The Magic Drink

Chapter Storm of Death

Suddenly, the sky grew very dark and cloudy, a strange wind started to blow.

“What’s going on?!” Eilish asked.

“I have no idea, but if a human is causing this, I’ll smack them over the head so quickly they won’t know what hit them!” Malcolm said as he pulled out his mallet.

“Quick! Head to shelter! This is a major storm!” Pàl said.

“I’m scared...” Eilish said and started running.

The kittens were meowing anxiously. The wind was blowing very hard.

“Look! A shop! Let’s hide there!” Fraizer said.

Eilish ran into the shop. Everyone else quickly followed. Inside, all the lights are out, all except two glowing red eyes.

“I think something else is in here...” Fyer whispered.

“I’m scared...” Eilish whispered.

Heavy wind whipped against the side of the building.

Fyer trembled slightly and asked, “Should...I check?”

“I’ll come with you,” Eilish volunteered.

Fyer glowed brightly and she slowly headed towards the red glowing eyes.

“Eep! It’s that dog! How did it get in?!” Fyer asked.

“Hey, doggie!” Eilish said.

The large black dog stood up, stretched, and yawned.

“See, nothing happened, it just came in here to escape the storm. I’m glad it’s okay,” Eilish said.

The large black dog gently nudged her. The large black dog had a red flower behind one ear, it had red eyes, and a large scar across its chest. Eilish held out one hand to the dog. The large dog sniffed her hand. Eilish smiled. Lightning flashed brightly outside followed a split second later by a loud boom. The large dog scotched closer to her. Eilish held the kittens protectively. The large dog looked at the kittens, then at her.

“No! These are my kittens! I get you’re a dog and most dogs hate cats, but no!” Eilish said.

The large dog looked confused.

Eilish continued to hold the kittens protectively.

The large dog sighed and said, “Look, I do not intend on eating your kittens.”

“You talked! Awesome! My name’s Eilish!” Eilish introduced herself.

The dog mumbled to herself, “Should’ve kept your mouth shut, now they’ll expect too much from you...”

“What do you mean?” Eilish asked.

“I know too much...” the dog said and tried to hide behind her large paws.

Eilish sat the kittens down and said, “Hey, it’ll be okay, doggie!” she petted the dog’s head.

“No! This whole storm is my fault! I am the cause of it!” the dog said and ran crying out into the rain.

“Fyer, please watch the kittens,” Eilish said. She ran after the dog, “Wait!”

The large dog ran through deep puddles of water that were forming. The wind blew at her very hard and the thunder clapped angrily. Eilish continued running after the dog. The large dog ran straight for the prison, kicking water up as she ran.

“Please wait for me!” Eilish pleaded as she ran after the dog.

The dog turned around and said, “My husband is in there, the basement will be flooded in rain like this!”

“Don’t worry, I’ll save him,” Eilish said and ran into the prison.

The large dog followed quickly and asked, “Will you free the others too?! You can’t let that many people just drown!”

“Of course I will!” Eilish said and ran quickly while looking for the keys.

Tina was sitting on the guard’s head holding a pair of keys in her mouth. The guard was sleeping. Eilish grabbed the keys from the kitten. The dog rushed to the stairs. Eilish followed the dog.

The dog gasped and said, “There is already a lot of water down here! How are we going to rescue them?!”

“I’m a good swimmer,” Eilish said.

“What if it’s too late?! What if they are all dead?!” the dog asked, panicking.

Eilish jumped in the water and commanded, “Stay here.”

She swam over to a cage and opened it, and continued freeing prisoners. The prisoners all swam to reach the stairs, some more weak than others.

“Is he in there?!” the dog called.

“Not yet!” Eilish said.

“Help! I cannot swim!” a young boy cried out.

“Hold on!” Eilish said and grabbed the young boy. She swam over to the stairs with him, “You’ll be okay.”

“Why are you rescuing us anyways?!” the young boy asked.

“Because I don’t want you to die,” Eilish replied.

“We aren’t important! Save yourself! That guy with the gold hat is going to drown us all and you don’t need to be in the way!” the young boy blurted out.

