The Magic Drink

Chapter At the Hospital

“Can I see Jamie?” Eilish asked when she entered the room.

“Jamie? He hasn’t arrived yet, but he should be in soon,” the desk lady said.

“I’ll wait...” Eilish said and sat down in a chair.

“Would you like some desk candy while you wait?” the lady asked.

“Ooh, yes, please!” Eilish said, she got up and went to the desk.

“Which do you prefer, mini chocolates or peppermints?” the lady asked.

“Mini chocolates, please!” Eilish said.

“Here you go!” the lady said and handed Eilish a few mini chocolates.

“Thank you!” Eilish said and ate one, “Mmm, yummy!”

“You can go ahead to the room he’ll be staying in,” the lady said and handed her the room number written on a piece of paper.

“Thanks,” Eilish went into room 56 and waited.

A guy rolled Jamie into the room. Even though Jamie’s head wasn’t really bleeding, the guy had wrapped Jamie’s head in bandages.

“Jamie!” Eilish said.

“Hello, Eilish!” Jamie said.

“Hi, Jamie!” Eilish said.

“I bet they will keep me in here with my head bandaged up for no reason. They’re too stupid to realize that I’m not bleeding,” Jamie said.

“I’m sorry, Jamie! I’ll tell them it was a prank okay?!” Eilish said.

“No! You could get fined for that!” Jamie said.

Eilish laughed, “Oh Jamie, they can’t fine me, I’m thirteen!”

“They’ll fine someone. If they didn’t give out fines, this hospital would be chock full of people,” Jamie said.

“Then I’ll pay it. I’m gonna go tell them...” Eilish said.

“I’ll get in trouble for faking it!” Jamie said.

“I’ll take the blame, Jamie,” Eilish said.

“Okay...” Jamie reluctantly said.

Eilish went to the desk lady and made an innocent face, “I’m sorry...”

“Sorry for what?” the lady asked.

Eilish talked really fast, “I was playing a prank and I called the ambulance and they came and I panicked and splattered blood on my friend,” she paused just long enough for a breath and continued, “I am so sorry! I didn’t think they’d come!”

“You splattered blood on your friend... Who was bleeding if it wasn’t Jamie’s blood? We need to get the person who is bleeding in!” the lady said.

“It was pig blood... We stopped some people from beating a pig with glass but there was blood everywhere poor pig...” Eilish lied.

“Oh? We should clean him up then. Can’t go around with blood on your face,” the lady said.

“You’re not gonna fine me?” Eilish asked.

“Naw, couldn’t do that!” the lady said and then looked at her computer and laughed.

“Thank you!” Eilish said.

“Ah, but would you look at something for me?” the lady said.

She turned the computer monitor to show a news article. The title was, ‘Ugly bleeding lady found lying on a restaurant table’

Eilish looked at the computer, “Oh my gosh! What happened to her?!”

“They don’t know. They’re sending police out looking for witnesses. That’s one ugly lady! Yep, almost looks like a man even!” the lady said.

“What?! A man?!” Eilish asked.

“It kinda looked like one!” the lady said.

“I bet she’s a girl, an unlucky girl that is innocent,” Eilish said.

“Does anyone here know what has happened to this lady?” a police officer said as he entered the hospital door. He held up the picture.

“Maybe she was drunk?” Eilish suggested.

“Do you have information for me, young girl?” the police officer asked.

“Maybe the lady was drunk?” Eilish said.

“If the lady still is drunk we’ll give her a fine for public intoxication, but we should still put her in the hospital first,” the police officer said.

“Just a fine?” Eilish asked.

“Yes, because she is hurt, that’s enough punishment,” the officer said.

“What if she’s a wanted criminal?” Eilish asked.

“If she’s wanted, we will first treat her then send her off to do her time,” the officer said.

“I don’t think she’s wanted,” Eilish said.

“Okay, we’d never know unless we checked her records. Do you know the name?” the officer asked.

“No, I never seen her,” Eilish said.

“Okay, thanks for the help! Oh and by the way, did you hear that Bob won the lottery?!” the officer asked.

“Yes, I have!” Eilish said and smiled, “Tell him I said congratulations!”

“Okay, whatcha think he’s gonna do with all that money?” the officer asked.

