The Magic Drink

Chapter Kitten Food

Outside the castle...

“Aye! The wind sorcerer is back!” some random person yelled and ran away.

“Hey! He’s not a wind sorcerer!” Eilish said, defending Jamie.

“Now you see what I mean?! Wait, I should’ve changed into the new outfit Malcolm gave me!” Jamie said, he blushed and rushed inside to change.

Eilish smiled. The kittens started mewing again.

“Aww, so cute!” Eilish said and petted the kittens.

The kittens purred happily. Eilish smiled at them.

“Maybe one day we could have a kitty play date and have all the kittens play together!” Jamie suggested.

“Great idea, Jamie!” Eilish said.

“Mew! Mew!” various kittens mewed.

“Are they hungry?” Eilish asked.

“I think so; they haven’t eaten in hours, almost a day!” Pàl said.

“We bought food, right?” Eilish asked.

Maybe, I can’t remember,” Pàl replied.

“Okay, let me check my backpack,” Eilish said.

“Alright,” Pàl said.

Eilish set the kittens down.

“Stay,” she told them.

Eilish took off her backpack and checked it.

“Bingo!” Eilish said as she pulled out a bag of cat food.

All but one kitten were meowing impatiently, “Meow! Meow! Meow!”

Eilish opened the cat food and called, “Here, kitty, kitty!”

The kittens gathered around her.

“How much do I feed them?” Eilish asked.

“Try filling a few dishes, otherwise they’ll fight over the food,” Pàl suggested.

“Umm... I forgot to get dishes...” Eilish said.

“I could fetch some dishes for you!” Fyer volunteered.

“No, you can’t! You have no hands!” Malcolm argued.

“Should I hand feed them?” Eilish asked.

“I guess you’ll have to,” Pàl said.

“Yay!” Eilish said and excitedly hand fed the kittens.

The white kitten was staying back. The other kittens were rushing to eat the food.

“Why is he not eating?” Eilish asked.

“He will, just be patient,” Fraizer said.

BlueBomb was pushing the others out of the way to eat.

“Okay!” Eilish said.

The white kitten stepped forward and gave a questioning mew, “Mew?”

“Come on, little kitty, it’s okay,”

Eilish said in a calm voice.

The white kitten blinked, then timidly fell in line behind Willow. Eilish patiently waited. BlueBomb finished eating first. Lupine and Ricky came as a pair to eat.

“This is fun,” Eilish commented.

“It’s kind of interesting the way they feed, isn’t it?” Pàl asked.

“Yeah!” Eilish agreed.

Ricky and Lupine finished eating. Eilish waited. The white kitten was watching Violet. Eilish still waited. Violet left after eating. Flammy came up next to eat the food Eilish had for him.

“I’m glad they’re not fighting,” Eilish said.

“This is boring, they should fight!” Malcolm yelled.

Fyer flew into Malcolm on purpose.

“No, Malcolm, fighting is not good,” Eilish said.

“Fighting is good!” Malcolm argued.

The white kitten was staring at Malcolm.

“How is fighting good?” Eilish asked.

“It’s a way to prove who’s better!” Malcolm said.

“What’s taking Jamie so long?” Pàl interrupted.

“Everyone is equal, no one can be better. That is how friends can lose each other... Fighting,” Eilish said.

“Well, technically, animals fight all the time. It’s a way to keep order and everyone knows their place. But humans shouldn’t fight,” Pàl said.

“Yep!” Eilish agreed.

“I guess fairies can fight then!” Fyer said and rammed into Malcolm’s face again.

“Fairies aren’t animals though?” Eilish said.

“Yeah, but I’m not exactly human either. I’m just a glowing ball of light with wings!” Fyer said.

“Yeah, but still, you shouldn’t try picking fights with Malcolm...” Eilish said.

“I’ll crush her with my mallet if she touches me again!” Malcolm said and raised his mallet.

The white kitten ran and hid.

“Malcolm, you scared the kitten! Now it’s hiding...” Eilish said.

“It’s not my kitten, though. Right, BlueBomb?!” Malcolm asked.

“Meow?!” BlueBomb meowed rather offendedly.

Eilish dropped the cat food and got up saying, “I’m gonna go find him.”

“I’ll come with you!” Fyer said.

“Thanks!” Eilish said.

She started walking in the direction the kitten ran.

“Did it go down one of these dark alleyways?” Fyer asked.

“I’m not sure,” Eilish said.

Fyer shined her light down an alleyway.

“Here, kitty, kitty!” Eilish called as she walked down the alleyway.

The white kitten was huddled up in a shadowed corner, “Mew?”

Eilish gently picked up the kitten. The white kitten curled up into a ball.

“Let’s get outta here before something scary arrives!” Fyer said.

