The Magic Drink

Chapter Scotty the Pretty

Eilish and Jamie pulled up to the market before dark.

“Do you think they got here already?” Jamie asked.

“They might have... Let’s hope not!” Eilish said.

“Look out for signs of those two!” Jamie said.

Eilish dismounted Zarru then said, “Hey, boot prints!”

“Really? Let’s follow them!” Jamie said.

Eilish followed the boot prints. The boot prints stopped at the two boys resting in the middle of town, most likely waiting for the bar to open.

“Guys? Are you drunk?” Eilish asked.

“Ahhhh! How did you get here?!” Malcolm screamed.

“Zarru!” Eilish said.

“You took my horse! Why? Just to see us laying around waiting for the bar to open back up?” Fraizer asked.

“Because, Mungo came to the castle drunk and he was terrible so we came to save you,” Eilish said.

“That brat! He was the one who took the last bottle! They are restocking now! He said,” Malcolm said, switching his voice to a mimicking voice, “You guys aren’t mature enough for this drink! I’ve already drank it before so I should have the last bottle!”

“He’s right...” Eilish said.

“No he ain’t! We’d asked for a sip and he refused! Drank it in front of us! Then he ran off!” Fraizer said.

“Come on, let’s go!” Eilish said.

“No! I wanna stick around until it reopens! I’ve saved my money up for this day!” Malcolm argued.

Eilish dropped to her knees in a begging fashion, “Please, please, please, don’t drink! Pleeeeeeeeeeeeeeaaaaaaaaaaaase!”

“If Mungo had the last bottle, then who had the other bottles?!” Jamie asked.

“I dunno? I stink at math,” Eilish said.

Scotty appeared hiccupping. He said, “Hey! Where did Mungo go! He took my last bottle!”

“I dunno?” Eilish said.

Scotty tossed an empty jar to the ground shattering the pieces everywhere.

“Littering is not good!” Eilish said.

“I’m mad! Ever since he was little he has stolen my magic drink!” Scotty yelled while hiccupping.

“Okay?” Eilish said.

“What do you mean so?! He’s not mature enough for it!” Scotty yelled while still hiccupping.

“Go home, Scotty!” Eilish yelled.

“But, you were actually listening to my complaint!” Scotty said, he hiccupped and then turned around and threw up.

“Now, Scotty!” Eilish yelled.

Scotty spun around in circles and fell face first into a puddle of vomit.

Eilish grabbed her phone and called the police.

“Mycono Police Department, what’s your emergency?!” the operator asked.

“This dude is drunk and he just fell on the ground in a pool of vomit,” Eilish told them.

“Tell me your location,” the operator said.

“The bar in town,” Eilish said.

“Okay, the police should arrive soon,” the operator said.

Eilish hung up her phone, “Okay, they’re on their way!”

A police car pulled up a few minutes later.

“Is this the drunken guy?” the police officer asked and pointed to Scotty.

“Yep,” Eilish said.

“Okay, we have to arrest him, public intoxication is a crime!” the police officer told Eilish.

“Okay,” Eilish responded.

“Do you know anything about this guy? We need his name so we can look at his records,” the police officer asked Eilish.

“Nope,” Eilish said.

“You sure you don’t know his name?” the police officer asked, he bent over to look for an ID card.

“Positive,” Eilish replied.

“I guess we have to call him Joe until someone figures out his name. I’ll be taking him now,” the police officer said and leaned over to grab Scotty.

“Okay,” Eilish said.

The officer’s cell phone rang, “Hello? Oh really?! That’s fantastic! I’ll be right there to pick up the money. Thank you!” the officer hung up the phone, “I won the lottery!”

He dropped Scotty onto the ground really hard and climbed back into the car, speeding away with the sirens on, “WOOOOHOOOO!”

“Great!” Eilish said.

Scotty woke up, “Ow! My head hurts!”

His forehead was scraped up and bruised from the impact against the ground.

“Go home!” Eilish yelled.

Scotty looks around, “How did I get way out here?! I don’t remember traveling!”

“You were drunk!” Eilish yelled.

“Darn it! I couldn’t control myself!” Scotty started crying from the headache.