“Buy candy! Well, that’s what I’d do,” Eilish said.

“Maybe he’ll finally buy me a doughnut!” the officer said and danced happily.

Eilish ate more desk candy from her pocket.

“Want some candy?” Eilish offered.

“Sure! That might be good,” the officer said.

She handed some of the candy to the officer and said, “Here you go!”

“Thank you, now, I better catch up with Bob before he spends all his money!” the officer said.

“Bye bye!” Eilish waved.

“Good luck!” the officer said and frolicked out the door.

“Does Jamie have the blood off his face?” Eilish asked the desk lady.

“Yes, the nurse just washed it off. You can take Jamie home if you’d like,” the lady responded.

Eilish went back into room 56.

“Jamie? Are you mad at me?” Eilish asked.

“Nope!” Jamie said.

“Oh, thank goodness!” she said and hugged Jamie, “I’m so sorry!”

“I’m fine, what did they do to Mungo?” Jamie asked.

“Let’s go visit him!” Eilish said.

“Okay, but I don’t know what floor or room he’s in,” Jamie said.

“Let’s ask the desk lady and let’s visit Pàl as well,” Eilish said as she went to the desk lady, “Excuse me, can we visit Mungo please?”

“Mungo? The drunken ten year-old? He’s on the sixth floor in room six-hundred fifty-seven,” the lady said.

“Okay, is he still drunk?” Eilish asked.

“He’s calming down a bit, but to be on the safe side we’re keeping him on the sixth floor... You won’t want to see him when he’s having his hangover,” the lady said.

“What’s a hangover?” Eilish asked.

“It’s basically like the aftershock of an earthquake. It’s unpredictable and could come at any time after the intoxication wears out and it could be worse than being drunk in the first place. It includes stomachaches and dizziness. Be very careful around him in case he starts up,” the lady warned.

“Don’t worry, we will!” Eilish said.

“Okay, keep the light off and the curtains closed, he has been bugging the nurses about it ever since he arrived,” the lady said.

“Don’t worry, we will,” Eilish said.

She took Jamie’s hand and went to the sixth floor, room 657.

“We’re here!” Eilish said.

“Who goes there?!” Mungo asked from behind the door.

“Eilish, and Jamie,” Eilish replied.

“Do you know the secret password? Here’s a hint, it’s four words long!” Mungo said.

“What password? Is it dark?” Eilish asked.

“Nope! Try again!” Mungo said laughing.

“Hmm... can I have another hint?” Eilish asked.

“It’s something I enjoy!” Mungo said, still laughing.

“Umm... hate?” Eilish guessed.

“Silly! What’s with these one word answers?! I said it was four words long!” Mungo said.

“Ohh four words that’s easy! Um... Fraizer, Malcolm, Jamie, Pàl?” Eilish guessed.

“No... I’m thirsty!” Mungo said.

“I’m thirsty is two words... Are you still mad at me?” Eilish asked.

“Yes! I wanna get out of here! I need more Magic Drink!” Mungo cried.

“Well... we came to visit, but you’re still drunk... Bye!” Eilish said.

“Please come in! It’s lonely in here!” Mungo whined.

“Okay, but only for a little bit,” Eilish said and opened the door, “Hi.”

Mungo’s bluish red eyes glowed in the darkness of the room.

“Finally, a visitor! It feels as though it has been years since I saw a real person!” Mungo said.

Eilish frowned, “Why are you still mad at me, because I tricked you?”

“Because I thought you’d actually be nice and give me my milk back, but no! You sent me to the crazy people level of the hospital!” Mungo said.

“I’m sorry...” Eilish apologized.

“They chained me to the bed so I wouldn’t escape. I threatened to break free and leave, but they just had extra security put on! Then, finally, someone decided to visit me, when I feel as though ’m in a jail! I can’t get out of bed! They won’t let me! I don’t have privacy either and they threatened to actually lock me up for drinking under the age requirement! I could have got away with it! I could’ve!” Mungo cried and tried to make her feel sorry for him, “They called me crazy!”

“I’m sorry, okay, Mungo? I really am... I’m sorry! This is all my fault.” Eilish apologized.

