The Magic Drink

Chapter The Effects of the Teal Bottle

“I’m gonna make some soup!” Jamie said.

“Can I have some?” Eilish asked.

“I’ll make three pots full and share some with other people!” Jamie said.

Scotty appeared and announced himself loudly, “I’m back, did something exciting happen while I was gone?!”

“Hi!” Eilish said.

“Hi, Eilish! How is you and Jamie goin’?” Scotty asked, winking.

“How did you know?” Eilish asked.

“Jus’ a guess!” Scotty said and smiled innocently.

“Creepy...” Eilish said.

“’m magical...” Scotty said, shrugging his shoulders.

“So you use your magic to know other people’s feelings?” Eilish asked.

“Nah, I have better things to do, like going somewhere busy and blowing the line of people away! It’s fun!” Scotty said.

“That’s not very nice though...” Eilish said.

“I don’t give an s word! Be glad I didn’t actually say the word!” Scotty said.

“That hurts my feelings...” Eilish said.

“Well, I’ll be getting out of here now!” Scotty said and disappeared.

“Jerk...” Eilish muttered.

“Well, at least he didn’t kidnap Sìneag this time!” Jamie said, trying to find the bright side of things.

“He kidnapped Sìneag?!” Eilish asked.

“Yeah, he did it before and locked her in his tower!” Jamie said.

“That’s not right...” Eilish said.

“To make it worse, he wanted to force her to marry him! Poor Sìneag!” Jamie said.

“What’s wrong with him?!” Eilish asked.

“He’s evil!” Jamie said.

“Ohh...” Eilish said.

“And, he wants to take over this whole kingdom,” Jamie said.

“That’s not right!” Eilish said.

“The person I choose to marry will become royalty because I am a princess,” Sìneag said, delicately walking into the room.

“Is it Fraizer?” Eilish asked.

“I haven’t decided who to marry yet, I still have time, I’m only ten...” Sìneag said.

“Wow! I’m older than you,” Eilish said.

“Yeah, I have about two more years before I am officially old enough to marry,” Sìneag said.

“Twelve?” Eilish asked.

“Yes, that’s what my mother told me before she disappeared,” Sìneag said.

“I’m sorry...” Eilish said.

“It’s okay, at least I can handle myself and my dad is around sometimes,” Sìneag said.

“Um... let’s change the subject... I like to read at times,” Eilish said.

“Do you read legends? I know Pàl does!” Eilish asked.

“No, I read good novels,” Eilish said.

“Which ones?” Sìneag asked.

“Um, I dunno? My friend gave them to me,” Eilish said.

“That’s cool,” Sìneag said.

“They are really epic stories with very great story lines,” Eilish said.

“Oh, I’ve read a legend about a kid who could travel forward or backwards in time,” Sìneag said.

“Oh, I did read one legend about him and the hero who could control the wind,” Eilish replied.

“Books are cool,” Sìneag said.

“It depends on what books you’re reading,” Eilish said.

“Yeah, that’s true,” Sìneag said.

Eilish laughed. Jamie was stirring the soup and adding ingredients.

“What kind of soup is it?” Eilish asked.

“Chicken and Dumplings, Beef Stew, and Clam Chowder,” Jamie said and pointed to each pot while mentioning the names.

“Mmm! Yummy!” Eilish said.

“I’m a good cook!” Jamie said.

“Yeah, you are!” Eilish agreed.

“The soup should be done soon,” Jamie said.

“Yay!” Eilish said.

Jamie stirred all the soups. Eilish watched Jamie.

“Would you like some soup?” Jamie asked when he had finished cooking the three soups.

“Yes, please!” Eilish said.

Jamie poured soup into three different bowls. Eilish stared at the soup.

“Did I cook something wrong?!” Jamie asked.

“No! I’m just hungry! I can’t help it! I’m sorry!” Eilish apologized.

“Which soup do you want?” Jamie asked.

“Beef stew,” Eilish replied.

Jamie cheerfully handed her the bowl of beef stew.

Eilish grabbed a spoon and ate some of the soup, “This is delicious!”

“Thanks!” Jamie said.

“No....thank you! This is the best soup ever!” Eilish said.

“You’re welcome!” Jamie said.

Eilish finished her soup and said, “Yummy!”

“The others should be here too to eat my soup!” Jamie said.

“Can I have some more please?” Eilish asked.

“Sure!” Jamie said as he gave her more soup.

“Yay!” Eilish said and started to eat the soup, “Thanks!”

Jamie ran over to grab the dinner bell. Eilish ate the soup happily.

Malcolm and Fraizer came down the stairs, pushing each other roughly.

“Don’t push. You’ll both get your soup,” Eilish told them.

“Nah, we was just fightin’ over who is more mature!” Malcolm said.

Eilish giggled then said, “You do know it’s not mature to fight... Besides, the maturest would be Pàl. The second maturest would be Jamie.”

“I said I’m going to be the first to be allowed to drink the magic drink, because you aren’t a real man until you can handle drinking a whole bottle!” Malcolm said.