“Go home and go to sleep,” Eilish said.

“I feel like I’d been dropped on the head!” Scotty said and took his hat off to wipe his head.

“Should I call the hospital?” Eilish asked.

“Wait, why’d I take my hat off?! Won’t I lose my magic?!” Scotty cried out, slowly transforming into just a tiny mouse creature called a Mouleepole.

“Aww, he’s so small!” Eilish squealed.

“Agh!” Scotty said and hid behind the hat.

“Aww, so small!” Eilish said and grabbed the hat, which also shrunk.

“Give me the hat back! I feel pathetic like this!” Scotty cried out.

“No, you’re adorable like this!” Eilish said.

“I don’t want to look like this!” Scotty burst out crying.

“Please don’t cry...” Eilish said and set the hat back on the ground.

Scotty sniffled, “I don’t like looking like this because I feel less powerful without my cap!”

Eilish took the hat and put it next to Scotty. He took the hat and looked up at her with big watery eyes.

“Thank you!” Scotty sniffled.

“You’re welcome,” Eilish said.

Scotty put the hat back on and transformed into his sorcerer form.

“And my head still hurts!” he yelled.

“You were very adorable as a mouse,” Eilish said.

“Evil isn’t supposed to be cute...why does my head still hurt?!” Scotty complained.

“You’re evil?!” Eilish asked, even though she was told this multiple times already.

“I’m supposed to be. This cap allows me that power,” Scotty said.

Eilish tried to grab Scotty’s hat. Scotty tried to run away, but fell on his face again.

“Ouch! Why did I do that?!” Scotty asked.

“Because,” Eilish grabbed the hat, “You’re not evil anymore!”

“I wanna be evil!” Scotty said as he transformed back into a Mouleepole again, “I want the power! The evil feels good!”

“What’s it feel like?” Eilish asked.

“It’s comforting. It makes me feel as though I’m actually important! And, I get a laugh out of seeing people’s plans messed up because of me! Being evil is a lot of fun! I admire greed!” Scotty said.

Eilish smirked then said, “Okay then.” She put the hat on.

“What?! You’re going to just wear a rare object like that?! You know there is only one Magic Cap like that. I want my cap back! I want my evil power back!” Scotty complained.

“This feels epic!” Eilish said. Her eyes turned from brown to red like Scotty’s eyes.

“Do you feel the dark power?” Scotty asked.

“Yes! It feels great!” Eilish said.

“Eilish! He’s trying to trick you into being evil!” Jamie cried.

“Doesn’t it make you just want to smack Jamie really hard?” Scotty asked.

“Yeah, kinda...” Eilish said. Inside her a war raged, love vs. evil.

Scotty laughed evilly, though being so tiny, it mostly sounded like a squeak, “Why don’t you smack him then?! I always smack people! Feel the evil, love the evil, be the evil!”

“N-no I can’t smack him...” Eilish said, squeezing her eyes tight, trying to resist.

“Come on, one smack! Just one time!” Scotty said, watching her with small red eyes.

“I can! N-no I won’t... Yes, no, I love him! I can, I am evil! No, get the hat off!” Eilish screamed.

“Sorry I’m too small to reach your hat! See, even if you take my cap from me. My evil is still inside the cap! I still am evil, just not scary!” Scotty said.

Eilish bowed her head, making the hat fall. Her eyes returned to normal and she said, “That was terrible!”

Scotty grabbed the hat and put it back on his head, transforming back.

“There, much better!” Scotty said, satisfied.

“Eilish! Would you really have slapped me?!” Jamie asked.

“Of course not!” Eilish said and hugged Jamie.

Jamie hugged her back.

“My head still you think I’m evil now?!” Scotty asked.

“No, I think that hat is evil,” Eilish said.

“The hat wasn’t originally evil. It originally was meant to give the wearer whatever they wanted. I wanted power and it gave it to me. So, I casted a spell on it to keep some of my evil inside it!” Scotty said and laughed evilly then he held his head.

Eilish let go of Jamie.

“Were you once good, Scotty?” Eilish asked.