“It’s not all your fault; it’s the teal bottle’s tasty fault! It tasted good!” Mungo said.

“Good, well, I’m sorry this happened to you,” Eilish said.

“I wanna be free, but I might as well take the punishment,” Mungo said.

“I’m sure it won’t be that bad,” Eilish said.

“Yeah, as if taking a dump in front of 100 police officers isn’t bad!” Mungo said sarcastically.

“I don’t see how that’s great?” Eilish said, confused.

“I was being sarcastic,” Mungo said.

“Ohh...” Eilish said.

“Why is life so difficult? It seems something is always wrong,” Mungo said.

“I am leaving; you’re bumming me out...” Eilish said.

“I’m so lonely! Please stay! I’ll be good!” Mungo begged.

“For a minute or two,” Eilish said.

“Thank you! You don’t think I’m crazy do you?” Mungo asked.

“No, I think you’re drunk!” Eilish said.

“I’m not drunk any more, you would know if I was right? Step over here,” Mungo said.

“Um, no, thank you,” Eilish said.

“Why not? Are you scared of me?” Mungo asked.

“Uh, no,” Eilish said.

“Come here!” Mungo commanded.

“Um, okay,” Eilish said and went into the room.

“Okay, so you see the paper clip on the far table? Could you unlock me?” Mungo asked.

“I don’t think I’m supposed to,” Eilish said.

“Aw man, I’ll never escape. I guess I’ll be here for a long time,” Mungo said and tried to break out of the chains.

“Okay, I will!” Eilish grabbed the paper clip and unlocked the chains.

“Yes! They thought they could hold this boy down!” Mungo said and stood on the bed.

“Okay, how are you gonna get out?” Eilish asked.

“Like this!” Mungo said and smashed open the window.

“I’m gonna get in so much trouble...” Eilish said.

“They’ll be fine! They can just replace the window!” Mungo said and stepped into the windowsill.

“Okay?” Eilish said.

“Good bye!” Mungo said and leaped out the window.

“Bye!” Eilish said.

“You know, if he messes up and lands wrong you’ll be in trouble. That was six floors to drop,” Jamie said.

“Oh no, I forgot!” Eilish said and ran to the window, “Mungo?!”

There was no response.

“Oh my gosh, he’s dead! This is all my fault!” Eilish said and started to cry.

“Wahoo! Freedom!” Mungo called out joyfully and then he barfed.

Eilish was annoyed then she laughed and said, “I’m just glad he’s okay!”

“Did he just puke on the flowers?!” Jamie asked.

Eilish giggled and said, “Yes.”

“Tsk, tsk, tsk! What a shame!” Jamie said.

Eilish giggled and said, “You’re so cute and funny!”

Jamie giggled.

“I feel good! No wait! I take that back!” Mungo cried out.

“Can you get up?!” Eilish asked.

“If I wanted to I could,” Mungo said.

“Get up! Run away from here!” Eilish yelled annoyedly.

Jamie laughed.

“Okay!” Mungo said and walked a short distance, “Hello, Mr. Security Guard! ‘M feelin’ happy! Bye-bye!” Mungo ran from the security guard.

“Let’s go visit Pàl!” Eilish suggested.

“That was stupid! Why would Mungo be crazy enough to try to talk to a security guard?! Yes, let’s go see Pàl!” Jamie said.

Eilish grabbed Jamie’s hand and went to the desk and asked, “Excuse me, can we visit Pàl?”

“Yes, his arm is bandaged and should heal soon. The room number is ninety-nine in case we have to move him to the next floor,” the lady said.

“Let’s go!” Eilish said and went to the door of room ninety-nine and knocked. “Pàl?”

“Yes?” Pàl asked.

“Me and Jamie are visiting you. Can we come in?” Eilish asked.

“Sure, come in,” Pàl said.

Eilish came in and said, “Hi!”

“So, quick question. Did Mungo just fall from the sixth floor?” Pàl asked.

“Wow, are you psychic?!” Eilish asked.

“Not really, I just thought I heard his voice,” Pàl said.

“Oh, you probably did because he decided to jump out the window,” Eilish said.

“The guards are about to bring him back in,” Pàl said.

“Oh no!” Eilish said.

Two guards walk by the door carrying a struggling Mungo Hepburn with them.

