The Magic Drink

Chapter Scotty's Tower

“We’ve got to help Mungo! But how?!” Jamie asked.

“We’d have to find where he and Scotty live,” Eilish said.

“Pàl knows how to get there!” Jamie said.

“Pàl’s hurt though...” Eilish said.

“He could still give us his map,” Jamie said.

“Pàl has a map?” Eilish asked.

“Yep!” Jamie said.

“Aww,” Eilish said.

“I’ve seen it before, it also has Mungo’s autograph on it!” Jamie said.

“I don’t think that was Mungo’s autograph, I think Pàl might have taken it,” Eilish said.

“If you don’t believe me then you can ask Pàl,” Jamie said.

“I didn’t say that I didn’t believe you,” Eilish said.

“We still need the map anyways,” Jamie said.

“Let’s go get it!” Eilish said.

“Okay!” Jamie said.

Eilish turned around and walked. Jamie walked next to her.

Eilish walked back to the hospital, “We’re here!”

“Back already?” the desk lady asked.

“Yep, can we see Pàl?” Eilish asked.

“Of course!” the lady said.

“Yay, what room number again?” Eilish asked.

“Room ninety-nine,” the lady said.

“Thank you!” Eilish said and grabbed Jamie’s hand and ran to room 99, “We’re here!” Eilish knocked on the door, “Pàl?”

“Come in,” Pál said.

Eilish opened the door, “Hey, Pàl! Do you have a map to Scotty’s house?” Eilish asked.

“Yes, actually I do,” Pàl said and went to pull out a map.

The map had black drippy looking ink drawn around a very tall tower and Mungo’s name was written on the bottom.

“Mungo gave me this map,” Pàl said.

“Oh, so you didn’t steal it,” Eilish said.

“I wouldn’t dare steal anything from him. He could really do some damage if he felt like it,” Pàl said.

“Would you steal?” Eilish asked.

“Not unless it was a last resort. Otherwise, I wouldn’t have a reason to do it,” Pàl answered.

“What does “Resort” mean?” Eilish asked.

“Resort means the action of turning to and adopting a strategy or course of action, especially a disagreeable or undesirable one, so as to resolve a difficult situation,” Pàl said.

“Wow, you’re smart!” Eilish said.

“Thank you, I get it from actually reading books instead of arguing about pointless things,” Pàl said.

“Arguing?! Really?” Eilish asked.

“It’s usually because Malcolm hates me and I love him,” Jamie said.

“Malcolm doesn’t hate you... He just gets the grouchies at times,” Eilish said.

“I really wish he was better at showing that he cares about me. He’s like a big brother to me...even though we’re the same age...” Jamie said, looking up at Eilish.

“Aww, Jamie, Malcolm does love you! He just doesn’t want anyone to think he’s weak,” Eilish said.

“I don’t think compassion is showing weakness,” Jamie said.

“No, it isn’t showing weakness. I did not mean to hurt your feelings!” Eilish said.

“I’m not upset,” Jamie said.

“Okay, I’m glad,” Eilish said.

“So you guys are going to Scotty’s Tower. There are too many rooms there,” Pál said.

“Now I’m nervous...” Eilish said.

“Don’t worry, it can’t be that hard to find Mungo in that place,” Pál said.

“Um... Okay,” Eilish said.

“Also, they’re stupid enough to put their most expensive stuff at the front of the palace. After a small destruction, the top floors had been weakened and not completely rebuilt. It’ll be a safe trip. Good luck. Also, I have Mungo’s cell phone number soooooo...” Pàl said.

“Well, let’s go!” Eilish said.

“Okay!” Jamie said.

Eilish took the map and said, “Bye, Pàl.”

She left and Jamie followed her.

“Bye, Eilish, I’ll be out in a couple days,” Pàl said.

“Jamie, what’s Scotty’s house like?” Eilish asked nervously.

“It’s very tall and goes all the way to the sky,” Jamie said.

“Heights? It had to be heights!” Eilish said.

“There isn’t that many windows though, besides the holes punched into the walls in some places. It’ll be fine,” Jamie said.

Eilish sighed and said, “Okay, good, sorry if I freaked out. I just don’t like heights...”

