.

Eilish grabbed ear-plugs and stuck them in her ears and fell asleep.

Timber climbed up the roof and popped into an open window. Eilish continued to stay asleep. Timber walked down the stairs and right up to her. She licked her face.

Eilish, half asleep, cried out, “No, go back to bed Bruno! Wait, you’re not Bruno?” Eilish then screamed.

“Hello!” Timber said.

“Five more minutes!” Eilish muttered.

Timber sat down and patiently waited. Five minutes passed and Eilish still had her ear-plugs in. Timber gently pulled the ear-plugs out of her ears.

Eilish woke up and yawned, “I’m tired. I can’t do anything for you, I am sorry...”

Eilish laid back down. Another sad song played somewhere nearby as Timber made a sad and longing face at her.

“I’m really sorry,” Eilish said, looking like she was going to cry, “there’s nothing I can do for you...”

Timber laid down on the floor. Eilish started to pet her like a dog.

“I wish you knew someone who could help me,” Timber said quietly.

“Well... I do know someone, but if she gets mad, she turns into a wolf,” Eilish said.

“Anyone who can get me back to Fraizer is fine with me,” Timber said.

“Um... I don’t know if she can or can’t?” Eilish said, unsure.

“It’s worth a shot,” Timber said.

“Fine, follow me, but she acts like a puppy and you can’t tell anybody about her,” Eilish said.

“I promise not to tell! As long as I get home safely I will be happy!” Timber said.

“Follow me,” Eilish left and took Timber to a cave.

Timber was respectfully silent.

“Hey, Toiréasa?!” Eilish called.

A young girl with red hair walked out of the cave.

“Eilish? Where were you? You didn’t visit me for a while. I was worried,” Toiréasa said.

She then noticed Timber sitting there.

“Eilish, who is this?” Toiréasa asked.

Timber shyly replied, “I’m Timber.”

She held out her paw to Toiréasa.

“Eilish? Why is Timber talking?” Toiréasa asked.

“Because she’s actually a human girl. She’s lost in time and she needs your help,” Eilish replied.

“I’ll help on one condition...” Toiréasa said.

“Yes, she will be your friend,” Eilish answered before her friend could finish.

“Oh goodie!” Toiréasa said.

Timber’s tail was wagging happily.

“Can you get me mad, Eilish?” Toiréasa asked.

“Why?” Eilish asked.

“So we can play as wolves!” Toiréasa said.

“Oh,” Eilish said.

Timber gave a doggie smile.

“Fine!” Eilish said.

“’Kay, if I attack you, I want Timber to protect you,” Toiréasa said.

“Um, okay Toiréasa, I think that your food tastes like butt,” Eilish said.

“My food tastes like food!” Toiréasa said.

“You ate too much and got fat!” Eilish went on.

“I did not!” Toiréasa yelled.

“You act like a puppy!” Eilish said.

Toiréasa madly turned into a red wolf puppy.

“No attacking,” Eilish reminded Toiréasa.

“Grrr,” Toiréasa growled, but she calmed down and played with Timber’s tail.

Timber turned around and did a play bow. Toiréasa play bowed back even though she’s so tiny in comparison. Timber barked and ran in a circle. Toiréasa chased Timber.

Timber stopped after a couple of laps and turned around to chase Toiréasa. Toiréasa ran away. Timber chased Toiréasa around in circles. Toiréasa was running from Timber, but then she turned around and started to chase Timber.

Timber ran from Toiréasa. Toiréasa chased Timber. Timber ran down one side of the cave and ran up the next. Toiréasa ran after Timber. Timber ran in a large diamond pattern. Eilish was bored of this and tried leaving.

“Hey, Toiréasa!” Timber said and pointed a paw at Eilish.

“Grr!” Toiréasa turned back into a human and yelled, “HOW DARE YOU TRY TO DITCH HER!”

“I’m sorry, I don’t know what to do,” Eilish said.

Timber sat down and turned her head to the side as if questioning her.

“I’m sorry, I’m leaving, Toiréasa should be able to help you,” Eilish said.

“Aw, okay...” Timber said, “Goodbye.”

Eilish left and went to the castle. Toiréasa helped get Timber home.

“Thanks for your help!” Timber thanked Toiréasa.

“You’re welcome! Now go through that portal!” Toiréasa commanded.

“Okay, I’ll send something through time for you so that you’ll always remember this day. Good bye!” Timber said and stepped through the portal.

“Bye!” Toiréasa said.

Eilish hummed merrily on her way back. Toiréasa returned to her cave. Timber was soon gone, but her name was still in the history books.

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