“Let me go! I don’t need to be here anymore!” Mungo cried out.

“Hey! Let him go!” Eilish said and ran out the door, “Look, he doesn’t wanna be here! So can you please let him go?”

“He either stays here in bed until he’s completely better or is tossed in jail for drinking under the age requirement,” the guard said.

“Well, someone woke up on the wrong side of the bed. You can’t send him to jail, he’s ten! I’m older than him!” Eilish said.

“Doesn’t matter, we know he’s ten. That’s why he broke the rule! He shouldn’t have even been able to get his hands on the bottle,” the guard said.

“If he promises to never drink again, can you let him go?” Eilish asked.

“I don’t think I’m allowed to do that, he’ll just run off and drink again!” the guard said.

“He won’t, he learned his lesson,” Eilish said.

Mungo was standing across the hallway, his shirt ripped off.

“So long, sucker! You can’t keep this boy down!” Mungo taunted.

The guard looked down to see that he was only holding Mungo’s black shirt and a thin silver chain metal armor portion.

“Run, Mungo! Run!” Eilish yelled.

“Ahhhhhhhh!” Mungo screamed while running.

The guard dropped Mungo’s shirt and armor and chased after him.

Eilish, hoping to distract guard, said, “Hi! I just drank a lot of funny tasting water. Wow, the room’s like a tornado!” Eilish started spinning.

The guard came charging back towards her. Eilish ran from the guard dizzily.

“I’ll get you! We can’t just let drunken people run around!” the guard said and tried to catch her.

Eilish quickly regretted pretending to be drunk and ran. The guard tried to speed up to pull her down. Eilish ran faster.

“Gotta call back up! This one won’t drop!” the guard gasped, breathing hard.

Eilish stopped and said, “No, don’t do that! I was only pretending to be drunk.”

The guard crashed into her because he was still running.

“Ouch! Now look what you made me do!” the guard said.

Eilish helped the guard up, “Well, that was a nice game of tag.”

“You know, I still need to find that boy. He doesn’t have a shirt on!” the guard warned her.

Eilish looked at the guard and said, “How about I look for him and have him put his shirt on? Then can you let him go?”

“He still needs to be somewhere that won’t threaten his safety or someone else’s. The only safe places are the hospital and the jail,” the guard said.

Eilish sighed, “What if he’s not drunk anymore?”

“We can’t take chances. He could still have a reaction,” the guard said.

“Please don’t lock him up!” Eilish begged.

“We must!” the guard said.

Eilish whined like a five year old, “But, wwwwwwwwwwwwhhhhhhyyyyyyyyyy?”

“We’ll settle this later, we must find him first,” the guard said.

“Are you threatening me?” Eilish asked.

“No, I meant we’ll decide what to do with him depending on his condition when we find him,” the guard said.

“Oh...” Eilish said.

“Come on, where does he usually end up?” the guard asked.

“Asleep on the floor,” Eilish replied.

“We’ll check all the floors in the kingdom!” the guard said.

“Just let him go,” Eilish said.

The hospital phone rang.

“Hello, this is the hospital, how may I help you? Oh, okay. Hey, Eilish, call for you!” the desk lady said.

Eilish ran to the phone, “Hello?”

“I found Mungo, he’s lying face down in the field just a few miles from the castle,” the person on the phone told Eilish.

“Who is this?” Eilish asked.

“This is Scotty,” the person replied.

“Are you drunk?” Eilish asked.

“No, but I’m still dressed as an ugly lady and my head is bloody,” Scotty said.

“Well, take Mungo home! The hospital wants to lock him up!” Eilish warned Scotty.

“That’s awful! But Mungo doesn’t want me to touch him,” Scotty said.

“Give him the phone, let me talk to him,” Eilish said.

“He’s not going to lift his face from the ground either,” Scotty said.

“Use your magic, just don’t hurt him,” Eilish said.

“’kay,” he said and blew Mungo over and handed him the phone.

“Mungo?” Eilish said.

“What do you want?” Mungo asked.

“You to go with Scotty... he’s not gonna lock you up,” Eilish said.

“No, I’m not getting up,” Mungo said.

“Please?” Eilish said.

“I’d rather stay here. I’m comfortable,” Mungo said.