“That’s not smart! You’ll get drunk and throw up everywhere!” Jamie said.

Eilish giggled, then said, “Yeah, Jamie’s right, you don’t wanna get drunk.”

Malcolm raised one eyebrow questioningly then said, “Well, I guess that’s true, but I’m not a man until I do! I just want to prove myself!”

“Yeah, Malcolm’s right! I wanna be a man too!” Fraizer said.

Eilish finished her soup and said, “Well, I’ll be right back. Bye!”

Eilish got up from where she was seated and went to a music shop. There, she got six trumpets and had them wrapped. After that, she then came back to the castle.

“I’m back! And I got presents!” Eilish called out.

“I love presents! Can I have a present? Please?” Jamie asked.

“I got every McNeill a present,” Eilish said and held out a gift with red wrapping paper.

“Thank you!” Jamie said and hugged Eilish.

Eilish hugged Jamie back.

“Open your gift!” she said excitedly.

Jamie excitedly unwrapped his gift, which was a trumpet. “Yay! I love trumpets!” he said.

Eilish put hers and Pàl’s gifts on the counter and then she asked, “Jamie, where’s Malcolm and Fraizer?”

Jamie handed her a note and whispered, “I think they left...”

“Oh, that means I can’t give them theirs” she said and glanced at the note.

She then grabbed her gift and opened it to reveal a pink trumpet with small hearts on it.

Jamie read the note himself.

“They won’t be back for awhile... They went to the market bar across town from here,” Jamie said.

Eilish yelled, “Are you kidding me?!” she calmed down and continued speaking, “I’m sorry! But Jamie, when they come back, they’re gonna be acting very odd...”

“I...I see,” Jamie said and started to cry.

“Jamie, please don’t cry... they’ll be fine,” Eilish said and hugged Jamie, she was also worried.

“I feel so lonely now! Pàl’s gone and so are Malcolm and Fraizer!” Jamie cried.

“Pàl’s not gone, Jamie, he’s at the hospital... And Malcolm and Fraizer will be back...” Eilish said as she tried to comfort Jamie.

“But they aren’t here right now!” Jamie said and sniffled.

“I am here, Jamie...” Eilish said.

Jamie cried all over her. Eilish started to cry as well.

Mungo came back and said, “Hey! I’m back! Did I miss something?! Is this a bad moment?!”

“I got you a gift and we need your help...” Eilish said.

“Hm? Are you talking about the foolish boys that are heading to the bar?” Mungo asked, he took out a bottle of some sort and took a sip.

“Did they get drunk?” Eilish asked.

Mungo put the bottle away and said, “They haven’t arrived yet. I saw them on my way back here; they’re traveling down a very common path.”

“What’s that bottle? And your gift is on the counter,” Eilish said.

“The bottle? Just some tasty drink... I’m glad you aren’t screaming anymore,” he said and picked up the present, “So you were thinking about me while I was gone?” he opened the package. “Cool! Thanks!” Mungo thanked Eilish.

“You’re welcome, I got everybody one, even myself,” Eilish pulled out her trumpet.

“Maybe we could play trumpets together. That might sound cool,” Mungo said. He played a small piece of a mysterious sounding song.

“Jamie, do you still feel lonesome?” Eilish asked.

“Nope! I have two others now!” Jamie said.

“Yay! Yeah, let’s all play the trumpet!” Eilish said.

“I’m sure Jamie would love it. All the McNeill boys do,” Mungo said.

“My friend taught me how to play, but I never had my own,” Eilish said and started to play a marching song.

Jamie carefully listened in so he could play along. Before long, both Mungo and Jamie were able to play along with Eilish, adding in their own twists once in awhile. They had ended when they all needed to catch their breaths.

Mungo took another sip from his bottle, “So, when do you think the two fools will be back?”

“Are you drinking bad stuff?” Eilish asked.

“Nah, ’m not drinking bad stuff!” Mungo said and rolled his eyes.

“Forgive me for asking,” Eilish said sarcastically.

“Excuse me one second!” Mungo said and got up and hurried to the bathroom.

“Hi, Jamie!” Eilish said.

“What’s up with him?” Jamie asked.

“He has to use the potty!” Eilish said.

“’cause he drank too much!” Jamie said. He was laughing.

Eilish giggled and said, “Yeah, probably!”

Mungo walked back over in a sort of staggering motion, only noticeable if he was watched carefully enough.

“Okay, I’m back...sorry for the little interruption!” Mungo apologized.

“Umm, it’s okay?” Eilish said.

“What’s wrong? You seem as though you question me,” Mungo said.

“Nothing!” Eilish said.

Mungo shrugged his shoulders and reached for another sip.

“Are you drinking?” Eilish asked.

“No...” Mungo said.

“Don’t lie to me,” Eilish commanded.

“Aw, Eilish! I’m not drinking! If I was, wouldn’t it be easy to tell?” Mungo asked.

“Are you sick?” Eilish asked.

“No...I feel fine...maybe a little sad for who knows what reason, but I’m fine...” Mungo said.

“Aww... you feel sad...” Eilish said and hugged Mungo, “Better?”