“Scotty... He’s drowning people?!” Eilish asked.

“Yeah, he said he doesn’t know how he ended up here again, but he is going to drown everyone with a wild hurricane!” the young boy said.

“Not on my watch, here,” Eilish said and say the little boy on the stairs.

“What are you going to do about it?!” the dog asked.

“Umm... Free more prisoners!” Eilish said.

“But think about it! Scotty will drown himself too if he drowns everyone else!” the dog said.

“Okay, I’ll find Scotty!” Eilish said.

More water rushed into the building, a few voices calling for help are muffled underneath the water.

“SCOTTY?!” Eilish called out.

Somewhere under the water, a voice called out. “EILISH?!” Scotty asked and then he started chocking.

Eilish grabbed Scotty’s hand and pulled him up, “Are you okay?!”

Scotty fell weakly back into the water coughing. Eilish struggled to keep him up. The other prisoners were watching. Scotty was still almost falling.

“You’re heavy!” Eilish complained as she tried to swim and keep Scotty up. Another wave crashed over. Eilish struggled to stay above the water.

“...the plan...not finished yet!” Scotty groaned.

“Try to stay up!” Eilish commanded.

Scotty passed out.

“Dog! Please go get the McNeills!” Eilish commanded.

“You may call me Mári!” the dog said as she rushed away.

Eilish was trying to keep Scotty up. The other prisoners were still just watching, unsure of what to do.

“Wake up!” Eilish commanded.

Scotty remained motionless.

“Please wake up!” Eilish pleaded.

Scotty smirked.

“Why are you smirking?” Eilish asked.

Scotty was still lying there, eyes closed, smirking.

“Wake up!” Eilish commanded.

Mári and the McNeills appeared at the stairs.

“Hey! Help me, save people!” Eilish said.

The McNeills jumped into the water to help get everyone to the stairs.

“Is Scotty alright?” Mári asked.

“His eyes are closed, but he’s smirking...” Eilish said.

Mári stared in horror, and then yelled out, “He’s plotting! Watch out!”

“Plotting for what?” Eilish asked.

“YOUR DEATH!” Mári screamed.

Scotty was still smirking.

“My death?!” Eilish asked and then she let go of Scotty.

Scotty quickly opened his eyes and automatically reached up to grab her.

“Drown him!” Mári commanded. The fear in her voice was very clear.

“But that’ll kill him!” Eilish said.

“Don’t do it, Eilish!” Scotty pleaded; he looked frail and frightened just like all the other prisoners.

“If you don’t kill him, he’ll end up killing you like he did to me!” Mári said.

Eilish pushed Scotty under the water. Scotty was trying to get out of the water. Mári turned away, unable to bear seeing her husband die. Eilish held Scotty down. Scotty was struggling.

“I’m sorry...” Eilish apologized to Scotty.

Scotty started sinking, holding his hand out in hopes that Eilish would change her mind and rescue him from the flood. He disappeared under the water. Eilish sighed sadly.

“ are we going to explain this to my son?” Mári asked.

“Where is he?” Eilish asked.

“My son...I haven’t seen him since my death!” Mári said and started crying.

Eilish swam over to Mári and said, “It’ll be okay.”

“I must see him!” Mári said.

Eilish hugged Mári.

“Who is your son anyways? Maybe we’ve seen him! Right, Eilish?” Jamie suggested.

“Yeah, Jamie’s right!” Eilish agreed.

“I named him Mungo... He can turn into a shadow sometimes. He loves the color black, he has blue eyes like mine used to be, his hair is black, and he has little fangs. That’s how I remember him,” Mári said.

“Mungo’s your son?!” Eilish asked.

“You know him?! So does that mean he survived?!” Mári asked.

“Yes, but he’s got amnesia...” Eilish said.

Mári was shocked, she asked, “How?! Did Scotty have something to do with it?!”

“He drank too much Magic Drink...” Eilish said.

“Where is my son now?! I need to see him!” Mári begged.

“At the hospital,” Eilish said.

“First of all, we need to take all of these prisoners to Scotty’s Tower!” Mári said.

“Okay!” Eilish agreed.

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