“Now!” Eilish commanded.

“I can’t get up,” Mungo said.

“Are you hurt?” Eilish asked.

“I might have stepped inside a small pit while I was running,” Mungo said.

“May I please speak to Scotty?” Eilish asked.

“Yeah,” Mungo said and handed the phone to Scotty.

“Scotty, is that you?” Eilish asked.

“Yes, what is it?” Scotty asked.

“Mungo hurt himself, can you please carry him?” Eilish said.

“He’s not going to let me touch him,” Scotty said.

“Can I talk to him?” Eilish asked.

“It doesn’t matter what you tell him, he isn’t going to let me touch him,” Scotty said.

“I know, just let me talk to him!” Eilish said.

“Okay,” Scotty said and handed the phone over.

“What do you want now? I don’t feel like talking,” Mungo said.

“Mungo! I know you’re hurt… me and Scotty are just trying to help you! Let him carry you!” Eilish said.

“I don’t want anyone touching me! It’s uncomfortable!” Mungo said.

“Please!” Eilish begged.

“Fine, I’ll try to get up on my own. I don’t feel good though,” Mungo said.

“Yeah, you can do it!” Eilish said.

Mungo stood up weakly from the grass he was laying in.

“Okay, I’m up,” Mungo said.

“Great job! Now let Scotty pick you up and carry you,” Eilish said.

Mungo fell face first into the grass.

“Scotty, pick him up!” Eilish commanded.

“He’ll kick me really hard, that boy is strong,” Scotty complained.

“Scotty!” Eilish yelled.

“Fine!” Scotty said and grabbed Mungo.

“Let me go! Stop touching me!” Mungo yelled.

“Now take him home,” Eilish said.

“He’s trying to escape!” Scotty said.

Mungo kicked Scotty in the stomach.

“Stop it, Mungo!” Scotty yelled.

“Warp him home?!” Eilish suggested.

Scotty dropped the phone and warped with Mungo back to his tower. Eilish hung up.

“Hopefully...” Eilish said.

“Why did Scotty call?” Jamie asked.

“He found Mungo so he’s taking him home!” Eilish explained.

“Oh, what’s wrong with Mungo? Did he really hurt himself or was he playing?” Jamie asked.

“He hurt himself...” Eilish said.

“Does Mungo still have his shirt off?” the front desk lady asked.

“I don’t know?” Eilish said.

“The police might figure out where he is,” the lady said.

“Hopefully not...” Eilish said.

“He can’t stay hidden forever,” the lady said.

“That’s true...” Eilish said.

The door to the hospital opened and Malcolm and Fraizer entered.

“We finally found you!” Malcolm and Fraizer said at the same time.

“Jinx, you owe me a soda!” Malcolm said.

“Found me?” Eilish asked.

“You left us earlier when we went to get sushi,” Fraizer explained.

“It’s not like I ditched you, I said bye,” Eilish said.

“Yeah, but we finally tracked you down. How’s Pàl?” Fraizer asked.

“He’s getting better!” Eilish said.

“He shouldn’t have eaten that candy! He deserved it!” Malcolm said.

“Well... I gave him the candy...” Eilish said.

“He didn’t have to eat it!” Malcolm argued.

“But candy is good!” Eilish said.

“Whatever!” Malcolm said.

Eilish sighed, “Fine, I’m sorry...”

“What happened to Mungo? Did he learn his lesson about stealing our drink?” Malcolm asked.

“Yep!” Eilish said.

“Good, because I still say I shoulda had it!” Malcolm shouted and then he said quieter, “I wonder if they restocked yet.”

“No!” Eilish yelled.

“Why not?” Malcolm asked.

“Because you don’t wanna grow up to be like Scotty do you?” Eilish asked.

“Ew, I’d never want to end up like that loser!” Malcolm said.

“What’ll happen to Mungo? Will he end up like Scotty too?” Fraizer asked.

Eilish sighed, “... If he keeps drinking... ”

“We’ve gotta do something!” Jamie cried, he got up and ran out the door.

“Wait for me!” Eilish said and ran out the door.

“Don’t forget us!” Fraizer said and grabbed Malcolm.

They ran out the door and Eilish waited.

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