“Wanna go anyways?” Jamie asked.

“Of course!” Eilish said.

“Okay, on to a new adventure!” Jamie said.

“Yeah!” Eilish said.

“Malcolm and I are ready!” Fraizer said.

“Yeah!” Malcolm agreed.

“I stink at mapping,” Eilish said, holding out the map.

“I could read it for you,” Fraizer said.

“Thanks!” Eilish said.

“Okay, according to the map we have to head north west,” Fraizer said.

Eilish turned and headed north west.

“Since the tower goes into the sky, it shouldn’t be hard to find!” Malcolm said.

Eilish looked up and said, “Oh...” She laughed and continued walking.

“Too bad Pàl had to miss out, oh well, we really don’t need his smart input at this moment,” Fraizer said.

“I knew I shouldn’t have given him candy...” Eilish said.

“I wonder how far we’ve traveled,” Jamie said.

“I don’t know, a mile?” Eilish suggested.

“Yeah, we couldn’t have been walking that long,” Fraizer said.

“But just so you know, Scotty’s Tower is in the far north west corner of the kingdom! It can be seen from everywhere! Imagine the people’s faces when the top floors broke down!” Malcolm said.

“The top floor broke down?” Eilish asked.

“Yes, Scotty crushed the middle and top of the building so we would be trapped. That was back when we had our first battle at Scotty’s Tower. He repaired the building the best he could, but it still has its weak points,” Fraizer said.

“Do you see the building from here? You’d never see the top; the clouds are preventing you from seeing it!” Malcolm said.

Eilish looked up and said, “Yes, I see it.”

“I wonder what Mungo’s doing...” Jamie said.

“Me too?” Eilish said.

“He’s probably out getting another drink!” Malcolm said.

“I hope not,” Eilish said.

“It’s more likely that he broke into Scotty’s drink cellar than him going out and buying one,” Fraizer said.

“Drink cellar?!” Eilish asked.

“Yeah! That dumb Scotty built a drink cellar and doesn’t expect Mungo to get in!” Malcolm said.

“It’s not nice to call people dumb. But that was pretty dumb,” Eilish said.

“He has no logic!” Malcolm said.

“Probably because he’s drunk all the time,” Eilish said.

“It probably messes up his brain, we shouldn’t really allow anyone to drink that much,” Jamie said.

“Yeah,” Eilish agreed.

“Yes, but we must help Mungo first. You have to be at least twenty-one to drink and he still has eleven more years before he reaches that age,” Fraizer said.

“You and Malcolm tried to drink,” Eilish pointed out.

“But we weren’t going to drink as much as they do! We just wanted a little to prove we were men!” Malcolm said.

“Uh, I’m sorry for trying to try it. Don’t listen to Malcolm,” Fraizer apologized.

“What do you mean don’t listen to me?! I have a valid point!” Malcolm said and punched Fraizer.

“Augh!” Fraizer moaned and punched back.

“This is war!” Malcolm yelled.

“Guys, don’t fight!” Eilish yelled.

“This idiot won’t let me have my opinion!” Malcolm said and punched Fraizer really hard.

“This idiot isn’t telling the truth!” Fraizer said and punched Malcolm back.

“Stop fighting! And you don’t call each other idiots!” Eilish yelled.

“I’m stepping to the side...” Jamie said.

“Go down!” Malcolm said and tried to push Fraizer down.

“No! You go down!” Fraizer said and pushed Malcolm back.

Eilish was getting kind of mad.

“Guys, you stop fighting,” Eilish said. She dug through her purse and pulled out a portable music device. She recorded a video of the boys fighting.

“You better stop, or I’ll post this on the internet!” Eilish threatened.

“I’m going to choke you to death, Fraizer!” Malcolm said and grabbed the front of Fraizer’s shirt

“Oh my gosh! Malcolm!” Eilish screamed and smacked Malcolm with a book. “Don’t kill him!” she cried and kept whacking him with her book, “Stop!”

“Agh! Ahhrr!” Malcolm moaned, still trying to hold onto Fraizer’s shirt

Suddenly, Eilish had an idea!