“Okay. Let’s go!” Eilish said.

They all arrive back to that place outside the castle. Jamie was finally back in his light green outfit.

“You look awesome, Jamie!” Eilish complemented him.

“Thanks! I heard that you had to rescue a kitten while I was gone! Is the kitten alright?” Jamie asked.

“He’s fine, but he hasn’t eaten yet,” Eilish said.

“It was hiding down a dark alleyway!” Fyer said.

“I’m glad it’s okay!” Eilish said.

“Mew?” the white kitten mewed expectantly.

“Oh, I better feed it,” Eilish said and sat the kitten down.

She opened the cat food. The white kitten waited. Eilish grabbed cat food and held it out. The kitten quickly snatched some food then backed up with back arched.

“Well isn’t that a strange li’l kitten!” Fyer commented.

“What happened?” Eilish asked.

“It thought you were going to take the food away,” Pàl explained.

“Why would I do that?” Eilish asked.

“I have no idea,” Pàl said.

The white kitten was still puffed up with his back arched. Eilish offered the kitten some cat food again. The white kitten walked over, unpuffed, and started to eat. Eilish smiled. All the McNeills except for Malcolm watched the kitten. The white kitten was quickly eating the food. Eilish was watching the kitten. The white kitten finished eating and started staring at her.

“Umm... Why is he staring at me?” Eilish asked.

“Because it always does that!” Malcolm yelled.

“Shh, you’re gonna scare it off again...” Eilish whispered.

The white kitten continued staring.

“Come here, kitty,” Eilish called.

The white kitten stepped backwards. Eilish slowly reached her finger out to the kitten.

“Meow!” the kitten called out in alarm. He ran a short distance, fur puffed.

“Come back,” Eilish called.

“The kitten still doesn’t trust you,” Pàl said.

“Oh...” Eilish said.

“Poor kitty!” Jamie said.

“I feel bad for him, I wish I spoke kitty. So I could tell him I only want to be friends...” Eilish said.

“Maybe my next project will be to create an animal translator,” Pàl suggested.

“That would be awesome!” Eilish said.

Fyer flew around everyone’s heads, “Guys! Don’t forget to pick the bag of cat food off the ground!”

“Okay! Thanks for reminding me!” Eilish said, she picked up the cat food and put it in her backpack.

BlueBomb, who was half way inside the package of kitten food before it got picked up, clumsily tumbled away and mewed, “Mew?!”

“And it looks like Malcolm’s kitten got a little extra food!” Fraizer said.

Eilish giggled.

“Ugh, this kitten is making me look bad!” Malcolm said. He picked up BlueBomb.

“Kittens are so cute!” Eilish said.

“My kitten will become round like a bomb if it keeps eating so much!” Malcolm said.

“I’m sorry...” Eilish said.

“Well, that is what you named it, right?” Fraizer asked.

“Did I ask your opinion?!” Malcolm yelled loudly.

“Guys, please don’t argue,” Eilish said.

“Meow!” BlueBomb meowed and playfully batted Malcolm’s face.

Eilish smiled and said, “That’s so cute! Your kitten wants to play!”

Malcolm smiled slightly. Eilish took out her camera and took a picture of Malcolm and his cat, “Who wants to have their picture taken?!”

“Me!” Jamie said as he held up Flammy.

“Okay!” Eilish said and took a picture of Jamie and Flammy.

“I think, we should make a photo album all about kitties!” Fraizer suggested.

“That is a great idea!” Eilish said.

“And my kitten is the best!” Malcolm said.

“And she still gets the same amount of pictures as all the other kits!” Eilish said.

“Hey! Look! Watch out!” Fyer called out suddenly.

“Oh no! Big dog coming!” Pàl said.

Eilish grabbed two kittens and called out, “Quick! Grab the kittens!”

Everyone was frantically grabbing the kittens. A large black dog barked loudly.

“I’m scared, have we got them all?” Eilish asked.

“Yes! Now let’s get out of here!” Fraizer said.

The large black dog came running in. Eilish ran away. The large black dog skidded to a halt and just stared after everyone.

“We didn’t get hurt! Yay!” Eilish said.

“Where did that dog come from anyways?! If it comes back I’ll hit it to death with my mallet!” Malcolm said.

“No, it’s probably someone’s beloved pet, Malcolm,” Eilish said.

“I don’t see how anyone can love such a monstrous beast!” Malcolm said.

“That is a big exaggeration, Malcolm. The dog is probably friendly with its family,” Eilish said.

“Something seemed a bit off about that dog...” Pàl said.

“I’m just glad we’re safe!” Eilish said.

“And it’s a good thing that Fyer warned us in time!” Jamie said.

“Thank you, Fyer!” Eilish thanked the fairy.

“You’re welcome!” Fyer said.

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