“No, I have always admired the dark desires of humans. It’s so fascinating, you see, the stronger person always wins! I am the stronger person!” Scotty said.

Eilish giggled, “Yeah, stronger.”

“You know, if my head wasn’t bleeding I’d have you blown away!” Scotty said.

“Yeah, it’s a good thing it is,” Eilish said.

“How would you like it if you woke up and your head was bleeding?! I could make that happen, but I’m not supposed to hurt girls!” Scotty said. For a few seconds, a look of grief was seen in his eyes.

“Well, I’m not gonna ever do that because I don’t drink!” Eilish said.

“This sucks you know, I gotta stop bleeding!” Scotty yelled.

He was still holding his head, blood running down his hands.

“Again, would you like me to call an ambulance?!” Eilish asked.

“Yes! As long as long as they don’t stab me because ’m evil!” Scotty said.

Eilish did a face-palm.

“Scotty, they aren’t gonna hurt you just cuz you’re evil!” Eilish said. She got her phone out.

“Okay...” Scotty wiped his hand against his bloody face.

Eilish called the police again.

“Mycono Police Department, what’s your emergency?” the operator asked.

“This guy needs help!” Eilish said.

“Okay, what is your location? What condition is the guy in?” the operator asked.

“In front of the bar and his head is bleeding badly,” Eilish told them.

“Okay, we’re sending an ambulance,” the operator said.

“Okay, thanks, bye,” Eilish said and hung up.

“They’re sending an ambulance,” she informed Scotty.

Scotty was hiding under his cape.

“Are you scared?” Eilish asked.

“No, but if they know who I am they’ll refuse to take me and then tell Jamie to stab me!” Scotty cried.

“That’s why I told them a guy not Scotty the Evil Sage of Wind,” Eilish said.

Scotty raised an eyebrow at her mistake, but ignored it.

“They probably still know what I look like!” Scotty cried.

“Then it’s Makeover Time!” Eilish said and dug in her small purse to grab make-up and a hair brush.

“Agh! No!” Scotty screamed.

“Scotty, stay still,” Eilish commanded.

“Girl! Don’t touch me!” Scotty said and hid under his cape again.

“I’m gonna make you look pretty!” Eilish said.

“I don’t want to look pretty! I’m a guy! Not a girl!” Scotty said and held his cape down.

“Well you need a disguise!” Eilish said.

“But you already told them that I am a guy!” Scotty whined.

“The ambulance is coming...” Jamie said.

Eilish panicked and put makeup on Scotty, “there!” She put his hair in a braid, then she grabbed his cape and wrapped it around him like a dress, “Okay, that should work!” Eilish smiled, “Let me hear your girl voice!”

“No! I feel dumb!” Scotty screamed.

“Scotty, now!” Eilish yelled.

“Agh!” Scotty said and disappeared.

Eilish giggled, “Jamie, pretend you’re hurt.”

Jamie reluctantly smeared some blood on his face. The ambulance pulled up.

“Is this the man you’re talking about? Looks a lot like the one we took earlier!” the guy commented.

“Yes...” Eilish said.

“Okay!” the guy said and put Jamie on a stretcher and took him away.

“Bye, Jamie,” Eilish waved, “That’s three people today...”

“Well, what are you going to do?! You sent Jamie away for no reason!” Fraizer said.

“I don’t know, I panicked...” Eilish said, feeling guilty.

“And on top of that, Scotty is running around somewhere dressed as a girl!” Fraizer said.

Eilish didn’t answer because she felt guilty.

“Let’s go grab a bite to eat at the nearest stand,” Fraizer said.

“Yeah...” Eilish said.

“I’m coming with you! I could use some food,” Malcolm said.

“Yeah, you can come,” Eilish said.

“What do you like? There’s a sandwich stand and a sushi stand nearby,” Fraizer said.

“I’m not hungry, I’m just coming with you,” Eilish said.

“Okay, I’m getting sushi. How about you, Malcolm?” Fraizer asked.

“I’ll get the same,” Malcolm said.

“Come on,” Fraizer said and led them to the sushi stand.

“I am leaving!” Eilish said and left.

She ran off to the hospital.

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