“Hmm,” Eilish said and grabbed her music device. She blared loud metal music right in Malcolm’s ear. Then she screamed bloody murder right in his ear.

Malcolm let go and jerked backwards, stunned.

“It worked! Are you okay, Fraizer?” Eilish asked and offered Fraizer help up.

“I’m okay besides the fact that I almost got killed,” Fraizer said.

Eilish turned off the metal music, “I’m so glad I have metal on my music device. Okay don’t try and kill anyone!”

Malcolm was still lying on the ground.

Eilish offered Malcolm help up.

“Sorry, I didn’t want anyone to die,” she apologized.

“Do you realize that I have super sensitive ears?!” Malcolm asked.

“No, sorry...” Eilish said.

“Are we done fighting now?” Jamie asked.

“Yep!” Eilish said.

“Yay! Let’s go!” Jamie said.

Eilish glared at Malcolm and said, “No more trying to kill people!”

Malcolm growled.

Eilish sighed and said, “If you don’t kill people, I won’t blast your ear drums out. Look, I’m sorry, happy now?”

“Fine, sounds like a fair deal,” Malcolm said.

Eilish smiled, “Yep. And I’m sorry...”

“I forgive you, now let’s get moving!” Malcolm said.

“Oh, good!” Eilish said and continued walking.

“I’m glad they aren’t fighting anymore!” Jamie said.

“I don’t fight. I argue,” Eilish said, she smile and laughed.

“No, I meant Malcolm and Fraizer. You wouldn’t start a fight,” Jamie said.

“That’s so sweet of you to say!” Eilish said.

Jamie blushed slightly.

“Jamie, why are your cheeks red? Are you sick?!” Eilish asked worriedly.

“No, I’m fine,” Jamie said.

“That’s good!” Eilish said.

Time had passed and the group was still traveling.

“I guess we traveled for a long time, it’s getting dark,” Fraizer said.

“I don’t like the dark,” Eilish said.

“I have a lantern! What do you think, Fraizer? Continue on or stop?” Jamie asked.

“Continue,” Fraizer replied.

“Alright!” Jamie said and took a lantern out and lit up the path.

“I’m glad we have a lantern,” Eilish said.

“If we didn’t, what would you do?!” Malcolm asked.

“Umm... I’d probably be all jumpy,” Eilish said.

“Let’s keep walking now!” Fraizer said.

Eilish continued walking. Malcolm dashed around the group to annoy them. Eilish wondered what Malcolm was doing. Malcolm laughed and stopped dashing around.

“Malcolm, what are you doing?” Eilish asked.

“It’s this thing called fun!” Malcolm said.

“Yeah, fun, let me show you fun!” Eilish said and started singing a walking song.

“...not fun...” Malcolm said.

“You’re no fun, Malcolm!” Jamie said and pouted.

“Thanks, Jamie,” Eilish said and smiled gratefully.

“You’re welcome!” Jamie said and smiled back.

Eilish blushed slightly. Jamie blushed in return. Malcolm laughed at Eilish and Jamie.

“Oh, am I blushing?” Eilish asked embarrassedly, “I’m sorry.”

Jamie nervously backed up. Eilish backed up as well.

“You guys are so dumb! Look at you two backing up like that!” Malcolm said and stuck his leg out to trip Jamie.

Jamie tripped and fell face first.

Eilish glared at Malcolm, “You’re so mean.” She helped Jamie up, “Are you okay, Jamie?”

“I’m alright...Malcolm is so mean to me!” Jamie cried.

“Messed up thing to do,” Eilish said.

“Malcolm tripped me, Jamie, Pàl and himself at one moment,” Fraizer said.

“How?” Eilish asked.

“Ever heard of the twins rule? Oh wait...that wouldn’t work...we’re quads, not twins,” Fraizer said and sighed, “Pàl is better at choosing words than I am.”

“Don’t be sad Fraizer; I’ve been tripped before too... Only I got a teeny bit violent with my book,” Eilish laughed, “They never tripped me again.”

“That’s a little funny,” Fraizer said.

“Thick books do come in handy. That’s why I carry them around in my purse!” Eilish said and pulled out a big book from her purse, “Pàl, I might let you borrow this book.”