Mungo burst out crying, “I admit! It was just one mouse! It hurt me really badly, but I was too embarrassed to get help!”

“Aww, don’t feel bad! I once got attacked by a little puppy; let’s get you to the hospital...” Eilish said.

Mungo was crying really hard and it was nearly impossible to hear what he was saying, “No! I can’t leave the castle! Everyone would laugh at me and say that I... But I didn’t!”

Mungo most likely said a few bad words because then Eilish yelled, “Dude! Watch your language! I’m older than you, yet even I don’t say that...” she calmed down, “I’m sorry, wait, I know what to do!”

“No! I don’t want to hear it! I’m useless now!” Mungo yelled, curling up in a ball.

“Is he drunk?” Jamie asked.

“Yes...” Eilish said.

“I’m not drunk! I’m just extremely sad!” Mungo cried.

“Can I see your bottle?” Eilish asked.

Mungo started hiccupping, “No! I paid two-hundred for it and its content!”

“How do I handle drunk people?” Eilish asked.

Mungo hiccupped more, “Oh! I’m gonna puke!” he barfed on the ground and hiccupped again.

“Gross!” Eilish said.

Mungo continued hiccupping, “I...I have get out...out of here...” Mungo said and hiccupped.

He stood up and tried to walk away, but he fell down with his face in the floor.

“No, go lay down!” Eilish said and helped Mungo up.

“So dizzy!” Mungo said while hiccupping.

His eyes were rolled up and his nose was bleeding from the impact against the floor. Mungo screamed in pain.

“Jamie, call the police on my phone, please!” Eilish commanded.

“Is he going to be alright?!” Jamie asked as he called the police.

“Yes, he decided to get drunk and he’s barfing!” Eilish said while trying to hold Mungo up.

Mungo’s body jerked every time he hiccupped. Jamie was on the phone.

“Mungo, can you please give me your bottle?!” Eilish asked.

“Y...yeah,” Mungo said, he hiccupped and trembled as he cried.

“Okay, give it here...” Eilish commanded.

Mungo reached into his bag and pulled out a bottle with a teal label, he barfed again shortly after.

“Aww gross!” Eilish said and grabbed the bottle, “Dude! You’re only ten! Jamie, is the ambulance here yet?”

“Noooo! Don’t let them take me away! I’ve been good!” Mungo said, still hiccupping, “’M thirsty!”

“Yep! They’re here!” Jamie announced.

“No bottle!” Eilish told Mungo.

A guy ran in with a stretcher.

“Ahhhh! I don’t want to go back!” Mungo said and curled into a ball again.

“Please, Mungo, they aren’t gonna hurt you,” Eilish said.

“They’re taking me to the nut-house again!” Mungo cried, still hiccupping.

“Again? We aren’t even taking you there! Can you uncurl for me?” the guy with the stretcher asked.

Mungo stayed curled up.

“Mungo, uncurl, please!” Eilish commanded.

“I don’t want to! Leave me alone!” Mungo cried.

“I’ll give you back your bottle,” Eilish said.

Mungo uncurled and asked, “Really?!”

“Quick! Grab him!” Eilish commanded.

The man with the stretcher grabbed Mungo and tied him to the stretcher.

“Hey! That wasn’t nice! I want another sip!” Mungo screamed.

“I’m not that dumb... I’m sorry it had to be done...” Eilish said.

Mungo struggled to get off.

“I’m sorry...” Eilish said.

The guy lifted the stretcher and put it in the carriage.

“Oh no...” Eilish said.

“Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh!” Mungo screamed.

“This is terrible...” Eilish said.

Jamie held up the bottle, “There’s still some left in here.”

“Don’t drink it!” Eilish warned Jamie.

“I wouldn’t, I’m just making observations! Maybe we should check the label?” Jamie asked.

“I already know what it is... I got terrible news...” Eilish said.

“What is it?!” Jamie asked.

“Malcolm and Fraizer are gonna come back like Mungo... Drunk,” Eilish said.

“No! Maybe we can reach them before they reach town!” Jamie said.

“Let’s go!” Eilish said and grabbed Jamie’s hand.

“The bar is all the way in town, the quickest way is on Zarru!” Jamie said.

“Zarru?” Eilish asked.

“Fraizer’s horse,” Jamie said.

He plucked a whistle from a slot on the wall.

“Horse!” Eilish echoed, terrified.

“She’s very friendly! She wouldn’t hurt anyone!” Jamie said.

“Okay, if you promise and you ride in front, okay?” Eilish said.

“Okay!” Jamie said. He blew a tune through the whistle.

“That’s pretty!” Eilish said.

Zarru arrived quickly to carry them. She was very large and looked like she could pull an entire carriage by herself.

Eilish stared at Zarru and said, “She’s big...”

“Yep!” Jamie said and hopped onto Zarru’s back, “You coming?”

“Of course,” Eilish said and then she hopped onto Zarru’s back behind Jamie.

“Hold on tight! We have some McNeill’s to save!” Jamie said and made Zarru gallop.

Eilish held onto Jamie tightly.

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