“Pàl isn’t here, try telling him later,” Malcolm said.

“Aw, well, you wanna borrow my book?” Eilish asked.

“No way!” Malcolm yelled.

“Be nice, Malcolm!” Jamie pouted.

“Jamie, do you wanna borrow my book? It’s okay if you say no,” Eilish said.

“Sure, I’ll borrow it,” Jamie said and smiled.

“If you wanna read the sequels let me know,” Eilish said and gave Jamie the book she was holding. “I hope you like it! I love it!”

“Thank you, Eilish,” Jamie said.

“You’re welcome!” Eilish said.

“He is probably just accepting the offer because he’s too nice!” Malcolm yelled.

“Jamie, is that true? ’Cause you don’t have to borrow my books,” Eilish said.

“Malcolm’s lying!” Jamie said and pouted.

“Am not!” Malcolm yelled.

“Um... Um... I um... believe in Jamie,” Eilish said, totally confused.

“Jamie doesn’t know how to read!” Malcolm argued.

“I do to, you bully! Pàl taught me!” Jamie said.

“Well, that book does have big words,” Eilish said.

“I can handle it! I know how to read! I bet Malcolm doesn’t!” Jamie said.

“I believe you, Jamie. Don’t fight! Either of you!” Eilish said.

“I’m sorry Malcolm, I won’t fight you,” Jamie said.

“I learned to read way before you did!” Malcolm said.

“You have? Try to read my book when Jamie’s done with it. See if you can pronounce all the special words,” Eilish said.

“We should really keep moving, we don’t have time to argue,” Fraizer said.

“I wasn’t arguing...” Eilish said.

“Never mind,” Fraizer said.

“Let’s just go!” Eilish said and smiled.

Her cell phone rang.

“Now, who could that be?” Eilish wondered. She answers her cell phone, “Hello?”

“Um, is this Eilish’s number?” the person on the other end asked.

“Yeah? If you wanna talk to my parents then I’ll put them on,” Eilish said, she put her finger over her lip saying shh.

“No, Eilish, I need to talk to you real quick,” the person said.

“Who is this?” Eilish asked.

“This is Scotty,” the person replied.

“How did you get my number?! And what’s wrong?!” Eilish asked.

“I don’t know how I got the number. I’m having a problem reaching Mungo at the moment, he kind of locked himself somewhere he shouldn’t be,” Scotty said.

“Where would that be?” Eilish asked.

Scotty answered nervously, “...uh...he’s the drink cellar...”

“Drink cellar! Scotty, you let him get in?!” Eilish asked.

Scotty replied nervously, “N-n-no, I...I left him alone...he got in himself! He won’t let me in to get him!”

Eilish sighed annoyedly and said, “Scotty, we’re on our way.”

“Thank you!” Scotty said.

“Bye,” Eilish said.

“Bye!” Scotty said.

Eilish hung up and said, “We need to go faster!”

“What happened?!” Jamie asked.

“Mungo is trapped in Scotty drink cellar...” Eilish said.

“Oh no! Come on Malcolm! Let’s hurry up!” Jamie said.

“We wouldn’t have to save him, if he hasn’t gotten so drunk,” Malcolm said.

“What if he dies?!” Jamie asked.

“He’s not gonna die,” Malcolm said.

“Let’s just go!” Eilish said.

“Okay!” Jamie said and started running.

“Wait for me,” Eilish said and ran after Jamie.

“We’ll never make it on time! Scotty’s Tower is at least a hundred miles away! Or as Pàl would say, five-hundred twenty-eight thousand feet away!” Fraizer said.

Eilish stopped and sighed, “You’re right...”

“How are we going to get there then? We’ve traveled so far!” Jamie asked.

“I don’t know...” Eilish said.

“We must get there! No matter how long it takes!” Jamie said.

“Let’s jog!” Eilish said and then she took off running.

“It’ll be about two hundred-thousand big steps away,” Fraizer said.

Eilish stopped again and said, “Come on, let’s go!”

“I’m coming!” Fraizer said.

Eilish waited. Fraizer caught up with the group, Malcolm following behind. Eilish ran very fast. Jamie tried to keep up. Eilish slowed down a little. Jamie started running right beside her. Eilish panted as she ran.

“We will be running for a couple days, Scotty’s Tower is still very far away. We might not even make it on time,” Fraizer said.

“Okay,” Eilish said and continued running.

“I don’t see why I had to come,” Malcolm said.

“Malcolm, what’s the matter?” Eilish asked.

“Nothing,” Malcolm said.

“Nothing?” Eilish asked.

“Yes, nothing is wrong!” Malcolm yelled back.

“I just got the smartest idea ever! Pàl would never think about this!” Fraizer said.

“Ooh! What is it?!” Eilish asked.

“If we look at this in a perspective remembering that we have magic, we can say that there is actually only twenty miles left till we reach Scotty’s Tower. We can forget the hundred miles and only go twenty and still reach the tower. Meaning, Scotty’s Tower is closer than you would think,” Fraizer explained.

“Cool?” Eilish said, still confused.

“Magic is odd, there isn’t really a better way for me to explain it,” Fraizer said.

“Oh!” Eilish said and burst into giggling.

“But a question could be asked. Are we really in a magic world or are we in a real world? How is it possibly both?!” Malcolm asked.

“I don’t know?” Eilish said.

“Pàl would’ve been able to explain,” Fraizer said.

“I have no idea...” Eilish said.

“But anyways, looking at it one way, we should arrive soon,” Fraizer said.

“Yay!” Eilish said.

“I hope we have arrived on time!” Fraizer said.

“We are!” Eilish said.

“Only one way to find out! A few more miles to go!” Fraizer said.

Eilish ran fast.

“Why did it take us so long to get this far?” Jamie asked.

“’Cause we walked,” Eilish said.

“And now we arrive at the tallest building in the whole kingdom, the worst disguised hideout ever. Introducing, Scotty’s Tower! Would you like to knock on the door?” Fraizer said dramatically.

“Yes, please!” Eilish said. She knocked on the door.

Scotty quickly opened the door and said, “Oh, you’re finally here! Come quickly!”

“Okay!” Eilish said and stepped inside Scotty’s Tower.

Jamie and Fraizer followed behind.

“I’ll lead you to the door of the drink cellar. Mungo hasn’t replied to any of my calls recently,” Scotty said.

“What is his phone number?” Eilish asked when she pulled out her cell phone.

“One Seven, One Zero Zero, Seven Nine Zero, Three One, Zero One,” Scotty said.

Eilish added Mungo’s number to her contacts, and called him, “Mungo?”

A quiet dripping noise came from the other end.

“Mungo, the guy who delivers the Magic Drink wants to give you the whole store! Come on!” Eilish said.

The dripping continued.

“Mungo, are you alive?!” Eilish asked.

“See! He isn’t picking up!” Scotty said.

“Let’s go bang on the door and see if he’s alive,” Eilish said.

“Maybe he’s unconscious!” Scotty said. He walked down the hall. “The door is right here!”

Eilish ran to the door and started banging on it, “Mungo!”

“This is awful! Why did he lock the door?!” Jamie asked.

Eilish stopped banging. She smiled and looked at Jamie.

“I got an idea! Who do you call when it’s an emergency?” Eilish asked.

“The police!” Jamie said.

“Yep! Let’s call the police!” Eilish said.

Scotty gasped and said, “But they’ll know where I live! I’ll be doomed!”

“Why don’t you get along with the police?” Eilish asked.

“Hmm, maybe a list will help you. First of all, I died twice. Second of all, I usually almost get in trouble for public intoxication. Third of all, I kidnapped the princess before. Fourth of all, they might think that I abuse Mungo and take him from me. Fifth of all, I let Mungo drink the Magic Drink when he was little. Sixth of all, having an underage drinker in my house. Seventh of all, I’m evil. Eighth and finally, they just plain want to get rid of me and stab me!” Scotty said.

“Evil? You’re not evil. You’re crazy,” Eilish said.

“I am evil! And they wanna kill me! Then they’ll destroy Scotty’s Tower and take Mungo with them!” Scotty said.

“Calm down, it’ll be okay. Go hide and I will call the police,” Eilish said.

“Okay!” Scotty said and quickly headed upstairs.

“Fraizer? Is Scotty really evil or is he crazy?” Eilish asked.

“I’d say he’s a mixture of both,” Fraizer said.

“Aw, poor Scotty...” Eilish said and called the police

“Mycono Police Department, what’s your emergency?!” the operator asked.

“My friend is unconscious, drunk, and locked in a drink cellar,” Eilish said.

“What’s your location, we’ll send help right away,” the operator asked.

“The tallest building in the kingdom,” Eilish said.

“Oh, that place! We’ll send people there right away. We are going to help your friend, don’t worry,” the operator said.

“Thank you!” Eilish said.

“They should arrive at any moment, I hope they come on time!” the operator said.

“They will, please hurry!” Eilish said.

Only a few moments had passed and suddenly, outside, a police carriage and a carriage ambulance had pulled up. Eilish hung up. A police officer rang the doorbell.

Eilish whispered, “Fraizer, Jamie, can you make sure Scotty is hiding?”

“On it!” Jamie said and hurried upstairs with Fraizer.

Eilish answered door, “Hello.”

“We came because of your call about your friend being drunk, unconscious, and locked in a drink cellar. We are here to help him, where is the drink cellar?” the police officer asked.

“Follow me,” Eilish said and led the police to the drink cellar, “Here, he’s behind the door.”

“I’ll have to rip the door off... Where is the owner of the house? They need to know about this,” the officer said.

“Um... Oh, He went shopping,” Eilish lied.

“Alright, explain to them why their door is ripped off,” the officer said and grabbed the door. He tried to yank it off, but struggled, “I need a little help here. Hey, Jim! Come over here and help me remove the door!”

“Okay,” the other officer said and came to help with the door.

The first officer managed to rip the door off with Jim’s help. A long, dark, sloping hallway is revealed as the door is removed.

“Whoa!” Eilish said.

“So, your friend should be just down here. We better hurry. Would you like to come?” the officer asked.

“Yes, please!” Eilish said.

“Okay, be careful and do not touch anything!” the officer said and quickly led her down the slope all the way to the basement. In the basement, Mungo was sprawled out on the floor; six to eight empty bottles lay next to his body.

“No! Mungo!” Eilish said and ran to Mungo’s side. She kneeled next to him and gently shook him, “Mungo, please wake up!” Eilish cried.

The officer leaned over to examine Mungo, “Is this that one poor boy?!”

“Yes, please tell me he’s okay. Is he okay?” Eilish said.

“So his father is Scotty?! We need to get this boy out of here right away! He needs to be sent to the hospital!” the officer said.

Eilish looked at Mungo sadly, “Yes, please take him to the hospital.”

The officer gently picked Mungo up off the floor, “We still have time to save him… he’s still breathing!”

“Please save him!” Eilish begged.

“He will be in the hospital for a long time. He might take awhile to wake up too. Well, I’ve got to get out of here!” the officer said and carried Mungo back up the slope to the door.

“Okay, I will tell his father, when he gets back,” Eilish said.

“Tell Scotty not to give him adult drinks anymore and to stop abusing the boy. We could always take the boy away. Just a warning. Jim! Open the ambulance for me!” the officer said.

Jim opened the back of the carriage ambulance.

“Scotty doesn’t abuse Mungo,” Eilish said.

“I’ve heard reports of him shoving the boy really hard and sometimes even whipping him. Will you be visiting your friend in the hospital? The doctors could explain his situation there,” the officer said.

“He really is evil... Yes, I will,” Eilish said.

“I’ll let you ride with the boy if you’d like. There’s room back there for another person to sit,” the officer offered.

“Thank you!” Eilish said.

The officer helped her into the ambulance and seated her near the stretcher. The officer said, “You are a brave girl.”

“Thanks!” Eilish said.

The officer closed the back of the carriage and got into the police carriage, allowing the driver to speed off in the ambulance. Sirens blared loudly outside, but inside, all it is is a soft hum and the drumming of horses’ hooves racing across the ground.

Eilish watched Mungo nervously.

Mungo was still silently asleep, breathing softly. Eilish hummed.

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